En ce jour d’« Aïd Al fitr », l’Exécutif des Musulmans de Belgique (EMB) adresse ses meilleurs vœux de paix, de santé, de bonheur et de prospérité à tous les citoyens de confession musulmane. Our most helpful publications all in one place, so you can get to know us better. A few scholars rule that Zakat al-Fitr amounts to only a faster’s obligation, as it amends the faster’s mistakes or purifies one’s fast from moral contaminants. (Surat al-Baqarah, 2:183-85). Some scholars say only a father as guardian must pay it for his child, while it is not due on the orphan (in Islam, the fatherless). The point most scholars today make is that this hadith clearly shows value equivalency, as wheat, at the time, was rare in Arabia and deemed of comparatively higher worth. Chaque année,on collecte la Zakat al Fitr qu'elle redistribue ensuite … The report from the Companion Abu Sa‘id Al-Khudri (and other Companions, God be pleased with them) forms the basis for the amount and kinds of Zakat al-Fitr. Signification de la Zakat al fitr. But the position that the Zakat al-Fitr payment is due for every Muslim, “young or old,” is the stronger and more widely held opinion. Still others say it is obligatory to pay Zakat al-Fitr before the Eid Prayer, based on a statement of the Companion Ibn ‘Abbas: “It is accepted as Zakat for one who pays it before the Eid Prayer. Dive into our stories from the field right here. Lifting people out of poverty & ensuring their self-reliance. En arabe, le terme « zakat al fitr » a une signification très particulière. Delivering urgent food in Ramadan & year round to relieve starvation. The only exemption is for one who does not possess food sufficient for the day of Eid, shelter, clothing and similar essentials. Notre mosquée la récolte pour la remettre à qui de droit. Communication du Conseil des théologiens attaché à l'Exécutif des Musulmans de Belgique. Elle fut instaurée la 2ème année de l’hégire, en même temps que l’obligation du jeûne. En effet, cette formulation n’est utilisée que pour définir cette zakat, versée à la fin du mois béni. Les distributions se font dans les 3 jours qui précédent le jour de l'Aïd. 6) La zakât al-fitr est obligatoire à la fin du Ramadan. The Hanafi position here, again, has seemed to carry, in that the legal school does not rule as to which type of Zakat al-Fitr is better to give — food items (as expressed in the hadith or analogized based on it) or its value in money. (The Arabic word hijrah (sometimes represented as Heigra or Hijra in English) means “migration,” or “emigration.” It denotes the migration of the Prophet, on him be peace, and his followers away from the persecution of the idolaters of Arabia’s central trade and holy city of Makkah. Zakat al-Fitr has two primary purposes, one spiritual for the individual worshiper and the other communal. View all of our programs that serve the roots of poverty. Rather, the Hanafi ruling emphasizes the payment method that proves most beneficial to the poor recipient of the Zakat al-Fitr. Votre zakat al-Fitr est converti en nourriture qui sera ensuite distribuée aux nécessiteux partoutà travers le monde. By two professors of the University of Islamic Sciences of Constantine, Algeria. Married Muslim women: The vast majority of scholars hold that Zakat al-Fitr falls due for every single Muslim, with no exception. Zakât al-Fitr. So whoever among you bears witness to the month shall then fast it. Chers croyants et croyantes, Nous arriverons dans quelques jours à la fin du ramadan et à la fête de Aid Al-fitr, alors il était nécessaire de parler des dispositions de la Zakat Al-fitr : ses règles, ses intérêts, sa valeur, sa nature, ses bénéficiaires, le temps de sa sortie, et enfin, de l’éthique de l’aïd. That is, every Muslim is liable for its payment. The other legal schools require husbands to pay Zakat al-Fitr on behalf of their Muslim wives. In 2020, 81¢ from each dollar donated went directly toward programs serving those in need. La date se détermine par l’observation de la nouvelle lune lors de la Nuit du Doute.En ce Ramadan 2021, l'Aïd Al Fitr devrait être célébré le mercredi 12 mai. Si en France, le montant minimum à reverser pour la zakat al-fitr est de 7€, elle est fixée à 5€ en Belgique. Add to cart. Humanity above all else. Zakat al-Fitr differs from other kinds of alms or charity in that it is imposed on the individual Muslim and not on his or her measures of wealth or earnings. 12¢ went to administrative costs & 7¢ went to fundraising costs. It is a charity like other charities for one who pays it after” (Al-Shawkani, Nayl Al-Awtar). In our current context, distribution of Zakat al-Fitr to its intended recipients, the poor, for its intended social reason — to “gratify” them on Eid day — becomes much easier to manage when it is paid early in Ramadan. (Surat al-Baqarah, 2:110 and Surat al-Nisa’, 4:77). It is also called Sadaqat al-Fitr, “the Charity of Breaking the Fast” of Ramadan, and Zakat al-Fitrah, the Alms of Human Nature, or the Human Creation, because it is a mandatory charity due on every Muslim at the end of Ramadan, regardless of age or gender. This, as we’ve just seen, the Quran itself tells us: So that you may be ever God-fearing. 1. 7) Il est permis à quelqu’un de déléguer autrui de donner la zakât al-fitr en son nom à condition que cette personne soit digne de confiance et qu’elle donne la zakât al-fitr en son temps délimité par la Législation. Thus, they view these items as exemplary suggestions, establishing the relative value and purpose of Zakat al-Fitr. The obligation to pay the alms of Zakat al-Fitr at Ramadan’s end coincides with God’s revealed commandment in 2H for Muslims to memorialize the beginning of the Quran’s revelation to the Prophet Muhammad, on him be peace, 15 years before. Others allow payment a day or two before. From there, they went north to the agrarian city of Yathrib, which then became known as Al-Madinah Al-Nabi, or the City of the Prophet, shortened to simply The City, or Al-Madinah. La Zakat consiste à offrir un saâ de l’orge ou du blé en fonction de la consommation de la population, soit l’équivalent de 2,5 kg. The vast majority of scholars recognize this wording as enjoining an “obligatory” alms levy. Islamic relief Belgique : Versez votre Zakat al fitr à l'Islamic relief . Children: If children possess wealth, Zakat al-Fitr comes due out of their individual holdings, otherwise the child’s guardian pays on behalf of his son or daughter. Le Conseil supérieur des Oulémas a dévoilé le montant de la Zakat Al Fitr pour l’année 1440 de l’Hégire. In addition, most scholars now establish the value of Zakat al-Fitr as equal to what will “gratify” or “enrich” a poor person in food for the day of Eid based on the cost of a common food staple or type in the place where that poor person lives. Alleviating the needs of vulnerable families and children. Les mérites de s'acquitter de la zakat al fitr et la sagesse derrière cet acte Opération sera maintenue cette année également inchaAllah! Syrie! Cette année, votre Zakat al Fitr sera distribuée sous forme de colis dans les pays suivants : Au Liban pour les réfugiés syriens : riz, pois chiches, lentilles, boulghours, pâtes et farine et du riz pour la Mauritanie, le Togo et le Mali. (For a discussion on basic needs see What Requirements Qualify Wealth for Zakat?) The Hanafi position, here, seems stronger in light of the hadith just cited, but bear in mind that, in the end, the Zakat al-Fitr payment must still be remitted for each individual. The Hanbalis and Malikis say Zakat al-Fitr belongs exclusively to the poor, even if it must be sent to another country at the payer’s cost (according to the Malikis). Elles sont destinées au département de la communication et du développement pour la gestion de la relation donateurs et aux tiers mandatés par le SIF pour faire appel à votre générosité. Etymologie des mots « zakat » et « al fitr » Avant de rentrer un peu plus en détails sur la zakat al fitr, … The Prophet’s statement, on him be peace, to “gratify” the poor, however, does put the poor in a prior position for Zakat al-Fitr among each community. La zakat al fitr ou l'aumône de la rupture du jeûne est une aumône dont les musulmans doivent s’acquitter à la fin du mois de Ramadan. Abu Hanifah rules it can even be paid at the beginning of the year, like Zakat al-Mal, Obligatory Alms on Wealth. Communication du Conseil des théologiens attaché à l'Exécutif des Musulmans de Belgique. La Zakat-al-Fitr est l’aumône avec laquelle le musulman clôture le jeûne du Ramadhan. Al-Shafi‘i says Zakat al-Fitr can be paid anytime in Ramadan. We need your help to spread hope to others. Treat yourself to stunning photo-essays, moving personal encounters, and videos that will make your heart skip a beat. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Explore our annual reports & world-renowned Zakat Handbook here. © 2021 Zakat Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit charity organization (Tax ID 36-4476244). Elle est obligatoire pour tout musulman et musulmane, grand ou petit, même celui qui est né à l’aube du jour de l’Aïd, riche ou pauvre, s’il possède la nourriture dépassant une journée de subsistance. Abu Sa‘id, God be pleased with him, said: “We used to pay, during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah, God bless him and grant him peace, on the day of fast-breaking” (meaning the day of Eid, without specifying any time marks, like the Eid Prayer or sunrise). La Zakat al Fitr est une aumône purificatrice du jeûne de Ramadan, un devoir pour chaque musulman de s'en acquitter. A poor individual may also receive Fitr payments from more than one giver, without restriction, though scholars dislike dividing a single payment among many recipients, as it seems to undo Zakat al-Fitr’s objective of sufficing a poor person on the day of Eid. Recueil de Fatawa sur le Jeûne, sur le mois de Ramadan et sur la Zakat al-Fitr, selon les enseignements de l’école Malikite. The Prophet, on him be peace, specifically called the Ramadan Fast-Breaking Alms “Zakat,” and the Quran says: And duly establish the Salah-Prayer and give the Zakat-Charity. Nor does deferred debt exempt one from paying Zakat al-Fitr, unless that debt is due the day of Eid and its payment reduces one to an insufficiency of food for the day and basic needs, as just described. Permettre aux musulmans à travers le monde de donner la zakat al-maal, l'aumône obligatoire annuelle, et la zakat al-fitr, l'aumône de la rupture du … Reconnaissance des mosquées en Région wallonne, Du nouveau dans la reconnaissance des mosquées, Procédure de démission d’un membre du Comité de gestion d’une mosquée reconnue, Reconnaissance des mosquées en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, Changement dans la procédure des élections des Comités de gestion des mosquées reconnues en Région wallonne, Permis de travail - Imam ressortissant non-européen, CDER Islam - Didactique du cours de religion islamique, Conditions d’utilisation & confidentialité. "Ali, God be pleased with him, reportedly said that ‘when Allah gives you prosperity, you too should give more’ ” (see Zad Al-Ma‘ad, also Fiqh az-Zakat, 586). Fatawa collection on the Fast, the month of Ramadan and the Zakat al-Fitr, according to the teachings of the Maliki school. Yes. Cependant, il faut savoir que ce moyen de versement de la zakat est sujet à divergence parmi les savants car aucun hadith ne mentionne spécifiquement que le prophète SWS ait usé de ce moyen pour accomplir Zakat El Fitr. Help create beautiful cards. Some hold that the best time for payment is early on the day of Eid. … It was the month of Ramadan in which the Quran was first sent down as guidance for all people, having in it clear proofs of divine guidance and the criterion for right and wrong. Yes, according to most contemporary scholars. Ramadan’s fast concludes with one of the two great celebrations in the Muslim year, Eid al-Fitr, the Commemoration of Fast-Breaking. Lire l'article The point of these late-date payments is to ensure the happiness and distribution to the poor on Eid day, for their gratification, in compliance with the Prophet’s instruction, on him be peace. An ever-flowing charity, Sadaqah Jariyah provides clean water so communities can thrive. Zakat al-Fitr, the obligatory alms at the breaking of Ramadan’s month-long fast cleanses our fast from the adulterations we have accumulated in the course of observing it. As a worship form, fasting constitutes, if you will, a “spiritual technology” that God has taught the human being. Find an event near you & join us to help save lives across the country. The Short Answer Zakat al-Fitr, or the Zakat of Breaking the Fast of Ramadan, is the special obligatory alms paid by all Muslims at the end of the Ramadan fasting month. In fact, one is encouraged to pay more than the minimum Zakat al-Fitr required, if one is able. Les musulmans de Belgique se mobilisent pour les réfugiés syriens. This is fasting in its purity — an ideal, perhaps, no human being can attain. Providing access to education & creating powerful antidotes to unrest, distrust, & war. Les montants à prendre en considération pour le Ramadan 2020/1441 sont les suivants :- Zakat Al-Fitr : 5€- Fidiya (réparation) : 5€ Nous vous souhaitons une excellente fin de Ramadan ! Partagez votre amour et répandez la joie à ceux qui en ont besoin. Lire plus : Ramadan 2021 : quelle marche à suivre pour les musulmans de Belgique ? On this day of joyful prayer and gathering (may Allah return it to us soon), every Muslim in every locality is to receive it with an obligatory charity, communal Salah-Prayer, and a feast. C’est une opération d’aumône à l’occasion d’Aid El Fitr annonçant la fin du mois de Ramadan. Il existe une zakât particulière obligatoire que l'on verse avant la fin du mois de ramadan, c'est la zakât al-Fitr (aumône de la rupture du jeûne) [6]. Practically speaking, the Arabic word that “God-fearing” translates is the unique religious term taqwa, meaning, in its essence, to keep mindful of God so that one becomes habituated to doing what He commands and resolute in holding back from what He forbids. Quant au mot « zakat », il a plusieurs significations en arabe. So fasting also requires us to hold our tongues from unseemly speech (In the past, fasting meant to some no speech at all. Ceux-ci incluent les orphelins, les veuves, les personnes âgées et … View our Memorial Wall to honor the ones who have left us. The majority of scholars say Zakat al-Fitr can be given to the poor and needy alone, or all eight Zakat categories. Le but de la Zakat est d’aider le croyant à se purifier de son attachement pour les biens matériels, de réduire les sentiments de convoitise et d’avarice, de favoriser la solidarité entre musulmans et les rallier à Allah. Note that Zakat al-Fitr must be transported to reach the poor, even in other countries, to reach its most desirable recipients on the day of Eid. L'Aïd Al Fitr est la fête musulmane marquant la fin du mois de Ramadan et le début du mois de Chawwal. Thus, I shall not speak today to any human being (Surat Maryam, 19:26)); and to keep our hands from bad action; as well as to deny our hearts impure thought. It aims to train the human spirit to master the physical nature that frames it. - PR12184805 Every Muslim: A number of the Prophet’s Companions, God be pleased with them — particularly some associated with preserving and conveying the statements of the Prophet, on him be peace, like Abu Hurayrah and Ibn ‘Umar — note that Zakat al-Fitr is a universal Muslim obligation. Zakat al fitr: en 2020 déjà, et malgré le contexte sanitaire lié au COVID-19, l'association AB SOO'NA avait pris la décision de maintenir l'opération. Votre Zakat Al-Fitr sera utilisée pour la composition des colis alimentaires. In addition, most scholars consider the foodstuffs mentioned by the Prophet, on him be peace, to have been common among the community of the time, and, therefore, most beneficial and useful to its poor. The Shafi’is hold that the same eight categories of eligible recipients for Zakat al-Mal apply also to Zakat al-Fitr, if the person is not distributing his or her own payment.
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