Services for prevention and security are provided for all sectors including industry, logistics, distribution, service industries and events. This position also offers the group the major opportunity to be as close as possible to the high-tech sector in Israel, the leading area of innovation for the drone sector worldwide. A subgroup, ATM GROUP offers security solutions with officers via two main brands: ATM GROUP SECURITE and AE’RNESS SECURITY. The development of civilian drones has evolved rapidly. The joint offering forms the most active, automatic and autonomous safety solution in the drone market. They are trained in manual and automatic piloting practices of civil vehicles for professional use. In 2012 in France, the DGAC set up a regulatory framework to ensure the safe operation of these devices in professional use cases. Thanks to the establishment of its subsidiary Delta Drone International (a company listed on the Sydney ASX stock exchange – DLT:ASX), the group now has three solid development bases outside France: Southern Africa and Australia for the mining and agriculture sectors and Israel via ParaZero, on-board drone safety systems. L'intégration de Delta Drone International Ltd au sein du Groupe Delta Drone renforce son audience internationale. This data is then instantly analyzed to manage and adapt the drone’s flight plan. Delta Drone’s ambition is to accelerate its innovation dynamic towards developing professional solutions based on reliable and secure technologies. In Israel, the Group relies on the expertise of ParaZero, whose design office has developed a complete line of drone safety solutions that were the first systems approved the Federal Aviation Administration-FAA in the United States. Dardilly, 12 mars 2020. Techni Drone’s trainees are prepared for a new occupation. Thanks to the NavSight system developed by Sightec, drones have a real-time “visual situation awareness” of the flight environment, day and night, without the use of GPS. It is in this context that the team present in Tel Aviv allowed Delta Drone, through its investment company UDT – United Drone Technology (ex-DDrone Invest) to sign an investment agreement in the Israeli machine vision company, Sightec ( La Sté Delta Drone SA a publié ce contenu, le 12 mars 2020, et est seule responsable des informations qui y sont renfermées. Winston & Strawn a conseillé la société Delta Drone, avec Annie Maudouit-Ridde (Photo, of Counsel) en M&A et droit boursier. The expertise of the Drone Safety & Legal (DSL) branch combines all the rules enacted by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) with the strictest principles in terms of the safety of people and goods. Part of the dronification strategy of the security sector, these services combine traditional means with new technological tools. L’ambition de Delta Drone est d’accélérer sa dynamique d’innovation au service de solutions professionnelles, basées sur des technologies fiables et sécurisées. En parallèle de cet investissement, Delta Drone et Sightec ont l’intention de développer une étroite collaboration technologique entre leurs équipes d’ingénierie respectives en France et en Israël. SA with capital of 752 788,43 € Numéro de SIRET 53074056200075, Delta Drone 27, chemin des Peupliers 69570 Dardilly, FR, Validez pour rechercher ou Echap pour quitter, Free Allocation of Shares to Group Managers, Allocation of free warrants (BSA) to all Delta Drone shareholders, Automated Warehouse Stock-Counting CountBot. 24 mars 2021 à 18 h Grâce à la création de sa filiale Delta Drone International (société cotée à la Bourse ASX de Sydney – DLT : ASX), le Groupe dispose désormais de trois solides bases de développement hors de France : l’Afrique australe et l’Australie pour les secteurs minier et agricole, et Israël (via ParaZero, spécialiste des systèmes embarqués de sécurité). Armed with the successful experience in designing and developing the ATMOS and ISS Spotter solutions, PIXIEL is now the Group’s expertise and Research and Development center. Dardilly, 12 mars 2020. Conseils et cours de l'action Delta Drone - ALDR - FR0011522168. Delta Drone International is a multi-national drone-based data service and technology solutions provider for the mining, agricultural and engineering industries. March 24, 2021 at 6 p.m.. Furthermore, it is very complementary to ParaZero’s on-board safety package. SA with capital of 752 788,43 € Numéro de SIRET 53074056200075, Delta Drone 27, chemin des Peupliers 69570 Dardilly, FR, Validez pour rechercher ou Echap pour quitter, Free Allocation of Shares to Group Managers, Allocation of free warrants (BSA) to all Delta Drone shareholders, Automated Warehouse Stock-Counting CountBot. [m] Grâce à la création de sa filiale Delta Drone International, le Groupe dispose désormais de trois solides bases de développement hors de France : l'Afrique australe et l'Australie pour les secteurs minier et agricole, et Israël (via ParaZero, spécialiste des systèmes embarqués de sécurité). Projet de développement stratégique majeur en Australie et en Israël. En parallèle de cet investissement, Delta Drone et Sightec prévoient de développer une étroite collaboration technologique entre leurs équipes d'ingénierie respectives en France et en Israël. Delta Drone strengthens its portfolio of strategic investments: equity investment in Israeli Sightec March 24, 2021 at 6 p.m. Ces actions nouvelles, ainsi que la conversion des OC, permettraient à Delta Drone de devenir le premier actionnaire du nouvel ensemble. The delta drone value chain ensures mastery of the entire process of professional operations by drones. Cette cession serait payée en actions nouvelles Parazero. The Company offers its products under various brands, including Rocketmine, Rocketfarm, ParaZero Israel and Drone Safety & Legal. During navigation, take-off and landing phases, the system analyzes the drone’s ever changing surroundings in real time while detecting and classifying dynamic and static objects that can affect the flight safety. Thanks to the establishment of its subsidiary Delta Drone International (a company listed on the Sydney ASX stock exchange - DLT:ASX), the group now has three solid development bases outside France: Southern Africa and Australia for the mining and agriculture … Retrouvez nos infos exclusives, l'historique de cotation. Sightec is a start-up based in Tel Aviv, that develops machine vision software for autonomous flights including automatic navigation and landing solutions that turn off-the-shelf cameras intro smart sensors and make drones more intelligent and autonomous, capable of analyzing and managing their entire environment in real time. All remote pilots are approved by local authorities of Civil Aviation through obtaining an aeronautical theory diploma. This framework is updated regularly to take into account feedback and new uses. In France, each remote pilot has a proficiency statement issued by Delta Drone. En parallèle de cet investissement, Delta Drone et Sightec prévoient de développer une étroite collaboration technologique entre leurs équipes d'ingénierie respectives en France et en Israël. The NavSight system is a major contributor to safety, including Beyond Line Of Sight (BVLOS) missions. Naissance de DELTA DRONE INTERNATIONAL Ltd,société cotée à la bourse ASX de Sydney (Australie) Base solide de développement en AustraliePosition-clé sur le marché aux Etats-UnisPrésence au cœur du secteur de la technologie en Israël Dardilly, le 13 octobre 2020 à 18h Initié au printemps dernier (cf. Delta Drone SA published this content on 13 October 2020 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. The PIXIEL engineering office comprises a team of highly skilled engineers, mastering mechanics, mechatronics, onboard electronics and the associated software developments. In addition to this investment, Delta Drone and Sightec plan to develop close technology collaboration between their respective engineering teams in France and Israel. Le Groupe s’appuie sur 2 bureaux d’études, l’un en France (Nantes), l’autre en Israël (Tel-Aviv). The Delta Drone Group seems like it will stop at nothing to stamp its mark across the world when it comes to drone services. « Delta Drone International » disposera d’une base solide de développement en Israël. The group now has two sites for technical expertise and R&D: Pixiel in Nantes, France and ParaZero in Tel Aviv, Israel. 24 mars 2021 à 18 h. Grâce à la création de sa filiale Delta Drone International (société cotée à la Bourse ASX de Sydney – DLT : ASX), le Groupe dispose désormais de trois solides bases de développement hors de France : l’Afrique australe et l’Australie pour les secteurs minier et agricole, et Israël (via ParaZero, spécialiste des systèmes embarqués de sécurité).
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