The high value attached to love leads people to justify their infidelity by claiming to put fidelity to their heart above conventional fidelity. The beloved is often characterized as When Jesus asks us to love our enemies, he illustrates what an … Attachment Woes Between Anxious and Avoidant Partners, The Compelling Link Between Love and Intelligence. Not unlike the function of religion, love is considered to give meaning to life, to overcome all obstacles, and to provide a share in eternity. The goal of Love Is Religi Smart, funny - and she was crazy about me too. " Writer(s): Uzoechi Osisioma Emenike, Sarah Theresa Hudson, Dua Lipa, Clarence … However, despite their profound moral value, both love and religion have been used as an excuse for justifying immoral deeds, which can become global-scale atrocities, as in the example of religious wars, or personal atrocities, as in murdering the beloved in the name of love. His books include The Arc of Love: How Our Romantic Lives Change Over Time. The basic assumptions underlying Romantic Ideology can indeed be found in many monotheistic religions. " If we claim to believe in love and/or religion but act unkindly, we achieve the goal of neither (and are untrue to the core concepts of both). We need to find out what works best for us—what matters are the results. As is the case with love, religion emphasizes devotion and effort as vital elements to success. This is the character of God in both the Old Testament and New Testament. Harming or discriminating against others is against the core principles of all major religions. The Prophet (pbuh) stated the following in a hadith: Like many religions, Romantic Ideology is basically characterized by its comprehensive and uncompromising nature. For thousands of years, religion has been an option for helping us with the challenge of achieving this balance. Since both religious and secular paths can lead to a respectful, loving attitude toward others, the purpose of peaceful coexistence can be served through either approach—as long we truly apply it. The relationship between God and His people has been described in the Bible and elsewhere in romantic terms, such as betrothal and marriage. ). Birthplace Earth Shirt, Race Human Shirt, Politics Freedom, Religion Love, World Map Gift, Love Is My Religion, Inspirational Onesie, AdelynRoseBoutique. Love is an effect. Lovers consider that the greatest expression of freedom and honesty is to act in accordance with one's heart. Once formed, however, religions (like any other social institution) develop dynamics shaped by some in the pursuit of power and influence, which challenge both foundational concepts and the intentions of religions. Jesus set an example of love and taught us to love. How are they related? However, by Jesus’ time, the Jewish leaders had made a religion out of God’s desire to live in a love relationship with them (1 Timothy 1:8; Romans 7:12). Love is action. As is the case with love, religion emphasizes devotion and effort as vital elements to success. I know of many Pharisees who say they know the love of God but they live as if they are in chains. But whoever has the world's goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him? Fear is a cause. Similarly, the major world religions almost invariably ask for humility and selflessness in the quest for spiritual enlightenment and/or in following the path of God. Concepts of boosting love (and happiness) in our lives emphasize the need to control these competing drives. Prophets are the people appointed to make the world a land of welfare and peace. On the other hand, religions may not be helpful—and may even be detrimental—if their teachings are not adequately followed or are misunderstood. No, but if love is absent, it is fair to question someone's faith. In the Name of Love —Celine Dion. “Love” speaks of relationship. The beloved is perceived to be a perfect person whose existence cannot be comprehended. Union in gratitude and appreciation for All. Why else do we struggle with poverty, racism, misogyny, discrimination, etc. It is indeed common to find in romantic conversations expressions such as, "Heaven has sent you to me," "I was quite sure that love as we are experiencing it right now only existed in the imagination of some people," and "our love is a dream come true" (see Love is Our Religion. Love is central to our lives, and so is religion to many. - Religion & Spirituality Question. Judaism is the true religion of love. The Religion of Peace and the Prophet of Love. Living the Religion of Love. Both love and religion are perceived to be central to human life. In many respects, romantic love resembles a kind of religion. The challenge is to make ourselves aware of our choices and achieve a balance which works for our life and for society. If we believe that we were created by God—whatever our understanding of God may be—then love might be viewed as a divine gift. Every thought or deed is motivated by love or self-serving (mostly subconscious) drives. Both religion and love are making an impressive comeback in modern society, leading to … Marriage based on exclusive and definitive love becomes the icon of the relationship between God and His people and vice versa." Reviewed by Davia Sills, "Heaven on earth, that's what you've made for me since the day we met." A rise in religious belief leads to a related rise in belief in the prevalence of sin, as religion conditions us to regard sin as God's foil (Portmann, On the one hand, religion provides the convenience of an established structure with an included support community that helps many working toward the goal of being loving. Not surprisingly, in daily life, we often succumb to our egotistical urges and don’t succeed with either—love or enlightenment. Time Pressure and the Trying Trajectory of Team Creativity, What Do You Know? Obedience to all the other commands had to stem from a love for God. The Ten Commandments are all about how we should love God and love others. According to Shree Ramkrishna Paramhansa Dev, every religion is same and each one of them provides us with the path to divine love. God is Love, and Love is the opposite of fear. The answer depends on our fundamental thoughts about our existence. Official site for Love Is Religion™. Armin Zadeh, MD, Ph.D., MPH, is a cardiologist, professor, and scientist at Johns Hopkins University and the author of The Forgotten Art of Love. He studied Sufism, Christianity, Hindu scriptures and so on, and finally with introspection, he came to the self realisation that each religion teaches us to attain the ultimate truth and indulge in divine love. " Love God, Love neighbor. You are the only one that can give me comfort; you touch my heart in such a way that all I can do is cry your name.". They say love is religion, so say a prayer with me (Love is a religion!) Unfortunately, throughout history into present-day life, there are examples of horrific deeds that have been carried out in the name of various religions. Undoubtedly, we are all born with a capacity to love. Darling, Do You Need Greater Freedom of Choice? In many respects, romantic love resembles a kind of religion. They say love is religion, so say a prayer with me I don't wanna preach, but I'm all that you need They say love is religion, so say a prayer with me They say love is religion [Verse 2] There's a fire The development of a group, by definition, involves distinguishing that group from other groups, posing additional challenges, e.g., followers of different religions fighting over which is the “better” faith or “true” god. Fear is thoughts and feelings. Both religion and love are making an impressive comeback in modern society. Just like Left and Right. Why Is It So Difficult, and Vital, to Be Humble? ). A religion of Love? In light of these similarities, love may take on some of the functions attributed to God: Love may provide the comfort zone that enables us to escape existential anxieties and everyday fears. Everyone, sober or drunk, is seeking a beloved, everywhere, mosque or synagogue, is the house of love. One of the most beautiful women I’d ever seen. It is founded upon love and its purpose is love. Home page of Love Is Religion™, an electronic dance music artist from Worldwide. " the sweetest angel in heaven and on Earth, Lovers often compare their love to religion, just as religions emphasize the centrality of love in their dogmas. When Jesus asks us to love our enemies, he illustrates what an enormous challenge we are facing. Indeed, in the verses leading up to the ones shown here, Ibn ‘Arabi adopted the voice of a lovesick poet parting from his beloved. Isn’t that the true meaning of religion? and as a The comparison of love to religion is made explicit by lovers. Pope Benedict XVI argues that "Corresponding to the image of a monotheistic God is monogamous marriage. Undoubtedly, religious organizations have been successful in guiding many people toward kinder ways of interacting and in establishing purpose, happiness, and inner peace for their members. Love and religion, as well as the beloved and God, are perceived by devoted lovers and believers to be morally pure: They are considered major factors leading one to choose a moral life. Thus, the following line, which is common in one version or another in prayers directed at God, is also often used to describe the attitude toward the romantic beloved: They were sent so that they would convey the religion of Islam, which means, "peace and welfare" to humanity. Love your enemies; do good to them that hate you. We are also born with numerous self-serving instincts that conflict with our impulse to love. When the people of Israel followed their idols, they were like an unfaithful partner—their activities are described as betraying God and as committing adultery and prostitution. Deity Love Is Religion is a multi-talented artist in music, art, health, beauty, Spirituality & fashion. Time Pressure and the Trying Trajectory of Team Creativity, Find a therapist to strengthen relationships, How Different Attachment Styles Affect Relationships, How Women's Use of Porn Affects Relationships, Navigating Feelings of Romantic Inferiority. This capacity likely varies in each person, but it is inherent in all. Does Age Really Matter in a Relationship? Submit Corrections. That’s generally not the fault of the religions—they almost invariably teach acceptance and loving-kindness towards others—it’s the failure of the individual to adhere to (or to understand fully) the religions’ teachings. God is described as jealous of the people of Israel. A History of Sin Specific religious views Abrahamic religions Christian. But what is most astonishing is that we regard love as a justification for treating people far worse than we would ever condone treating a stranger.". This dynamic, the quintessential yin and yang, will remain a lifelong challenge, and it critically influences our success with relationships, including romantic love. Put your hands together and close your eyes (Love is a religion!) In order to prevent such a loss, love, like religion, contains elements such as self-sacrifice, devotion, the experience of the sacred, and means to attain spiritual perfection. Now, it’s important to understand that if you believe the gospel, you will most certainly love other people. People find comfort in both, and our failure to accept others’ existential beliefs is an ongoing, major obstacle to peaceful coexistence. Love for anyone and everyone even if they intend on harming others, or me for love can sway people in darkness to see the light. This act of love inspires action and gives people the opportunity to … Few of us are aiming for sainthood, and we don’t necessarily have to live in a monastery to find internal peace and happiness. Given the described internal challenges we all face, some type of guidance is helpful to most of us. When we miss out on God’s love and substitute religion for a relationship, then we can end up being mean-spirited, grumpy, judgmental, prideful, and loveless. Alternatively, we may interpret love as an evolutionarily important physiological phenomenon. Because of God's love for the world, we know love … At the end of the day, it’s each person’s choice whether and what input she/he requires for moral or spiritual guidance. Christianity: A religion of love! Hence, loving the beloved is often claimed to be so easy, since unlike other people, who are always found inadequate in something, the beloved is perfect and complete. `Abdu'l-Bahá, Bahá'u'lláh's son, wrote that love is the greatest power in the world of existence and the true source of eternal happiness. Their life is filled with a false sense of condemnation and hate. The beloved may be described with phrases like "the most genius creation on Earth." Love is our religion. Psychology Today © 2021 Sussex Publishers, LLC, New Research: 8 Common Reasons People Use Porn, 5 Strategies for Stopping Unhelpful Behaviors, Chronic Indecisiveness: Between a Rock and a Hard Place, How Affective Forecasting Can Influence Your Future Self. " In my late teens (still agnostic at that point) I met the most amazing woman. Love seems to be all over the place in this poem. Biologically, Love is an intense neurological condition, such as hunger or thirst, but more permanent.We say that love is blind or we talk about love being blind or unconditional, meaning that we cannot control it.. Fear works by causing a ripple effect. Moreover, our inability to find the perfect mate may be compared to our inability to meet God: The fact that we have not found one does not imply that one does not exist. The fidelity to God and marital fidelity are celebrated as the utmost human accomplishments. The similarity between love and religion is also expressed in the resemblance of the beloved to God. And the final proof of that comes once more in 1 John 4—for it is the person Jesus called Father, the very God of the Old Testament, that is said to be love in that text. They say love is religion, so say a prayer with me (Me) I don't wanna preach, but I'm all that you need They say love is religion, so say a prayer with me Love is a religion! Main articles: Agape “Divine Love”, Love of God in Christianity, Love of Christ, Most Christians also believe that God is the source and essence of eternal love, even if in the New Testament the expression “ God is love ” explicitly occurs only twice and in two not too distant verses: 1 John 4:8,16 (NIV). Psychology Today © 2021 Sussex Publishers, LLC, New Research: 8 Common Reasons People Use Porn, 5 Strategies for Stopping Unhelpful Behaviors, Chronic Indecisiveness: Between a Rock and a Hard Place, How Affective Forecasting Can Influence Your Future Self. Both are similar in that they dictate basic beliefs, demand fundamental moral standards, and bestow a high moral status upon their objects. Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. It is not helpful to argue our opinion regarding the validity of these views or attempt to discredit either one. Muslim scholars who talk about love as the heart of Islam and of religion generally take the position that God's love and compassion motivated him to create human beings so that they could love him in return. I can do that no more—the pain would be too great—My Love is selfish—I cannot breathe without you.". Consider also the following lines from a letter written by the English poet John Keats: "Love is my religion—I could die for that—I could die for you. The Pros and Cons of a Scientific Approach. | Bahá'u'lláh, founder of the Baháʼí Faith, taught that God created humans due to his love for them, and thus humans should in turn love God. Love is intention and senses. Hatred stirreth up strifes; but love covereth all sins. Not love without holiness and righteousness, but not righteousness without love either. The Bible never minimizes the importance of love. divine gift. 150 likes. Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. Aaron Ben-Zeév, Ph.D., former President of the University of Haifa, is a professor of philosophy. Some even replace God with the beloved: "I do not wish God to aid me nor to give me joy and happiness except through you." and find acts of true selflessness remarkable in our society? Most religions provide a framework of rules which foster loving-kindness towards others and restrain egotism. 7 Steps to Nip Social Anxiety in the Bud with Imagery. I realized a few years ago that we inhibit a tiny ball hurtling through space with billion of other balls around it. Like faith, love is regarded as an expression of profound, unique, and morally pure attitudes. We are able to love Him “because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19). But there is a path through this conundrum. Love’s camels? My creed is Love, and you are its only tenet—You have ravish'd me away by a Power I cannot resist: and yet I could resist till I saw you; and even since I have seen you, I have endeavored often 'to reason against the reasons of my Love.' —The Platters, "I lost my faith; you gave it back to me; I was blessed because I was loved by you." 5 out of 5 stars (985) $ 14.95. God's love is taught to be part of his own essence, and his love for his creatures gives them their material existence, divine grace and eterna… Given that the Religion of Love is rooted in the first principle of Islamic thought – the fact that there is no god but God, no being but the true Being, no beloved but the true Beloved, no lover but the true Lover – it follows that lovers see themselves and all things existing at the pleasure of the Beloved. “Love is chemistry” (Answers Jim Al-Khalili, theoretical physicist and writer). The Baháʼí teachingsstate that all genuine love is divine, and that love proceeds from God and from humans. Through community organization, education, and regular praying sessions, members receive guidance and training in—essentially—being loving. In laying down His life for us, He taught us everything we need to know about true love. Love (as an independent phenomenon), just as religion, asks us to accept each person’s choice and to resist the notion to impose our view on others. Fear is a reaction. The pursuit of calm can itself become a major stressor, especially if you've already tried the standard prescriptions. Love is self-sacrificing, generous, unending, not a temporary feeling or attraction. The loss of a lover is, therefore, the loss of the meaning of life. They believe that love is more important than formal, outdated rules, and that freedom of the heart is more important than loyalty to emotionally false rules. Does Genuine Love Benefit from Moderate Passion? Jesus is the reason we even know what love is. Strange you ask that - as I might be uniquely qualified to answer. Does Genuine Love Benefit from Moderate Passion? Love Is My Religion is a non-profit group in Seattle actively working towards fostering a world where people with different viewpoints listen to each other and have an experience of truly being heard on diverse topics. However, the general balance of love vs. egotism in everything we do appears heavily tilted towards the latter. Can we separate love from religion? In a somewhat different manner, the comeback of love in modern society increases infidelity, in part because "true love" is considered to have no boundaries and to disregard many other values. Others, however, prefer acquiring secular direction and support. Posted August 8, 2008 Secular options are plentiful and allow for individualization, but may not include the comfort of large, worldwide communities. Darling, Would You Drive the Chrysler, Leave the Rolls For Me? What Is Love According to a Physicist? Religions also come with a worldview established centuries ago that may not appear accurate to current generations, which may explain the decline in members in many parts of the world. Is love a religion? The pursuit of calm can itself become a major stressor, especially if you've already tried the standard prescriptions. But there is a path through this conundrum.
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