[VIII] Timothy Thomas, 2016, Russian Military Strategy: Impacting 21st Century Reform and Geopolitics. Russia deliberately transmits the same signals on frequencies used by GNSS in an effort to prevent receivers from locking-on to the authentic GNSS signals. Russian EW is found throughout every arm and branch of service, making it nearly impossible to avoid. Moreover, all of Russia’s combat arms are well-honed from years of electronic combat experience. In fact, its so-called “New-Generation” or “Fourth-Generation” warfare is founded on a recognition that old Soviet-era “Deep Battle” tactics emphasizing huge armored formations deploying to battle in echelon were no longer viable given Russia’s more limited resources compared to the Soviet Red Army, as well as its persistent qualitative inferiority. [XXIII] In stark contrast, the U.S. has faced limited EW threats, mostly engaging in jamming efforts on enemy improvised explosive devices (IEDs) while in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Borisoglebsk 2 is a mobile system. For Russia, EW is used to simultaneously assist the country’s forces in seeing its adversary while also blinding the enemy so they can no longer target Russian Armed Forces. (U) Ukraines 2014 Euromaidan Revolution overthrew a corrupt Russian supported president and threatened to place a pro-European government in power on the very outskirts of the Russian Federation. While Russia frequently asserts its supremacy in the field of EW, this time it might actually be true. Russian Electronic Warfare Systems on the ground. Despite progress in professionalizing, the Russian military remains largely made up of conscripts who, after four months of basic training, only serve for another eight before a new group of fresh recruits is rotated in. The use of sophisticated types of modern military equipment, however, clearly hints at who is behind the registered attacks. Russia's investment in its electronic, cyber and information capabilities should concern NATO states. Borisoglebsk 2 . Without it, an adversary can disrupt and degrade the navigation systems on precision guided munitions (PGMs) and cause missiles to go off course, as well as suppress a country’s air defense systems through jamming. This approach has been inspired in part by Western engagement with allied proxies in conflicts ranging from Vietnam to Libya and Afghanistan. This means rear-area command and logistical units would be subject to deadly strikes, even if air superiority is secured. Leer-2 VPK-233114 [XXV], American troops first came into contact with high-end, Russian EW capabilities while in Syria, where they had to increasingly defend themselves against Russian jamming devices. blind_and_conquer_top_5_russian_radio_electronic_warfare_systems_41393. The U.S. has spent nearly two decades dedicated to counterterrorism operations where it enjoyed significant qualitative and quantitative advantages over adversaries. Russia’s electronic warfare specialists will practice creating ‘protection areas’ in the country’s airspace that could render foreign satellite navigation systems completely useless, disabling an enemy’s high-precision weapons. As the AWG puts it, the proxies create several useful effects for successful Russian military operations: “confusion, deniability and additional manpower.”. Jamming is a key tool in electronic attack, and one that is commonly referenced in EW literature. BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:45 P.M.) – The Turkish drones used against the Syrian Armed Forces ran into some major problems during their campaign over northwestern Syria, the Russian publication Avia.Pro said.. [III] In an age of renewed competition with Russia, the U.S. will need to increase its proficiency in EW missions or risk falling behind. Photo Credit: RIA Novosti. The Russian Armed Forces are continuing their covert offensive operations in Ukraine, even as Moscow denies direct involvement. [XXV] Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr., 2018, “HASC EW Expert Bacon: US ‘Not Prepared’ for Electronic Warfare vs. Russia, China,” January 2018, Breaking Defense, https://breakingdefense.com/2018/01/hasc-ew-expert-bacon-us-not-prepared-for-electronic-warfare-vs-russia-china/. [XI] Thomas, 2016, Russian Military Strategy, p. 156. Speaking on the topic of US electronic warfare missions, James Faist, the Pentagon’s Under Secretary for Defense Research and Engineering, stated “There are well defined areas that we’re behind our adversaries. [IV] Col. Liam Collins, 2018, “Russia Gives Lessons in Electronic Warfare,” Association of the United States Army, July 2018, https://www.ausa.org/articles/russia-gives-lessons-electronic-warfare. With smaller radar cross sections that make them difficult to detect, fifth-generation jets such as the F-35 will be harder to target and can better slip into adversary airspace in order to conduct EW and strike operations. Of course, the AWG’s handbook is in attempt to understand an adversary’s warfare from the outside, rather than reflecting how the Russian military perceives its own tactics. Russian-supported forces using drone spotters have delivered deadly artillery fires against Ukrainian formations on the move that inflicted over a hundred casualties in one attack. For example, during an interview in 2015, Hodges said Russia demonstrated the ability to completely shut down “everything” used by the Ukrainians for … Hearing on Readying the U.S. Military for Future Warfare. [I] United States. A Publication of the Georgetown University Center for Security Studies. Moscow employs hundreds of professional hackers and internet trolls, and is also comfortable employing experienced criminal groups for such operations. Local proxies free up conventional Russian military units and assets to intervene in the sectors they are most needed. Countries like Russia and the U.S. are concerned about EW because key objectives like gaining air superiority greatly depend on achieving EW supremacy. [XVI] “Above Us Only Stars: Exposing GPS Spoofing in Russia and Syria.” C4ADS, 2019, https://static1.squarespace.com/static/566ef8b4d8af107232d5358a/t/5c99488beb39314c45e782da/1553549492554/Above+Us+Only+Stars.pdf.
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