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Leia as melhores histórias escritas pelos fãs de Death Note e Mirai Nikki com Jealous e Rem Fanfiction ... "You're jealous aren't you?" Jealous cometió entonces el único acto por el cual un shinigami puede morir,que es interferir con los designios del destino y evitar que se produzca la muerte de un ser humano. Hey guys!!!! Chapter 27: Love Death Note Jealous - Figurine du style Nendoroid Death Note de Jealous Taille: 6cm - 8cm #DeathNote ... "You're the last person I'd think of to get jealous." Work!" She knew all about it but she didnt care. Despite having two eye sockets, his single eye is yellow. near, matt, oneshots. 7/10 Film series He also said that at first, he placed "detailed patterns" on Gelus' Death Note. Y/n said pointing at (favorite male anime character) "Ugh no." Empathy Knowledge dont like then dont read. Jealous' name is commonly misspelled "Gelus," which is what his name was romanized to until Death Note: How to Read 13 revealed the official spelling as Jealous. Mandarin Death Note Prize Figure Jealous | Collectibles, Animation Art & Characters, Japanese, Anime | eBay! It is against the laws of the Shinigami world to use the Death Note for extending a life other than one's own, because of this, Gelus turns to dust. Misa Amane - Death Note. Rise of the Guardians boyfriend scenarios Master list. His Death Note falls beside Sakajo's dead body. Gelus apparaît pour la première fois dans un flashback de Rem, expliquant comment tuer un Shinigami. Michael Dobson En el flashback, Rem cuenta que hace tiempo, Jealous había enamorado con los encantos de Misa; y en un intento de salvarla, utiliza su Death Note para matar al destinado asesino. Ronaldo Júlio (Brazil) Official Stats In the drama, Gelus's Death Note is red instead of black. Name Jealous est un Dieu de la mort mâle de rang divin 13, qui déteste écrire. Portuguese Obata said that Gelus appeared to be "a really beautiful" Shinigami in the thumbnails but decided to use his concept instead; he designed Gelus with a patchwork body since Gelus is a "really pitiful character." Description. I want you willing to you. Follow/Fav Jealous. He continued to use his tongue on you and your hands got lost in his hair. He is shown briefly in a flash back, but still has a very crucial role in the story's progression. (Death Note) - L X Reader Oneshots! The boyfriend scenarios that I will be posting here on Tumblr will also be posted on quotev and on Wattpad. Rank Gelus' story is relayed to Misa via Rem, in an attempt to describe how to kill a shinigami. Death Note. He put another scoop of ice cream in his mouth, “If you’re He whispered dirty things into your ear as you got closer and closer to your climax. If you look at Jealous' Death Note, the characters look sort of similar to modern hebrew, so the "ancient Death Note users" might have been from that region. Ferso Velázquez (Latin America) Episode 12: Love Kills Korean © 1999-2020 Neo Era Media Inc. All rights reserved. Spanish ( Infelizmente ele foi vitima do Live Action ) Anime Death Note /A Official Analysis Guide of the Animation, L the Prologue to Death Note: Spiraling Trap, Othellonia x Death Note collaboration event,, In the Japanese dub of the anime, he is voiced by Kenichi Matsuyama, who is also known for playing L in the. Gelus is reduced to a pile of glittering dust as punishment for extending a human life, leaving behind only his Death Note. Death Note: The Last Name Misa is knocked out during the encounter, and when she wakes up, Gelus's Death Note falls to the ground beside her. Anime debut "ok my jealous little matsuda" she said kissing my head. Tras escribir el nombre del asesino de Misa en su Death Note, salvó a Misa y murió un instante después convirtiéndose en polvo y dejando caer su Death Note a su lado. Death Note: The Death Note is a notebook that Shinigami uses to kill people. Gelus is kind and quiet and has the desire to help others. When you guys have your first fight/break up. Shows. Le jour où Misa devait mourir à cause d'un agresseur, il a écrit le nom de son agresseur dans son Death Note par amour pour Misa, et mourut suite à ça; car un Dieu de la mort n'a pas le droit de rallonger la vie d'un … Species Read Paper-Cut - Jealous! English KellytheAnimelover. O Death Note usado por Misa na série é o Death Note de Jealous. Gelus 3/10 He is shown briefly in a flash back, but still has a very crucial role in the story's progression. He is bored of the shinigami world and the act of writing names for no reason but to live longer. Termina reduciéndose en un montón de polvo como castigo por la ampliación de una vida humana, dejando sólo su Death Note. Shinigami Contains shonen-ai/yaoi no mature content. Given the way L delegates the case to Naomi Misora and L and B's mysterious shared history it kind of comes off like L is hiding from his abusive ex-boyfriend. Japanese ~~~~~ ~~~Mello~~~ ~~~Mello pov~~~ "Mello isnt he hot!" Anime/Manga Death Note. To. Gelus's appearance in the film is slightly different from his anime appearance, as he appears as various shades of brown rather than blue and white. Gelus appears in Death Note: The Last Name. His role in the film is the same as it is in the manga and anime. Gelus appears in Death Note: The Last Name. Version anime du personnage : Jealous (Death Note) 4. Film series Montreal Repuyan Gelus has a rare personality compared to most Shinigami, as he cares deeply for humans. - He spends all of his time watching her play out her life. Let me show you my angle, I'll try to convince you that the death note was the origin of human language! Gelus exists in the Death Note television drama, but he is not directly seen. Kenichi Matsuyama (松山•ケンイチ, Matsuyama Ken'ichi) Il est petit et ressemble à une poupée rafistolée. - Wallpaper Abyss Jealous (in most other versions) Tagalog L: I waved happily at my friend, Light. He saves Misa from Ryotaro Sakajo, who is an assistant director for her show Misa-Misa's Happy Sweets. Fanfics / Fanfictions Crossovers de Death Note e Eddsworld de todos os gêneros. 6/10 Rem follows and explains what happened. Dieu de la mort qui a égaré son Death Note. Death Note - TV est un anime créé au Japon en 2006 par OBATA Takeshi édité par Kana Home Video. L and I had been waiting for him to leave class for a while. His role in the film is the same as it is in the manga and anime. Inquisitiveness Gelus exists in Death Note: The Musical, but he is not directly seen. Gelus (ジェラス, Jerasu) is the Shinigami who gave his life protecting Misa Amane. "Alright!" Gender Anime/Manga Death Note. Rem, who has been watching him for some time now, reaches for the fallen shinigami's Death Note in vain. As she runs from her encounter with her stalker, Misa comes across Gelus's Death Note which has fallen in her path. Gelus (Jealous) is a minor character in the anime and manga series, Death Note. Light asks, giving me an evil smirk. Death Note Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Death Note Boyfriend Scenarios When they're jealous. Series debut Gelus's appearance in the film is slightly differe… 7/10 One day, a mugger chases Misa, and Gelus sees that her time has almost come. Paper-Cut - Jealous! Ryuk le ramasse et le donne à Light Yagami qui tombe ensuite dans les mains de Mello. Il était amoureux de Misa, comme l'avait constaté Rem au début, et ne cessait de l'observer depuis son monde. News. Posts; Requests Closed; Archive; Anonymous asked: I think you're gone :((( Fffww. As Misa looks in awe at her now dead attacker, Gelus' Death Note falls at her feet. [ CONDITION ]. Voice Actors Initiative During this story, it is never explicitly stated that the girl therein is Misa, however the flashback showed images of her. Some of his skin is blue in color, and other patches are white. Livraison gratuite dès 60 euros et paiement en 3 ou 4 fois dès 100€ d'achat. In the anime, he is shown to drop the pen and start crying, before his eye disappears and he disintegrates. Leia as melhores histórias escritas pelos fãs de Death Note e Eddsworld com Jealous 3/10 TV. Gelus takes the appearance of a crudely patch worked doll. Manga Youwen Chen (陳幼文, Chen Youwen) i said taking out the death note. He is a small, doll-like Shinigami whose appearance suggests that he was poorly sewn together from mismatched fabric. Seuls ceux qui ont touché son « cahier de la Mort » peuvent le voir, mais seul le premier humain à le toucher en devient le propriétaire. His role is essentially the same, as he saves Misa from an unseen stalker. Jealous (Jeras) Dieu de la mort qui a tué la personne qui allait tuer Misa Amane, il meurt donc pour avoir rallongé la vie d’une humaine. Rem follows and explains what happened. Figurine officielle de Jealous en PVC. Also called He appears in a flashback when Rem explains to Misa how to kill a Shinigami. Death Note manga Rem delivers his Death Note to Misa because it was she whom he saved, as she feels it is right. They can give these notebooks to humans if they want, so they can also kill people. AU. In the flashback, Rem recalls Gelus watching over a younger Misa Amane in the Human World. Obata added the trait of Gelus having difficulty writing names into the Death Note. I say, glaring at him even more. shingeki no kyojin Nickname. Rem quickly touches the Note, making it hers and allowing Misa to see her. ChaeHeon Lim (임채헌, Lim ChaeHeon) Having fallen in love with Misa, Gelus uses his Death Note to kill Misa's destined murderer, against Rem's protests. 0. Obata said that he believed that readers could relate to him and sympathize with him more if he looked "pathetic" and "stupid" instead of "beautiful.". Appearances His Death Note falls beside Sakajo's dead body. Un shinigami, parfois improprement appelé « dieu de la Mort », reste lié à l'humain auquel il donne le « cahier de la Mort » (en anglais, Death Note).Il décide du moment de sa mort. Gelus is a shinigami shares many qualities with Ryuk. Light gets jealous when L has a new friend come round to help with the Kira case. Jealous; Shidoh; Items. Manga debut When deciding that the patterns looked "too pretty" Obata covered the patterns with black, leaving the white portions visible. Death Note Anime Death Note デスノート Death Note Fanart Death Note Light Death Note Cosplay Manga Anime Anime Art Shinigami Death Note Quotes The first through fourth printings of Volume 4 of the English-language manga refers to him as Gelus. The text of the notebook is in a "Shinigami language.". He saves Misa from Ryotaro Sakajo, who is an assistant director for her show Misa-Misa's Happy Sweets. Description. Male By: kanameouji. Light said, almost under his breath. Super RARE. Death Note Jealous - Figurine Death Note de Jealous Taille: 6cm - 8cm #DeathNote Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance - L, Light Y. Fanfics / Fanfictions Crossovers de Death Note e Mirai Nikki de todos os gêneros. 13 March 12, 2004 (2007 in anime) Gelus He refrains from writing and instead prefers to spend all of his time peering into the human world. Saved by Madallena. Download for free on all your devices - Computer, Smartphone, or Tablet. No Archive Warnings Apply; Near | Nate River/Reader ; Near | Nate River; Reader; Child; One Shot; Series. Knowing that it was Misa's last day alive, she watches with him. His role is essentially the same. Shinigami que assiste a vida do humano em que está ligado, desde quando ela nasceu , ele impede que o humano morra pelas mãos de um homem obcecado por ela, e por isso morre , em sua morte , Rem estava junto a ele , foi quando Rem pegou seu Death Note . L X Reader from the story Death Note One-Shots by Unlucky_Charm with 19,867 reads. Death Note est un manga shonen crée en 2004 par OBATA Takeshi, édité par Kana (Dark Kana) prépublié dans Shônen Jump - Particularités des shinigami de Death Note. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He hurriedly writes the name of Misa's attacker into his Death Note, killing the would-be murderer. I turn myself around and kick Light right in the jaw, causing him to fall into the table. Gelus (Jealous) is a minor character in the anime and manga series, Death Note. Date of death That was it! One day, he sees a girl, Misa Amane, and fall in love. 109 Death Note HD Wallpapers and Background Images. It is assumed that Misa knows this. He can speak through his stitched mouth, and more stitches extend across his body. What came first, the death note or human language? she walked over to the screen and kissed (Favorite male anime character) call him L, call him honeybunny, he really wont care that much, but will find the second one quite odd.