Get an answer. Asked by Wiki User. Check all that apply. An economic power force dragged a socially unbalanced amount of slaves to the island of Saint Domingue, ultimately fueling the fire for the Haitian Revolution. Who sparked the independence movement in Mexico? Ruthless plantation owners Napoleon had hoped to retake Saint-Dominque in order to revive the sugar trade and reestablish the island as a source of wealth for France. Enslaved African workers grew sugar in the northern plains around Cap Français, for example, and coffee in the mountainous interior. The National Assembly decreed thatthe mulattoes of the colonies who owned land and paid taxes would have therights of citizens including the right to vote. In Spanish Latin America, people who were of mixed European and Indian ancestry were called . Saint-Domingue was a Colony of France in the Antilles before the Revolution in which it became Haiti in 1804. Saint Domigue’s economy was dependent on sugar plantations. History, 06.10.2019 04:00 kaylijocombs. These are the applicable ones: sugar plantations enslaved Africans strenuous manual labor ruthless plantation owners. It occupied a position of strategic importance in the century-long struggle between England and France for domination of the world-economy. Political dependence on the mother country, was now retarding the economic growth of Saint Domingue. By using this site, you consent to the use of cookies. What was the economy of saint dominique dependent upon? g. Expert answered|emdjay23|Points 132811| Log in for more information. The man in the picture, Padre Miguel Hidalgo, is noted for. Check all that apply. In the late 1780’s the French colony of Saint Domingue consisted of what is primarily know as the "three-tier" structure, which was what generally existed in these sugar colonies. By the mid-1700s it was the world’s largest sugar exporter. The colonial economy of Saint-Domingue was based almost entirely on the production of plantation crops for export. Answers: 1 Show answers Another question on History. what was the economy of Saint Dominique dependent upon? Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Saint domingue’s economy was dependent on plantations. There were about 20,000 whites living in Saint Domingue, all French. Question. New … Answers. Who are the decision makers for the private sector in the U.S economy … During the French colonial period beginning in 1625, the economy of Haiti (then known as Saint-Domingue) was based on slavery, and the practice there was regarded as the most brutal in the world. What was the economy of Saint Domingue dependent upon? Select four options. The colonial economy of Saint-Domingue was based almost entirely on the production of plantation crops for export. The colony’s population and economic output grew rapidly during the 18th century, and it became France’s most prosperous New World possession, exporting sugar and smaller amounts of coffee, cacao, indigo, and cotton. Question sent to expert. The colonial administratorsin Haiti refused to grant t… During the 18 th century, the population of Saint-Domingue increased quickly as the economy became centered upon agricultural plantations, which were slave-based. Check all that apply. JW Marriott a annoncé l'ouverture de son premier hôtel caribéen à Saint Domingue en République Dominicaine. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. mestizos and American Indians. They were divided into two different groups known as the planters and the petit blancs. the … Indeed, by 1788, Saint Domingue, roughly the size of the current US state of Vermont, became a thriving economy. control over the colonial economy and of the slave social relations of pro-duction caused the underdevelopment and dependence of Saint-Domingue. sugar plantations enslaved Africans an African uprising strenuous manual labor a majority of free whites ruthless plantatio - Saint Domingue was known as the "Pearl of the Antilles", it was one of the richest colonies from the French Empire. • In 1758, he was captured and burned to death. The Africans transplanted to Saint Domingue remain in general indolent and idle, quarrelsome and talkative, and liars, and are addicted to stealing. Which of the following statements describe a problem with the articles of confederation? This can be seen in the economic reliance of the region on sugar plantation which required slaves. You can refuse to use cookies by setting the necessary parameters in your browser. Add your answer and earn points. amending the articles required unanimous agreement from the states. … What was the economy of Saint Dominique dependent upon? Due to the vast planting industry established in Saint Domigue, many different classes emerged. View the answer now. Before the Seven Years War, the economy of Saint Domingue grew enormously. Haiti had seen one of the most extreme form of colonialism and in effect it has also seen one of the most unique uprisings to ever happen on a plantation. Women suffered as much as men. The argument is presented in three parts. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. Life in Saint-Domingue The colony of Saint-Domingue existed for just over one hundred years. You will receive an answer to the email. It occupied a position of strategic importance in the century-long struggle between England and France for domination of the world-economy. Check all that apply. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. To be “as rich as a creole” was a famous boast of the time, and Saint Domingue was lionized as “the pearl of the Antilles.” At its peak, the economy of Saint Domingue created a tax base of one billion livres, and annually sent goods worth 150-170 million livres into France. Does everyone have the same size heart? It was by becoming a Catholic that I pacified the Vendée [region in western France], and a [Muslim] that I established myself in Egypt; it was by becoming ultramontane that I won over public opinion in Italy. On the eve of the Haitian Revolution, Saint Domingue had become the most lucrative colony on earth. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. 1. plus. What was the economy of Saint Dominique dependent upon? The Saint-Domingue revolution had a great impact on Louisiana from the 1790s through the 1810s; first and foremost was France’s loss in its attempted re-conquest of the island during 1802 and 1803. mestizos and American Indians. Among its spelling variations in various reference works are S. Domingue, St. Domingue, San-Domingue, Santo Domingo, San Domingo, St. Doming, Saint Dominique, and St. Domingo.After the successful Haitian Revolution - and upon declaring independence under the leadership of Jean-Jacques Dessalines - on January 1, 1804, the former French colony was renamed Haïti (or Hayti in the 19th … African enslaved persons outnumbered free people 10 to 1 in Saint-Domingue, which led to. He made sure, now that he had such power, to put St. Domingue under an autonomous state under black rule. By the end of the Ancien Régime (1788/89), St. Domingue, the western part of the island Hispaniola was considered to be the most valuable plantation economy of the world. Domingo always had a free population in the majority and the colony was much more balanced racially. bell outlined. 19-5/2x=34 Please help me now thank you :)... View a few ads and unblock the answer on the site. douwdek0 and 21 more users found this answer helpful. Answer they were dependent on Sugar Plantations Enslaved Africans Strenuous Manual Labor Ruthless Plantations owners This is what Saint Dominique was dependent upon What was the economy of Saint Dominique dependent upon? He was appointed luitenant governor of Saint-Domingue out of the commander's thanks, and was soon appointed the commander in chief of all French forces on the island of St. Domingue. Political instability in the … the government had no power to tax the people. The economy of Saint-Domingue became focused on slave-based agricultural plantations. Check all that apply. After the war, it use to export 72 million pounds of raw sugar and 51 million pounds of refined sugar. He successfully avoided capture by the French for six years. Strenuous manual labor. In order for … report flag outlined. In addition, there was the commercialization of slaves.After the revolution that culminated in independence, the Haitian economy was structurally shaken. Saint Domingue was at the vortex of the international economic and political cur-rents of the eighteenth century. Saint-Domingue's Black population quickly increased. many chinese peasants are moving to cities in search of better jobs opportunities.d. Your IP: lailabirdiemae. Answers. The international rivalry between these two competing empires as well as beginning the Mexican independence movement. Select four options. Saint Domingue was known as the "Pearl of the Antilles", it was one of the richest colonies from the French Empire. His steady leadership enabled for order to be restored to the island. Get an answer. Check all that apply. Haiti’s early history is characterized by remarkable economic output. beginning the Mexican independence movement. many north koreans wish to see relatives now living in korea. That was dependant upon your courage, patriotism, intelligence, wealth, and religion. Based upon the work of half a million of African slaves, its 792 sugar, 2.810 coffee, 3.097 indigo and 705 cotton plantations produced colonial 239Mio. answer by yourhope: the speaker of which statement would be best served by joining an interest group? Explanation: The first sugarcane plantations were introduced in Saint Domingue by the Spanish colonizers, at the beginning of the 16th century. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. Add answer + 5 pts. One of its great economic activities was sugar, which later they exported to the Old World. Brainliestttme : ) describe the event: increase in islamic extremism in the middle east. What was the economy of Saint Dominique dependent upon? What was the economy of Saint Dominique dependent upon? The slave system in Saint-Domingue was regarded as one of the harshest in the Americas, with high levels of both mortality and violence. In today's money: (U$ 1,084,440,000) larger than that of the US at the time. many mongolians are pastoral nomads who raise livestock for a living.c. See answer. A. sugar plantations B. enslaved Africans C. an African uprising D. strenuous manual labor E. a majority of free whites F. ruthless plantation owners The correct answer was given: Brain. Napoleon had hoped to retake Saint-Dominque in order to revive the sugar trade and reestablish the island as a source of wealth for France. That in turn allowed some wealthy French land owners … Not only was Saint Domingue a possession of the nation’s most important ally, since 1789 many had regarded the colony as a local expression of the struggles taking place in Paris. 0 Answers/Comments. Part I: The Creation of Saint-Domingue I n order to understand the Haitian Revo-lution, it is important to understand the French colony of Saint-Domingue. Answers (1) Tiara Church 3 August, 11:17. check all of the boxes that apply. History of Saint-Domingue The plantation owners of Saint Domingue and the Royal Indemnity Report (État détaillé des liquidations) By the end of the Ancien Régime (1788/89), St. Domingue, the western part of the island Hispaniola was considered to be the most valuable plantation economy of the world. The rebellion of Haiti was not a simple black versus white affair.Instead the political matrix was as follows: The political changes taking place in France at the time of theFrench Revolution brought change for the colonies. The severity of an electrical shock is dependant upon what three things. s. Expert answered|emdjay23|Points 132811| Log in for more information. Saint-Domingue was located in the Caribbean on the island of Hispaniola, alongside Spain’s colony of Santo Domingo (present-day Dominican Republic). Asked 11/19/2017 11:16:27 AM. 1 See answer idk how im trying Okay whats good sis wassup hey sis whats good elizabethochoa is waiting for your help. He was appointed luitenant governor of Saint-Domingue out of the commander's thanks, and was soon appointed the commander in chief of all French forces on the island of St. Domingue. Augustin de Iturbide was able to declare independence from Spain while also proclaiming himself emperor in part because. For much of that time, it was the wealthiest colony in the Caribbean. What was the economy of saint dominique dependant upon? Please enable Cookies and reload the page. mestizos. The man in the picture, Padre Miguel Hidalgo, is noted for. The French colony of Saint Domingue had a substantial agricultural economy featuring sugar, coffee, indigo and tobacco. the pentagon. The economy of Saint Domingue was dependent on the production of plantation crops for export. What was the economy of Saint Dominique dependent upon? Furthermore, Santo Domingo developed into an economy based on ranching, farming, and livestock, as opposed to plantation agriculture (Dubois 16). the shanksville, pennsylvania, memorial. History, 21.06.2019 12:30, Angela1998. Sugar plantations, enslaved Africans, strenuous manual labor, and ruthless plantation owners was the economy of Saint Dominique dependent upon. Saint Domingue is also a place of shopping. The Saint-Domingue revolution had a great impact on Louisiana from the 1790s through the 1810s; first and foremost was France’s loss in its attempted re-conquest of the island during 1802 and 1803. Other articles where Saint-Domingue is discussed: Haiti: Plantations and slaves: …to France, which renamed it Saint-Domingue. Who sparked the independence movement in Mexico? sugar plantations enslaved Africans strenuous manual labor ruthless plantation owners. When he asked to incorporate the mulatto forces in his project, the French interfered. What was the economy of Saint Dominique dependent upon? • Log in to add … Answers. Slaves remained strong against their French rulers. Because of their sex, they were subject to additional abuse by plantation masters and overseers, including rape and other forms of sexual exploitation. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. They followed the example of neighboring Caribbean colonies in coercive treatment of the enslaved population. What was the economy of saint domingue dependent upon. What was the economy of Saint Domingue dependent upon? After the war, it use to export 72 million pounds of raw sugar and 51 million pounds of refined sugar. He was able to inspire the freed Black slaves to work very hard in order to kick start the economy of Saint-Domingue. sugar plantations enslaved Africans strenuous manual labor ruthless plantation owners. What was the economy of Saint Domingue dependent upon? Order . What was the economy of Saint Domingue dependent upon? Shortly before the Haitian Revolution, Saint-Domingue produced roughly 40 percent of the sugar and 60 percent of the coffee imported to Europe. Saint-Domingue (French pronunciation: [sɛ̃.dɔ.mɛ̃ɡ]) was a French colony on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola from 1659 to 1804, in what is now an island that hosts two countries; the Dominican Republic and Haiti.The name was also used, at times, for the island of Hispaniola as a whole, all of it, nominally, being at times a French colony. In addition, there was the commercialization of slaves. The Saint-Domingue expedition was a French military expedition sent by Napoleon Bonaparte, then First Consul, under his brother-in-law Charles Victor Emmanuel Leclerc in an attempt to regain French control of the Caribbean colony of Saint-Domingue on the island of Hispaniola, and curtail the measures of independence taken by the former slave Toussaint Louverture. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Before the Seven Years War, the economy of Saint Domingue grew enormously. Answer. no everyones heart size is dependant upon your body size sugar plantations enslaved Africans strenuous Manuel labor ruthless plantation owners . Asked by Wiki User. One of the most famous slaves was Mackandal. He created a very thriving atmosphere for the plantations to prosper immensely, which in turn boosted the economic fortunes of Saint-Domingue. Answers: 2 Get Other questions on the subject: History. The international rivalry between these two competing empires as well as Upon arrival on the island of Saint Domingue, the average life expectancy of a slave was about seven years. Asked 11/19/2017 11:16:27 AM. Saint-Domingue was a Colony of France in the Antilles before the Revolution in which it became Haiti in 1804. Be the first to answer! Explanation: The correct answer was given: Brain. What was the economy of Saint Dominique dependent upon? What was the economy of Saint Dominique dependent upon? This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. History. its new colony Saint-Domingue. Sugar plantations, enslaved Africans, strenuous manual labor, and ruthless plantation owners was the economy of Saint Dominique dependent upon. He made sure, now that he had such power, to put St. Domingue under an autonomous state under black rule. What was the economy of saint domingue dependent upon These included four main groups: the whites, free colored, black slaves, and maroons. He wanted to destroy white colonization in Saint Domingue . While Saint-Domingue exported cash crops, the leading exports of the Spanish colony Saint Domingue was known as the "Pearl of the Antilles", it was one of the richest colonies from the French Empire. Sugar plantations, enslaved Africans, strenuous manual labor, and ruthless plantation owners was the economy of Saint Dominique dependent upon. As usual at that time, the labor for plantations was provided by millions African slaves. Economic statistics for Saint Domingue including value of exports, credits and debts, expenses and maritime statistics from 1785 to 1792 highlighting the colonies economic prosperity. Order . After the war, it use to export 72 million pounds of raw sugar and 51 million pounds of refined sugar. Thousands of slave found freedom by escaping to the mountains, forming communities and raiding plantations. Check all that apply. Its exports reached 214 billion francs. What was the economy of Saint Dominique dependent upon? History, 21.06.2019 21:30. Enslaved African workers grew sugar in the northern plains around Cap Français, for example, and coffee in the mountainous interior. The island was a huge importer of African slaves, at one point comprising a third of the entire trade in the Western hemisphere, with approximately 685,000 men, women and children arriving brought into the colony during the 18th century. sugar plantations enslaved Africans strenuous manual labor ruthless plantation owners. 0. Race as well as economic standing and social position separated the three groups that made up this structure. The slaves had stood up in revolt against the overlords in Saint Domingue and other parts of Haiti and it had happened because of their inhuman treatment there. After the revolution that culminated in independence, the Haitian economy was structurally shaken. Based upon the work of half a million of African slaves, its 792 sugar, 2.810 coffee, 3.097 indigo and 705 cotton plantations produced colonial 239Mio. 0 Answers/Comments. Yes their economy is totally dependent upon the products they make and exports. The man in the picture, Padre Miguel Hidalgo, is noted for. Saint Dominigue´s economy depended almost entirely on the ability of the slaves to make it profitable, there were a os of enslaved africans doing hard manual labors at the sugar plantations. Revolutionaries were motivated by Enlightenment ideals and used them to try to reform French society. Brainliestttme : ) the united states has responded to terrorism by creating the department of defense the department of state the department of homeland security the department of transportation. beginning the Mexican independence movement. ★★★ Correct answer to the question: What was the economy of Saint Domingue dependent upon? Enslaved Africans. In relation to the september 11th attacks, the term ground zero refers to new york city. nxxjx. Named a colony of Saint Domingue, the country was the largest sugar producer in the world and the main exporter of coffee to Europe. nxxjx. was asked on May 31 2017. The economy of France was dependent upon revenues from the colonies, which were slave societies based largely on production of sugar from cane plantations.The French economy thrived due to the lucrative triangle trade.Demand for sugar was high in Europe. congress had no power to regulate trade. Economic Table Voyage to Saint Domingue . By the end of the Ancien Régime (1788/89), St. Domingue, the western part of the island Hispaniola was considered to be the most valuable plantation economy of the world.