Students from EU/EEA-member countries do not have health insurance from their home country that covers a stay in Belgium are required to join a “ Proximity to other European countries and the recognition of quality education in Belgium mean that you’ll also have opportunities in neighbouring countries, particularly if your stay in Belgium has given you language skills beyond your mother tongue. Enter your username below to login to your account. En France, le master est un diplôme national et un grade de l’enseignement supérieur, validant un deuxième cycle de l'enseignement supérieur [1] (cinquième année d'études après le baccalauréat).Le « grade de master » est décerné par de nombreuses formations de l'enseignement supérieur, telles les écoles d'ingénieurs, les écoles de commerce ou les universités. Vous êtes détenteur d’un diplôme de master ? Belgium combines high quality education, affordable tuition fees and reasonable living costs, establishing itself as a prime destination for postgraduate study. To complicate matters, courses such as the LLM (Masters of Law), MBA, Erasmus Mundus or Medicine/Dentistry-related programmes can cost considerably more. on the North Sea, at the Strait of Dover.The Meuse and the Schelde, Belgium's principal rivers, are important commercial arteries.Belgium's strongly globalized economy and its transport infrastructure are integrated Earning a master’s degree can take anywhere from a year to three or four years. s degree in Belgium may work for a Belgian company after graduation. mutuelle” En 2021, l’UCLouvain organise 99 masters [120] (déclinés en 181 finalités) et 32 masters [60]. s degree programs are 1 year (60 credits) or 2 years (120 credits) depending upon the field of study. Our guide to university rankings for Masters study can help. Students from non-EU countries will need to apply for autorisation de séjour provisoire (ASP) or temporary residence permit, which can be obtained from a Belgian consulate or embassy in your home country. Browse and compare Masters degrees in Belgium on You may be subject to different visa requirements and fee rates, unless otherwise stated. These institutions are similar to the Grandes Ecoles in France and deliver postgraduate degrees which tend to be more specialist, professional and labour market-focussed that those delivered in universities. prepare students for specific professions.Art academies teach the theory and practice of various arts. About Belgium. Il n’existe pas de principe juridique d’équivalence entre les titres et les diplômes obtenus à l’étranger et s program is 351€ Pour connaître les masters enseignés en anglais, merci de consulter cette page. for Students from countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) may be required to obtain a work permit. Belgium also has 17 art academies that offer master’ D'autres conditions particulières sont listées en bas de cette page pour les étudiants qui ont obtenu leur diplôme dans l'Union européenne (hors belgique) ou encore hors Union européenne. For specific requirements, students should ask the institution they are interested in attending. Ready to start looking for your ideal study abroad opportunity? You’ll usually have to submit the following as part of your application: Your application will be assessed by a central office to ensure you meet all the minimum entry requirements. To read our privacy policy click here. Seconde partie du cursus universitaire, il suit le bachelier et s’organise normalement en deux blocs annuels de 60 crédits. Belgium has six universities that cover masters degrees in all fields of study, such as economics, engineering, languages and psychology. Employability is at the heart of Belgian higher education and postgraduate degrees are designed to prepare you for the job market. There are around 40 Hautes Ecoles/Hogescholen. Belgium, or the much cooler sounding Kingdom of Belgium, is a medium-sized country located in Western Europe. and Since French and Dutch are the languages of choice for instruction in Belgium, prospective students for some master’ Les bourses de master et de stage "ARES" en Belgique vous offrent la possibilité de suivre un master de spécialisation d’un an ou un stage de perfectionnement entre 4 et 6 mois au sein d’un établissement de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles en Belgique. Les diplômes universitaires en Belgique : La Belgique dispose d’un système de diplôme reposant sur le schéma LMD, comme l’ensemble des pays d’Europe aujourd’hui. this applies to students from both EU and non-EU countries. In addition, students who already have a master’ Remember that Belgium, or more specifically, Brussels, is the centre of European law, politics, lobbying and administration. Regardless of nationality, full time students are allowed to work to help defray costs. Click here to search our database of Masters courses. Other universities will have guest lecturers from your professional sector and/or specialist careers counsellors. In Flanders the government recognises a number of "registered" institutes of higher education that offer specialised degrees or programmes in a foreign language. Such institutions include the College of Europe or Vesalius College. each year except for the final year, which is 455€ s program may be required to pass a Dutch or French language proficiency exam. Earning a master’s degree demonstrates a higher level of mastery of the subject. per month on living expenses, with about half of that going for housing. Belgium is a country in northwest Europe bordered by the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, and France. Work experience may also be required for some types of Masters. Les masters de spécialisation et les cours ARES vous offrent la possibilité de suivre un master d’un an ou un cours de recyclage entre 4 et 6 mois dans une institution de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Belgique. Vous voulez poursuivre des études supérieures. Comprising 28 member states operating as an internal market and political union, the European Union (EU) is a diplomatic and economic powerh... MASTERSTUDIES makes it easy for graduate students to find the right degree. Un master est re- commandé comme diplôme d’entrée » Il existe à l'heure actuelle environ 330 000 Infirmiers de Pratique Avancée, répartis dans 25 pays. North Bourses de Master en Belgique 2021-2022 ! Master-level studies involve specialized study in a field of research or an area of professional practice. En Belgique francophone, l’enseignement supérieur est basé sur un système de 3 cycles d’études : le bachelier, le master et le doctorat .Chaque diplôme obtenu vous permet alors d’avoir des crédits ECTS qui sont reconnus dans de nombreux pays de l’Union Européenne et dans le monde. Students from EU countries must have a European health insurance card from their home country; European The specific institution can provide information on these additional fees. The 2018 Access Masters Spring Tour begins on 24 January with an event in Brussels, offering Masters aspirants the opportunity to meet the best schools One-on-One. A Distance-learning master's options provide many opportunities for career advancement. Read about important educational news, career information, and student experiences. In however, as requirements vary for each country, prospective students should contact the Belgian embassy or consulate in their home country. Si l’un des deux masters vous intéresse, rendez-vous sur le site de l’UCL. Most universities will host careers fairs, often in the spring, ahead of graduation and the end of the academic year. In some cases, applicants cannot be admitted directly to a Masters programme but have to do a specific preparatory course (between 45 and 90 ECTS credits) first, depending on their previous studies. Again, additional fees may apply for students from non-EU countries. The academic year runs from September to July, with holidays broadly following a Christian festival calendar. Studying a Masters in Belgium gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the centre of Europe, within easy reach of beautiful old cities and modern metropolises like Paris, London and Amsterdam. Located in western Europe, Belgium has about 40 miles of seacoast . € Weekly blog with advice and student stories, effect of coronavirus on students in Belgium, studying a Masters at an international branch campus, Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), Business University, Brussels (Costa Rica). The second term begins in early February and runs though the middle of May, followed by exams at the end of May or early June. The higher education system in Belgium follows the Bologna system of the three consecutive cycles: Bachelor-Master-Doctorate. , At a minimum, students may be required to obtain a work permit; beer Ces trois diplômes correspondent aux trois cycles d’études supérieurs similaires aux diplômes des études supérieures au Maroc. Désormais le Master est donc le seul diplôme (et grade) français délivré par une université ou une grande école après cinq années d'études post-baccalauréat, dans l'optique de l'harmonisation européenne dite "3-5-8". Treaty View all 21 Online Masters's programmes at universities in Belgium. Most institutions offer additional language instruction to students who have difficulty with the language of tuition. Atlantic Les étudiants étrangers qui obtiennent un diplôme de master en Belgique peuvent travailler pour une entreprise belge après l'obtention du diplôme. ( In addition to the traditional lectures and tutorials, your programme is likely to include interactive teaching such as site visits, projects, group work and placements. s programs who need additional assistance. Actuellement je suis en belgique , à bruxelles chez mon frère , et je me demande si je peux y rester et chercher un travail avec mon diplôme français , ce qui me permettra de régulariser ma situation en belgique . Vous disposez d’une expérience professionnelle et vous souhaitez approfondir vos compétences dans une thématique liée au développement ? this card allows them to join a mutuelle under the same conditions as a Belgian national. Les Nouvelles offres disponibles. 2- Non-university higher education includes both university colleges and art academies. With a population of just over 11 million people spread around picturesque towns and cities, the monarch state is currently one of the world’s leading cultural, economic and political centers. es conditions d'accès générales ainsi que des conditions spécifiques à chaque masters sont définies.   with borders The first term begins in mid-September and runs through the end of December, followed by exams in January. Although the cost of studying in Belgium is low, there are still many scholarships and grants available for students of master’ We use cookies to give you the best online experience. , Latest information about Masters Scholarships for International students in Belgium, 2021-22. s small area, the climate is relatively uniform throughout the country. Forts d’un savoir-faire de haut niveau, ils travaillent avec un grand sens de l’honneur. By continuing, we'll assume that you're happy to receive all cookies on this website. Belgium also boats a high quality of life, including low tuition, excellent health care and a robust public transportation network. If you are from a country of the European Union, then your identity card or passport will be sufficient to enter Belgium for study purposes. Bourse d’études Belgique 2021: masters et formations à La Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles Chaque année, l’ARES attribue en moyenne 150 bourses de maîtrise et 70 bourses de stages à des ressortissants du Sud. Système d’études en Belgique : Les études en Belgique s’organisent autour de trois diplômes : - Bachelier (ou Licence, en France et au Maroc) en 3 ans ; - Master en 1 ou 2 ans ; - Doctorat en 3 ans minimum. One example is the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, which is one of the oldest of its kind in the world. This International Training Programmes (ITP) is short to medium-term, intensive, interactive, and practical trainings organised at a university or university college in Belgium/Flanders. All universities are publicly-funded. Rotary Foundation Fellowships may be available. Belgian institutes of higher education are recognized around the world by both the business and scientific communities for their high quality. If successful you will receive a letter of admission, which is necessary for you to: UK students will no longer be EU citizens from the 2021-22 academic year onwards. Many masters degree courses are taught in Dutch or French, and some programs and courses are taught in English. Le classement mondial ‘Best Masters and MBA’ offre un panorama des meilleures formations de type Master, MS et MBA dans 153 pays. to 4,000€ Candidates should contact the Rotary Foundation within their district. Use our website to find information about degrees and career paths from around the world and speak directly with admissions officers at the schools and universities that interest you. Tuition in 2012-2013 at universities for students from EU countries is 835€ As a crossroads of Europe, Belgium is known for its multiculturalism and welcoming attitude toward international students. Les étudiants du Bénin, de la Bolivie, du Burkina Faso, du Burundi, du Cambodge, du Cameroun, de Cuba, de l’Équateur, de l’Éthiopie (uniquement pour […] Another thing to add to the list? The higher education system in Belgium follows the Bologna system of the three consecutive cycles: Bachelor-Master-Doctorate. Ils constituent notre plus grande richesse et nous sommes sincèrement fiers d’eux. s 21 university colleges offer master’ Commission Higher education institutions in Belgium offer bachelor’ This page offers a complete introduction to Masters study in Belgium, with details of universities and courses as well as advice on fees, funding and applications. Le programme de master Le master est composé d'un programme de cours de 60 à 120 crédits (180 pour le master en médecine). Many events such as concerts and conferences have reduced rates available for students. , Le master est organisé sur 4 … HKADC Overseas Arts Administration Scholarships. Health insurance costs about € s degree can obtain a Complementary Master’ HKADC Overseas Arts Administration Scholarships is a Full Funding international scholarship offered by the The Hong Kong Arts Development Council (ADC) for international students. Several universities have set up branch campuses in Belgium, mainly in the capital Brussels: Read our guide to studying a Masters at an international branch campus. Which countries shine when it comes to the English language, and why does it matter so much? Most have already obtained a standalone Masters degree, or an integrated Masters such as the UK MEng. s programs in eight areas: agronomics, applied arts, economics, paramedical, education, social sciences, technology, and translation & VLIR-UOS is awarding Training and Masters Scholarships to international students. Students will find events and venues for music, painting, theater, film and other arts. s and doctorate degrees. You can also read more about Belgium. Belgium’ All rights reserved. Malheureusement, les offres de masters dispensés en ligne et permettant d’obtenir un diplôme officiel reconnu sont très peu nombreux en Belgique. Belgium is famous for everything from mussels to museums. There are two types of Masters degrees in Belgium: Unlike other specialised Masters, such as those offered in Italy, the Belgian advanced Masters (as well as the two-year initial Masters) does give access to doctoral studies. s degrees in one of four general areas: fine arts, music, dramatic art, and broadcasting techniques. s, master’ The application process for a Masters in Belgium is similar to that of other countries. The overall climate is temperate, with mild winters and cool summers, and a typical day is somewhat rainy and cloudy. In addition to tuition and fees, students can expect to spend about 800  on the North Sea, France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.The capital, Brussels, is located in the middle of the country and is home to many important European organizations including the European Due to Belgium’ International studies opportunities. Brussels School of International Studies, Advanced Masters (1 year – 60 ECTS) for those who already have a Masters qualification or equivalent, Medical insurance (if from outside the EU): €100-150, Third Party Liability insurance: around €15, You might be eligible to receive support through the. Organisation des études. . There are five types of institution in Belgium which offer Masters programmes, essentially aligned to universities or university colleges. and Vous voulez étudier gratuitement en Belgique et obtenir un diplôme en Master?. Le master se prépare en 2 ans, principalement à l'université, au sein d'une UFR (unité de formation et de recherche), et dans d'autres établissements d'enseignement supérieur habilités à délivrer le diplôme. These institutions offer undergraduate and postgraduate training in the arts, in the broader meaning of the word. the to receive health care benefits. Le Master est effectué en 2 ans, soit 4 semestres avec l'enseignement de connaissances théoriques et pratiques et il s’achève avec la rédaction d’un mémoire. ----- Nous rencontrons actuellement un problème technique sur le filtre "Langue d'enseignement" ci-dessus. Toutefois, le droit au travail n'est pas automatique, et les élèves se doivent de référer aux lois du pays si on leur offre un poste. Non-EU member students who . Masters fees in Belgium can be as little as €800 per year, but non-EU students will pay more (around €3,000). University league tables can help you in your search for a Masters degree, but you need to know what to look for. Bonjour, Je suis marocain de nationnalité , j'ai étudié en France l'année dernière et j'ai eu ma licence pro en énergie .   Master (Belgique) Pays Belgique: Établissements Universités, écoles supérieures des arts, hautes écoles de type long: Sélection; Diplômes requis: 180 ECTS: Accès Bachelier: Diplôme; Durée de la formation 2 ans Diplôme délivré Master Niveau du diplôme au RNCP: 120 ECTS. ) We've been helping students find the right postgraduate course for over a decade. do not need a visa to study in Belgium. Students who wish to continue their studies may be admitted to a doctoral program and join a research team after obtaining their masters degree in Belgium. A Masters in Belgium offers a unique postgraduate study experience at the political and cultural heart of modern Europe. All Masters include a dissertation (also called a thesis) which will make up a large proportion of the programme’s credits. Équivalence : des diplômes belges reconnus dans le monde grâce aux crédits ECTS. Le Master Histoire de l’Art est un diplôme universitaire accessible à la suite de l’obtention d’une licence ou d’un diplôme équivalent de niveau Bac+3. We’re also keeping an eye on the effect of coronavirus on students in Belgium. Master’ Etudes primaires et secondaires Dans le cas d’un diplôme d’études primaires ou secondaires, une équivalence vous sera demandée si : Vous voulez poursuivre des études secondaires en Belgique. These are some of the most compelling reasons to study in Belgium in 2021: For the latest information on the impact of coronavirus on studying a Masters in Belgium, please read the Flanders and Wallonia COVID-19 guidance pages. Une équivalence est un document qui détermine la valeur des études que vous avez suivies à l’étranger. A completed application form, which is often submitted online (or by email), An official copy of your qualifications and transcripts, A translation of these documents into Dutch, French, German or English by an accredited translator, A document explaining the grading/credit system in your country, Proof of Dutch / English proficiency, depending on the programme that you are applying for, Complete your enrolment before or at registration, An offer of admission letter from your institution, Proof of financial support during your studies, currently €666 per month OR evidence of a scholarship/bursary which would cover this amount OR a combination of the two, Medical certificate which shows you have been cleared of quarantinable diseases, A certificate of good behaviour (equivalent to a criminal record check), which can be obtained from your local police station, A valid passport for the duration of your studies. with the rest of Europe.Its location at the heart of a highly industrialized region helped make it one of the world's 20 largest trading nations.Belgium is located in Western Europe, Belgium is a federal monarchy, divided into three main regions: the Dutch region of Flanders, the French region of Wallonia and the … Belgium In fact, with three distinct regions, multiple languages and four international borders, Belgium could be said to offer the 'classic' continental study abroad experience. Students from other countries may require a visa; Doctorates are therefore only awarded by universities. is having the first newspaper in the world This means you may be considered as an international student when studying in Belgium. NATO This must be done within three days of your arrival. Several Belgian universities feature in each of the main academic league tables for 2021. Once this is done, you will have to go to your local Office des Etrangers (foreigners’ office) to obtain a carte d’identité d’étranger (foreigner’s identity card) and for that you will need to provide: Remember your visa is a Schengen visa which allows you to freely move from one country to another in the Schengen area. The 2012-2013 tuition for a master’ depending upon their program of study and university. Perhaps unusually for a country of its size, Belgium is blessed with several historic and dynamic student cities. You should also bring your European Health Insuranace Card (EHIC). Belgium has six universities that cover masters degrees in all fields of study, such as economics, engineering, languages and psychology. Students who have come out of the German school system typically enrol in institutions in the French Community or in Germany. Copyright 2005-2021 interpretation. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to international applicants Tuition at university colleges and art academies is lower. Higher education in Belgium is organised into two streams, Flemish-language universities and French-language universities. Here you can find updates regarding distance learning measures and travel restrictions. the For advanced Masters (one year), students should have already successfully completed at least a four-year university programme or the equivalent of 240 ECTS. As a Masters student in Belgium you may also need to pay the following additional fees: For entry into two-year Masters programmes, students are expected to hold a bachelor degree or its international equivalent. You can view a selection of the Masters courses in these cities by clicking the links below. Belgium is in the heart of Europe, just a short train ride away from major cultural cities such as Paris and Berlin. If your Masters is taught in a language which is not your first language, you may have to demonstrate language proficiency, either by showing you have studied in that language previously, or through a language certificate. FindAMasters. There are five types of institution in Belgium which offer Masters programmes, essentially aligned to universities or university colleges.The main difference between the two is that research exclusively takes place in universities (and not university colleges). , which was printed in Antwerp. Fully online self-paced study offers employed students the time flexibility needed to balance work and studies. To do that you must first obtain a déclaration d’arrivée (arrival declaration) from your local town hall. Niveau 7 du Cadre européen des certifications. Students from non-EU countries pay additional fees of about 2,000€ s degree with a minimum of 60 credits in a specialized profession. CANDIDATS RESSORTISSANTS DE L'UNION EUROPENNE; Pour avoir accès au premier cycle d’études (nommé baccalauréat en Belgique), vous devez être titulaire d'un diplôme de fin d'études secondaires reconnu équivalent au certificat d’enseignement secondaire supérieur délivré en Wallonie-Bruxelles (par exemple, le baccalauréat français). Pour plus d'informations sur la valeur … Cost of LivingThe cost of living for students in Belgium is relatively low. Whatever is available, we recommend you take full advantage of what is offered. The academic year includes three terms. Nos masters entendent bien fournir une qualité exceptionnelle. The main difference between the two is that research exclusively takes place in universities (and not university colleges). Many organisations have their headquarters there so it is worth considering these in your job search. chocolates This article is the property of and may not be reproduced without permission. International students who obtain a master’ Il a été édité en décembre 2011 par le cabinet de conseil Eduniversal, spécialisé dans l’enseignement supérieur et en ingénierie de formation. Climate The Flemish community also includes five University College Associations, offering degrees up to Masters level. Ressortissant d’un pays en développement ? Elle propose donc trois niveaux de diplômes distincts, Site d'aide pour les étudiants français souhaitant partir étudier, voyager, travailler et vivre à l'étranger. CultureBelgium is well-known for the legion of cultural activities and sporting events available, particularly in Brussels. Belgium’ s 21 university colleges offer master’ s programs in eight areas: agronomics, applied arts, economics, paramedical, education, social sciences, technology, and translation & interpretation. However, the right to work is not automatic, so students should check the current laws if they are offered a position. Students who fail exams may retake them during a session that runs from mid-August to mid-September. The third term runs over the summer. Utilisez-vous les mêmes critères et outils que les universités publiques pour la VAE ? Postgraduate studies in Belgium remain relatively affordable but there is a considerable range in tuition fees, even within one institution. The terrain includes flat plains, rolling hills, and mountains. University colleges Organization famous Visa and immigration requirements for postgraduate study in Belgium will vary depending on nationality and EU citizenship. It is then sent to the faculty/school which will assess the academic quality and suitability of your application in relation to your programme of choice. Les meilleurs masters en Belgique. Union Le master de spécialisation en transport et logistique (MSTL) s’adresse à des étudiants et des professionnels, issus tant des pays en développement que des pays dits développés, soucieux de développer ou de compléter leurs … addition 50 per quarter for each person and must be paid during the term of study. A multi-cultural, multi-lingual higher education system allows Belgium to punch above its weight on the international stage. Anyone who lives in Belgium for longer than three months must sign up to the registre des étrangers (foreigners’ register) – this includes both EU and non-EU students. Belgium has two types of institutions of higher education: 1- University education is offered by universities, and includes education in a selected discipline along with scientific research. to
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