Il succède à son père, Kim Il-sung, qui a dirigé le pays entre 1948 et 1994. Being Muslims like us doesn't mean we should embrace them with open arms. [PORTAL-ISLAM.ID] Kabar Pemimpin Korea Utara Kim Jong-un meninggal dunia menjadi trending twitter. "We Muslims will always be marginalized if we don't have the knowledge, wealth and power"?Pros Kangkang,Despite being a self-described T20 Melayu you are certainly B1 (Bottom 1%) both morally and intellectually.Or follow your paymaster and let a fat Chinaman steal knowledge, wealth and power on your behalf.Prof Sawi. If their immediate neighbours with the likes of Banglas and Pakis couldn't care less and couldn't be bothered about them, why are we get so much into trouble worrying about it? and it shall also  play a major role in the liberation of   all Non-White Original Peoples of color  around the world. Call upon Allah for whatever help you Islamic people may need. Join Facebook to connect with Kim Jong Islam and others you may know. Pakistan Sunni? Trump et Kim Jong-un : le jour où le président américain a proposé de ramener son homologue nord-coréen à bord d'Air Force One “If [Kim Jong Un] is playing war games the first day in office,” Bolling argued, that was not a good sign, and “maybe it’s time to get a tougher president.” Palin replied in the affirmative, making the argument that the President had said as a candidate that he was open to talks with rogue nations, and that should have been a sign then that his policies would be what they are. ( Log Out /  But you look at Rakhine and the Rohingya. demonstratìon is all about. As expected from Gladiator..karangan tepi jer la kat annie. They stood strong even until today. Better you spend your time on Economics 101, dari duk defend M all the time.Jho low. Look and learn at what happened in bosnia, the rest of the world will just be a bystander when comes to islam and muslims. Hence the way they do things, their principles, moral values and so on. Actually it's very simple M is driven by his personal agenda. "Pemuda A : " Gaji aku setiap bulan adalah sekitar RM2,000.."Pemuda B bertanya lagi, "Setiap bulan gaji kau habis dibelanjakan atau ada sedikit kau simpanan..? It wrecks havoc to the marriage institution in the country.Have you ever heard a case last year where a young boy was beheaded and his headless body was found by the river in Setapak. Kim Jong-un’s last public appearance was more than two weeks ago, on April 11, when he presided over a Politburo meeting. Communism is godless. - Pakistan did some nuclear tests and that's about it. How many times were Shan being attacked? berita viral terbaru : selain dikenal kejam sosok pemimpin Korea Utara, Kim Jong Un ternyata punya beberapa kebaikan salah satunya mendukung islam No protest for yemeni & qatar against saudi attacks, oh they are muslims so no one care... Annie. WATCH: South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un meet at the truce village of Panmunjom for a historic summit. They don't have a chubby Kim Jong Un, like what you said. "Having said that, you look at the Melayu Islam. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. With the kid gone, he thought all the love and affections would shifted back to him. Keep it up, guys, looking forward to more of your writes :). He's having fun.. One expert analyst said that if N Korea is attacked by US, expect to see almost immediately at least 10 million South Korean vaporised, and this figure does not include yet those in Japan. We know at least one couple pair who love money too, but not too openly. Once in office, he ramped up North Korea’s nuclear program. It means Hello or How are you...a greeting. A lot more than we do. His sister got married to this guy because her family got so impressed with him. Why? Important press conference...fine, whatever (updated). He is a brutal dictator, who opposes freedom of speech, practice of religion, and leaving his country. And in education here non muslims are marginalized... Surah Ar Rad 13:11:" For him (are) successive (Angels) before him and behind him, who guard him by (the) Command of Allah. Annie,//America would had bombed him out with the rest of North Korea back to the pre-dinosaur age//Pakistan is a Muslim country with nuclear weapons.Pakistan is as crazy as Nth Korea in their threats to bomb India.Yet, Pakistan has not been bombed back to the pre-dinosaur days by anybody.The reality is that neither Nth Korea nor the US will be going to war - yet.I am no war expert but I think there is a protocol which is followed before countries engage in war.One element which will start off a Nth Korea v US war will be when Nth Korea fires off a missile towards Guam or the US mainland.Then Nth Korea will be bombed back to pre-dinosaur days. And when Allah wills for a people misfortune, then (there is) no turning away of it, and not for them besides Him any protector. Because only the Islamic people have the conspiracy against people of other faiths or religions. That fat boy with funny haircut has nuclear weapons in his arsenal!..That's the single only reason why military option is out of equation to The US. If it comes, then you are truthful and the whole world might just turn Islamic. Pada Jumat (24/4/2020), Reuters memberitakan China mengirim tim dokter ke Pyongyang untuk memastikan seperti apa kondisi Kim. With medicines? Indeed, Allah (does) not change the condition of a people, until they change what (is) in themselves. North Korea watchers say the greatest threat to Kim Jong Un's reign is his love of expensive alcohol, imported cheese and cigarettes. Change ), An Official Website of the International Pan Islamic Communist Party of Proletarian Islam, The International Pan Islamic Communist Party of Proletarian Islam, Matyas Rakosi The Marxist Leninist Founder of Socialist Hungary is an Example for the Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews of the Pan Islamic Homeland and All Other Anti-Zionist Jews, Donald Trump White Nationalism and The Las Vegas Massacre. You ain't know nothing about these fringed minority. It's time for the muslims through oic to take a unilateral action to protect muslims from this atrocity. Going with that logic, as thing goes in North Korea, if Kim Jong Un is a Muslim, then Prof Kangkung the gambler and I would bet with the last sen we have that the North Koreans would be the BEST MUSLIMS in human history.Why? Or the Danes? Annie,North Korea is a communist country. These fellas know a lot about them. Kim Čong-un (korejsky: 김정은; hanča: 金正恩; * 8. ledna 1984 Pchjongjang, Severní Korea) je vůdcem Korejské lidově demokratické republiky (KLDR), třetím a nejmladším synem Kima Čong-ila, bývalého nejvyššího představitele Severní Koreje. Actually, for Joe Biden, … ( Log Out /  Malaysia better stay out from this Rohingya stuff. Bro Sawi, for Kangkungman knowledge must equal to wealth and power.But don't we know that the man of iman wants Self-Knowledge above all so as to escape the crippling diseases of wealth and power? Probably after years of being exposed to hardship, violence and brutality. If people break his rules, he permanently incarcerates people and their children for … It's able to do so because US allowed it to do so to balance India which used to be Russia's main ally in the region. Ultra Melayu ke Kuda DAP ke. What if is a useless scenarioIt involve idealism, speculation and at worst, a fantasyIt's involve space and time dimension and parallel worldsWhat we humans of Malaysia can do is fixing things and dealing with things as humanly as possibleBecause the current scenario is malaysia involved luck and millions of factors involvedWhat we can do is a change thru clean, transparent voting in GE14 We certainly do not want future generations to consider us, the gen y and millennials as "bacul"We can oust pm najib the corrupt deceiver and its corrupt machineryThe unreasonable zombie parasite must be dealt with. But underneath of it, it is an active volcano. re: "And the Malaysian government is very friendly with those generals".There's Malaysia interest in oil&gas business in Myanmar. They do produce crops and they have good tourism income, too. "Dia menjawab,"Setiap bulan habis, tak cukup lagi adalah, selalunya terpaksa pinjam kt Mak Mertua..,"Maka aku pun jelaskan kepadanya, "Kalau kau habiskan kesemua gaji kau setiap bulan sebanyak RM2,000 maknanya dalam masa sama kau bayar RM120 cukai GST.." (6% daripada RM2,000 = RM120)"Setiap bulan kau terpaksa bayar RM120, bermakna dalam setahun kau bayar sebanyak RM1,440...""Kau bayar GST RM1,440 setahun kpd Kerajaan.. kemudian KERAJAAN bagi balik BR1M kat kau RM450 je setahun.. Sebenarnya dia bayar BR1M pakai duit siapa..?" At the East, Shan State.Shan State is Chinese, from the Kuomintang remnants army. That's how the current administration hoodwink the people. !Kerajaan Kutip GST RM1,440 tolak RM450 (BR1M) = RM990"Sebenarnya aku yang bagi BR1M RM 990 kat Najib, bukan Najib bagi BR1M kepada aku..," Kata Pemuda B mengakhiri perbualan dalam isu tersebut.Sedarkah kita .....aku tak kaya tp setiap kali aku berbelanja kerajaan UBN minta dari aku 6%........maknanya Kerajaan UBN LEBIH MISKIN dari akuminggu ni aku bagi lagi +0.04sen setiap kali aku beli minyak RON95 .....miskin sungguh rupanya kerajaan UBN ni. Thank you. Because if Kim Jong Un were to ask the North Koreans to pray seven times a day, none would dare pray only five. an Organisation for Buddhist Cooperation, or Jewish, or Christian, or what have you.Why? Iran Shia?//Nobody can become a US president without their support.//I had always thought that the black and Latino vote was a lot more powerful than the Jewish vote, which was why I thought that Hillary Clinton would storm into the White House.Now, I am not saying that Wikipedia is a reliable source but I was puzzled enough by your statement to have a lookee see. suggests that Jewish support does not always guarantee success at the polls - Nixon didn't get it, Reagan didn't get it, Bush didn't get it.If I am not mistaken, Trump didn't get it either because of his tacit support for the far-right extremists for the KKK and other white supremacists.//Aung San Su Kit did nothing for her own Rohingya people or even acknowledge their suffering.//Aung San Suu Kyi can do nuts about the Rohingya problem.The REAL power in Myanmar lies with the Myanmarese military.If Aung San Suu Kyi says anything which upsets the military, they will just shut down Parliament - fact.The military has reserved certain powers for itself, viz home affairs, defence and border controls.Here is an old article on the Myanmarese parliament. you.//Oh, stop it :)It's your blog and I feel uncomfortable when you thank me and I don't reciprocate because we are just chit-chatting - sort of :)Gladiator, I have already tell UMNO higher ups to declare state of emergency regardless of Kim Jong un decision to launch a nuke or notBe super sensitive, declare state of emergency even if a mosquito bite appearedUse the media to retards the local Malaysian into thinking as suchJho low, Anonymous @ 7 September 2017 at 11:25,//That fat boy with funny haircut has nuclear weapons in his arsenal!.//Hahahahah! Dear 1356Many of the commentators here are not interested with Muslim problems because I guess many of them are nonMuslimsAs a Muslim I symphatize with what happens to Rohingyas.We Muslims will always be marginalized if we don't have the knowledge,wealth and powerProf Kangkung. and this includes  Comrade Kim Jong UN  and  this  is what spiritually and culturally makes Comrade Kim Jong UN  a Muslim by Nature. a Kim-Chee Megalomaniac! Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Young, fat and rich spoilt brat who loves deadly weapons: Kim Jong Un. May 6 (UPI) --Kim Jong Un praised North Korea's "exemplary" military for its patriotism during a performance that featured military families at Mansudae Art Theater. This Proletarian Islamic National Socialist Pan Turanian state  once   established and based  on the ideology  of Proletarian Islam  and Proletarian Turanian National Socialism    shall be invincible and it shall  change the geopolitical framework of the world forever and for all time and tribe the global balance of geopolitical world power back in the favor of  all of the Turanians peoples of the world and the  global Pan Islamic nation as well all  members of the Turanian race and all Muslim everywhere must world towards this great goal, The International Pan Islamic Communist Party of Proletarian Islam can be contacted at There lie unusual roller coster of emotions, of jealousy and anger which they keep hidden and suppressed. dynastie Kimů. Having said that, you look at the Melayu Islam. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The boy went missing after returning from home a prayer at nearby mosque. View the profiles of people named Kim Jong Islam. They know what's really going on. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Once in a while it is good for you to write on something international in nature.Tapi nature sesetengah dari pembaca blog ni tak boleh keluar dari kepompong pemikiran kekampungan.apa juga isu balik-balik cakap pasal Najib.History has shown from time to time,there will be some 'crazy' leaders who somehow will be remembered for a long time to come.Hitler,Stalin,Pol Pot,Saddam are among top of the list.This Jong Un has the potential to be listed alongside his more famous 'brothers'Prof Kangkung, Pros Kangkang,Your paymaster will also go down as crazy.Crazy to think he could turn KWAP funds into jewels and cars and get away with it.He will die in disgrace, the Razak name forever ruined.You will die in stupidity.Prof Sawi, Hi Prof Sawi,I truly admire your array of arsenal.Funny but really hard hitting.Dying in stupidity.....that's insanely hilarious.You know what...each time I visit this blog the first thing I would do is to look out for your masterpieces. Ya, Inilah penampakan sebuah masjid di kota Pyongyang, bukti kalau Kim Jong Un ramah pada kehadiran Islam di Korea Utara.. Itulah salah satu sisi kebaikan Kim Jong Un yang belakangan hari ini dikabarkan sudah meninggal dunia. Kim Jong-un Invited to Islam This is an invitation to the Chairman Kim Jong Un and the Non-Muslim men and women in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea). So if Kim Jong Un is a Muslim, that should either be an impossibility or that Kim Jong Un is a Murtad. Kim Jong-Un, North Korean political official who succeeded his father, Kim Jong Il, as leader of North Korea in 2011. They are doomed, hancur, mampus if their fear towards Allah cannot compare to the North Koreans' towards Kim Jong Un.About Rohingya being Chinese. It is us who stand a lot to lose being overly concern and overly caring.You don't know these people. Because if Kim Jong Un were to ask the North Koreans to pray seven times a day, none would dare pray only five. Let me tell you what is the difference.Human beings are the same, the difference is in their faith. You know what I mean alh? It is not about race or religion Annie, it got nothing to do woth it. Kim Jong UN of North Korea is a Muslim With The Nature of Islam Within Him. It's true that the Jewish lobby is very powerful in Washington. It will only pop up once in a while. Otherwise why would you form an organisation to bring together people of Islamic faith while others don't ?And everyday you claim that there's a conspiracy against Islamic people, and since time immemorial you drew a boundary for your own exclusive world bringing in all things you thought sacred, calling them Islamic this , Islamic that., and every now and then issued death threats against anyone whom you accused of trespassing your sacredness?And eventually your own failure as a human being bring upon you a disaster you couldn't bear, you would start to scream and accusing others of conspiring to destroy Islam ?I offer you a solution, it is easy. Di tengah kabar meninggalnya sosok Kim Jong Un yang kini sedang viral, ternyata beredar pula kebaikan yang telah dilakukan oleh pemimpin Korut tersebut. it should also be pointed out that The Korean people are the racial cousins to the Muslim Turkic Peoples of the world and this further  connects  North Korea and the whole of the Korean Nation to the world of Islam. Whats so surprising abt that? Should these people a bit more prosperous and armed, they could become formidable minority and a force to reckon with.We have had a share of problems involving them here. They don't have a chubby Kim Jong Un"The Minangkabau & Bugis have Jho Low to steal money for them.With the same Kim hairstyle, Jho will also look like his twin. Dear 1356,There's an OIC for Islamic countries. Kim Jong-un (en chosŏn'gŭl : 김정은 et en hanja : 金正恩, prononcé / k i m d͡z ɔ ŋ ɯ n / [N 2]), aussi orthographié Kim Jong Un selon la norme nord-coréenne, né le 8 janvier 1984 à Pyongyang, est un homme d'État nord-coréen, actuel dirigeant suprême de la Corée du Nord, où il occupe les postes de président du Parti du travail de Corée, de commandant suprême de l'Armée populaire de Corée et de président de la Commission des … Because obviously only the Muslims would think that a lifeless thing could have a religion, so they have Islamic organisations, islamic country, Islamic eateries, Islamic loans etc.. Hell, they also thought that a company registered under the Companies Act can be WAJIB (compulsory) to perform an Islamic duty called zakat. Don't get too over involved and over excited about the issue. By the way what is 'annyeonghaseyo'? , One blogger wrote this with regards the Rohingya : ...I personally don't have much sympathy for their predicament. Be real man. I doubt Pakistan which is a US allly really have the bomb.- Dr Mahathir said the Jews rule the world by proxy. ( Log Out /  this Pan Turanian Proletarian Islamic  National Socialist State once it is created  shall be ideologically based  on the best and most advanced political and spiritual  ideas and practices of the Turanian Nationalist thinkers of the past such as The great soviet national Communist  leader    Sultan Galiev  and the Juche Communism of Kim IL Sung   along with  the thought and progressive political and spiritual  practices of the great Turanian leaders and rulers of the past centuries such as The great  khans and rulers of the Mongolian empire  the Ancient rulers of Korea and Japan   and the sultans and caliphs of the various  Turkic Islamic States along with  Arpad the founders of the Hungarian state  and  all of the other   rulers and leaders  of the other  historical Turanian  states and empires  of history and once   a Pan Turanian state stretching from the Mediterranean sea to East Turkestan  and united   under the Ideology of Proletarian Islam is created and  established   it shall then go on to play a major and deceive role in the liberation of the whole of the Muslim world from imperialism and Zionism. Talk about Rohingya we can't avoid that Malaysia contribute significant amount of socìo-economy of people of Myanmar.Did you know that Malaysia company through Malaysia Human Resources and Immigresen Policy employ or bring in one of the hiğhest number of Myanmar foreign worker in this country after Thailand.Year 2017 the number of Myanmar worker in Malaysia is about 130000.Simple maths: 130000×RM1200(avg salary)=156 000 000Let say they send back half of the salary to Myanmmar.156 000 009 ÷2 =RM78mil.They send around RM78 million monthly to their country which all level of government agencies and people involved in Rohingya annihilation.Didn't you Malaysian feel guilt.They should stop this and not only talk and talk or make Demostration.Frèeze and stop the Policy of recrùiting Myanmar worker.They,people of Myanmar most of them is farmer didn't know wth. Kim Jong-il, né le 16 février 1941 ou 1942, et mort le 17 décembre 2011, est un homme d'État nord-coréen, dirigeant de la Corée du Nord de 1994 à sa mort en 2011. Kim Jong-un is the third dynastic supreme leader of North Korea, heir to Kim Jong-il and Kim Il-Sung. This toilet paper newspaper? 6 cents for you, 30 cents for us. Kim Jong-un ( / ˌkɪm dʒɒŋˈʊn, - ˈʌn /; Korean : 김정은; Hanja : 金正恩; Korean pronunciation: [kim.dzɔŋ.ɯn]; born 8 January 1982, 1983, or 1984) is a North Korean politician serving as Supreme Leader of North Korea since 2011 and the leader of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) since 2012. and  the ancient and traditional  belief system or religion of the Turanian Peoples is Tengrism   and the ancient   Korean people    being a Turanian  people followed the Korean branch of Ancient Tengrism  which is known as  Korean Shamanism. This entry was posted on October 3, 2017 at 4:24 am and is filed under Uncategorized with tags Hungary., Japan., Kim IL Sung., Kim Jong IL., Kim Jong Un., Korea., North Korea., Pan islamic Homeland., Pan Islamic Working Class., Pan Islamic., Pan Turanian., Pan Turanianism., Pan Turkic World., Pan Turkism., Politics., Proletarian Islam., Proletarian Muslims, Religion., Sultan Galiev., Turanian National Socialism.. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. It's already our problem because over 100,000 of Rohingya are already here. God has created us and we must worship Him alone. 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