But if they had been much better they would not have been published. What led up to that was more or less passage work. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2007) 1949 - The Little Sister (La hermana pequeña, en Adiós, muñeca; El sueño eterno; La hermana pequeña. In 1932, at age forty-four, Raymond Chandler decided to become a detective fiction writer after losing his job as an oil company executive during the Depression. Encouraged by Chandler's attorney/oilman friend Warren Lloyd, they moved to Los Angeles in 1913,[12] where he strung tennis rackets, picked fruit and endured a time of scrimping and saving. In 1946 the Chandlers moved to La Jolla, California, an affluent coastal neighborhood of San Diego, where Chandler wrote two more Philip Marlowe novels, The Long Goodbye and his last completed work, Playback. [8] Cissy amicably divorced her husband, Julian, in 1920, but Chandler's mother disapproved of the relationship and refused to sanction the marriage. Chandler's personal and professional life were both helped and complicated by the women to whom he was attracted—notably Helga Greene, his literary agent; Jean Fracasse, his secretary; Sonia Orwell (George Orwell's widow); and Natasha Spender (Stephen Spender's wife). Chandler, Raymond . Notable for its revised take on both the Marlowe character, transplanting the novel to the 1970s, is Robert Altman's 1973 neo-noir adaptation of The Long Goodbye. Chandler blieb für mehrere Monate. Wulf Teichmann, Diogenes-Verlag, Zürich, Edgar Allan Poe Award (Kategorie Bester Roman, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Raymond_Chandler&oldid=210896478, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Chandler, Raymond Thornton (vollständiger Name), 1942: Time to Kill – Regie: Herbert I. Leeds – nach: The High Window, 1995: Perfect Crimes – Vorlage zur 2. Available for new and existing users. Staffel: Kurzgeschichte Red Wind, 1998: Poodle Springs – Vorlage: Storyfragment. Instead, he was buried in Mount Hope, because he had left no funeral or burial instructions. Insgesamt 27 Gedichte erschienen in dieser Zeit in Chambers' Journal, The Westminster Gazette, The Academy und The Spectator. The script gained Chandler's second Academy Award nomination for screenplay. Erle Stanley Gardner could turn out a pulp story in three or four days—and turned out an estimated one thousand."[15]. ", Although his work enjoys general acclaim today, Chandler has been criticized for certain aspects of his writing. Chandler regained his U.S. citizenship in 1956, while retaining his British rights too. It later provided the basis of an episode of the HBO miniseries (1983–86), Philip Marlowe, Private Eye, starring Powers Boothe as Marlowe. Chandler's writing redefined the private eye fiction genre, led to the coining of the adjective "Chandleresque", and inevitably became the subject of parody and pastiche. Chandler collaborated on the screenplay of Alfred Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train (1951), an ironic murder story based on Patricia Highsmith's novel, which he thought implausible. (2000). Both were played in films by Humphrey Bogart, whom many consider to be the quintessential Marlowe. [9] He did not go to university, instead spending time in Paris and Munich improving his foreign language skills. Año: 0. An encounter with the slightly older Richard Barham Middleton is said to have influenced him into postponing his career as writer. 1924 heiratete er die 18 Jahre ältere Pearl Cecily Bowen, geborene Hurlburt, die damit ihre dritte Ehe einging. His mother joined him there in late 1912. Hello, Sign in. EAN: 9780241978931. Hans Wollschläger, Diogenes, Zürich, Übers. Chandler was born in 1888 in Chicago, the son of Florence Dart (Thornton) and Maurice Benjamin Chandler. The tale also loosely inspired the 1944 Raymond Chandler detective novel The Lady in the Lake, which was made into a film in 1947. He is a founder of the hard-boiled school of detective fiction, along with Dashiell Hammett, James M. Cain and other Black Mask writers. 26 marca 1959 w La Jolla) – amerykański autor powieści i opowiadań kryminalnych, z gatunku crime fiction. Derace Kingsley's wife ran away to Mexico to get a quickie divorce and marry a Casanova-wannabe named Chris Lavery. Über St. Louis (Missouri) und Omaha (Nebraska) landete Chandler schließlich in Kalifornien, wo er auf einer Aprikosenplantage und in einer Firma für Sportartikel Arbeit fand. It has been dismissed by the Raymond Chandler estate as "no more than… a curiosity. Marlowe goes to investigate, finds the body of another man in a lake, and ends up involved in a mess much more complicated than just a missing woman.… As Frank MacShane noted in his biography, The Life of Raymond Chandler, Chandler wished to be cremated and placed next to Cissy in Cypress View Mausoleum. He is a man who refuses a prospective client's fee for a job he considers unethical. Er gehört neben Dashiell Hammett zu den großen Autoren der schwarzen Serie im amerikanischen Kriminalroman. Die folgenden zwei Jahre verbrachte er als Vorbereitung auf die Aufnahmeprüfung für den britischen Staatsdienst (Civil Service) in Frankreich, wo er eine Handelsschule in Paris besuchte, und in Deutschland mit Privatunterricht. Raymond Thornton Chandler (Chicago, 23 de julio de 1888 - La Jolla, California, 26 de marzo de 1959) fue un escritor estadounidense de novela negra [30][circular reference], For the 14th United States Sergeant Major of the Army, see. Raymond Chandler starb 1959 in La Jolla, Kalifornien. El libro THE LADY IN THE LAKE de RAYMOND CHANDLER en Casa del Libro: ¡descubre en abril los días con 10% de descuento y envío gratis! Episode der 1. Chandler, Raymond, (1969). So beschloss er, sich fortan dem Verfassen von Kriminalgeschichten zu widmen. Helga Greene inherited Chandler's $60,000 estate, after prevailing in a 1960 lawsuit filed by Fracasse contesting Chandler's holographic codicil to his will. Chandler drohte in den folgenden Monaten mehrmals mit Selbstmord. The noir screenplay was nominated for an Academy Award. Übers. Or so the note she left her husband insisted. [8] In 1955, he attempted suicide. In the 2012 documentary, The Doors: Mr. Mojo Risin'- The Story Of L.A. Woman, keyboardist, Ray Manzarek describes Jim Morrison's lyrics to L.A. Woman, “Another lost angel in the city of night.” “The lyrics were so good. The Lady in the Lake book. Wilder acknowledged that the dialogue which makes the film so memorable was largely Chandler's. In addition to his short stories, Chandler published seven novels during his lifetime (an eighth, in progress at the time of his death, was completed by Robert B. Parker). Chandler had an immense stylistic influence on American popular literature. Sein Vater verließ die Familie wegen einer anderen Frau; 1895 ließen sich seine Eltern scheiden und Chandler zog mit seiner Mutter nach England. He died at Scripps Memorial Hospital of pneumonial peripheral vascular shock and prerenal uremia (according to the death certificate) in 1959. The episode itself has a similar premise, namely, the "bad wind" blows through Cicely. "It Didn't Mean Anything: A Psychoanalytic Reading of American Detective Fiction". while they lived with Chandler's maternal grandmother. "[24] Chandler's swift-moving, hardboiled style was inspired mostly by Dashiell Hammett, but his sharp and lyrical similes are original: "The muzzle of the Luger looked like the mouth of the Second Street tunnel"; "He had a heart as big as one of Mae West's hips"; "Dead men are heavier than broken hearts"; "I went back to the seasteps and moved down them as cautiously as a cat on a wet floor." Parker shares the authorship with Chandler. (1962). „Tote schlafen fest“) wurde, erschien 1939 und war ein großer Erfolg. Episode der 2. Literary success and film adaptations led to a demand for Chandler himself as a screenwriter. He had not written a denouement for the script and, according to producer John Houseman, Chandler concluded he could finish the script only if drunk, with the assistance of round-the-clock secretaries and drivers, which Houseman agreed to. Chandler was classically educated at Dulwich College, London (a public school whose alumni include the authors P. G. Wodehouse[8] and C. S. Forester). The high regard in which Chandler is generally held today is in contrast to the critical sniping that stung the author during his lifetime. Goodbye / Playback Raymond Chandler: Later The Lady in Writings (LOA #80): of America Raymond. Edité par Hamish Hamilton, 1947. According to genre historian Herbert Ruhm, "Chandler, who worked slowly and painstakingly, revising again and again, had taken five months to write the story. Chandler erarbeitete sich hierbei gewissermaßen das Handwerk, um später größere Kriminalromane zu schreiben. In den folgenden Jahren begab er sich immer wieder in ärztliche Behandlung. The ideal mystery was one you would read if the end was missing. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec -5% de réduction . 23 lipca 1888 w Chicago, zm. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. Playback is the only one of his novels not to have been cinematically adapted. Les meilleures offres pour The Lady in the Lake (raymond Chandler) | Penguin sont sur eBay Comparez les prix et les spécificités des produits neufs et d'occasion Pleins d'articles en livraison gratuite! A place where Jim would easily go”. Parker subsequently wrote a sequel to The Big Sleep entitled Perchance to Dream, which was salted with quotes from the original novel. Chandler was also a perceptive critic of detective fiction; his essay "The Simple Art of Murder" is the canonical essay in the field. your own Pins on Pinterest When I first went to Hollywood a very intelligent producer told me that you couldn't make a successful motion picture from a mystery story, because the whole point was a disclosure that took a few seconds of screen time while the audience was reaching for its hat. Pronzini, Bill; Jack Adrian (eds). Chandler disliked the servility of the civil service and resigned, to the consternation of his family, became a reporter for the Daily Express and also wrote for the Westminster Gazette. Heartbroken and drunk, Chandler neglected to inter her cremated remains, and they sat for 57 years in a storage locker in the basement of Cypress View Mausoleum. [5] To obtain the best possible education for Ray, his mother, originally from Ireland, moved them to the area of Upper Norwood in what is now the London Borough of Croydon, England[6] in 1900. Von 1900 bis 1905 besuchte Chandler das Dulwich College im Südwesten von London, wo er erstes Interesse an Fremdsprachen und Altphilologie entwickelte. Der Vater stammte aus Philadelphia und die Mutter kam aus Waterford in Irland. Swirski, Peter (2005). Peter Fischer, Nest Verlag, Nürnberg, gekürzt. [8] In a radio discussion with Chandler, Fleming said that Chandler offered "some of the finest dialogue written in any prose today". Some of us tried pretty hard to break out of the formula, but we usually got caught and sent back. Raymond Chandler. For the next four years Chandler supported both his mother and Cissy. [8] The places are real, if pseudonymous: Bay City is Santa Monica, Gray Lake is Silver Lake, and Idle Valley a synthesis of wealthy San Fernando Valley communities. Apr 13, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Jordan Cooke. In a March 1942 letter to Blanche Knopf, published in Selected Letters of Raymond Chandler, he wrote, "The thing that rather gets me down is that when I write something that is tough and fast and full of mayhem and murder, I get panned for being tough and fast and full of mayhem and murder, and then when I try to tone down a bit and develop the mental and emotional side of a situation, I get panned for leaving out what I was panned for putting in the first time. *FREE* shipping on eligible orders. Book Two of. His second Marlowe novel, Farewell, My Lovely (1940), became the basis for three movie versions adapted by other screenwriters, including the 1944 film Murder My Sweet, which marked the screen debut of the Marlowe character, played by Dick Powell (whose depiction of Marlowe Chandler applauded). "Raymond Chandler's Aesthetics of Irony" in, This page was last edited on 29 April 2021, at 16:36. Chandler's short stories and novels are evocatively written, conveying the time, place and ambiance of Los Angeles and environs in the 1930s and 1940s. [7] Another uncle, a successful lawyer in Waterford, Ireland, reluctantly supported them[8] Thriller Books. Raymond was a first cousin to the actor Max Adrian, a founding member of the Royal Shakespeare Company; Max's mother Mabel was a sister of Florence Thornton. In the 11th issue of the influential Cyberpunk fanzine Cheap Truth, Vincent Omniaveritas conducted a fictitious interview with Chandler. 100 % Wollfilz meisten Kopfgrößen. Randal Gardner, Powers Boothe, Judith Freeman and Aissa Wayne. [19], In 2010, Chandler historian Loren Latker, with the assistance of attorney Aissa Wayne (daughter of John Wayne), brought a petition to disinter Cissy's remains and reinter them with Chandler in Mount Hope. The interview opines that Chandler's views towards the potential for respectability in pulp and genre fiction could also be applied to Science Fiction, specifically the Cyberpunk movement. The Big Sleep (1939) is a hardboiled crime novel by American-British writer Raymond Chandler, the first to feature the detective Philip Marlowe.It has been adapted for film twice, in 1946 and again in 1978.The story is set in Los Angeles.. Chandler's few screenwriting efforts and the cinematic adaptation of his novels proved stylistically and thematically influential on the American film noir genre. Howe, Alexander N. (2008). View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1991 Cassette release of The Lady In The Lake on Discogs. Try Raymond Chandler, geboren 1888 in Chicago, wuchs in England auf. After hearing the passage, Ed, impressed, utters "Whoa". After the death of Florence Chandler on September 26, 1923, he was free to marry Cissy. Hello Select your address All Hello, Sign in. Some critics consider it inferior to The Big Sleep or Farewell, My Lovely, but others rank it as the best of his work. Außerdem verfasste er unter anderem das ebenfalls Oscar-nominierte Drehbuch für den Alan Ladd/Veronica-Lake-Klassiker The Blue Dahlia (Die blaue Dahlie). 1912 kehrte er in die Vereinigten Staaten zurück. "[18] A small team under the direction of the actor and director Paul Sand is seeking permission to produce the operetta in Los Angeles. 1943 - The Lady in the Lake (La dama del lago. 1933 erschien die erste Kurzgeschichte Chandlers („Blackmailers Don’t Shoot“) im Journal Black Mask, das sich als Serienprodukt für Kurzkrimis etabliert hatte. "Raymond Chandler Interview". Read 1,072 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. [25] Anderson nevertheless praised Chandler as "probably the most lyrical of the major crime writers".[26]. 1956 wurde er erstmals aufgrund seines Alkoholismus ins Krankenhaus eingewiesen. The protagonist of his novels, Philip Marlowe, like Hammett's Sam Spade, is considered by some to be synonymous with "private detective". In 1917, he traveled to Vancouver, where in August he enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force. Einige der als Kurzgeschichten publizierten Stoffe arbeitete er später zu Romanen um. Er übte verschiedenste Berufe aus, bevor er ab 1932 ernsthaft zu schreiben begann. Afficher tous les exemplaires de ce livre. Chick Chandler, Actor: It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World. Übers. Traducciones de Josep Elías, José Antonio Lara y Juan Vignoly, Barcelona, Orbis,198 Raymond Thornton Chandler (* 23.Juli 1888 in Chicago, Illinois; † 26. His first novel, The Big Sleep, was published in 1939, featuring the detective Philip Marlowe, speaking in the first person. Four chapters of a novel, unfinished at his death, were transformed into a final Philip Marlowe novel, Poodle Springs, by the mystery writer and Chandler admirer Robert B. Parker, in 1989. Die beiden letzten Romane, „Playback“ und „Poodle Springs“ (unvollendet), erreichen bei weitem nicht mehr die Qualität der vorhergehenden Werke. Im Februar 1955 versuchte er, sich in der Dusche zu erschießen, der Versuch schlug fehl. One of them may have gotten a Mexican divorce and married a gigolo and the other may be dead. He found steady employment with the Los Angeles Creamery. Hakt man gezielter nach überragen die Aussagen von Nutzern, die von erstklassigen Resultaten sprechen. But when Marlowe next encounters Lavery, he's denying nothing - … They were married on February 6, 1924. Hitchcock made a show of throwing Chandler's two draft screenplays into the studio trash can while holding his nose, but Chandler retained the lead screenwriting credit along with Czenzi Ormonde. Hiney, Tom and MacShane, Frank, eds. Wulf Teichmann, Verlag Volk und Welt, Berlin, Übers. Said Wilder, "I would just guide the structure and I would also do a lot of the dialogue, and he (Chandler) would then comprehend and start constructing too." Chandler also described the struggle that writers of pulp fiction had in following the formula demanded by the editors of the pulp magazines: As I look back on my stories it would be absurd if I did not wish they had been better. Beide waren Quäker. Lady in the Lake 【著作】 《The ~》湖中の女 米1943年《著》レイモンド・チャンドラー(Raymond Chandler) Lady in Waiting The incident made a great impression on me, because Middleton struck me as having far more talent than I was ever likely to possess; and if he couldn't make a go of it, it wasn't very likely that I could." Editorial: Hamish Hamilton. Chandler's original gravestone, placed by Jean Fracasse and her children, is still at the head of his grave; the new one is at the foot. Chandler's final Marlowe short story, circa 1957, was entitled "The Pencil". Yet the detective Philip Marlowe is not a stereotypical tough guy, but a complex, sometimes sentimental man with few friends, who attended university, who speaks some Spanish and sometimes admires Mexicans, and who is a student of chess and classical music.