The Coastal Road Massacre" Richard Ernest Dupuy, Trevor Nevitt Dupuy (chamel). The attack site. Moshe Ya'alon Initially botched by the terrorists themselves, the Coastal Road Massacre failed to stop peace with Egypt but led to an invasion of southern Lebanon. Coastal Road massacre; Part of Palestinian insurgency in South Lebanon: Remains of hijacked bus. Dalāl e la sua squadra riuscirono ad arrivare alla strada costiera 2 che portava a Tel Aviv. We shall defend our citizens, our women, our children. Amin al-Husseini My husband was shot in the arm, and lost the movement in his fingers. Yahya Ayyash La versione palestinese dell'operazione è alquanto differente. [73], Several locations under Palestinian Authority control have been named after Mughrabi. Massaker an der Küstenstraße - Coastal Road massacre Aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Die Küstenstraße Massaker von 1978 war ein Angriff der Entführung eines Busses auf denen Israel ‚s Coastal Highway, in dem 38 Israelis, darunter 13 Kinder, wurden getötet und 71 verwundet wurden. Special report # 39: Palestinian Culture and Society (Study #6 -Mar. This page is based on the copyrighted Wikipedia article "Coastal_Road_massacre" ; it is used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. In that treaty "the first item dropped was the question of Palestine as it had evolved through the United Nations; after that the US–USSR statement, and agreed upon Palestinian representation at the Geneva conference, were also dropped.". "No less than Israelis, therefore, Sadat opposed the join US–USSR statement of October 1977. Her name has also been given to summer camps and both police and military courses. The PLO claimed responsibility for the attack, which was perpetrated by eleven Palestinians, including Dalal Mughrabi. Ariel Sharon On the coast [Dalal] Mughrabi's blood was shed, the color of [red] coral on [white] lemon flowers. [5], La rivista americana Time rivelò che l'intento degli aggressori era quello di "uccidere quanti più israeliani possibile". Abba Eban 12, 2002), Itamar Marcus, Organizzazione per la Liberazione della Palestina,, 1948-1967 - Lista degli attacchi terr. Non c'è alcuna certezza circa la sorte di tutti gli aggressori palestinesi (e loro affiliati). Israel news photo: file. Lo sbarco avvenne con successo. [6][10] Due to the speed at which the attack was transpiring, Israeli counter-terrorism squads had been unable to mobilize quickly enough, and the roadblock was manned by ordinary patrolmen and traffic policemen, who were lightly armed in comparison to the militants and untrained in dealing with hostage situations. Coastal Road bus attack, 1978.jpg. Marwan Barghuthi Later Israel invaded Lebanon for the first time (I don't remember how much time passed but have read that it was 3 days). ". Uccisero Gail Ruban (alcune fonti riportano il cognome Rubin[9]), una fotografa statunitense che stava scattando fotografie naturalistiche nei pressi, e riuscirono a dirottare una corriera piena di autisti della compagnia Egged Bus Cooperative e delle loro famiglie in gita che percorreva la strada costiera 2. "[57] The US–USSR joint statement state the settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict would be based on: "an Israeli withdrawal from 'occupied territories' in 1967; the resolution of the Palestinian question, including insuring the 'legitimate rights' of the Palestinian people; the termination of the state of war; and the establishment of normal peaceful relations on the basis of mutual recognition of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political independence. [4] Amihai Ayalon De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre . Una lunga sparatoria ebbe luogo fra i combattenti del Fatḥ e la polizia israeliana. Richard Ernest Dupuy e Trevor Nevitt Dupuy. The attack was planned by Abu Jihad and carried out by the PLO faction Fatah. The Coastal Road massacre of 1978 was an attack involving the hijacking of a bus on Israel's Coastal Highway in which 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children, were killed, and 71 were wounded. The Palestinian Authority has again praised the perpetrator of the worst terrorist attack in Israeli history, the Coastal Road Massacre. David Ben Gurion [12], They then walked less than a mile up to the four-lane highway, opened fire at passing cars, and hijacked a white Mercedes taxi, killing its occupants. Gregory S. Mahler, Greenaway, HDS, "Arab Terrorist Raid in Israel Kills 30", su, Kim Willenson, Milan J. Kubic e William E. Schmidt, "Slaughter in Israel", su, Syria's Terrorist War on Lebanon and the Peace Process.
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