Deir Yassin (Arabic: دير ياسين ‎, Dayr Yāsīn) was a Palestinian Arab village of around 600 inhabitants about 5 kilometers (3.1 mi) west of Jerusalem.Deir Yassin declared its neutrality during the 1948 Palestine war between Arabs and Jews. “Basically there was no massacre in Deir Yassin.” In explaining what led him to that conclusion, Tauber noted that, since the Israeli-Arab conflict by definition consists of both Israelis and Arabs, it is not possible to reach real conclusions regarding the issues related to it without carefully examining the claims of both sides. There was certainly a massacre … Deir Yassin . It was four months after the eruption of hostilities between Jews On the 9th of April 1948 the village of Deir Yassin ceased to exist as a Palestinian village. ... “There were no assaults on women, no pregnant women who were slit open. I point out two things. News of the Deir Yassin massacre created a wave of panic, forcing many Palestinians to flee their homes so as to avoid a similar fate. marked the beginning of the complete collapse and defeat of Palestinian Arab society. More on Palestine. The first is that the BBC report came out three full years before the 2001 article in the Guardian that got us started, and which accuses the Israeli Jews -- with zero hint of a controversy, as if it were a standard historical fact -- of having supposedly committed a massacre at Deir Yassin.. . Lest We Forget–The Israeli Massacre of Deir Yassin “When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are to possess and casts out the many peoples living there, you shall then slaughter them all and utterly destroy them…You shall make no … ... At the time, the Jewish leadership did not deny that there had been a massacre, by forces not under its control, and in fact apologized to King Abdullah of Jordan. All lies. There was no massacre in Deir Yassin. Due to its proximity to West Jerusalem, it came under the UN Partition Plan as part of the independent Jerusalem area. . “When you understand how each one died, you can understand what happened there,” he said, asserting that the historians who later spread the rumors of a massacre “had no idea of what happened in Deir Yassin.” Prof. Tauber said. Deir Yassin was not an isolated event. What: The massacre at Deir Yassin. On April 13th the New York Times reported that 254 Arab men, women, and children had been killed at Deir Yassin; there was no mention of prisoners. The official Zionist leaders of the Haganah denounced the dissidents of the Irgun and the Stern Gang accusing them of massacre, robbery, looting and barbarism. More on the ‘Revolutionary Year’ 9th April 1948 – Deir Yassin Massacre . A BBC interview with him in the late 1990s distorts what he says and that is used to argue there was no massacre or no sexual assault at Deir Yassin. Palestine at the time was under the British occupation (Mandate) that ended on 15 th of May 1948. Numerous Jewish eyewitnesses and Jewish investigators recognize the fact of the Deir Yassin massacre … The conclusion from the book is that the battle was conducted in an amateurish manner and there were a lot of blunders—but there was no deliberate massacre. . The village was razed after a massacre of around 107 of its residents on April 9, 1948, by the Jewish paramilitary groups Irgun and Lehi. No. Ami Isseroff 1999 . After the events of Deir Yassin, there was much propaganda about it on both sides. ... News of the Deir Yassin massacre created a wave of panic, forcing many Palestinians to flee their homes so as to avoid a similar fate. The Deir Yassin massacre continues to upset everyone who deals with it, even at a distance of 70 years. “They ended up expelling people from all of Palestine on the rumor of Deir Yassin. When the Arabs inflated the number of casualties and perpetuated stories of rape and other atrocities, the Haganah did not stop these rumors; the Haganah was invested in showing that the Irgun and Lechi, smaller paramilitaries who had led the attack, were not up to snuff. Here is an article by Eliezer Tauber on the Times of Israel website called "Deir Yassin: There was no massacre." Israel: 72 years of catastrophe. No rapes. There was no massacre in Deir Yassin. This sad and bloody deed has become a part of our common heritage. World, Life, Middle East Palestinian women recalls 1948 massacre in Deir Yassin Meryem Akil, 83, lost father, mother, two brothers in massacre carried out by Zionist gangs in April 9, 1948 To make the case even stronger, there is no evidence of mortar shells being used against Deir Yassin (p. 49) or of any especially-destructive weapons employed (p. 27).
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