IndiaDict's English to Kannada Dictionary. As you may know, millions of English speaking people in India and around the world are looking for English to Kannada online dictionary, So, here at IndiaDict, we proud to provide you the best and free English to Kannada dictionary here. Throughout her trial she maintained a dignified silence. Find more similar words at! Petty cash is a small amount of cash on hand used for paying expenses too small to merit writing a check. Mercantilism is an economic policy that is designed to maximize the exports and minimize the imports for an economy. How to use maintain in a sentence. Learn how to balance petty cash in accounting. Examples in Kannada: ... to English like the meaning of Soundaryapremi meaning of Kalatmaka and from English to Kannada like awesome meaning in Kannada, the meaning of Aesthetic, the meaning of ornamental, etc. fraternity definition: 1. a group of people who have the same job or interest: 2. a social organization for male students…. 500 daily using words with Kannada meaning Vocabulary is the main key to speak in any language, if you learn 500 words in a language, than you can easily start to speak with anyone. Synonyms for well-maintained include conserved, preserved, unspoiled, well-kept, well-kept-up, well-looked-after, well-preserved, orderly, neat and tidy. It lets you search and get Kannada meaning of a English word in less than a few seconds. Contextual translation of "what about you meaning in kannada" into Kannada. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. Human translations with examples: hindi, shiki, looba, kannada, ಯು ಅರ್ಥ ಬಗ್ಗೆ. Meticulous definition: If you describe someone as meticulous , you mean that they do things very carefully and... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples It promotes imperialism, tariffs and subsidies on traded goods to achieve that goal. When we decided to learn the vocabulary we have to choose the right and necessary words to learn Learn more. professional - Meaning in Kannada, what is meaning of professional in Kannada dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms and definitions of professional in Kannada and English. Maintain definition is - to keep in an existing state (as of repair, efficiency, or validity) : preserve from failure or decline. Synonym Discussion of maintain. SAY meaning in kannada, SAY pictures, SAY pronunciation, SAY translation,SAY definition are included in the result of SAY meaning in kannada at, a free online English kannada …