According to an Israeli military source, Hezbollah assists Hamas with bomb production. Counterterrorism expert Matthew Levitt says that Hezbollah has closely aligned itself with Iran’s Quds Force, an elite paramilitary group linked directly to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, while fighting alongside the Assad regime. According to him, Imam Khomeini wanted to establish a Shi’ite belt spread across Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon so as to dominate the Islamic world. Without question the U.S. has a role to play, especially when it has partners that are willing to work with it. Hezbollah has a tight relationship with Iran. Moreover, the arming of the party by Iran enabled it to possess more military assets than the Lebanese state itself, which enabled the party to have a bigger say, and led to the creation of a state within the Lebanese state, leading to political and sectarian problems that are hindering the political process in Lebanon. "What we see now is that Hezbollah is going to do things today that are in Iran’s interest even if they expressly run counter to the interests of Lebanon and Hezbollah’s own interest there.". Although Iran maintains strong support of Hezbollah, Pollack agreed with Semati's comment that Hezbollah has increasingly begun to make decisions on its own. Iran-Hezbollah relations have always had to factor in Syria. First, state support has a powerful, yet indirect effect on violent non- But it’s not just an American or European effort: the Yemenis right now are tremendously concerned about recent arms shipments from Iran that they have seized destined for houthi rebels. Senior Fellow Gayle Tzemach Lemmon tells the extraordinary story of the women who took on the Islamic State and won. Ayatollah Khomeini’s idea is the creation of a Shiite Crescent, as explained by Abu al-Hassan Bani-Sadr on Al-Jazeera TV in an episode of “Private Visit” titled “The Iranian Revolution, America and the Arabs” on January 17, 2000. April 6, 2021 Farjo is the best and most original islamic gift we could find!! The relationship between Iran and Syria is based on a unique convergence of interests. Also, the Secretary General of Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah is called the legitimate agent for Ayatollah Khamenei. Women and Foreign Policy Program, Backgrounder And once he became the master of this belt, he would use oil and the Persian Gulf to dominate the rest of the Islamic world. Backgrounder Executive Editor May 3, 2021. It would also empower European countries to do more to prevent the travel of Hezbollah operatives to Europe, which Hezbollah treats as its near abroad, and to raise funds there, which Hezbollah does today hand over fist. by Stephen Biddle So what we see now is that Hezbollah is going to do things today that are in Iran’s interest even if they expressly run counter to the interests of Lebanon and Hezbollah’s own interest there. |By Hanan Alsuraihi| “Hezbollah and the Iranian regional strategy” is considered one of the hottest themes debated today in the Arabic and Islamic world. [email protected] Tel: +971506259940, Saifur Rahman How has Hezbollah been helping out Syria in this civil war? There’s a tremendous amount of activity going on and none of it can be described as being in Lebanon’s interests, or in the interest of Hezbollah’s political aspirations in Lebanon. As the geographic link to Lebanon, Damascus leveraged Iran’s quest for influence in Lebanon to enhance its own power and position. The European Union designation of Hezbollah as a terrorist group would be a shot across the bow, telling the group that it needs to make a choice to be either political or militant. What we’re seeing is the stockpiling of weapons for that second phase of conflict. by Steven A. Cook by Lindsay Maizland and Eleanor Albert We are committed to the orders of the fair and wise leadership, represented by the Wali al-Faqih, and presently embodied in the Imam Ayatollah Khomeini, who is the protagonist of the Muslim revolution and its glorious renaissance. They want to set things up so they are positioned to continue to have influence in Syria even after Assad is gone and a Sunni majority remains. The signs of Hezbollah are all over the place, especially where the group is dominant, like south of the airport. Some of the Shiite militant groups that Hezbollah trained to fight coalition forces in Iraq have now turned up in Syria, fighting alongside Hezbollah and supporting the Assad regime. The relationship between Iran and Hezbollah can be described as a reciprocal system. Mugniyeh, who was instrumental in establishing Hezbollah's military wing, was a constant presence in both Tehran, where he worked closely with senior members of Iran… "At the end of the day, the group’s commitment to Iran trumps its identity as a Lebanese political movement.". by Amelia Cheatham, Claire Felter and Zachary Laub Iran has given a great interest for Hezbollah party, and ensured financial support for it.
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