The universe of course is not destroyed. They fail. In the course of the evening, Superman catches a cat-burglar trying to scale the side of a building, captures three robbers that had eluded a police chase, saves the President aboard Air Force One when lightening strikes the wing, and rescues a scared kitten stuck in a tree for a small girl. Therefore Superman did not lift infinite weight. There is no context to the weight. Once the Doomsday virus gets sucked into the black hole, Superman flies both Braniac and himself into it. The blast destroys Superman's solid light prison and knocks him out. Darkseid could then use it to restore his powers but they knew Superman was the only one who could do the job. Superman and Shazam travel to the Library of Limbo to read a book housed in a sphere which details all the histories in the DCU, at a time when there were 52 multiverses. This feat would and should have been more impressive but for writer Greg Pak's poor understanding of physics. The Source Wall isn't known to give up what it takes easily. Action Comics Annual 3. Directed by Richard Donner, this was the first movie to star the late Christopher Reeve as the titular character. When Superman got tired of Darkseid being a jerk, he lost it, dragged him to the edge of reality, and shoved him into the Source Wall. On our own Earth (Earth 1 in the DCU) we are moving away from printed content to digital content. If your referring to the book, he needed Shazam to help him and they dropped it. Superman up and lifting the same said island into is load of bollocks. The electromagnetic shock wave came rushing towards Clark at the speed of light. A good supplement to all those crunches, the Superman is a great way to strengthen your lower back and tone your glutes. Superman is not lifting the weight equivalent to a star as some have claimed. So Hulk stepped up and the angry green goliath gave the Man of Steel a run for his money but that didn't stop Superman from giving him an old-school whupping. Thus the earth is a tad wider (25 miles / 41 km) than it is tall, giving it a slight bulge at the equator. As he always does, Superman fell for Lois Lane. Faster than a bolt of lightning. Surrounding the DC Multiverse is the Source Wall, a solid barrier separating it from the Source. If Earth was orbiting a Red Sun like Krypton did, he would have no more abilities than an average human. Durability: Solar System level (Survives sun eater's implosion. He wasn't going to make it. Only one thing helps you get out of a black hole and that's having your own gravitons. RELATED: Doctor Doom: 5 DC Heroes That Should Be Able To Beat Him (& Why They Can't). Superman has never destroyed a black hole or survived a supernova and yes, there is a clearly defined upper limit to Superman's powers. He gets sucked into a black hole but is BA enough to survive and now they can write a whole series around him being in another dimension. It's safe to assume that is the case in other (theoretical) multiverses. the death of a star as he was not near the star. Superman was not lifting weight close to approaching that of a sun. Not sure how long I can hold on". But this might result in a greater risk of Godzilla mutating with more powers. It was an impressive, and utterly impossible, move. Able to hold a Black Hole and a Solar System.) Traveled 100 kilometers in four seconds. How much does an average book weigh? He did not, at no point does he move nor is he stated to move Mageddon. In 1978, Superman was released in theaters. As big a feat as trapping someone in the Source Wall is, taking something from it is even more difficult. Mageddon being vastly larger than Earth. Mageddon is a giant, above planet sized cosmic entity, a sentinent war machine, that the Justice League prevented from attacking Earth. 6 Results Marvel and DC have put out plenty of powerful titans of strength and skill. He can lift them, and even contained a small one in his hands at one point. That includes light, electromagnetic radiation, and pretty much anything else in the universe. They are defined as a part of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing can escape from it. If you could fill a typical pop can (12 oz) with the material in such a black hole, the can would weigh 7 trillion tons, almost as much as the weight of the water in Lake Superior. His father's commentary of the incident : "The explosion was about fifty times the size of Kepler's supernova. Superman has held a minature black hole in his hand, defeated true form Darkseid, ripped in half Doomsday, overpower a black hole, Carried a solar system, Benchpressed the weight of the earth for 5 days straight only dropping one drop sweat (only because of being weakened by red sun radiation) and even lifting freaking Infinity!! NEXT: 10 Times Lex Luthor Was Right About Superman. Superman states : "The pressure is unbelievable! Sometimes it was intentional, other times it was a reflex response to the situation. There is no basis in cannon for this. He can lift them, and even contained a small one in his hands at one point. then, they fight in a black hole 2.82 million light years wide, and assuming that the black hole was rotating at lightspeed (some black holes have gotten close to that speed), Kirby was experiencing 2 zettafoe of raw power from being in that black hole, 1/6th of the energy needed to … One of the most consistent, baseless, stock in trade defences DC fanboys use in battles against Marvel characters is to claim Superman (and Wonder Woman among others) are simply too fast to hit. There's no context to the weight other than it being heavy and the fact that the strain caused Hal Jordan to collapse. A place of solace and occasional headquarters for Superman, the fortress is typically depicted as being in frozen tundra, away from civilization., The heaviest paperback weights 1lb 5oz = 0.60kg, The heaviest hardback weights 1lb 15oz = 0.88kg. Does this mean...", Metron "The end of the universe? That being said, there have been more than a few times that Superman has straight-up cut loose and let his true strength be shown. Tanked blasts from the Sun-Eater, which were also full of red-sun radiation, who could destroy entire suns and star systems. Boomstick: Hercules, the son of Zeus. All the books possible on Earth is 130 million books. 15 CREATED A SUN Physical strength: At least Solar System level striking strength with Stellar+ Class lifting strength, possibly higher (Threw a solar system away from Earth, Held a black hole which was capable of destroying the Solar System) || At least Solar System Level striking strength (Collapsed a black hole … He has been shown casually flying upside down, backwards, and even under extremely heavy gravitational forces such as black holes. Superman is on the planet Larroo. One of the more ludicrous claims is that in lifting Spectre, Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern lifted infinite weight. Aquaman and Namor fought. The point of singularity has to be small because the Earth, which is in shot in the first scan and the last scan, doesn't get sucked in.
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