Vidéos à découvrir. [1], In the late 1990s, the IMU, alongside other militant groups, received weapons, financial support, training, and leadership support from Osama bin Laden, which helped the group to begin launching major attacks.[2]. Web. Web. [3] Roggio, Bill. [1] Chivers, C. J. The IMU has conducted extensive propaganda activity, publishing videos of executions and IMU fighters launching attacks, and video messages urging individuals throughout the Caucasus to join the jihadi cause.[4]. Militant Islamist group formed in 1998 by the Islamic ideologue Tahir Yuldashev, and former Soviet paratrooper Juma Namangani—both ethnic Uzbeks from the Fergana Valley. Strength. “Western cyclists killed in suspected terrorist attack in Tajikistan.” The Telegraph, 30 July 2018. Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. 22 Aug. 2018; Ioffe, Julia. “Prison break: Taliban attack Bannu jail, nearly 400 inmates escape.” The Express Tribune, 15 April 2012. [2] Luhn, Alec. U.S State Department Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO): September 25, 2000 – Present. [3] Feldholm, Michael. While the IMU pledged loyalty to IS and fought alongside IS militants in Afghanistan, the nature of IS’s support for the IMU is not known.[2]. “Uzbekistan’s history with Islam might explain a lot about the New York attack suspect.” TIME, 01 Nov. 2017. A program of the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC). Tweet. Australian National Security Terrorist Organization: April 11, 2003 to Present. 50-57. Pp. “Red Mosque siege declared over.” The Guardian, 11 July 2007. The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan was listed on 6 October 2001 pursuant to paragraph 8(c) of resolution 1333 (2000) as being associated with Al-Qaida, Usama bin Laden or the Taliban for “participating in the financing, planning, facilitating, preparing or perpetrating of acts or activities by, in conjunction with, under the name of, on behalf or in support of”, “supplying, selling or transferring arms and related materiel to” or “otherwise supporting acts or activities of” Al-Qaida (QDe.004), Usama bin Laden and the Taliban. Web. IMU co-founders Tahir Yuldashev and Juma Namangani originally founded a militant organization, Adolat, in 1991 to establish Islamic law in Uzbekistan. The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) was an Uzbeki militant Islamist group formed in 1998 by the Islamic ideologue Tahir Yuldashev and former Soviet paratrooper Juma Namangani.Originally, its goal was to overthrow former President Islam Karimov and create an Islamic state under sharia, but in the years after its founding reinvented itself as an ally of Al-Qaeda. Web. “Threats and Responses: Central Asia; Uzbek Militants’ Decline Provides Clues to U.S.” New York Times, 2002. Thousands of people suspected of complicity were arrested and imprisoned. Web. Assault on Adolat was the third reason of the IMU emergence. [4] “Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.” Australian National Security, 03 March 2018. 25 Aug. 2018. Description: Designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization on September 25, 2000, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) seeks to overthrow the Uzbek government and establish an Islamic state. Web. Copyright Complaints. Web. Since October 2001, IMU has focused its attacks on International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) troops in Afghanistan, alongside the Taliban and Al-Qaida. Al … 25 Aug. 2018. Web. UNSC “ISIL (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions List”: October 6, 2001 to Present. 25 Aug. 2018. Web. JSTOR. 22 Aug. 2018. History. The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), a militant group based in Pakistan’s tribal agencies, has suffered a series of major battlefield setbacks over the past year. “2 IMU Leaders Captured in Northern Afghanistan.” The Long War Journal, 09 Feb. 2013. The defection of IMU fighters to the Islamic Jihad Group has not diminished its capability and intent to conduct terrorist attacks. 30 Aug. 2018. Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC), Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies,,,, 2010: 2,500 – 4,000 (The Long War Journal), 2016: 200 – 300 (Australian National Security). He was allegedly a senior commander resisting US forces during Operation Anaconda in 2002, in eastern Afghanistan. 25 Aug. 2018. This does not include information on where the group conducts major attacks or has external influences. Web. “They’re only sleeping.” The New Yorker, 14 Jan. 2002. Web. 25 Aug. 2018. [7] The IMU increasingly began to target all those opposed to its goal of establishing a transnational caliphate in Central Asia, and attacked western and allied interests in the region. “From the Ferghana Valley to Waziristan and Beyond.” Monterey Terrorism Research and Education Program, 25 Aug. 2010. Send. Some sources suggest that he was affiliated with the IMU (8 killed, 11 wounded). [10], With IS’s major territorial defeats in 2017, the IMU has increasingly advocated lone wolf attacks and others not requiring weapons expertise, such as vehicular attacks. In 1998, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) officially announced its goal to overthrow the Uzbek government and replace it with an Islamic state. In August 1999, IMU militants took hostage four Japanese geologists and eight Kyrgyz soldiers; and in August 2000, they took hostage four American mountain climbers. [4] Roggio, Bill. In exchange for Taliban patronage, the IMU trafficked the group’s illegal drugs throughout Central Asia. 13-04-2007. “25 Tajik soldiers killed in Islamist ambush.” The Long War Journal, 19 Sept. 2010. [1], Tahir Yuldashev (November 2001 to August 27, 2009): Yuldashev co-founded the IMU and served as its first emir. [4], At the time of its inception, the IMU received substantial funds from Al Qaeda (AQ) leader Osama bin Laden, which proved crucial to the establishment of the group. “Mystery Surrounds Tashkent Explosions.” Middle East Research and Information Project, 15 April 2004. IMU co-founders Tahir Yuldashev and Juma Namangani originally founded a militant organization, Adolat, in 1991 to establish Islamic law in Uzbekistan. JSTOR. [1] Kaura, Vinay. Web. [3] “Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan| Narrative Summaries of Reasons for Listing.” UN Security Council, 07 April 2011. Pp. 22 Aug. 2018; Rabasa, Angel, et al. [9], In August 2015, after a period of declining relations with the Afghan Taliban, IMU leader Usman Ghazi pledged loyalty to the Islamic State (IS). CISAC is a research center at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies. The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan is a Salafi-jihadist militant group seeking to overthrow the Uzbek government and install an Islamic, Sharia-driven government. JSTOR; Chivers, C. J. [3] Arslan Koichev, “Skirmishes Suggest IMU is Changing Tactics,” EurasiaNet,, accessed September 21, 2001. [1], Last Attack: July 29, 2018: The Islamic State claimed responsibility for an attack on foreign cyclists in Tajikistan’s Danghara district. As a result, the IMU launched multiple high-profile attacks, such as the August 2000 assault on Tajik border villages; it is unclear if the group was responsible for the February 1999 Tashkent bombings. Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan fighters in Afghanistan. “Uzbekistan’s history with Islam might explain a lot about the New York attack suspect.” TIME, 01 Nov. 2017. After the collapse of the Taliban government in Afghanistan in late 2001, the IMU shifted its main base of operations to Pakistan, along the Afghan-Pakistan border, with some forces located in North Afghanistan. 7, no. “The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan Opens a Door to the Islamic State.” Combatting Terrorism Center, June 2015. AQ provided weapons, training, and financial and logistical support to the IMU until 2002, while the IMU operated primarily in Afghanistan. [2] “Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.” UN Security Council, 07 April 2011. He also served on Al Qaeda’s Shura Majlis top council. Web. 22 Aug. 2018. Pp. [3], July 30, 2004: The IMU launched multiple suicide strikes against the embassies of Israel and the U.S. in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 25 Aug. 2018. “Why Does Uzbekistan Export So Many Terrorists?” The Atlantic, 01 Nov. 2017. 22 Aug. 2018. Web. Founded in … IMU, under the leadership of Tohir Abdulkhalilovich Yuldashev (deceased), has embraced Usama bin Laden's ideology. The IMU had a conflictual relationship with the authoritarian and anti-Islamic government of Uzbek President Islam Karimov, who imposed many policies intending to restrict the religious practices of the Muslim majority. 7, no. Web. Founding Year. 28 Aug. 2018. 24 Aug. 2018. Web. Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan: | | | Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) | | | ... World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled. However, as the group continued its activities with financial assistance and training from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, the IMU developed a larger goal. [3] Ioffe, Julia. [11] Some sources suggest that the militants responsible for the Manhattan attack in October 2017 and the July 2018 attack on bikers in Tajikistan may have been affiliated with the IMU.[12]. 30 Aug. 2018. From its Afghan bases, the group supported the Afghan Taliban’s spring 2015 offensive against government forces in the country. Mouvement islamique d'Ouzbékistan (MIO) Drapeau djihadiste utilisé par État islamique d'Irak et du Levant. [5] Walsh, Declan. Un Article De Wikipédia, L'Encyclopédie Libre. Moreover, the Haqqani Network helped to train IMU militants, and the IMU, in turn, provided fighters for attacks. It is possible that the militants were affiliated with the IMU, which operates in the area (4 killed, 3 wounded).[2]. [9] Mehl, Damon. [1] Rabasa, Angel, et al. Share. [10], July 29, 2018: The Islamic State claimed responsibility for an attack on foreign cyclists in Tajikistan’s Danghara district. “Threats and Responses: Central Asia; Uzbek Militants’ Decline Provides Clues to U.S.” New York Times, 2002. 30–35. [12] Kramer, Andrew E. “New York Attack Turns Focus to Central Asian Militancy.” NY Times, 01 Nov. 2017. The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan ( IMU, Uzbek language: Ўзбекистон Исломий Ҳаракати/O'zbekiston islomiy harakati) is a militant Islamist group formed in 1991 by the Islamic ideologue Tahir Yuldashev, and former Soviet paratrooper Juma Namangani —both ethnic Uzbeks from the Fergana Valley. Web. [11] Luhn, Alec. [8] Kaura, Vinay. However, the movement is rejected by the majority of Muslims as heretical since it believes in ongoing prophethood after the death of Muhammad. 30 Aug. 2018. The final hostages were freed after two months (unknown killed, unknown wounded). The government blamed the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) for the attacks. In 1998, Yuldashev and Namangani met with Taliban leaders in Kabul, Afghanistan. 25 Aug. 2018. [4] Government of Canada. Its origin goes back to the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union when it grew 22 Aug. 2018. 30 Aug. 2018. Web. [2] Feldholm, Michael. JSTOR. [10] Azamy, Hekmatullah. Al-Qaeda. The kidnapping was allegedly in response to the arrest of female IMU supporters by the Afghan government (1 killed, unknown wounded). [1] Roggio, Bill. Web. 6, 2015, pp. Al-Qaida (QDe.004) leaders encouraged the formation of IMU and Usama bin Laden (deceased) supplied most of the funding to set up the organization. The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU, Uzbek: Ўзбекистон Исломий Ҳаракати/Oʻzbekiston Islomiy harakati) is a militant Islamist group formed in 1998 by the Islamic ideologue Tahir Yuldashev, and former Soviet paratrooper Juma Namangani—both ethnic Uzbeks from the Fergana Valley. Web. On the same day, a suicide bomber also attacked a car containing Pakistan’s prime minister designate (2 killed, 9 wounded). [1] “Country Reports on Terrorism 2016 –Foreign Terrorist Organizations: Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU).” UNHCR, 19 July 2017. [1] The Taliban regime in Afghanistan also served as an early patron for the IMU and allowed the group to operate in Afghanistan until the regime’s collapse. “Will the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) Trade the Taliban for ISIS?” Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses, vol. [7], June 8, 2014: The IMU participated in the attack on the Jinnah International Airport in Karachi, Pakistan, alongside the TTP and Pakistani Taliban.
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