Artist: finalprodigy / July 22, 2011 . Required fields are marked *. For a more detailed guide on the different ways to draw a circle check out this tutorial: Four simple ways to draw a circle.

How to Draw a Tiger Head.

Be very patient with this last step!

... Now, finish up the drawing by shading in the rest of the stripes, adding the whiskers, and darkening the area below the head.

I look forward to seeing how you draw this, let me know if you upload it onto the site. Draw a chin in the lower part of the muzzle.

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Drawing a tiger’s face is generally pretty hard but this tutorial has been somewhat simplified to make it a little easier and more beginner friendly. Step 4: Draw another circle below the horizontal line as a guide for the tiger's muzzle.

Here are the pencils that I chose for this task. Divide it into halves as well. After that portray the wrinkles between the eyes to show that our big kitty is very angry right now. Also take this chance to redefine the stripes with a 2B or HB pencil. It really helped me and I am very happy with the result. Now define the stripes from the nose upward.

Step 3: Directly on top of the horizontal line, draw two small circles as guides for the eyes.

For another similar tutorial you can also see: © 2020 EasyDrawingTips, All Rights Reserved.

You may find it easier to follow the step-by-step drawings below the video.

Step 2.

I used 5H for light shading/lines and 2B for dark shading/lines. It seems to us that this was very cool drawing lesson and the drawing of the tiger’s head came out very cool.

Try and make these of slightly different length and with slightly different curves. Now in the lower third of the cat’s head, depict a nose. Continue the lesson about how to draw a tiger’s head. Note that the fangs are significantly larger than the central teeth. At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Tiger Head. Inside the guide lines from the previous step begin making a line drawing of the outline shapes of the tiger’s facial features.Again be sure to make very light lines as you will need to remove some of them as well. Step 2: Now we can add some detail! Draw two football shaped eyes, a big pointed nose, and three curved lines meeting below the nose for the mouth. Draw a big circle as a guide for the tiger's head. The instruction on how to draw a tiger head has come to an end, and we hope that this guide helped you. Step 4: Because a tiger is striped, we need to draw elongated, wiggly spots on his face. To do this, depict the cheeks with ragged hairy lines on the sides of the face. Your email address will not be published.

Step 3.

When you  finish this step you can leave the drawing as is or go a little further and move on to the next step.

Draw this line slightly higher than the middle.

The new lines in each step are shown in red, so you'll know exactly what to draw next.

Divide the circle-head into halves, horizontally and vertically.

In this case the darker fur will be mostly along the nose and forehead/top of head area so you will want to shade in that area. We create realistic drawing lessons. Next draw the vertical line of the frontal symmetry and the horizontal line for the eyes.

Draw two football shaped eyes, a big pointed nose, and three curved lines meeting below the nose for the mouth. Step 2: Draw in its nose and start of the first front leg. Steps to Draw Tiger Face. The eyes should be very small compared to the tiger's head.

Focus on the face of the tiger. Now, shade in the background to make the head pop out.

Now we move further down and map out a small hatch for the tiger's cheeks. Draw the lines in the ears. Now let’s get rid of auxiliary lines from our drawing of the tiger head with the help of an eraser. I used an HB pencil for sketching/shading, a B pencil for dark … Give the face a slightly triangular look by "cutting" the sides of the circle. Step 5: That was easy!

Step 1: Draw a big circle as a guide for the tiger's head.

Place the triangle higher up than the middle of the muzzle. disable your adblock and script blockers to view this page. At the same time it still allows you to draw a fairly realistic looking tiger. Step 2 Draw fur on both the sides of the circle by continuing a pattern of short curved lines. Step 1 Draw a large circle for the head.

CLICK IMAGE FOR BIGGER VERSION Step 3: Draw two curved triangles for the ears, and make six horizontal lines for the whiskers. You may want to open the video in a new tab and use both drawing methods. You can also add a few more strokes to the outline area of the head and inside the ears to give the fur a little more detail.

Erase the overlapping guidelines from the first step and draw in some of the smaller details of the tiger’s face such as the pupils of the eyes and some lines for the “whisker” area. Be sure to keep the lines for this stage of the drawing very light as you will have to erase most of them in later steps.

Step … Did you like this drawing lesson? Use the four-marks method again to draw the circle. Again be sure to make very light lines as you will need to remove some of them as well. Bridge the gap between the ears and eyes by working on the forehead.

Before we begin drawing, it's important to set aside some time to familiarize yourself with tiger anatomy.Even if you've drawn other big cats, like lions and leopards, there are a few differences to take note of when drawing the striped feline. Start out with a basic sketch of the tiger head. Next draw the vertical line of the frontal symmetry and the horizontal line for the eyes. Now let’s give the tiger head drawing a more regular shape. Visit the Beginners category.

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