This skull will make grunts explode with confetti and cheer when you kill them with a headshot. Jump up onto the right, most forward platform and use the light fixture to jump up over the wall. Set up a new profile with the name of the desired Skull (to know which profile is which).

There is a semi outdoor area which has the same type of area right next to it. It will fall into the alley you fight the Elites in and sometimes will go straight into your hands. This skull might also just be the skull to make up for the first level since it is just a cut scene all the way and that there was supposed to be at least one skull on every level. Directions: Immediately after the armory room that is full of Covenant and human weapons, there is an L shaped hallway.
A single Grunt will confront you.

Read ahead before you go up it. The skulls do not have a melee animation in third-person. Jump onto them and get onto the roof to your left. The skull effects will persist until you turn off the console. Hop across to skull building roof top and soon as you make the landing turn immediately right and kill the jackal that appears to the right and behind you between two building walls. Ride a second slipstream path to another platform, and run to the door behind you (killing the Flood that come from it) to continue the mission. You can battle the Elites with the skull if you so desire. Use the Rifle to snipe down the Drones and Flood you can see across the chasm, and cross to the center platform to step on the slipstream path. These grunts are not hostile, so just ignore them and grab the skull.

Halo 2: Find and claim the Black Eye Skull. High Charity is the eleventh mission in Halo 2. One of the skulls, "Blind", can be grabbed on any difficulty, but the other skull, "I Would Have Been Your Daddy", must be done on Legendary.

Drop a plasma grenade at your feet and do a grenade-jump up to this triangle, where you will find the skull waiting for you. Once on the rail, walk down it until you can jump onto the highest platform.

Drop off the opposite side, onto the building below, then walk across the roof to the red-shingled building on the left. NOTE: If you get a checkpoint after picking up the Skull DO NOT save and quit just turn your Xbox off and try again. The "Envy" skull can be found once you reach the area pictured below. Another way of getting the Skull is to grenade the stone away from the door. Or, if you are playing co-op, get a box from the weapon room, and have one player stand on the box, then have the other player stand on the first player's head, have player two Crouch Jump on to the ledge and grab the skull. The skull effects will persist until you turn off the console.

There are a handful of alcoves on your right hand side. Use them to jump up to the landing above. Then just go to another profile and enjoy.

There is one Skull and one Terminal to find, as well as the Rampant Cortana Toy. From right where you start, head through the door and use the light fixture in front of you to jump up to the slanted roof to your left (you'll likely need to crouch-jump for this, which gives you a little extra height). Once there, Grenade Jump to get onto the roof area. Directions: Immediately after the gondola ride following the battle with the Hunters, there will be a building with two turrets on it. After going through another foggy outdoor area, you'll enter a hall covered in red lights, told to be the main sanctum of the Covenant leaders. And thistime, none of you... will be left behind..." Master Chief … Once he says this, get in the elevator, and go up to the tram. The "Grunt Birthday Party" skull can be found at the very end of The Arbiter. Right after you exit the tunnel section after the opening bridge, you should come to an outdoor area pictured below. Delta Halo features one skull that appears about halfway through the level. The Envy Skull and two invisible Sangheili in Halo 2: Anniversary. Unlike the original game, defeating them is not a requirement. Go through the tunnel and continue walking straight until you pass a bridge, which is to your right. Effect: All dropped weapons have half ammo. Use the small strut pictured below as a platform to grenade-jump up to the top platform.

Also, if you attempt to escape the alley, you will get teleported to the Elites' position and lose all your collected weapons. Enter this doorway and look at the ground to the right. In this room, to the left of the entrance, you'll find the terminal. Walk towards the right side of this roof top and look at the alley way down below and to the right. Proceed through the level until you reach the point pictured below. Turn left and jump across the next root top to the right. You can throw grenades (though there is no animation) and switch to primary and secondary weapons (though there is no side symbol, but a put-away animation).

Looking to hunt down all the skulls in Halo 2? Its melee attack does not have an effect on allies. The Famine Skull surrounded by dead Flood combat forms in Halo 2: Anniversary. Effect: Headshots turn into Plasma Grenade explosions.

The Sputnik Skull floating in midair in Halo 2: Anniversary. Jump onto the support and walk up the support. Grenade Jump, using a Ghost, up to the rafters of this room, and you will find the Skull over a doorway. Restart the mission. A Skull will pass through you extremely quickly so you must start holding X a bit before you actually pass it to grab hold of it.

The quote has since been spoken by both Sergeant Johnson and Sergeant Stacker. The ledge leads to the balcony with the two turrets. When you grab the Skull, you'll be transported into the alley. You will pass the skull as you ride up the gravity lift, so make sure to hold the reload button as you ride it up. From there, jump up and to the right to reach the upper platform. There is a series of diagonal beams.

The tree here has no hitbox, so don't worry about bumping into it. High Charity is roughly 1/75 the size of a Halo installation. For that, you'll need all the Fragmentation and Plasma Grenades you can carry, sometimes even more (using rocket launcher and having the Sputnik skull would be helpful). Come to the large arch in the middle of the map (in the picture above) and drop a frag grenade at the bottom of it. You should see a group of grunts dancing around a skull. It is possible to Grenade Jump up to the platform if you can't stay on the rails. Note: health and shielding increase more as the enemies rise in rank.

In the final cutscene of Halo 2, High Charity is shown as a small dot at the upper portion of the ring when Installation 05 deactivates. There is no connection to any number of checkpoints gained or enemies killed. Continue alongside the edge of the wall and jump to the white, curved-roof building below you. Restart and go back to room with the Skull.

Save and quit. Skip the grunt at the beginning. Halo 2: Find and claim the Grunt Birthday Party Skull. Difficulty: Legendary . When you enter this room, look to the right, and find the third pane of glass.
Each skull has various effects: Mythic increases enemy armor and shield strength greatly (Ultra Elites even require two overcharged Plasma Pistol bursts to compromise their shields); Thunderstorm changes all enemies to their highest rank; Envy allows the Master Chief to use Active Camouflage technology at the expense of his flashlight; and IWHBYD unlocks hidden dialog and causes the AI to interact verbally more often. When you enter this room, look to the right, and find the third pane of glass.

The Ghost Skull sitting above the doorway in Halo 2: Anniversary. Make your way to the roof top where the Pelican will appear.

Shooting them turns your reticule red briefly, giving you just enough time to do the trick.

You must melee an enemy or a breakable object to death to regain shields. If you do not have any grenades or rocket launcher ammo, use a Scorpion or Wraith to blast the stone away. It is recommended that you clear out this area before attempting to get this skull, but make sure you save a frag grenade. Crouch Jump onto that and either Crouch Jump or Grenade Jump again (Crouch Jumping is easier), and you should be on the roof (or you can get the Sputnik Skull and only use one grenade). Effect: AI will throw more grenades and drop two grenades when killed.

It also makes it where no enemies will be asleep. They also have better accuracy and are much less likely to kill themselves or their teammates with explosive weapons.

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