On October 6, CBFA, the financial services regulatory authority for Belgium, announced that trade in Fortis shares was put on hold and permission to resume trading will be given after Fortis has published enough information about the remaining assets within Fortis.[35]. Sunday, late afternoon, the CBFA announced that, upon request from Fortis, it had decided to keep trade in the share suspended until further notice. [12][15] On October 8, 2007, a consortium of three European banks. March 13, it is announced that the next meeting of shareholders (April 8 and 9) can decide on five new directors proposed for the board. [260], This article is about the company up to and including its 2008-2009 breakup; its insurance activities (previously Fortis Holding) were renamed, ABN AMRO takeover and the resulting drop in share value, Remaining parts (October 6 – December 12), December 1 and 2 meetings of shareholders, February 11 (and 13) meetings of shareholders. Products were sold through independent agents, brokers and financial planners, and through branches of Fortis Bank. The VEB and Deminor proposed new candidates, instead of those proposed by Fortis, but Fortis declined to take this into consideration. [253][254], On July 13, 2018, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal (Gerechtshof Amsterdam) approved a €1.3 billion collective settlement of claims asserted on behalf of shareholders of the former Fortis (now Ageas), under the authority of the Dutch Act on Collective Settlement of Mass Claims (Wet Collectieve Afwikkeling van Massaschade) or WCAM. Voir le profil de Gianbeppi Fortis sur LinkedIn, le plus grand réseau professionnel mondial. Rapport économique sur : TELIMA INFOSERVICES( 751319724 ) Présentation générale de TELIMA INFOSERVICES . Attore di formazione teatrale, ha recitato in diversi sceneggiati Rai. Depuis le 9 décembre, Solutions 30 a perdu plus de 50 % en Bourse. Biografia. [12] Shares plunged again (closing at a little over €5). In addition, it became apparent that the Belgian government had secured additional rights on the Dutch insurance company. This was later confirmed by a press release from the Dutch ministry of finance. Monday, December 22, BNP Paribas CEO Prot stated in an interview in, On Wednesday, December 24, Fortis put out a press release announcing a €300 million loss. At the February 13 meeting in Utrecht, the shareholders may vote only on the composition of the Board of Directors and on an alteration of the Articles of Association. Now that the Court had ruled and all emergencies were over, all parties should sit down together and renegotiate to come up with a solution acceptable to all parties. The write-off would only occur if and when ABN-AMRO would cease to be an independent bank (on the integration of the retail activities of ABN-AMRO into Fortis), but Fortis would then be in danger of no longer meeting the standards for capital required of banks. [18] The initial press releases reported that Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg would invest respectively €4.7 billion, €4 billion and €2.5 billion in the Belgian, Dutch and Luxembourg Fortis Banks. Le « Business Club de France… Sunday also, Fortis Bank came forward to reassure its customers, with CEO Dierckx stating that Fortis Bank was now the safest bank in the world, not only being a bank with probably the highest degree of solvability in all of Europe, but also being the 99% property of the Belgian government and being partnered with BNP Paribas, a very secure bank. was a Belgian financial company active in insurance, banking and investment management. He emphasized that the government had inquired into the matter, but that the actual push to have the meeting approve this was done by Fortis Bank, not by the government. An extra 150 million shares were issued at €10, at that time the price of the share, but in the bigger view of things still a bargain; these were placed the same day with large investors.[6]. Âgé de 56 ans, Gianbeppi Fortis est ingénieur diplômé de l’École polytechnique de Milan et titulaire d’un MBA de l’Insead. February 17, in a meeting with the trade unions, the Belgian Prime Minister let it be known that the Belgian government is investigating two options for Fortis Bank: 1) a take-over by BNP Paribas or 2) a stand-alone scenario. A joint press conference by the Belgian and French Prime Ministers will follow. The fund would hold the total value of the BNP Paribas shares and received dividends minus the initial investment (€9.4 billion, with an accumulated 6.1% interest per year) and minus any losses suffered on the 24% part of the portfolio of structured products held by the Belgian government. The meeting of BNP Paribas was organized to approve issuing extra shares with which to pay for Fortis Bank, a sale which now, by court-ruling, requires approval by the shareholders of Fortis and thus has suddenly become uncertain. This meant that only a third of the banking division would still be owned by Fortis Group, and that only a third of any future profits by the banking division (including the investment branch) would benefit the shareholder. In the end, the meetings at Utrecht and Brussels went ahead with the agenda unaltered in all respects. According to the Fortis website, Fortis Bank will be the 100% property of the Belgian government (from October 5) till mid December, at which point a share-swap with BNP Paribas will take place. In an after-the-fact analysis (November 20), De Tijd reports that on Saturday October 4 both Fortis and the Belgian government went into emergency meetings, but separately. This is almost exactly the same as the January 30 deal, except that Fortis is not selling 10% of Fortis Insurance Belgium to BNP Paribas but 25% to Fortis Bank (financed by BNP Paribas). He succeeded in making a good impression for a short while and share price firmed up. Entretien avec Gianbeppi Fortis, PDG de Solutions 30. Solutions 30 (ex PC 30) est une société européenne spécialisée dans les solutions pour les nouvelles technologies fondée en 2003 par l'homme d'affaires italien Gianbeppi Fortis . April 10, the appeal by Fortis, on the grounds of the third-party rule, against the decision to restrict voting on the take-over to those who held shares on October 14 was granted. This would be paid for a maximum of 5000 shares per person, and only for those shares in possession continually from July 1 to October 3 (but not necessarily after that). Meanwhile, have fun browsing our website! [19] We are all only humans, but don't worry: every watch purchased on our website comes with a 2-year manufacturer's warranty. At the meetings, the board took the position that they too were heartbroken, but that they could not help any of it and that if the EU and government measures in support of banks had been put in effect a few days earlier there would still be a Fortis. All was well with the world. In a case brought, among others, by the VEB, the Dutch association of shareholders, before the Ondernemingskamer, in Amsterdam, Fortis defended itself, October 31, by putting the full blame on the Dutch government and the DNB. In actuality, Belgium invested its stake into Fortis Bank SA/NV (Fortis's overall banking division) in return for newly issued shares, making up 49% of total outstanding shares in that company, with the Netherlands doing the same for Fortis Bank Nederland (part of Fortis Bank SA/NV). The suggestion to bring back a quarter of Fortis Bank into Fortis had been declined by the negotiators from Fortis, as they regarded this as an unpromising way to generate more value, Fortis electing to become a pure insurance company instead. It was reported they considered having the ruling annulled on technical grounds (the ruling had not been read aloud, and one of the three judges had been home sick, and had not personally signed the document). A multitude of legal proceedings was threatened, and some were indeed effected: Fortis announced to hold shareholder meetings on December 1 and 2, in The Netherlands and Belgium, with the convocation appearing on November 14. FORTIS GIANBEPPI. On January 28, Fortis confirmed that it had reopened negotiations with the Belgian government and BNP Paribas, based on the report of the five Belgian experts. [200] The meeting went to a vote on 15.16h and quickly rejected the sales. [4] On November 1, 2007, an extraordinary shareholder meeting was held to change ABN AMRO's management. Also, a new Committee, of five, was appointed to investigate matters. On December 10, De Tijd reported that the Belgian government was considering not starting the special fund, but putting everything that was to go into the fund directly into Fortis Holding, instead. 18/07/2019 20:00 | Boursier | 2751 | 5 par 1 internautes. 08/02/2018 11:00 | Boursier | 2344 | 5 par 1 internautes. En même temps si Gianbeppi Fortis a vraiment des liens avec le c.rime organisé je comprends que la source cherche à rester anonyme Signaler un abus J'aime Chú thích Tham khảo. February 6, the Belgian government has guaranteed the Chinese government that a vote in favor by Ping An on February 11 will not have any legal effect in the matter of the claim for damages by Ping An, under the treaty between the Belgian and Chinese government (see, February 7 saw the publication of an interview with. However, it later became known that although Lippens, the chairman of the Supervisory Board of Fortis had claimed to have moved heaven and earth at the EU (only stopping short of taking the EU to court) to get an extension of the time limit so as to gain bargaining space (and a better price) it had not actually applied for an extension. Trade in Fortis shares was resumed that same day at 11 a.m., opening at €2 and closing at €1.21 (a 77.77% loss from its previous close). March 31, Fortis announced its definite result for 2008, a loss of €28 billion (up from the projection of a loss of €22.5 billion of March 15). In addition the request to add the stand-alone scenario for Fortis Bank to the agenda of the meeting was denied. He also stated that the sale to the Dutch was not necessarily a done deal: the Court had not excluded this sale from its ruling that all the transactions of October 3, 5 and 6 were subject to shareholder approval. According to the Addendum, the court-appointed Committee of five Belgian experts has been informed of the results of the renegotiations; they agree that the results are in line with their recommendations (laid down in the report published on January 27) and the Committee recommends that the shareholders vote in favor. L'effectif de cette société est de 15 et le nombre de Dirigeant est de 1. March 7, after a week filled with rumours, posturing, proposals and counterproposals, it was announced that the talks started on February 21 had been successfully concluded and a new deal had been reached. 17/07/2019 | 18:00. Gianbeppi FORTIS GIANBEPPI évolue dans le secteur : Conseil en systèmes et logiciels informatiques (Code APE 6202A). 03/04/2008. The company was broken up after having critical difficulty financing its part of a joint acquisition of ABN AMRO (as a member of a consortium which also included Royal Bank of Scotland Group and Banco Santander). December 18, as a result of the uncertainty that the take-over would go through, the share price of Fortis went up almost 20%, closing at €1.15. However, by June 2008, Fortis announced that an international financial crisis was coming and that it needed to fortify its capital by raising an additional €8.3 billion. The February 13 meeting was uneventful, with only a few hundred participants. However, within two years it will no longer be called Fortis (as that name has been sold). In its Shareholder Circular (November 20) Fortis acknowledges that under Dutch law approval by shareholders is required, but refers to a blanket provision in Dutch law (BW2:8), which states that no agreement or law applies if this would have results that, by standards of reasonability, are unacceptable. Matching is performed only by full name so it's possible that the information refers to more than one person. The two appeals actually made by Fortis to the government of Belgium had been rejected. Another sore point was the loss on the sale of the business activities; as the sale was forced (because EU regulations) this was not effected at full value: a €300 million loss was reported on the sale. December 18, various representatives of shareholders, until then litigating separately, united to write a letter to the Belgian Minister of Finance. There were no solvency problems, only liquidity problems. According to the Shareholder Circular (of November 20), the Belgian Government in this weekend threatened to disown Fortis Bank outright, paying only a token €1 (total); the Board of Directors felt they had done well to hold out for the €4.7 billion, so as to have a least some shareholder value remaining in Fortis Group. Thank you for subscribing to the Fortis newsletter! The insurance activities did make an operational profit of €6 million. [64][65][66], A further meeting of shareholders took place on December 19 (in Belgium only). The Dutch Ministry of Finance stated that the sale to the Dutch had been transacted under Dutch law, that the agreed on price had been paid and that the shares had been transferred: the sale was final, and was unaffected by the ruling. Trade in the share was suspended from 16.30h onwards (at a share price of €0.93 in the Netherlands and €0.92 in Belgium). At the meeting, 20.32% of the capital was represented: this did not include the 125 million non-voting shares held by Fortis Bank. [38], On November 15, the Belgian newspaper De Standaard reported that BNP Paribas had re-opened the negotiations on October 8, and had demanded to decrease the agreed-on price. Director report Activate free notifications about this director Alerts activated Alert activated. He is also on the board of Immconcept Management SA, Unit-T Field … [62] However, later that day, word was that the court of appeal would be taking further action that same day, although reports on what this action would be were conflicting. On Friday December 12 it was circulated that the ruling in the appeal, set for Monday December 15, had been deferred for up to two weeks. December 18, the Belgian newspapers were in an uproar on the theme of a violation of the principle of the separation of powers, with an advanced position taken up by Yves Desmet, who draws the conclusion that the government was aware of the gist of the ruling two days beforehand and had instituted a diversionary manoeuvre (a frivolous request by FPIM on Thursday) to derail the ruling. Créé en 2008, l’émission Business Club de France fête sa 400ème. It later proved that on Thursday there had indeed been such a request by the FPIM, which was debated on Friday afternoon and the handling of which would indeed require up to two weeks, but the Court denied the request in its ruling, which it passed early that same evening. February 11, it was reported that the Belgian government tried to get the right to vote the 125 million Fortis shares issued in October in connection with the CASHES, without the right to vote (voting rights are suspended until the CASHES are paid for). reporters., with some 20 television crews. On the news that it was now uncertain that Fortis Bank could be acquired the share price of BNP Paribas dropped 10% on Monday December 15. Fortis would use the ABN AMRO brand name for Fortis's retail banking operations in the Netherlands. À Vous Demain est un podcast qui part à la rencontre de modèles d’inspiration qui bousculent les codes pour transformer positivement les choses. [20], The next day share price first rose, but then plummeted, taking the rest of the market with it (a 'Black Monday'). Also they recommend a scenario wherein a quarter of Fortis Bank (now scheduled to remain with the Belgian government) and a quarter of Fortis Insurance Belgium would be returned to Fortis Holding. Fortis N.V./S.A. [204], Thursday February 12, trade in the share was resumed, opening at €1.10 (and closing at €1.11), down from the €1.32 close on Tuesday. It confirmed the three appointments to the board. In the evening of Monday, December 15, the Belgian cabinet met with. He pointed out several persons as out of bounds, including the Minister of Justice and the procureur-generaal at the court of appeal, who together had taken some highly questionable actions on the afternoon of Friday December 12. Many of these had contracted loans to pay for the earlier share issue and were counting on the dividend to pay off these loans. Up till then, his office was the correspondence address. FORTIS Gianbeppi 29 r. Jean-Pierre Brasseur L-1258 Luxembourg (Lëtzebuerg) Afficher numéro +352 26 45 91 17 S'y rendre Accueil Particuliers lettre 'F' FORTIS Gianbeppi Annuaires . The CEO stepped down that same evening and Filip Dierckx (whose Merchant banking division was considered within the company as the architect behind the investments in sub prime and which got the company into difficulties) was named as the new CEO,[13][14] to be approved by a shareholder meeting. Price excl. It was reported to concern either a request by Belgian Federal Holding and Investment Company [nl] (SFPI/FPIM) (FPIM) (the foundation acting for the Belgian government) to reopen the deliberations, by adding the EU-decision that no EU-rule on competition had been broken, or the verdict of the Court. Until that time, the Dutch government held the parts it bought, Fortis Bank was the property of the Belgium government, while Fortis Insurance Belgium remained with Fortis Group (together with Fortis Insurance International). Fortis ja lenis ovat kielitieteellisiä ja tarkemmin fonetiikassa käytettäviä käsitteitä, joilla viitataan konsonantteihin.Ne tulevat latinan sanoista fortis (vahva) ja lenis (heikko). To finance the purchase, Fortis issued extra shares available to the existing shareholders at a discount, making for the special bargain price of €15 per share. Fortis N.V./S.A. Considering the outstanding public shares, the total bid was approximately €985 million. They made an appeal to all parties to sit down together and work out a solution, before year's end, which would allow Fortis to continue as a Belgian company, and to assure as many as possible of its employees of job continuity. However, the shareholder would still get the full profits of the insurance division; also, he was assured of the safe continuation of the company. Most recent company in which they held a … March 1, the Belgian Prime Minister commented in a television programme that the Belgian government was prepared to nationalize Fortis Bank outright, if the deal with BNP Paribas fell through. February 23, Fortis dismantles the Foundation that ensured it could not be taken over by a hostile party buying itself large amounts of stock. Consultez le profil complet sur LinkedIn et découvrez les relations de Gianbeppi, ainsi que des emplois dans des entreprises similaires. By its own Articles of Association, Fortis is required to accept such a request from a shareholder who holds a minimum of 1% of the outstanding shares, but this applies to the (annual) Ordinary General Meeting (Article 18b.4ii; the request must be made in writing, 60 days in advance), not necessarily to an Extraordinary General Meeting.[56][57]. The next day, Fortis put out a press release that since the beginning of 2008, only about 3% of the deposits at the bank had been withdrawn[11] and the CEO (Verwilst) held a press conference to reassure analysts and stockholders. The vote in favor of selling to the Dutch government was 42.99%; the vote in favor of selling to the Belgian government was 49.74%. Secondly, that the memorandum of understanding with Ping An has expired last Friday; this means among other things that Ping An is free to sell its Fortis shares. According to the November 24 court proceedings of the Ondernemingskamer, on that Friday €20 billion was withdrawn, with an additional withdrawal of €30 billion expected for the following Monday. Fortis acquired Dryden Wealth Management from Prudential Financial on 4 October 2005. Later, it became known that Luxembourg had also bought parts of the Luxembourg bourse and another Fortis company for a symbolic price of €1. The government of Luxembourg approached Fortis with an offer of assistance, and Fortis drew up a plan with the governments of Luxembourg and Belgium with financial support from Shanti Swami Trust (Privet Family Trust from USA /BVI) contributing €12.5 billion and €14.5 billion, for a temporary (one year) 51% (SS Trust) + 25% share in Fortis Banque Luxembourg and Fortis Bank, respectively. Giuseppe Fortis, detto anche Beppe (Novara, 1926[1] – Tivoli, 19 ottobre 1993[2]), è stato un attore e doppiatore italiano. In the end the Belgian Government loaned €3 billion to Fortis Group and in return took out a security on the portfolio it had just sold to Fortis Group. BNP Paribas put the blame on Ping An. Both meetings were unruly, with the meeting in Belgium much more grim (all participants having to pass a metal detector), but only one shareholder was actually forcibly expelled. Also, the wording by Dutch Minister of Finance Bos in his public announcement of October 3 was resented; he had emphasized that the Dutch companies he had bought were quite healthy and had now been safeguarded, which appeared to imply that the problems were all in the Belgian parts of Fortis, which thus were rotten. As two of the other candidates also failed to be elected, the old board remains in place. the transactions with BNP Paribas, both the sale by Fortis of Fortis Insurance Belgium and the sale by the Belgian government of 75% of Fortis Bank. This plan included selling the Dutch ABN-AMRO to the Dutch Government, As reported on December 24 by Het Financieele Dagblad, what had happened on September 25 was that Fortis had been summoned by the Belgium financial regulator, the CBFA to seek a strong partner for help in its problems.[16]. Giuseppe Fortis, detto anche Beppe (Novara, 1926 – Tivoli, 19 ottobre 1993), è stato un attore e doppiatore italiano. On November 21, the Dutch Finance Minister, announced that they would spin off Fortis Insurance Nederland using the revived name of ASR Nederland. [250][251] The April 28 meeting, in Ghent, was attended by some 3000 shareholders; Modrikamen personally held a speech that led to the board being pelted with shoes and coins. The agenda of the meeting of December 19 should be amended to include, as a matter of priority, if it was still necessary to deliberate on the question of whether to dissolve or continue Fortis. Rilevante la sua attività come doppiatore, soprattutto nelle file della S.A.S. After paying for the 66% share in the portfolio and paying a debt (involving a write-off on ABN AMRO), total cash remaining with the Fortis Group is approximately €100 million.[31]. Trade in the shares was suspended for the day, to resume on Monday. [194] Fortis announced that it is unable to alter the agenda of the meeting. Partì dal Faraggiana per arrivare in tivù, La sfinge sorride prima di morire - Stop Londra, Nonostante le apparenze... e purché la nazione non lo sappia... All'onorevole piacciono le donne, Cosmo 2000 - Battaglie negli spazi stellari, https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Giuseppe_Fortis&oldid=120504804, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. [63], In its ruling the court of appeal reversed the earlier ruling, and ordered that the actions of October 3, 5 and 6 did require shareholder approval, at a meeting of shareholders to take place no later than February 12: only those who held shares on October 14 will be allowed to vote. It was listed on the Euronext Brussels, Euronext Amsterdam, and Luxembourg stock exchanges. Compared to the earlier statement, of November 14, the. - Società Attori Sincronizzatori. [215] Modrikamen achieved an additional victory in court: he was allowed to change the correspondence address of all the shareholders he represented to their individual addresses (as he did on December 16). At the February 11 meeting in Brussels, the shareholders may approve or disapprove three decisions: In addition there is a vote on the composition of the Board of Directors, with especially the candidacy of Georges Ugeux noteworthy, being the candidate put forward by the small shareholders to lead the renewed Fortis back into the black. [83] The relevant item on the agenda was not presided over by the acting chairman of Fortis, but by the co-chairmen of the court-appointed Committee. According to the Fortis's Shareholder Circular of November 20, it was only on Friday, September 26, that liquidity problems began, with large withdrawals by business customers, due to the bankruptcy rumours. The Dutch insurance arm of Fortis was split off as ASR Nederland. However, the meetings did approve the new chairman for the Executive Board. At the Appeal there had indeed been direct contact between his staff and the husband of the 'sick judge', but the P.M. had been unaware of this and, upon learning of it, had taken measures against those of his staff involved. Fortis Insurance UK had its own in-house worldwide medical emergency service, Assistance International. [29][30] In more detail, the Belgian government bought the remaining 51% of Fortis Bank SA/NV from Fortis Group for an additional €4.7 billion, split off a portfolio of €10.4 billion in structured products, in which it sold a 66% share back to the Fortis Group (at €6.9 billion) and then sold a 75% share of Fortis Bank SA/NV to BNP Paribas, at an evaluation of €11 billion for the total company, to be paid by shares, making the Belgian government the biggest shareholder in BNP Paribas (at 12%). When approached, the British and American shareholders were surprised that Fortis needed more money so soon after the earlier share issue: they refused to buy more, feeling that Fortis had proved unreliable. An analyst assumes the government made the effort in anticipation of a lawsuit by BNP Paribas, to establish that it had left no stone unturned. Attore di formazione teatrale, ha recitato in diversi sceneggiati Rai. At that meeting the consortium stated that 97% of all shares were in their hands. The new deal is subject to shareholder approval, with meetings in April (April 8 and 9 being suggested). Gianbeppi a 1 poste sur son profil. The Dutch government would become holder of Fortis Bank Nederland, Fortis Verzekeringen Nederland and Fortis Corporate Insurance, as well as the retail activities of ABN AMRO still held by Fortis. However, it never dropped all too much below €4; over the rest of the week it recovered, never quite achieving €6; it closed the week at €5.4. The Belgian government should pay out €1.8 billion to Ping An to prevent this. In a case brought by Modrikamen on behalf of Belgian shareholders before the Belgian, Rumors of a legal suit to be brought against erstwhile chairman. This was affirmed later in an analysis by Het Financieele Dagblad, which stated that the Dutch had been left out of the negotiations entirely, until they included themselves in, at a late stage, but at a disadvantage, causing friction and distrust. The maximum to be paid out per share was €10 (price of the share on July 1) minus the average price of the share over the five days after trade is resumed (this come down to a maximum of just less than €9). Lawyers that were consulted responded negatively, but the government nevertheless appealed to the board of Fortis on Wednesday afternoon; the request tied up the board for hours. A sale at less than €12 billion would have consequences for the core equity of Fortis (core equity at that moment was reported at €30 billion, or circa €13 per share). [216] A Dutch lawyer requested an injunction against the Dutch state: as the sale of the Dutch parts of Fortis is now illegitimate, any further actions concerning these parts any further actions should be frozen, pending the renegotiations and court actions. On Sunday evening October 5, 2008, De Tijd reported that French bank BNP Paribas would take a majority stake in Fortis, with the Belgian and Luxembourg governments reduced to minority shareholders with blocking power in exchange for shares in BNP Paribas. Nous invitons des personnalités qui inventent d’autres façons de créer, de consommer, de s’entraider, à venir partager leur expérience et leurs conseils à notre micro. After receiving a bailout from the Benelux governments, its Belgian banking operations were sold to BNP Paribas, while its insurance and banking subsidiaries in the Netherlands were nationalised by the Dutch government and merged into ABN AMRO. Interview de Gianbeppi Fortis, publiée le 07 Février 2011 : L'objectif de Solutions 30 est de maintenir une croissance à deux chiffres et une marge opérationnelle comprise entre 8 et 9% Fortis feels that an alteration of the agenda is unnecessary: a vote in favor is a vote in favor of the amended deal. These shares are held by Fortis Bank. The Dutch insurance division would be sold.
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