Drizzle with icing, and serve with coffee or tea. Cinnamon leaves have a wonderful flavor and are often used to make baked and sweet dishes. Ground cinnamon? The chocolate and cinnamon are a fun flavor combination. —Niki Plourde, Gardner, MassachusettsGet RecipePretty Pumpkin Cinnamon BunsI make sticky buns and cinnamon rolls quite often because my husband loves them. As a massage oil, it can be mixed in bath water and helps to ease symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism, diarrhea, flu, and other infections. Cinnamon is an evergreen tree characterized by oval-shaped leaves, thick bark, and a berry fruit. Whisk together eggs and vanilla, set aside. Because Ceylon cinnamon isn’t as strong as its cousins, it’s a wise choice if you’re a bit sensitive to spice or are just searching for a more mellow flavor in your bakes. —Regina Farmwald, West Farmington, OhioGet RecipeTaste of HomeCinnamon-Sugar Apple PieApple pie baked in a cast iron skillet is a real stunner. Learn how your comment data is processed. Cassia is also cinnamon even though it’s not botanically identical to Ceylon. Why I cherish Plenty More Cookbook: We’re thrilled to be sharing with you a recipe from the book, Lemon, Cinnamon and Curry Leaf Rice. In addition to the different flavors of cinnamon, you’ve also got to consider what form you want it to take. Most cinnamon used in international commerce is derived from a close relative, the cassia tree. cocoa powder plus 1 Tbsp. What would gingerbread be without the cinnamon to compliment the ginger? I was thrilled when she shared it with me—I finally felt like an adult! You can steep cracked cinnamon to create syrups and custards—just strain it out with a mesh sieve. This snickerdoodle-blondie hybrid proved even better with caramel, always a favorite ingredient. Cinnamon leaves are common ingredients in teas and herbal remedies. Ethnic/Cultural … —Jenni Sharp, Milwaukee, WisconsinGet RecipeMom's Chocolate BreadMy mom made this divine chocolaty bread only for holidays or special requests, but it makes any old morning even better. A small campfire at a low temperature works best so that the dough has time to cook … Cracked cinnamon is fragmented pieces of cinnamon sticks. Each variety of basil has its own unique flavor and way of enhancing any recipe. —Kelly Walsh, Aviston, IllinoisGet RecipeTaste of HomeChai Tea Sandwich CookiesYou’ll love these cookies filled with a dreamy chai-infused ganache. If you are using ground cinnamon, you will cook it into the oil before placing it in the jar. Keeping a few sticks in the cupboard is a great insurance policy. Cinnamon leaf essential oil is usually less expensive than cinnamon bark essential oil. It could fight against harmful bacteria that cause infection. High doses could induce convulsions. Occasionally you may find Chinese versions as well (though it’s less common). Often the entire leaf is used as an ingredient to make herbal tea. Tip: Adding a pinch of ground cloves to the cinnamon-sugar mixture boosts the cinnamon flavor. According to Alex, “you won’t regret having a cinnamon stick or two stashed in the pantry and ready for action.” You can use a food processor or even a small coffee grinder with a blade (not the burr variety) to process it down into pieces or powder. The toffee bits make a happy surprise.—Gloria Bradley, Naperville, IllinoisGet RecipeTaste of HomePistachio PalmiersMy family loves palmiers from the bakery, so I created my own recipe. You may find you prefer the taste of one over the rest or that one type of cinnamon works really well in certain recipes. Ceylon cinnamon is what people consider real cinnamon (its Latin name, Cinnamomum verum, means “true cinnamon”). This cassia cinnamon is a good middle ground between mild Ceylon and spicy Saigon. It is a spice which uses when cooking. In the case of these cookies, bigger is definitely better! Other spices, such as nutmeg and cardamom, also work well. Alex suggests using half of what the recipe calls for so you don’t get an overwhelming cinnamon flavor. regret having a cinnamon stick or two stashed in the pantry and ready for action.” You can use a food processor or even a small coffee grinder with a blade (not the burr variety) to process it down into pieces or powder. They're always part of my Christmas cookie platter. Use as a slightly sweeter, more interesting alternative to traditional bay laurel leaves. Cinnamon leaf oil has antiseptic, analgesic, antispasmodic, antibiotic, astringent, carminative, aphrodisiac, cardiac and other benefits. Bay leaves can be used in dried, crushed, and fresh form, but are most commonly sold as dried whole leaves in … —Leah Costigan, Otto, North CarolinaGet RecipeTaste of HomeCinnamon Fruit BiscuitsBecause these sweet treats are so easy, I'm almost embarrassed when people ask me for the recipe. —Jeanne Holt, Mendota Heights, MinnesotaGet RecipeTaste of HomeBaked Elephant EarsMy mother-in-law handed down this recipe from her mother. They also make a beautiful cinnamon tea: just infuse a few leaves in a teapot with hot water. —Leah Rekau, Taste of Home food stylistGet RecipeMexican Cinnamon CookiesMy extended family shares a meal every Sunday. Cinnamon leaf essential oil is used for its aphrodisiac properties in aromatherapy. The variety is rarely indicated on the packaging and the harvest date is often missing as well, leaving you guessing as to the possible freshness and flavor of a given product. It was so rewarding to see their excitement as they created a special gift to give. Give it a go yourself! Taste of Home is America's #1 cooking magazine. Cinnamon + apple: Everyone knows what a fantastic combo this is. I just snagged this cinnamon variety set and it’s been fun experimenting. Cinnamon is made by cutting the stems of cinnamon trees. I combined them! This form of bay leaf, which is also known as sweet bay and Grecian laurel, is still the herb typically used for infusing soups and sauces with an aromatic flavor. Cinnamon is used in savory dishes of chicken and lamb, a popular topper for cinnamon and brown sugar plantains, and can also be found in rum punch and … They also are totally tasty made with vegan cheese and olive oil instead of butter! Set aside. Drink at least 2 to 3 cups of cinnamon tea to help with obesity. Ceylon? This one is moist and spicy. Download this Premium Vector about Herbs and spices. Forty children signed up to come to my table and make this mix. —Emily Engel, Quill Lake, SaskatchewanGet Recipe, Grab Your Favorite Cinnamon and Get Baking. Image of spice, garden, fresh - 120046464 When harvesting the spice, the bark and leaves are the primary parts of the plant used. Brushing a honey glaze over the top adds a subtle shine and an extra touch of sweetness. You can combine cinnamon leaf with green tea to boost health benefits. If you’re looking to add more cinnamon to your cooking and baking, look no further than natural cinnamon pairings. If you’re looking to add more cinnamon to your cooking and baking, look no further than natural cinnamon pairings. The following year, about a dozen new shoots form from the roots, replacing those that were cut. With all the fun gadgets at my disposal for making rice (I love to use the microwave to cook rice or my ultra fancy, technology wizard Zojurishi Rice Cooker), I rarely bake rice.. Cinnamon sticks last longer than their ground counterparts. If you don't have mini loaf pans it works just as well in regular size pans. Cooking with basil is fun! 5 Proven Reasons Why Aloe Vera is Great for Yeast Infections, 5 Proven Benefits of Aloe Vera in Stomach Ulcers, Aloe Vera Juice Benefits for Kidney - What Research Says, 5 Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice in Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). Because these cinnamons are grown in different locales and are different species, their flavor profiles do vary. Freeze cinnamon basil by chopping the leaves and placing them in an ice cube tray. Cassia cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum), grown in southeastern Asia, is the most common type sold in North America. Cinnamon leaves add a subtle aroma to many Indian rice dishes, such as biryanis. One of our guest blogger's favorites is cinnamon basil. My Aunt Adele shared the recipe with me, and I think of her whenever I make it. This spice is a great match for so many ingredients. Cinnamon is a spice, sprinkled on toast and lattes. - Louis Jacobsen, Dallas, WisconsinGet RecipeHand-Held Apple PiesWhen I was in high school, my best friend's mother baked this mini apple pie recipe every year. “It will be a game-changer,” he says. The cinnamon bark, or phloem layer, can be harvested from the trunk or outer branches, with cinnamon from the trunk being more expensive. Recipes from real home cooks, tested in our kitchens and delivered right to your inbox! They are a popular flavoring agent of porridges – especially cornmeal porridge – in Jamaica. The anticipation waiting for them to come out of the oven was almost more than he could bear. They're a snap to make with refrigerated buttermilk biscuits, sugar, cinnamon and your favorite fruit preserves. Apple-White Cheddar Grilled Cheese. How Aloe Vera Helps with Wrinkles & Keeps Your Skin Young. —Barbara Curran, Lebanon, New JerseyGet RecipeCinnamon Apple Cider Monkey BreadI use the cold-weather staple apple cider—plus apples and more cinnamon—to turn plain cinnamon rolls into monkey bread. Cinnamon leaf oil has a calming effect and it helps alleviate feelings of depression. This is likely the form of cinnamon you’ve got in your spice rack at home, and it’s definitely the most frequently used for bakers. You can also make cinnamon tea by either using the cinnamon sticks, leaves or the grounded powder. And (shh!) —Chris O'Connell, San Antonio, TexasGet RecipeTaste of HomeCinnamon CrescentsI've had the recipe for these crispy cinnamon-sugar roll-ups for years. The aunts and uncles take turns bringing everything from main dishes to desserts like this traditional Mexican cinnamon cookie called reganadas. Some recipes call for cinnamon sticks (quills) while others call for ground (powdered) cinnamon. The inner bark is then extracted and the woody parts removed. —Nancy Foust, Stoneboro, PennsylvaniaGet RecipeSnickerdoodlesThe history of this whimsically named treat is widely disputed, but the popularity of this classic cinnamon-sugar-coated cookie is undeniable! To get to the bottom of what makes these varieties different, I chatted with Alex Wilkens, operations manager at The Spice House, to find out all the details. This works well in cooking and for skin and hair use. Purchasing cinnamon in most grocery stores is a bit of a guessing game. Cinnamon leaves are also used as a flavoring agent for baked goods and desserts. they're baked, not fried. It is also used to make medicinal preparations, in aromatherapy and as ingredients in creams or lotions for topical … Cinnamon bark oil is usually more expensive than cinnamon leaf oil. —Sue Falk, Warren, MichiganGet RecipeCaramel-Pecan Cinnamon RollsThese irresistible rolls are perfect as an Easter brunch idea! Cinnamon leaf tea can also ease flu and cold symptoms and relieve upset stomach without causing any side effects. —Delores Baeten, Downers Grove, IllinoisGet RecipeSpicy Applesauce CakeThis picnic-perfect cake travels and slices very well. The glaze goes on while they are still warm—they won’t last long!. Orange and cinnamon are tasty additions. Both of these options come from the bark of trees. The leaves of cinnamon trees, called cinnamomum verum or true cinnamon, contain phytonutrients that may provide nutritional benefits. —Janet Mooberry, Peoria, IllinoisGet RecipeCinnamon Swirl BreadYour family will be impressed with the soft texture and appealing swirls of cinnamon in these lovely breakfast loaves. Use the ground cinnamon of your choice in baking recipes. —Debbie Broeker, Rocky Mount, MissouriGet RecipeTaste of HomeCinnamon Sugar CookiesMy mom always had these cookies on hand. —Gail Mehle, Rock Springs, WyomingGet RecipeSnickerdoodle CrispsThis classic cookie from New England can be made two ways: soft or crunchy. Because the oils in the leaves are easier to extract than the oils in bark, it takes a greater quantity of bark to produce a similar amount of oil, which leads to its higher cost. When it comes to baking—fall and holiday baking especially—cinnamon is an essential part of favorite recipes. —Sharon Pullen, Alvinston, OntarioGet RecipeCinnamon BrowniesFor Christmas one year, a friend gave us a pan of these delicious brownies. Chinese / Cassia cinnamon or Cinnamomum aromaticum grows in China, Indonesia and Vietnam. Start with this cinnamon-pumpkin tiramisu and then explore these other options. “True” cinnamon (cinnamomum verum) is a very delicate treat, one I prefer not to use in cooked applications, because all of the delicacy easily gets lost. —Katie Ferrier, Houston, TexasGet RecipeSweet Potato Cinnamon BreadMy family loves quick breads. It can be used to treat general pain, respiratory tract infections, rheumatism, and arthritis. According to Alex, Ceylon cinnamon is grown mostly in Sri Lanka (formerly called Ceylon) and is mild in flavor. If you aren’t looking for such a powerful flavor but only have this type of cinnamon on hand, don’t abandon your recipe! It easily stands up to heat and other flavors. Start with this cinnamon-pumpkin tiramisu and then explore these other options. Cinnamon Leaves are used whole in Indian and West-Indian cooking. Fresh Cinnamon leaves are fragrant and give off a lighter cinnamon smell and taste than cinnamon bark when used in teas or cooking. In addition to cooking, the leaves are commonly boiled and made into an herbal tea. There are two main types of cinnamon in the spice world: Ceylon and cassia. Even to this day, it is often mixed in breath fresheners, mouthwashes, and chewing gum. —Sherri Cox, Lucasville, OhioGet RecipeTaste of HomeCinnamon TwistsThese delightful golden twists are perfect for a spring brunch or lunch. And don’t forget the power of a cinnamon stick garnish. Alex describes it as “light, floral and fruity with none of the assertiveness that cassia brings.”. They are definitely worth the overnight wait. Cinnamon is a spice that comes from the inner bark of the tropical Cinnamomum tree (colloquially known as the cinnamon tree), sold as rolled quills (cinnamon sticks) or ground into a fine powder. Instead, I’d reach for the heartier, stronger cinnamomum cassia, the most common cinnamon. With so many uses, you’ll definitely want to stock your pantry with all kinds of cinnamons. These have a Middle Eastern twist with the addition of rosewater, honey and a touch of cardamom. Saigon cinnamon is assertive and “bold enough to mingle with other spicy flavors like ginger, nutmeg and cloves,” says Alex. However, the cinnamon leaves also offer us many benefits. Consult a doctor before using cinnamon leaves for medicinal purposes. Cassia? Cinnamon leaves have a wonderful flavor and are often used to make baked and sweet dishes. The leaves also flavour many classic French and Italian dishes. Use about a quarter of a cup of ground cinnamon for every cup of your carrier oil. We loved the results! —Marian Platt, Sequim, WashingtonGet RecipeCinnamon-Pear Rustic TartI was lucky enough to spend the holidays with my husband's family in Montana. With chocolate chips, walnuts and raisins, it's a real crowd pleaser. Gastric benefits: Eugenol present in cinnamon leaf oil reduces gastric problems like nausea, diarrhea, and upset stomach. Inhaling cinnamon oil blended with other essential oils are said to have an aphrodisiac effect. —Lauren Knoelke, Des Moines, IowaGet RecipePumpkin Cake with Whipped Cinnamon FrostingMy mom made this for me, and one bite can completely take me back to my childhood. It can relieve symptoms of impotence and increase sexual function in both women and men. & PGD Clinical Research). You can find a few different cassia varieties. Aromatherapy: Cinnamon leaf essential oil is used for its aphrodisiac properties in aromatherapy. It has a yellow tinge which is different from the red-brown essential oil extracted from the cinnamon bark. Cinnamon powder is extracted from the bark of the tree and is not a major component of its leaves. Lisa is an associate editor at Taste of Home where she gets to embrace her passion for baking. Cinnamon is a versatile aromatic spice which has many uses. And don’t forget the power of a cinnamon stick garnish. Mix the two together in a … Menstrual pains could be reduced since cinnamon leaf oil stimulates our glandular system. The brown sugar and cinnamon give them a delicate spicy flavor. Cinnamon is an aromatic spice derived from the bark of several species of Cinnamomum trees.. My boys love the sticky sweetness. On rainy days when we need comfort food in a hurry, I toast sandwiches of cinnamon-raisin bread with white cheddar, apple and red onion. If you’re only going to stock one cinnamon in your pantry, this is the option to grab because it’s so versatile. Feelings of exhaustion and depression can be eased by using this essential oil. —Adan Franco, Milwaukee, WisconsinGet RecipeCinnamon Swirl Apple PieApples and cinnamon go together like peanut butter and jelly. Cinnamon oil has been used in traditional medicine to ease the symptoms of a toothache. In biblical times, it was an ingredient found in fragrant perfumes and anointing oils. Cinnamon leaf oil has a spicy, musky and warm smell. One day I had some fresh pumpkin on hand and decided to try pumpkin cinnamon buns. Cinnamon is a part of theLauraceae family and the spice is obtained from the inner bark of the tree. It's ideal for an on-the-go breakfast or a quick snack before dinner. However, when we bakers head to our favorite spice shop, it can be hard to decide which types of cinnamon are really best for these bakes. On the stove or in the microwave, heat the milk, water, and butter until the butter is liquid.