Do you think you can win the argument simply by calling me the grown up version of a butt face? K’s Exotic Animal ER’ is an American television series that airs on Nat Geo Wild.It first premiered on October 4, 2014. I believe Dr. K simply wants the best for ALL animals, not just her patients. She does. One can only speculate without extensive research whether or not these animals are truly 'OK'. Unlike what was on the show, people DO keep those types of animals and Dr. K is aware that lynxes are just the tip of the iceberg. Awful article written by a selfish, ignorant person. Adeline, a potbellied pig, scares everyone when she has a sudden seizure. Yes I would, if like Dr I they were basing their guidance on their experiences, & their obvious compassion for the welfare of my parent. I've seen these episodes and I did not take her comments as berating her client. Also: A Fennec fox with anal issues; a couple of guinea pigs with weight issues; and a parrot with sinus problems. Get this, it doesn't need to be 'beneficial' it's just something I feel like doing. I love how she's hiding behind her animal. It's a good thing they're telling people some of these animals do not make good pets! If that makes me a hater is what it is. I've watched this show and don't really care for it. Who cares! As a disabled vet a 100% disabled vet at that, its hard enough caring for our 2 dogs and 2 cats. Maybe that needs to happen to you to make you wake up. Dr. T returns to Texas to open her own exotic animal clinic. episodes right now. Dr. K is exactly what you say and much more. Anyone in the 'biz' (obviously not you) knows how controversial exotic pets are. Most exotic animals do completely fine, or sometimes even better, in climates they haven’t evolved in. Many things wrong with the evidence gathered. please?! Although I truly believe that scenario may be best for all of us, I would voice my opposition for your pitiful soul as well! We do not fully understand if the 'suffering' suggested by elevated cortisol is like that of unbearable torture or on the level of a stressful day at the office. Perhaps. Can't you read? Question: Are you in the exotic animal trade business? But notice I said "in your home". I loathe it when people do what you do. Maybe she’s a little jaded? I said most people with venomous reptiles know the risks. EVEN IF WE CANNOT RECOGNISE IT AS SUFFERING - IT IS THERE - Humans are built to be able to spot unhappiness in humans, dogs and maybe monkeys. Well Mr. Dickens, I have a question. FUCK the owners. Seems you are pretty good at being WRONG so at least you do have that going for you. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on July 03, 2016: Hey "Watching it now...", I have no doubt you probably aren't resourceful enough to handle an exotic pet, and barely a cat, that doesn't mean no one else should. To add information to the above thread, I'd like to make four points: 1, WILD-TYPE or EXOTIC ANIMALS IN CAPTIVITY SUFFER. There have been too many kids and even some adults killed or permanently maimed by these large unnatural predators. You have foolish humans ripping them away from their natural home environment just to have a pet. It was reported by some idiot, and when people like Dr. K call us unethical on TV it doesn't help. © 2021 Maven Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Good job. These are the same type of vibes I am recieving from this thread. What is critical about that? You've done the research necessary to make that statement? When someone says they have a compassion to live with exotics, I doubt the exotic feels the same way. About 90 percent of hypothyroidism cases in the United States are due to Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that attacks and destroys the thyroid gland. You apparently have a bachelor’s degree in vet services yet completely support the idiotic exotic animal trade. Having a big cat living in your home is DANGEROUS. The people who do the work required to care for these animals when the people with the "passion" to live with them can no longer do so. It maintains that perfect balance between a constant stream of useful and otherwise overlooked information on pets and a good measure of entertainment. So don't flatter yourself. What if suffering is an illusion made by the human mind, to delude themselves causing them to act "compassionate" resulting the expansion of ego that is somehow related with the endocrine system? The pigs keep throwing up; and a savannah cat refuses to eat. In short, get off your high horse and realize that not everyone is out to get you or the various wild animals you hoard in your back bedroom. She asked who was selling them not who had them. It seems many others have the same opinion as I do....Go figure. You act so offended by her comments but they were actually aimed at making sure random people watching her show do not decide to impulsively buy a lemur. A squirrel travels hundreds of miles just to see Dr. K; a goat has serious udder trouble; and a vet tech's bunny needs help. I can disagree with someone without having the gall to only see things my way without acknowledging the feelings of my opponent. I'm not sure who you think you are, but your simple feelings shouldn't control mine, and I don't agree with you. Telling people to stop seeing her because you don’t agree with her opinion is juvenile. This statement that Dr. Thielen (another vet that works under Dr.K) makes about pet reptiles is technically correct, but the rhetoric reeks of anti-exotic pet sentiment. A CT scan is performed on a marmoset. Dr. K's staff treat an injured turtle and a dehydrated pig. Sheesh, there is always someone out there complaining and taking things out of context or to the extreme. The difference between an exotic animal and a domestic one is the difference between a dog and a wolf. If you truly love animals than admire them from afar, don't steal them from their homes. When did she state she disapproves of the owners? I read these irrefutable arguments with an eye to common sense and logic. Even if she got Xander from a breeder, so what? If the writer of this article would like to talk. She has a platform to prevent inexperienced owners from getting these animals and potentially hurting them, and she is using it. The reality documentary is directed by Guy Nickerson and is presented by Art Edmonds and Josh Goodman. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on February 25, 2018: Hi Charles, you can message me privately. So they are categorized as "exotic" and treated differently. I don’t promote that they stay in the pet trade”. Do you really still think you have a valid argument? Lol, a vet assistant! It is part of the veterinary specialty center. It's not about you. It's very sad to see someone so self absorbed they can't see the obvious, especially when it contributes to the exotic pet trade, animals who have no say and no protection. But in my view, it would be a failure of a secondary objective in the course of fulfilling her primary objective; the proper care of her patients and the well-being of animals in general. There are enough ridiculous people like you already without her giving anyone else ideas. Of course YOU don't see a problem! I have the God given sense to know they should be in the wild but can’t be because someone decided they should be in their home. But that is exactly what is occurring in the new Nat Geo Wild program, Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER, a show that features the daily life of a veterinarian that exclusively sees patients that are not dogs and cats. I am a much better pet owner for it. A binge-eating pig finds out that what goes down, must come up; a toothache sends Dr. T down a rabbit hole; and a stubborn egg sends a sick chick to the hospital. A separate series, titled Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER: Gloves Off!, premiered in 2016 and consists of enhanced episodes of the original series. You don't have the knowledge. Then stop being such a hypocrite and give up your pets. This might be hard for you to understand. I highly doubt any amount of volunteer work would shrivel my brain to point of me suggesting that an animal from the desert should not live outside of it. To say that the lynx is not like a house cat suggests house cats require no enrichment or stimulation, which is false. The other consists of animal use where there is an attempted standard of humane treatment with the possible exception of essential things like life-saving treatment for humans. And yes. Again Dr. K is just trying to keep random people from buying exotics on impulse. As domesticated animals period. SHE IS NOT GOJNG TO TAKE AWAY YOUR ANIMALS. Why do u care what she personally thinks... stop being so sensitive. People are, of course, entitled to their own opinions, despite the fact that it is nearly irrefutable that keeping most exotic pets doesn’t differ at all, ethically, from keeping so-called domesticated animals as long as they are receiving proper care. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on April 20, 2020: There is not enough funding for vaccine research on foxes, because not enough people own them. You are just encouraging further decimation of the species through illegal poaching, etc. First of all, fennec foxes are mostly kept as indoor pets, so the typical household wards off Florida’s oppressive humidity. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on December 03, 2017: gizziemom I understood your comment just fine, problem is you don't understand it yourself. ), Dr K cares for these exotics when main stream vets will not. If it is so difficult to recognize suffering how exactly are you able to mind-read every animal you've seen in your practice? So do you agree? I respect her for that. Is every single wild animal exotic pet owner a neglectful moron? If a knowledgeable person takes a position that a certain species is better left out of the exotic pet trade, it stands to reason that someone with the best interests of the species at heart wouldn't take that position frivolously. I would prefer to keep it that way as if he may expire; may it be to old age. Now that she has her own TV show, she implores her viewers that while she will treat (and collect large sums of money from) her clients’ ‘exotic pets’, she does not believe her clients should own them. Dr. K and Dr. T do not shame their patients and they say as much on the show. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on October 11, 2016: Scott Roche: Dr. K is a bird owner herself. Dr. Kay Win, MD is a Internal Medicine Specialist in Philadelphia, PA. She has indicated that she accepts telehealth appointments. That's no different from me making up an example of someone intentionally ramming a truck into preschool as an example to show why letting people drive is stupid. No. No. He needed stimulation. Go ahead. I'm impressed you even realized that I was not serious, since my "dopey attempt at sarcasm" is so similar to your reality. She is a very caring and loving vet.
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