and street battles that helped to shape governmental policy and
philandering brought an end to the affair in 1844. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Marie Catherine Sophie de Flavigny, comtesse d'Agoult (Frankfurt del Main, Hessen, 31 de desembre de 1805 - París, 5 de març de 1876) coneguda sota el … During the Second Empire her salon once again became a center of
© 1999, 2004 James Chastain. Plon, 1937. Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1883. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Meet extraordinary women who dared to bring gender equality and other issues to the forefront. unfolding drama of 1848, this historical work was intended as a
in Esquisses morales et politiques (1849). Revue Germanique, a journal dedicated to promoting
October 14, 2004. education for women, but like the Saint-Simonians and other of her
Plon, 1937. de 1848 remains her best-known work, and is still considered
Paris: G. Sandre, 1850-1853. Vier, Jacques. public opinion. Paris: A. Colin, 1955-62. December 31, 1805, at Frankfurt-on-Main; died March 5, 1876, in
Rabine, Leslie. Louis-Philippe and Louis Napoleon was buttressed by her
Marie d’AGOULT, née Marie Catherine Sophie de Flavigny, est une personnalité littéraire et mondaine du XIXe siècle. included pencil-portraits of leading members of the national
A respected writer under the pen name Daniel Stern, she is better remembered for an extended illicit relationship with Franz Liszt. d'Amyot, 1847. Please E-mail comments or suggestions to
Liszt and Madame d’Agoult lived together for four years, mainly…. Her own writings include Lettres républicaines (1848); Histoire de la révolution de 1848 (1850–53); a play, Jeanne d’Arc (1857); and a dialogue, Dante et Goethe (1866). She was a close friend of the novelist George Sand, whose views on morals, politics, and society she shared and in whose house she had lived for a time with Liszt. world of political and economic action, woman's place was the
Paris: Gallimard, 1929. Corrections? and Marie-Elisabeth Bethmann, a wealthy German banker's daughter,
She rejected the
Calmann-Levy, 1877. Daniel Stern (pseudonyme de Marie d’Agoult, écrivain, historienne), Histoire de la révolution de 1848, 1851. company of a new generation of Romantic artists (Hugo, Vigny,
Marie d'Agoult Au Printemps des Dieux: Correspondence inedite
She was not happy in her arranged
Paris. Marie d'Agoult Histoire de la Révolution de 1848. account of her affair with Liszt. Agoult Marie d’ – Mémoires : Après Mes Souvenirs dans lesquels Marie d’Agoult (1805-1876, elle écrivit sous le pseudonyme de Daniel Stern), née de Flavigny, évoque son enfance et le début de sa vie conjugale avec le comte Charles d’Agoult, ces Mémoires retracent, pour l’essentiel, les cinq ans de sa liaison passionnée avec Franz Liszt. woman's condition. Returning to Paris in 1839, Mme d’Agoult began her career as a writer and in 1846 published a largely autobiographical novel, Nélida. If her
Her journalism earned her considerable respect,
1843-1867. dispassionate and impartial account. Évaluez ceci : Cliquez pour partager sur Twitter(ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre) Cliquez pour partager sur Facebook(ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre) She was
assembly, editorials on the presidential campaign, and analyses of
and her Essai sur la liberté, published in
Please E-mail comments or suggestions to Doc. Fille aristocrate français Alexandre émigre entertaining an intellectual and artistic aristocracy of painters,
People with this surname include:* Charles Constance César Joseph Matthieu d Agoult (1747 1824), French bishop * Marie d Agoult (1805 1876), People from Frankfurt * Raymond Agoult (1911 1992), English conductor … Wikipedia. She was the daughter of the émigré Comte de Flavigny. 3 vols. of Emile de Girardin, editor of the liberal journal La
disdain for political incompetence and authoritarian rule. marriage, but she found spiritual and intellectual sustenance in the religious teachings of the Abbé de Lammenais and in the
At this time
Her incisive portraits of political leaders, and
Studies in Romanticism XVI (Fall 1977): 491-507. d'Agoult began a serious career as a journalist, under the guidance
Claire d'AGOULT 1830-1912 Mariée le 8 mai 1849 avecGuy de GIRARD de CHARNACÉ, marquis de Charnacé 1825-1909 dont Charles-Henri de GIRARD de CHARNACÉ 1850-1850 Daniel de GIRARD de CHARNACÉ , marquis de Charnacé 1851-1942 Marié le 20 août 1880, Paris VII° (75), avec Irène DENYS de DAMRÉMONT 1860-1956 dont : 1846 she published Nelida, a thinly-veiled fictional
Marie d’Agoult et Louise Ackermann s’étaient rencontrées à Nice au cours de l’hiver 1859–1860. Rather than carry on a discreet affair, d'Agoult
Writing under the pen name Daniel Stern, Marie d'Agoult was a frequent contributor to the French liberal opposition press of the 1840s. Franz Liszt. Marie d'Agoult and Franz Liszt. republic in the face of conservative reaction. variety of foreign authors, including Ralph Waldo Emerson, Georg
Marie Catherine Sophie de Flavigny, comtesse d'Agoult, née le 31 décembre 1805 à Francfort-sur-le-Main (Hesse) et morte le 5 mars 1876 à Paris, connue également sous le pseudonyme de Daniel Stern, est une écrivaine française. "Feminist Writers in French Romanticism"
Pagnerre, 1849. Contributors Table
Marie d'Agoult spent her early years in Germany. writers, musicians and political thinkers at the various residences
her education at the Sacré-Coeur convent. She
influence have been left in virtual oblivion in recent years. social theorists, and foreign exiles (Mickiewicz, Teleki, Daniel
writing sometimes betrayed a hint of noblesse oblige,
Paris: G. Sandre, 1850-1853. Nélida est un roman publié sous le pseudonyme de Daniel Stern par Marie d’Agoult par épisodes dans la Revue indépendante en 1846, puis sous forme de livre la même année. M arie-Sophie-Catherine de Flavigny, comtesse d’Agoult, qui a rendu célèbre le pseudonyme de Daniel Stern, naquit à Francfort-sur-le-Mein le 1 er janvier 1806, d’un père français et d’une mère allemande. D'Agoult's politics were always moderate. (ed.) Despite personal tragedy, including the deaths
1957. MARIE D'AGOULT, née Marie-Catherine-Sophie de Flavigny;
Daniel Stern (Marie d’Agoult) – Left in Paris Daniel Stern (Marie d’Agoult) 1805-1876 • Germany Romantic author • Historian Compagnie, 1846. she had been preparing her memoirs for publication. Lamartine, Chopin, and Rossini, among others). Marie d'Agoult Nelida. Her support went to what she called "states
D'Agoult's feminism bore
Haldane, Charlotte. for liberal Republicans like Hippolyte Carnot, Jules Simon,
(ed.) commentary based on regular attendance at parliamentary debates. Marie Octave Monod, Daniel Stern, comtesse d'Agoult, de la Restauration à la III e république, Paris, Plon, 1937; Henriette Rain, Les enfants du génie - Blandine, Cosima et Daniel Liszt, Paris, Presses de la Renaissance, 1986, (ISBN 2-85616-364-5) Jacques Albert Vier, La comtesse d'Agoult et son temps, Paris, A. Colin, 1959-1963 D'Agoult and Liszt's union produced three
Alexandre-Victor de Flavigny, an intransigent French emigré,
London: Harvill Press,
talents lay more in analysis and commentary, and she quickly
liberalism, and her association with left-leaning politicians,
Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1883. ( on
Best known through her personal association with Liszt,
Herwegh, and Bettina von Arnim, and she drafted political Table of
criticism of the presidential candidate Louis-Napoleon, "the
her reasoned analysis of the social factors influencing the outcome
Rabine, Leslie. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). treatment of events in France. de la Comtesse Marie d'Agoult et du poète Georges Herwegh,
over the June insurrection, which she blamed on poverty and the
Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, This article was most recently revised and updated by,, Ohio University - Biography of Marie d'Agoult. Nélida est le roman, fort autobiographique, que Marie de Flavigny, comtesse d'Agoult, publie sous le pseudonyme de Daniel Stern, en 1846, dans lequel elle raconte sa liaison féconde et tumultueuse avec le compositeur Franz Liszt. Brussels: Meline, Cans et
They were
Marie d'Agoult Essai sur la liberté Paris: Librairie
Restauration à la IIIe République.
published posthumously as Mes Souvenirs, 1806-1833
deserted her husband and lived openly as Liszt's mistress. and fell in love with the Hungarian composer and virtuoso pianist
Having spent long hours
…novelist George Sand and also Marie de Flavigny, countess d’Agoult, with whom he began an affair. via Marie d’Agoult alias Daniel Stern et l’« Histoire de la révolution de 1848 » — Le blog de George, le deuxième texte. on Parisian political personalities, but she also provided
Object Number: 84.XM.436.210. Agoult — is a surname. Marie d'Agoult Essai sur la liberté Paris: Librairie
influence on the moral and spiritual realms. utopian-socialism of the Saint-Simonians and Cabetists as charming
Sand, d'Agoult has received surprisingly little attention from
"Feminist Writers in French Romanticism"
In 1835 she left her husband and family to join Liszt in Switzerland; their first daughter, Blandine, was born in Geneva on December 18. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Born Marie Catherine Sophie, Vicomtesse de Flavigny, to a somewhat distinguished family, she was educated in the Sacred Heart Convent after her family settled in Paris following the Bourbon Restoration of 1814. While man's place was the public
1843-1867. friendly Franco-German relations. (including Sainte-Beuve), and establishing her as a feminist
Marcel Herwegh ed. Vesuviennes, female clubistes, and femmes
-- 1880 -- livre thinker in the mold of Mary Wollstonecraft and Madame de Stael. La Comtesse d'Agoult et son temps 5
Agoult — (spr. Marie d'Agoult Mémoires, 1833-1854 Daniel Ollivier
had been raised a legitimist and a Catholic, but her native
children, but Liszt's protracted absences and well-publicized
Brussels: Meline, Cans et
she and Liszt shared. Marie d'Agoult Esquisses morales et politiques Paris:
fortitude as agents in the gradual and judicious amelioration of
Alphonse de Tocqueville, and the young Emile Olivier (who would
Her Mes Souvenirs 1806–1833 (1877) was supplemented by Mémoires, 1833–1854, published posthumously in 1927; both are valuable for the light they throw on the social, literary, and musical circles of her time. Calmann-Levy, 1877. vols. Pagnerre, 1849. the marks of her liberal politics and romantic leanings. of the revolution, would have a profound impact on many subsequent
At the time of her death in 1876,
years of the Restoration, the young Comtesse d'Agoult became a
La révolution se propage en Europe : les libéraux et les nationalistes réclament plus de libertés en Allemagne, en Autriche, en Hongrie, en Roumanie, en Pologne et dans les États italiens. reducing poverty through gradual reform. D'Agoult greeted February of 1848 with enthusiasm and took an
(1877) and Mémoires, 1833-1854 (1927). Her salon became a meeting-place
feminist radicalism as impolitic--she had no patience with the
d'Amyot, 1847. collected and put out as Lettres Républicaines
Marie Catherine Sophie de Flavigny, dite Marie d'Agoult ou comtesse d'Agoult, aussi connue sous le pseudonyme de Daniel Stern, née le 31 décembre 1805 à Francfort-sur-le-Main (Saint-Empire) et morte le 5 mars 1876 à Paris, est une femme de lettres française. the 1840s. / par Daniel Stern (Mme d' Agoult.) Daniel Stern, Comtesse d'Agoult: De La
later marry Blandine Liszt, one of d'Agoult's daughters). [Daniel Stern (Marie d'Agoult)] Artists/Makers: Nadar [Gaspard Félix Tournachon] (French, 1820 - 1910) Paul Nadar (French, 1856 - 1939) Culture: French. Marie d'Agoult and Franz Liszt. and as the mother of Cosima Wagner, her own writings and political
Mes souvenirs, 1806-1833 (3e éd.) She had early shown strength of will and enthusiasm for justice and freedom, and her marriage disappointed her. anarchistic. JGC revised this file
Marie d'Agoult Au Printemps des Dieux: Correspondence inedite
her dedication to democracy and social justice, and her sympathy
Her three volume Histoire de la Révolution
but ineffectual, and she rejected the "sectarian" socialism of
3. establishing herself as a staunch supporter of the fledgling
From overcoming oppression, to breaking rules, to reimagining the world or waging a rebellion, these women of history have a story to tell. 3 vols. reports, painstaking investigation, and personal involvement in the
liberal opposition. Marie d'Agoult Nelida. In 1833 d'Agoult met
Writing under the pen name Daniel Stern, Marie d'Agoult was
a frequent contributor to the French liberal opposition press of
Nelida was a
man's socialism," a liberal republicanism based on universal political
She introduced the French reading public to a
Marie de Flavigny, countess d’Agoult, in full Marie-Catherine-Sophie de Flavigny, comtesse d’Agoult, pseudonym Daniel Stern, (born Dec. 31, 1805, Frankfurt am Main [Germany]—died March 5, 1876, Paris, France), writer known for her role in and descriptions of Parisian society in the 1840s. the 1840s. married name the Comtesse d'Agoult; pen name Daniel Stern; born on
politics after Louis-Napoleon's coup d'état. contemporaries, she believed not in absolute equality between the
1957. leading Parisian hostess. She continued to write, notably for the
Le Printemps des peuples en Europe. The daughter of Comte
1827 she was married to the Comte Charles d'Agoult. Marie d'Agoult Mes souvenirs, 1806-1833. Marie Catherine Sophie de Flavigny, Vicomtesse de Flavigny (December 31, 1805 - March 5, 1876), was a French author, known also by her married name and title, Marie, Comtesse d'Agoult, and by her pen name, Daniel Stern. 1848 in the years 1850 to 1853. Dans ses écrits, elle fait preuve d'une certaine sympathie pour les idées socialistes, notamment lors de la Révolution de 1848, comme on peut en juger dans cet ouvrage. Marie d'Agoult Mes souvenirs, 1806-1833.
Kathleen M. Nilan
London: Harvill Press,
private sphere, from which she might exercise her civilizing
Presse. D'Agoult
de la Comtesse Marie d'Agoult et du poète Georges Herwegh,
Restauration à la IIIe République. Découvrez tous les produits Marie d’Agoult à la fnac : Livres, BD, Ebooks
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