Submit Your Questions About Next Week’s Israeli Elections. Tuesday’s election in Israel may seem like a straightforward choice, with right wing nationalist Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu challenged by the next biggest party, the head of … 23/03/2021. 27, 2021. Want an ad-free experience?Subscribe to Independent Premium. But political analysts say Sephardim may throw their support elsewhere in the March 17 election, angry over the high cost of living and housing prices, Israeli Labour Party leader and co-leader of the Zionist Union list for the upcoming general election, Isaac Herzog (C), casts his ballot, President Reuven Rivlin will choose the Prime Minister, Netanyahu says there will be no Palestinian state, WHY US-ISRAEL RELATIONS WILL IMPROVE IF NETANYAHU LOSES, NETANYAHU'S CLAIMS OF INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY TO OUST HIM, Israel elections: Who will win, what are the main issues and what. He then invites the head of that party, usually but not necessarily Parliament's largest, to undertake that task. Describing casting a ballot as “an effective stamp of approval for Israel's discriminatory regime”, Haifa-based activist Waad Ghantous called for an Arab boycott of the election, Al Jazeera reported, although the success of the new Joint Arab List is expected to galvanise voters into action. Israeli voters are today electing a 120-member parliament, the Knesset, casting ballots for a party list rather than for individual candidates. More recently, as he predicted that Netanyahu will win Israel’s elections in March reports YWN. The right wing will win the Israeli election Tuesday, and so will Israel. The 120 seats in the Knesset are … By TOVAH LAZAROFF And here, both Netanyahu and Gantz face a similar challenge, namely, that the parties they would need to form that coalition won’t sit in the same government together. Twenty years ago, the number of Israelis who identified as right, left or center was generally equal, with a slight advantage for the right. Election “surprises” are common. Netanyahu must therefore hope that the right wing parties, together with the ultra-Orthodox parties, achieve 61 seats in the elections; otherwise, he stands little chance of putting together a majority government. Benjamin (Benny) Gantz can be the black swan of Israel’s 2019 elections. Who will win? Netanyahu, Israel’s longest serving leader, is stumping on the country’s vaccination campaign success and the normalization deals with four Arab states orchestrated by the Trump administration. It goes like this: The farmer has a sheep, a head of lettuce, and a wolf, all of which he needs to transfer from one side of a river to the other. If PM Netanyahu does win, it will be another miraculous win because there are a lot of powers working together to ensure that he loses. On paper, the PM is clearly a better campaigner and should win easily. Over the past 60 years, there has been only one consistent winner in Israeli politics. As of the 3rd of September, here are the Israeli elections polls: Halikud – … Who will win Israel’s election? Back in the 2015 election, Netanyahu had to overcome incredible challenges to win the elections. The first possibility is that Likud will be able to put together a right wing-religious coalition of 61 seats. This will only happen if Likud achieves at least a five-seat lead. Another tight one Binyamin Netanyahu hopes to win yet another election in Israel. Polls say Likud would win the same number of seats today as it did in the last election. From: Inside Story Will Israel’s fourth election produce a clear winner? He’s not the only rabbi who uses the Torah to predict elections. Avigdor Lieberman, whose refusal to join the government in April caused the repeat election, built his campaign on insisting on a secular, [unity government]. “But whoever wants change, hope, and really a better future for Israel, will vote the Zionist Camp led by me.”. Since 2019, Israel’s pro- and anti-Netanyahu camps have been split more or less 50-50. How to make money online with Easy1upRegister 1 account: the video to understand how … Israeli Kan TV’s election poll has predicted Likud to win 36 seats, failing against a projected 37 seats for Gantz’s Blue and White party. The September election has been seen as a referendum on Benjamin Netanyahu’s last … Those were the words of Moshe Kahlon, an Israeli opposition politician being hailed as a possible kingmaker after today’s elections. As Israel enters its fourth election season in two years, Benjamin Netanyahu is in trouble. “Whoever wants to follow Bibi's (Netanyahu's) path of despair and disappointment will vote for him,” he said. Now, that’s nothing to crow about; 61 is a bare minimum. Next he brings the wolf to join the lettuce, and returns empty to bring the sheep on his final return. He also can’t leave the lettuce alone with the sheep, who will eat it, nor can he leave the wolf alone with the sheep, for the same reason. Many fear if Benjamin Netanyahu wins, Israel will have its most right-wing, ultra-nationalist government of all time If they don’t, their votes will be distributed across the board, meaning they will benefit the left at the expense of the right. Given that the Prime Minister is due to have his pre-indictment hearing on the day the Knesset is to be sworn in, this seems unlikely. Further information: Elections in Israel. peace process with the Palestinian territories. The results suggest that most Israeli voters want to see Netanyahu removed from office, but can't agree on an alternative. There are 25 parties running. "Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid will win the elections," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in an interview to Radio 103FM on Sunday. All Israeli citizens over the age of 18 can vote, including those living over the Green Line in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Out of tricks, Netanyahu again denied a government — because of his own voters This week saw the PM fail for the fourth time in a row to win an election outright. Arab Israelis, who may identify as Palestinian, are able to vote but turnout has been historically low. By GIL HOFFMAN. The views and opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Forward. Share in Twitter. With criticism between candidates left and right and unclear rotation options for prime minister, who is going to win the Israeli elections in 2021? The second possibility is that Gantz and Lapid will have to cave and join Netanyahu in a unity government. All readers can browse the comments, and all Forward subscribers can add to the conversation. Vigorous debate and reasoned critique are welcome; name-calling and personal invective are not and will be deleted.
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