One month after the UN Secretary General’s Climate Action Summit, the Green Climate Fund’s (GCF) High-Level Pledging Conferen... 4th edition of the One Planet Summit for Biodiversity, One Planet Sovereign Wealth Fund Coalition, Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS), One Planet Event met in Paris in collaboration with Green Climate Fund. [+] the One Planet Summit (ERIC FEFERBERG/AFP/Getty Images) It all sounds like a lot, but most of this funding was already pre-planned and would have come whether or not Macron held his Paris summit. Prior to the G-7 summit, the French president declared on Twitter, "The Amazon rain forest -- … “Protéger les écosystèmes permet de … “We stand together, all for one and one for all,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told reporters after chairing the meeting at a luxury hotel and golf resort. In December 2017, President Macron, António Guterres, and Jim Yong Kim launched the One Planet Summit to accelerate the implementation of the Paris agreement and engage public and private actors in the race against global warming. Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau, Erna Solberg et Boris Johnson, lors du One Planet Summit, en visioconférence depuis l’Elysée, le 11 janvier. À l’occasion de One planet summit, à Paris le 11 janvier 2021, Emmanuel Macron a dévoilé les quatre axes de sa politique en faveur de la protection de la … Impulser un élan politique mondial pour que 2021 soit bien la « super année de la biodiversité » que 2020 n’a pas pu être. The One Planet Summit, in this regard, will be a milestone for the mobilization for nature in 2021. WHY: The COVID-19 pandemic has been a dramatic reminder of the importance of nature for our daily lives and economies. It will be livestreamed on Reversing this negative trend is a major challenge for the coming decade as we need to rethink our entire relationship with nature. Un sommet mondial sur la biodiversité, “One Planet Summit”, se tiendra à Marseille en janvier 2021 en marge du Congrès mondial de la nature, a annoncé vendredi le président français Emmanuel Macron. The meeting’s agenda covered climate change, biodiversity, deforestation, … The One Planet Summit was launched by France, the World Bank and the United Nations. Suivez en direct le @One Planet Summit, organisé par la France en collaboration avec les Nations Unies & la Banque mondiale autour d'Emmanuel Macron. Après une décennie noire, la protection de la nature a enfin reçu l’attention qu’elle mérite, lundi 11 janvier, au One Planet Summit, à Paris. Institutional investors from all over the world together contribute to the energy transition and the consideration of climate risk. One Planet Summit : Macron annonce plus de 14 milliards de dollars pour une "grande muraille verte" en Afrique. The Summit programme will focus on biodiversity preservation: the protection of terrestrial and marine ecosystems, the promotion of agroecology, the mobilization of funding for biodiversity, and the link between deforestation, species and human health. "Commencer l'année 2021 avec ce One planet summit est très important car c'est l'année de la réconciliation de tous nos défis", a expliqué le président de la République Emmanuel Macron. It is a major social and economic challenge that will require a profound transformation of value chains, business models and consumption habits, as well as concerted action at all levels and by all actors. This 4th edition of the OPS brings together the preservation of the climate and ecosystems, two inseparable dimensions of the environmental challenge. More information, including registration details, are available here: So far there have been meetings in Paris in 2017, New York in 2018 and Nairobi in 2019. Le One Planet Summit : Une plateforme d engagements pour relever le défi du changement climatique. In December, Brown represented the United States at the One Planet Summit, held on the second anniversary of the climate accord. On January 11, 2021, in Paris, France organized, in cooperation with the United Nations and the World Bank, a fourth edition of the One Planet Summit dedicated to biodiversity. Pour mobiliser et agir pour la biodiversité, la France organisera le 11 janvier 2021 un One Planet Summit à Marseille, pendant le Congrès mondial de la nature de l’UICN. 11.01.2021 4th edition of the One Planet Summit for Biodiversity This 4th edition of the OPS brings together the preservation of the climate and ecosystems, two inseparable dimensions of the environmental challenge. Global investors driving business transition: Climate Action 100+ is an investor-led initiative to ensure the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas... Network for Greening the Financial System, Addressing the consequences of climate change on finance stability, Supporting research to adapt agriculture systems in developing countries, Restaure ecosystems and address the challenges of development in the Sahel area. WHEN: Monday, 11 January 2021, starting at 2 p.m. Central European Time (8 a.m. EST). Il y a urgence ! ... 11.01.2021. E mmanuel Macron a ouvert lundi 11 janvier 2021 un « One Planet Summit » consacré à la biodiversité.Son but ? Former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg, a … WHO: Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres, French President Emmanuel Macron, and President of the World Bank Group David Malpass will open the event. Convened under the theme of “Let’s act together for nature!”, the Summit will bring together heads of state and government, leaders of international organizations, financial institutions, companies and NGOs, all ready to demonstrate that their commitments are leading to concrete actions to preserve and restore biodiversity, and to lead systemic transformations of economies. Emmanuel Macron a ouvert lundi un « One Planet Summit » consacré à la biodiversité. Biodiversity represents the natural capital of the world, yet exploitation, pollution and climate change are bringing irreversible damage to ecosystems. The One Planet movement was founded by France, the World Bank and the United Nations, and aims to speed up the implementation of international climate agreements by … — Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) May 22, 2020 “In order to mobilize forces and act in the interests of biodiversity, France will organize on 11 January 2021 a One Planet Summit […] Stockholm (NordSIP) – On January 11th, the French President Emmanuel Macron, UN Secretary-General António Guterres, and World Bank (WB) President David Malpass hosted the One Planet Summit for Biodiversity. Nous … Initiative lancée en 2017 par le Président Emmanuel Macron, l'ONU et la Banque mondiale, One Planet Summit rassemble de nombreux décideurs de tous horizons afin d’identifier et d’accélérer des initiatives transformationnelles et le financement de solutions en faveur du climat, de la biodiversité et des océans. One Planet Summit September 26, 2018 New York City. ... Anonyme152033 Il y a 20 jours Le 12/01/2021 à 10:16 Signaler un abus. Paris – The One Planet summit dedicated to fighting climate change and protecting ecosystems is to take place in France’s Marseille on January 11, 2021, French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Friday. "In order to mobilize forces and act in the interests of biodiversity, France will organize on 11 January 2021 a One Planet Summit in Marseille, during the IUCN World Conservation Congress," Macron wrote on Twitter. Emmanuel Macron may not technically be a celebrity, but he tweets like one. Session 1: “Protect marine and terrestrial areas”, Session 3: “Mobilize finance for biodiversity”, Session 4: Protect tropical forests, species and human health, WHERE: The event will be in a hybrid format with the participation of leaders in person in Paris and via video-tele-conferencing (VTC). Screenshot_2021-01-13 REPLAY - One Planet Summit Macron veut accélérer le mouvement - YouTube — Youtube - AFP , Tandis que la France souffre d’une sévère crise … Emmanuel Macron annonce qu'un One Planet Summit, sommet mondial axé sur la biodiversité sera organisé le 11 janvier 2021 à Marseille, en … Left: French President Emmanuel Macron speaks with Prince Albert II of Monaco during the "One Planet Summit" on biodiversity which is part of the World Nature Day at … “Our commitment to Article 5, the collective defense clause of our alliance, is iron-clad.” Ahead of the summit, Macron had complained about a lack of U.S. leadership. #OnePlanetSummit : à l'initiative d'Emmanuel Macron, 50 Etats s'engagent 12 janvier 2021 - Hier se tenait la quatrième édition du One Planet Summit, organisé par la France avec pour ambition de relancer une diplomatie verte. La quatrième édition du One Planet Summit se déroule ce lundi 11 janvier. More information is available here:, Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform, United Nations Sustainable Development Group, The Sustainable Development Goals: Our Framework for COVID-19 Recovery, UN Secretary-General’s Strategy for Financing the 2030 Agenda, ActNow | Food Challenge | Sustainable Recipes, The Lazy Person’s Guide to Saving the World,, Free up ‘bottlenecks’ stifling Africa’s agri-food sector, urges FAO chief, Climate change threatens winged harbinger of spring, Cut methane emissions to avert global temperature rise, UN-backed study urges, Guterres renews zero-emissions appeal to avoid falling into climate abyss, Li Kequiang, Prime Minister of People’s Republic of China (TBC), Carlos Alvarado Quesada, President of Costa Rica, Giuseppe Conte, Prime Minister of Italy (TBC), Hichem Mechichi, Prime Minister of Tunisia, Pedro Sánchez, President of the Government of Spain, Gilles Simeoni, President of CPMR Islands Commission, Ursula Von Der Leyen, President of the European Commission, Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani, President of Mauritania, Mariam Sow, Co-founder of 3AO Alliance Agro-ecology West Africa, Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank, Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Jean-Pascal Tricoire, CEO of Schneider Electric, Angela Merkel, Federal Chancellor of Germany, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of WHO, Félix Tshisekedi, President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Marco Lambertini, President of WWF International, Pascal Canfin, President of the European Parliament Commission on Environment, Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The One Planet Summit, in this regard, will be a milestone for the mobilization for nature in 2021. Face à l'urgence climatique, la coalition One Planet appelle à des actions concrètes. The event included speeches from over 30 government leaders and international organisations. WHAT: French President Emmanuel Macron, Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres, and President of the World Bank Group David Malpass, are organizing the fourth ‘One Planet Summit’ which will focus on biodiversity to mobilize commitments to protect ecosystems and make links to human health. The One Planet Summit, a largely virtual event hosted by France in partnership with the United Nations and the World Bank, will include French President Emmanuel Macron, UN … Protéger les écosystèmes permet de prévenir l'apparition d'épidémies comme celle du COVID-19. Aiming to raise the level of ambition of the international community on nature protection, the event focused on four themes:
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