width: 100% !important; Two anonymous Republicans in the White House suggested that the payments were deliberately made this way so the campaign didn't have to report them. The next day, Trump stated he was prepared to spend his own money if necessary. [9], After graduation, Trump joined his family's company, Elizabeth Trump & Son. [365] Trump pressed Biden on renewed allegations that during his time as vice president, members of his family had personally profited from his position in Ukraine and China, to which Biden pointed out Trump's own scandals regarding those countries. [40] He referred to a nonexistent incident ("last night in Sweden ...") while criticizing the asylum policies of several European countries. "Trump in Texas: 'I'm the builder president. A Washington Post/ABC News poll taken around this period showed Biden's lead to be 53% to 43%. [299], On July 23, Trump announced the cancellation of the Jacksonville portion of the 2020 Republican National Convention, citing rising COVID-19 numbers. [55] The campaign sent a fundraising text message to supporters in September 2020 stating an "ANTIFA ALERT," continuing, "They'll attack your homes if Joe's elected."[56]. Having declared his 2020 bid the day he took office, Trump has drawn unprecedented fundraising hauls, attracting both large and small donors. Former President Donald Trump tried on Monday to co-opt the phrase “the big lie,” claiming it should refer to what he incorrectly considers the “fraudulent” 2020 election. He, Trump visited Phoenix, Arizona, where he toured a Honeywell factory that is making N95 respirator masks. [183], Trump traveled to the Nevada Republican Convention in Las Vegas on Saturday, June 23, and also appeared on the trip at a fundraiser for U.S. senator Dean Heller. He was involved in a variety of real estate and other business ventu… "[282][283], On the evening of July 4, musician and entrepreneur Kanye West announced his campaign for the presidency. Each of their states are considered to be presidential swing states. If you are calling to report a rape, please press one. The Trump Administration successfully litigated WTO disputes targeting unfair trade practices and protected our right to enact fair trade laws." Former President Donald Trump shot back at opponents and the mainstream media Monday, saying the 2020 election result forever will known as "The Big Lie." At the President’s urging, private companies shifted production to supplying masks, ventilators, hand sanitizer, testing supplies, and more. [352], On September 29, the candidates participated in a first debate in Cleveland. [94], By mid-April, the Trump campaign had a staff of around twenty employees. Trump began fundraising for his reelection campaign immediately after his inauguration, whereas his predecessors had waited years to do this. [343], On September 23, Trump was asked if he would commit to a peaceful transition of power if he lost the 2020 election, to which he replied: "Well, we'll have to see what happens." [103][104] FactCheck.org found several inaccuracies in the advertisement,[105] and Eric Zorn of the Chicago Tribune described the 30-second advertisement as being, "stuffed with Trump's signature misleading puffery". [source], Donald Trump's campaign website says, "President Trump’s proposed budgets have made school choice a priority. [375], On November 5, the Trump Victory in Wisconsin group declared it would be "chasing our absentee ballots over in Pennsylvania" for people who had yet to vote. When the program host said this sounded like the promotion of a conspiracy theory, Trump elaborated that "They're people that are on the streets, they're people that are controlling the streets." It’s a very dark word. [83] Several of the rallies were met by counter-demonstrations[84] where some protesters were arrested. That’s why I have a concealed carry permit and why tens of millions of Americans do too. 2020 ... Donald Trump 2020 Website June 18, 2019 Read More; 2017 Donald Trump 2020 Website. "Trump In Pennsylvania: I Need Rick Saccone To Help 'Keep America Great! [219][220] In his speech, Trump referenced Tlaib: "that's not somebody that loves our country. [181], On June 20, Trump held a rally in Duluth, Minnesota, supporting Republican Congressional candidate Pete Stauber in the 2018 midterm elections[182] and addressing his own 2020 prospects in the state[183] among other subjects. [236], As the impeachment investigation continued, the campaign spent copious amounts of money defending the president against it. President Trump took executive action to give tax relief to workers, ensure unemployment benefits for those out of work, prevent families from losing their homes to eviction or foreclosure, and provide student debt relief for Americans already hurting due to the virus. [373] Meanwhile, in Michigan, a state judge dismissed the Trump's campaign's lawsuit requesting a pause in vote-counting to allow access to observers, as the judge noted that vote-counting had already finished in Michigan. In order to accurately trace and combat this virus, President Trump set out to build the world’s best testing system, and that’s exactly what he did. - Republicans for the Rule of Law, released April 24, 2020, "Unprepared" - Biden campaign ad, released April 18, 2020, "Responsibility" - Biden campaign ad, released April 16, 2020, "Pandemic" - Unite the Country, released March 31, 2020, "One Week Later" - Priorities USA, March 30, 2020, "Expontential Threat" - Priorities USA, March 23, 2020, "Trump's Real Super Bowl Ad" - Bloomberg campaign, February 2, 2020, "Trump Disrespects Our Troops" - Bloomberg campaign, January 24, 2020, "Screwed Us" - Steyer campaign, September 18, 2019, "Not Even You, Donald" - Steyer campaign, September 12, 2019, "Trump's America" - Priorities USA, April 16, 2019, Electors officially voted in state capitals throughout the country on December 19, 2016. Trump assumed office on January 20, 2017, and filed to run for re-election on the same day. [326], On September 2, Trump told WECT-TV in Wilmington, North Carolina, that people should vote twice—once in person and again by mail—to see if anyone stops them from committing this illegal act. Our country wasn’t built by cancel culture, speech codes, and soul-crushing conformity. [414] Trump however still managed to keep pace with Biden in the battleground states, thus giving him an outside chance of retaining the Presidency via the Electoral College. ", "Trump gears up for 2020 re-election by tightening grip on party", "Trump campaign moves to stave off mayhem at 2020 convention", "Republican Party to Express 'Undivided Support' for Trump", "Trump campaign takes steps to prevent a challenge within GOP", "Trump Supporter Violently Shoves BBC Cameraman At Rally In El Paso, Texas", "Fact-checking Trump (and others) at CPAC", "Trump, in fiery first rally since Mueller vindication, calls on Dems to stop 'ridiculous bullsh--' [sic]", "Trump rips into 'pencil-necked' Schiff, 'sick, sick' Democrats", "Trump visits US–Mexico border: Live updates", "Donald Trump's Never-Ending Campaign Keeps Getting Angrier", "Trump Needs a Target to Stay Interested in His Campaign. [404], Trump however began to bounce back in early August. [29] These moves indicated that Trump was already eyeing a 2020 run. "Trump Reveals 2020 Re-Election Slogan: 'Keep America Great! ", "Trump ad falsely suggests Biden supports defunding police", "Trump Campaign Ads Depict His Own Lawless Dystopia", "Analysis | The Trump campaign warns that a Biden presidency could be as dangerous and violent as Trump's", "RNC, Trump campaign told to stop using President Reagan to raise money", "Trump announces Jacksonville part of GOP convention will be canceled over coronavirus concerns", "Trump floats delaying election despite lack of authority to do so", "McConnell, other top Republicans say Election Day isn't moving after Trump floated delay", "Opinion: Trump, Please Quit Before You're Fired", "McConnell signal to Republican Senate candidates: Distance from Trump if necessary", "Trump campaign hits pause on TV ad spending for 'review' of messaging strategy", "Trump's top strategist reboots campaign with focus on early-voting states", "Fact check: Trump ad edits out microphone and trees from Biden photo to make him seem alone in basement", "Trump campaign ad used altered photos to make Biden appear to be 'alone' when he wasn't", "Pelosi blasts Trump for saying he may deliver convention speech from White House: 'He can't do that, "Trump on RNC convention: 'I'll probably be giving my speech at the White House, "Commission on Presidential Debates rejects Trump campaign call for earlier debate", "In struggle to land a blow on Biden, Trump toys with nickname change", "GOP group launches new ad featuring ex-Trump DHS official endorsing Biden", "As Biden prepared to accept Democratic nomination for president, a furious Trump took to Twitter", "Trump campaign releasing Hunter Biden ad as Joe Biden accepts nomination", "Donald Trump is to speak on all 4 nights of the RNC, and his family will take up half of the keynote speaker spots", "Trump goes dark on TV as early voting looms", "Republican convention draws 17 million TV viewers, down 26% from 2016", "Opinion: The first night of the Republican National Convention was deeply, disturbingly weird", "Chad Wolf says he didn't know naturalization ceremony would be seen at convention", "Trump Shatters Ethics Norms By Making Official Acts Part Of GOP Convention", "Ex-Bank Robber Receives Pardon Right Before His Convention Speech", "Trump's RNC naturalization ceremony at White House: Tasteless, hollow and probably illegal", "Analysis: Trump -- defiant and dark as ever -- claims Biden would destroy America", "Trump claims without evidence that Biden controlled by people in 'the dark shadows, "Republicans are flooding the internet with deceptive videos and Big Tech isn't keeping up", "Trump Tells Supporters In North Carolina To Illegally Vote Twice To Test The System", "Trump won't stop interfering in the election", "Trump holds rally in battleground state of Pennsylvania". [331], On September 7, The New York Times reported the campaign might be facing a cash crunch, having spent more than $800 million of the $1.1 billion raised from early 2019 through July. [231] As the Trump–Ukraine scandal emerged and Trump faced an impeachment inquiry, the Trump campaign launched a $10 million television and web campaign with a video claiming Joe Biden had offered Ukraine $1 billion if they fired a prosecutor who was "investigating his son's company", including video of Biden boasting that the prosecutor had been fired. Five people died from the events, while dozens more were injured, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation opened over 170 investigations into the events. This includes spending by political party committees, super PACs, trade associations, and 501(c)(4) nonprofit groups.[17][18][19]. I haven't even started campaigning yet, and am constantly fighting Fake News like Russia, Russia, Russia. [30][2] Glassner's deputy is John Pence, nephew of Vice President Mike Pence. Eric Trump used this to falsely claim that Biden was using a teleprompter. ", "A readers' guide to fact-checking Trump's Ukraine controversy", "Trump denies sending Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine to push Biden, election probes", "Almost all of Trump's TV campaign ads discuss impeachment: report", "Trump campaign blitzes Facebook with ads attacking impeachment inquiry", "Trump Still Faces 3 Lawsuits Over His Business Empire", "The White House's defense of Trump's Dingell comments shows there's no bottom", "Trump adviser: Expect more aggressive poll-watching in 2020", "Now You Can Opt-Out of Seeing Political Ads on Facebook", "McConnell Says GOP Doesn't Have Votes to Block Impeachment Witnesses", "At First Rally of Election Year, Trump Boasts About Strike on Iranian General", "Full Replay: Trump MAGA Rally In Green Bay", "Trump in Wildwood: Trump and Van Drew complete their political embrace at rally", "Trump plans Iowa rally in days before Democratic caucuses", "2020 Iowa Republican Caucus Election Results", "It's Official: Trump Will Rally On Eve Of New Hampshire Primary", "2020 New Hampshire 2020 Republican primary results", "ICYMI: NV Republicans plan delegate vote on same day as Democratic caucus", "Facebook Removes Trump Campaign Ads, Citing Census Interference Policy", "Trump's new campaign app gamifies voter outreach", "Trump erupts at campaign manager as reelection stress overflows", "Trump presented with grim internal polling showing him losing to Biden", "CNN sends Trump campaign cease-and-desist letter for misleading ad", "The Trump campaign's egregious editing of a CNN clip: Trump's 'American Comeback' ad celebrates his coronavirus response, but parts are misleading", "This is Trump's most spectacularly wonderfully terrible tweet ever", "Trump campaign sends CNN 'cease and desist' letter, demands it retract poll that found Biden up 14 points", "Polls Had Trump Stewing, and Lashing Out at His Own Campaign", "Trump to resume campaign rallies with June 19 event in Tulsa", "Downplaying virus risk, Trump gets back to business as usual", "Trump Moves Tulsa Rally Date 'Out of Respect' for Juneteenth", "The 2020 Republican platform: Make America 2016 again", "Over 1M ticket requests for the @realDonaldTrump #MAGA Rally in Tulsa on Saturday. Informally announced on February 17, 2017, On August 3, 2020, Trump said he had the right to issue an executive order concerning mail-in voting. A week later, Trump reiterated that he would "probably be giving [his] speech at the White House". ", "See you tonight, North Carolina! Text is available under the Creative Commons … As hot spots have emerged, President Trump has surged resources to impacted areas while enabling us to prevent another nationwide shutdown. In December 2016, the campaign raised $11 million. [121][122][123] By comparison, more people attended the anti-Trump March for Truth, which was held the same day. Donald Trump was the 45th president of the United States. As we built out our critical medical supplies, flattened the curve, and rapidly expanded testing, states across the country were able to safely move towards reopening. [300] On July 30, he publicly suggested delaying the election due to COVID-19, despite the authority to make such a change lying with Congress. The President held the WHO accountable for its egregious bias towards China that jeopardizes the safety of Americans. [330][329], The New York Times reported on September 5 that the Trump campaign had spent $58 million of donor money on legal bills, far exceeding the levels of his predecessors at similar points in their campaigns. }. [132] The date for the rally, having been changed several times, was ultimately held on June 21,[133] marking the first time in his presidency that Trump traveled west of the Mississippi River. Asked about the chants on July 18, Trump said he disagreed with the chants, and claimed he had tried to stop them by "speaking very quickly". It's going to be "Keep America Great" because that's exactly where we are headed. [20][21][22] On November 7, 2018, Trump confirmed that Mike Pence would be his vice presidential running mate in 2020. [134] Obama and Bush also took both overnight and multiple-day trips throughout the country while Trump's domestic travels had largely been limited to a two-hour flight radius of Washington, D.C., and his overnight stays were at Camp David, Mar-a-Lago and Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster. [204] Trump also said that "something weird" is happening at Fox News after their poll also showed him losing to several Democratic candidates. However, Biden's words were taken out of context, as Biden was not trying to legitimately recite the Pledge; rather, he was referencing specific parts of it while he argued that he would govern as president for all states, instead of only Democratic-controlled states. President Trump responded to the devastating toll the virus took on our businesses and workers and secured unprecedented financial support. [303] According to multiple high-ranking Republicans, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has signaled to Republican Senate candidates that they may distance themselves from Trump if they feel it will help them salvage their own campaigns. In addition, the Republican National Committee brought in $45.8 million in first-quarter 2019. @media only screen and (max-width: 400px){ Saturday, December 5, 2020 at 7:00 PM EST. [source], Donald Trump's campaign website says, "President Trump has worked to improve access to affordable quality health care. [366] Trump repeatedly asked why Biden had not delivered on his 2020 campaign promises during his eight years in the White House, to which Biden responded, "we had a Republican Congress. [45], The concept of a permanent campaign also describes the focus which recent presidents have given to electoral concerns during their tenures in office, with the distinction between the time they have spent governing and the time they have spent campaigning having become blurred. After running an unconventional and underfunded campaign in 2016 but receiving free media attention valued at about $5 billion, Trump’s reelection campaign looks to be flush with cash. [196], Trump also attacked Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, as "little pencil-neck ... who has the smallest, thinnest neck I've ever seen", and someone who is "not a long-ball hitter". During the call, Trump falsely suggested that Raffensperger could have committed a criminal offense. [source], Donald Trump said he would nominate a woman to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg by September 26, 2020. [134] One of the benefits Trump was speculated to obtain from such trips is more favorable coverage from local news outlets in the areas visited. [57][58][59] Political observers point out that presidential job approval is highly partisan,[60] with Gallup writing in March 2020: The 92% approval among Republicans and 42% among independents are close to his highest ratings for those groups. [8] He attended Fordham University before transferring to the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, where he earned a B.S. } [157], Trump held his sixth campaign rally on July 25 at the Covelli Centre in Youngstown, Ohio. [64][65][66] In June and July 2020, public polling showed Trump's approval significantly weakening.[67][68][69]. On September 9, 2020, Trump released a new list of 20 potential nominees to the Supreme Court. Reliable sources indicated that there were plans to resume full-scale campaigning in conjunction with recounts in Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin. [447], As of March 2019[update], Trump's campaign had spent almost twice as much on Facebook and Google ads as the entire Democratic field combined. He was formally nominated at the Republican National Convention on August 24, 2020. Very ugly. ", "Replay: President Trump speaks at rally in Nashville", "Trump takes push for Obamacare repeal to Louisville rally", "Lara Trump Hired by Trump Campaign's Digital Vendor", "Trump's reelection campaign raised $13.2 million in first quarter", "Trump Warns 'Pocahontas' May Run For President In 2020", "Trump suggests potential 2020 election battle against 'Pocahontas' Elizabeth Warren", "As President Trump heads to Harrisburg, anti-Trump rally planned", "President Trump to hold rally same night as White House Correspondents' Dinner in Harrisburg, which he once called a 'war zone, "Trump avoiding White House Correspondents' Dinner", "Trump Campaign launches latest attack on media in $1.5 billion ad buy", "Team Trump flubs the first ad of the 2020 election cycle", "No rest for the campaign weary: Trump 2020 ads begin", "Trump reelection campaign pulls first 100 days ad amid concerns it may have violated federal law", "Trump Releases Campaign Ad, And Yes, He's Running Against The News Media", "CNN: We didn't run Trump ad because of 'fake news' graphic", "Trump's reelection team says ABC, NBC, CBS blocked 'Fake News' ad", "All Mainstream TV Networks Block Paid Campaign Ad Setting a Chilling Precedent Against Free Speech", "All Statements Scrubbed From Trump Campaign Site – Including Travel Ban", "Trump call for Muslim ban deleted from site after reporter's question", "Trump campaign launches new website in re-election bid", "Trump launches new site for re-election campaign", "Donald Trump's New Website Features Military Personnel, Tweets, Merchandise", "White House Courting Key States Ahead of Election Season", "Trump family members met with GOP leaders to discuss strategy", "Trump's family takes new steps to blur ethical boundaries", "Trump campaign's 'Pittsburgh, not Paris' rally draws 'dozens, "Trump campaign plans 'Pittsburgh, not Paris' rally to cheer climate deal exit", "Trump supporters rally outside White House for 'Pittsburgh Not Paris' event", "Trump Supporters And Some Climate Change Deniers Rallied To Thank Him For Leaving The Paris Agreement", "The White House hyped up a 'Pittsburgh, not Paris' rally – and Trump skipped it to go to his golf club", "Trump's 'Pittsburgh, Not Paris' Rally A Massive Flop Compared To Nationwide 'March For Truth, "The Odds Of An Electoral College-Popular Vote Split Are Increasing", "Iowa's bad track record for picking GOP winners", "Iowa State Fair attendees pick Sanders over Clinton", "Trump touts $1 trillion infrastructure plan during Ohio speech", "It's on: Trump to hit 2020 battleground states to pitch infrastructure, jobs", "Trump set for victory lap at Iowa rally", "President homebody: Trump stays close to the White House", "Iowa GOP Chairman Rips 'Arrogant Academic' Ben Sasse", "Mike Pence and Sen. Joni Ernst arrive at Iowa event riding motorcycles", "Vice President Mike Pence coming to Iowa", "Trump to hold reelection fundraiser in June", "Trump to host Trump re-election fundraiser at Trump hotel", "Trump kicking off 2020 fundraising with high dollar DC fundraiser", "Dem congressman: 'Just plain wrong' for Trump to hold fundraiser at own hotel", "Trump rips media, mocks Pelosi at closed-door fundraiser", "Trump trashes media, cheers wins at $10 million fundraiser", "Scenes From the Swamp: (Almost) Inside Trump's $35,000-Per-Plate Reelection Fundraiser", "Donald Trump's supporters in South Florida kick in cash for his re-election", "White House disinvites press from fundraiser", "President Trump's politicking raises ethics flags", "The face of Donald Trump's 2020 campaign", "Trump's daughter-in-law, Florida guv headline GOP dinner", "Trump winning against Dems in 2020 merchandise sales", "White House Watch: Is Mike Pence Running a Shadow Campaign for 2020?
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