Heights), also known as Ramot Alon (Hebrew: רמות אלון ), is a large neighborhood in a northern part of East Jerusalem. Zip code 5252238, Israel. Report inappropriate content . Your Email. Interactive smart self-taught zip code map in the Israel. Email info@keyzarjewelry.com. Central District Ramat Gan Condo/Apartment. Toval 40, Ramat Gan, Israel +972-3970-50-20. Taxes. New Designs Coming Soon Coming Soon Coming Soon Coming Soon Reply. Branch Name: halapid Branch Code: 676 Address: 38 BEN GURYON ST. RAMAT – GAN 38 ZIP Code: 5257354 Phone: 03-7551220 Fax: 03-7511469. Zip Code 5252248. Parks. … Cash Money Transfer. Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods. Keyzar Jewelry. Hover directly on the map to the desired settlement and click on it. Ships to: Worldwide Delivery: ... * Estimated delivery dates- opens in a new window or tab include seller's handling time, origin ZIP Code, destination ZIP Code and time of acceptance and will depend on shipping service selected and receipt of cleared payment. Branch Name: ramat chen Branch Code: 853 Address: mezada ramat chen 28 ZIP Code: 5223528 Phone: 03-9545522 Fax: 077 … Zip code: 525317 SWIFT codes are a standard format for Business Identifier Codes - commonly referred to as a BIC. Branch Code : 851: Address: bialik ramat gan 22 ,ZIP CODE 5245121 City: RAMAT GAN: Phone Bank Leumi ramat gan,RAMAT GAN: 03-9545522: Fax Bank Leumi ramat gan,RAMAT GAN Clear All Save This Search New to the Market. Branch Name: ramat itzchak Branch Code: 852 Address: shederot yerushalaim ramat itzchak 29-31 ZIP Code: 5238117 Phone: 076-8690933 Fax: 04-6618322. Shivtei is a Dati Leumi Tzioni Beit Knesset in Ra’anana. Cafe, Israeli $$ - $$$ Menu. Description. Many of our Ramat-Gan serviced apartments come with full accommodations, including a full kitchen and a lounge. Everything you need to be ready to step out prepared. Tel: 972-(3)-5753070 1. My zip code; Zip code map; US zip codes; Canada zip codes; UK postcodes; All postcodes; Israel. Address: 21 jerusalem blvd. Ayalon Mall. Can anyone advise me how to get to Ramat Gan via public transport. info@keyzarjewelry.com. Ramot (Hebrew: רָמוֹת , lit. Search on our zip code map. Tel Aviv “Great breakfast” “Awful service” 3. Limit search to Ramat Gan. Taxes may be applicable at checkout. info@keyzarjewelry.com. A SWIFT code - or SWIFT number is a standard format to uniquely identify banks and financial institutions globally. Israel . Services Hours. Avi-Ram wibe site in English. Fourth floor. Fourth floor. Message. “Parfori House”. 3.2 mi. We found great results, but some are outside Ramat Gan. Prisma Pietre Srl Viale Dante, 24 15048 Valenza (AL) Italy In order to provide the most convenient service, Move and Stay helps you find Ramat-Gan apartments for rent with our easy-to-use apartment locator. Nature & Wildlife Areas. The Streets. Branch Name: neve ram Branch Code: 773 Address: 29 hayarden st. ramat-gan 29 ZIP Code: 5233317 Phone: 03-6711200 Fax: 03-6767193 . Tel Aviv. Zip code: 525317 Ramat Gan Zoo, located at P.O.Box 984, in Ramat-Gan, in Israel, was founded in 1974 and the first elephant arrived in 1981.. At Ramat Gan Zoo lives 10 elephants with records in this database: (detail list)♀ Aviva born 1969 ♀ Bahati born 1961 ♀ La Belle born 2006-03-11 ♀ La Petite born 1985-00-00 ♀ Lalana born 2013-10-02 ♀ Latangi born 2013-08-02 Address: 26 Bugrashov Street, Ramat Gan Zip code: 63342 City: Ramat Gan Opened: 1951 Architect: Ivor Shaw Friba Capacity: 41583 Surface: grass Facts: renovated 1982 (new west stand); local name: Itstadyon Ramat Gan 3 Armonim St,Ramat Gan,5258703,, Israel,Zip Code:5258703, Ramat Gan, [7] 52621 Ramat Gan. You will find out his postal code (zip code). Mailing address: 125 Bialik St, Ramat Gan. Phone: +972-2-6290447. Small green public gardens are plentiful and all streets are tree lined. We believe in continually striving to enrich the quality of Orthodox Jewish life by combining a sense of community and belonging within an inspirational religious Jewish environment. Know what's coming with AccuWeather's extended daily forecasts for Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv, Israel. Start in store. Cafe $ 3.5 mi. Showing results in neighboring cities. This Swift code IDBLILITDMD is applicable for Ramat Gan location in Israel. 262 reviews Open Now. 161 reviews Closed Now. Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Ltd - Diamond Exchange Branch is located at Ramat Gan city in Israel and the bank branch's address - 1 Jabotinsky Road - Post / ZIP Code : 52520. Should i travel to Tel Aviv and then back out again? Directions Share. Address: 7 abba hillel rd. Up to 90 days of daily highs, lows, and precipitation chances. RAMAT-GAN: Bank Branch: What is a BIC code? Ramat Gan, 5252204. Western Union® agent location. Ramot is one of Jerusalem's Ring Neighborhoods.The land was annexed by Israel 13 years after the Six-Day War.As part of Ramot was established in East Jerusalem, the international community considers it an Israeli settlement. ramat gan 7 ZIP Code: 5252204 Phone: 03-7531625 Fax: 03-7521628. Branch Name: ramat itzchak Branch Code: 852 Address: shederot yerushalaim ramat itzchak 29-31 ZIP Code: 5238117 Phone: 076-8690933 Fax: 04-6618322. Mailing address: 125 Bialik St, Ramat Gan. Ramat Gan, default, Israel . Mailing address: 125 Bialik St, Ramat Gan. Tel Aviv “A really sweet place” “Great place with great owners” 2. Head office . Full Name. If you transmit money across international lines you nearly always need to use a BIC code, as it’s the way banks, financial … 18 Hayetzira St, Ramat Gan 5252156 P.O Box: 1840. Customer Support +972-3970-50-20. Keyzar Jewelry Toval 40, Ramat Gan, Israel +972-3970-50-20. Looking at the weather in Ramat Gan, Israel over the week, the maximum temperature will be 27℃ (or 81℉) on Monday 5 th April at around 11 am. Branch Name: kiryat krinizy Branch Code: 557 Address: 9 spir st.,kiryat krinizi, ramat gan 9 ZIP Code: 5262209 Phone: 03-5301818 Fax: 03-5343266. Agent | Closed • Until 08:00. Ramat Gan is an eclectic town famous for many things totally unrelated to each other including, diamonds, football, malls, chocolates, Iraqi restaurants, religious university, and there is even a full open space African Safari with Lions. Fourth floor. Osada vystupovala až do roku 1933 jako mošav, přestože již roku 1923 byla britskými mandátními úřady uznána jako místní rada (malé město). Branch Code: 851 Address: bialik ramat gan 22 ZIP Code: 5245121 Phone: 076-8690833 Fax: 04-9506322. Zip code: 525317 Branch Code : 524: Address: merkaz mischari ramat efal 10 ,ZIP CODE 52960 City: RAMAT GAN: Phone Bank Hapoalim ramat efal,RAMAT GAN: 03-5312424: Fax Bank Hapoalim ramat efal,RAMAT GAN Simply fill in the required information and search for your Ramat-Gan apartment. Azor Bat Yam Bnei Brak Giv'atayim Herzliya Holon Kfar Shmaryahu Kiryat Ono Or Yehuda Ramat Gan Ramat Hasharon. For Medical Tourism enquiries: Please contact us through our official website: www.shebaonline.org or through e-mail: medical.torusim@sheba.health.gov.il For Sheba switchboard, please call: 03-5303030. Business email: info@incrmntal.com Address: 3 Armonim St. , Ramat Gan, 5258703, Israel , Zip Code: 5258703 Business hours: 9AM-5PM Monday to Saturday Info INCRMNTAL is an incrementality measurement software for Advertisers.The platform provides you with the tools to uncover the causality behind your marketing activities. 200 Reviews . Origem Fresh Coffee. About Keyzar Jewerly About Us; Contact Us; Blog; … 7 Derekh Aba Hillel. Ramat Gan byl původně mošav, sionistická zemědělská osada družstevního typu, pěstující pšenici, ječmen a vodní melouny. “Parfori House”. Ramat Gan National Park . For donations, please contact: Tel: 052-9241554 Be very grateful for your advice. Top Attractions (20) See all. Branch Name: marom naveh Branch Code: 546 Address: 83 HAYARDEN ST. RAMAT GAN 83 ZIP Code: 5236425 Phone: 03-6713120 Fax: 03-5744004. World Postal Code. Understand . Tel: 072-3312461. Email: office@gladwinlewis.com. Ramat Gan Safari. Shopping Malls. ramat gan 21 ZIP Code: 5238111 Phone: 03-6710617 Fax: 03-6779719. 281 Reviews . Discussions Regions. You can use the postal code search on the map, which is located below on our website. Branch Code: 851 Address: bialik ramat gan 22 ZIP Code: 5245121 Phone: 076-8690833 Fax: 04-9506322. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 10℃ or 50℉ on Saturday 3 rd April at around 11 pm. Enter ZIP/Postal Code or City. Facebook … Thanks. Tel Aviv Post Codes: Israel. Enter ZIP/Postal Code or City. Branch code is the last three characters of the SWIFT Code - DMD Phone Number. “Parfori House”. Use current location. The SWIFT Code is MIZBILITDMD. Use our interactive map, address lookup, or code list to find the correct zip code for your postal mails destination. Today is Fri. May 7, 2021 | Iyar 25, 5781 Omer: Thursday night count 40 Light candles on Friday at 7:04 PM in Ramat Gan, Israel This week's Torah reading is Behar-Bechukotai Upcoming holiday is Shavuot | May 16 - May 18 Address Toval 40, Ramat Gan, Israel. contact us Prisma jewelry Israel Diamonds Exchange Noam Building 7st floor Suite 708 Ph: +972 3-6426284 Email: info@prisma-jewelry.com Tuval 23 St, Ramat-Gan. The first four characters of swift code " IDBL " denote the bank name and next two characters IL points Israel, next two characters " IT " is meant for location Ramat Gan. ISRAEL POSTAL BANK. Název osady byl roku 1923 změněn na Ramat Gan. For appointments enquiries, please call: 03-5305000. Get the Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv, Israel local hourly forecast including temperature, RealFeel, and chance of precipitation. Branch Name: ramat chen Branch Code: 853 Address: mezada ramat chen 28 ZIP Code: 5223528 Phone: 03-9545522 Fax: 077 … 712 Reviews .