Le 23 octobre 1983, 58 parachutistes français sont morts dans l'explosion du Drakkar, l'immeuble qui leur servait de quartier général à Beyrouth, au Liban. [10][11][12][13][14] Rhosus was owned by a company based in Panama but was regarded by the captain as under the de facto ownership of Russian businessman Igor Grechushkin. The silos were built in the 1960s as part of an expansion plan advanced by Palestinian banker Yousef Beidas. The ship was very close to the site of the explosion. [35][36][40], The second explosion, 33 to 35 seconds later, was much more substantial[41][42][43][44][40] and was felt in northern Israel and in Cyprus, 240 kilometers (150 miles) away. UPDATES: 3 ships disappeared. les services de sécurité libanais avaient demandé en juin 2019 l'évacuation de l'entrepôt et des réparations de fissures. [70] The failure to remove the materials from the warehouse and relocate them was attributed to mismanagement of the port, corruption of the government, and inaction of the flag registry's country and ship owner. [77][78] Foreigners from at least 22 countries were among the casualties. Warehouse 12 was waterside and next to the grain silos; the warehouse stored the ammonium nitrate that had been confiscated from MV Rhosus, alongside a stash of fireworks. La Tunisie envoie également deux avions militaires de nourriture et d'équipements médicaux et annonce que 100 blessés seront transférés en Tunisie et placés dans des hôpitaux tunisiens[104]. Un nuage de Wilson puis un nuage en champignon sont créés par l'explosion. [7] The port included four basins, sixteen quays, twelve warehouses,[7] a large container terminal,[8] and grain silos with a total capacity of 120,000 tonnes that served as a strategic reserve of cereals for the country. BFMTV. The captain, Boris Prokoshev, wrote that Grechushkin had told him he had gone bankrupt, but noted that he did not believe Grechushkin. 11:52 France Pesticides : seulement 1% des financements publics servent effectivement à réduire leur usage, selon la Fondation Nicolas Hulot La scène de l'attentat à Beyrouth après l'explosion de la voiture piégée. Par ailleurs, dès le 18 août, des intellectuels parmi lesquels des architectes et des urbanistes libanais[112] et internationaux lancent une pétition[113] pour la sauvegarde des silos du port partiellement détruits et leur réhabilitation en mémorial. [193], The Lebanese Red Cross said every available ambulance from North Lebanon, Bekaa, and South Lebanon was being dispatched to Beirut to help patients. Les responsables de la défense israélienne démentent une implication d'Israël dans les explosions[81], ce que des hauts responsables du Hezbollah démentent également pour leur part[82]. Plusieurs personnes décèdent lors de leur transfert à l'hôpital[47]. Le soir même, le président des États-Unis Donald Trump déclare : « Les États-Unis sont prêts à aider le Liban. Le 31 août 2020, le président français Emmanuel Macron s'est rendu à Beyrouth pour la deuxième fois en un mois, et a adressé son soutien au peuple libanais, en exprimant sa détermination à l'aider à effectuer un changement de régime politique et en dénonçant l'immobilisme de la classe dirigeante du Liban après la catastrophe[114]. [6][7] The Beirut Naval Base is a part of the port. Au 26 octobre 2020, le dernier rapport du gouvernement démissionnaire de Hassane Diab fait état de 207 morts, plus de 6 500 blessés, ainsi que neuf disparus : trois Libanais, cinq Syriens et un Égyptien[1]. [76], 207 people were confirmed dead, and over 6,500 people were injured. Un bilan provisoire fait état d'au moins 100 morts et plus de 4.000 blessés. [121], All ten members of Platoon 5 died at the scene of the blast. [173], The government formed an investigation committee led by Prime Minister Hassan Diab, which will submit its findings to the Council of Ministers of Lebanon by 11 August. [27] According to Lloyd's List, the Beirut port authority seized the ship on 4 February 2014, due to US$100,000 in unpaid bills. [158][159] Two members of the crew were killed, and seven crew members were injured. [17] On 21 November 2013, the ship made port in Beirut. Abou Karim I became unstable, keeled over onto the adjacent Abou Karim III and shortly afterwards capsized. [b][11] Letters had been sent on 27 June and 5 December 2014, 6 May 2015, 20 May and 13 October 2016, and 27 October 2017. It's all destroyed. Trois autres hôpitaux de Beyrouth ont également été endommagés lors de l'explosion, et l’accident a réduit leurs capacités[54]. L'incendie initial serait dû à des travaux de soudage dans un entrepôt[38]. [201] On 14 August, a $565 million appeal for Lebanon was launched by the United Nations, including initial recovery efforts, as well as immediate humanitarian aid. 09h17, le 19 février 2014 , modifié à 20h55, le 19 ... VIOLENCE - Le "Front Al-Nosra au Liban" revendique l'attentat . On y trouve également la base navale de la marine libanaise[11]. Trois autres ministres la suivent — le ministre des finances Ghazi Wazni, la ministre de la justice Marie-Claude Najm et le ministre de l'environnement Damianos Kattar — jusqu'à ce que Hassan Diab annonce, le 10 août, la démission du gouvernement[77]. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attentats_de_Beyrouth_du_23_octobre_1983 [257][258][n], Accidental ammonium nitrate explosion in Beirut, Lebanon, "Beirut explosion" redirects here. [38], The first explosion, at about 18:07 local time (15:07 UTC), likely triggered by the stored fireworks, sent up a large cloud of smoke and a crackle of bright firework flashes, and heavily damaged the structure of the warehouse itself with a force equivalent to around 1.5-2.5 tons of TNT, the size of a mid-sized truck. Also, former ministers of both finance and public works are due to be interrogated by a judge appointed by the Lebanon's High Judicial Council. Nous entretenons de très bonnes relations avec le peuple libanais et nous serons là pour vous aider. Le Centre jordanien d'observation sismologique relève quant à lui une énergie libérée correspondant à une magnitude de 4,5[20],[21],[22]. Ils n'ont pas été suivis par la justice concernant l'évacuation, mais l'autorité portuaire a accepté de faire les réparations ; La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 12 mars 2021 à 08:52. Many civil society organizations offered equipment and food to the volunteers, while many residents and businesses opened their homes and hotels for free to those who lost their homes in the blast. [15] The shipment had been ordered by an African explosives manufacturing company for mining in Mozambique. However, Haswani said that he did not know anything about Safaru, and that any links between it and his company are just a coincidence, because the two companies have the same agent. L'Organisation des Nations unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture évoque notamment sa crainte « d'avoir à brève échéance un problème de disponibilité de farine pour le pays »[69]. [194] Lebanese President Michel Aoun said the government would make up to 100 billion pounds (US$66 million) in aid available to support recovery operations. Il demande au président français Emmanuel Macron de lui fournir des images satellites permettant de « déterminer s'il y avait des avions [...] ou des missiles » dans l'espace aérien du Liban, tout en refusant toute enquête internationale[44],[45]. Specialists at the University of Sheffield in the UK estimate that the blast had about one tenth of the explosive power of the atomic bomb dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima during World War Two and was "unquestionably one of the biggest non-nuclear explosions in history". Le lendemain de l'accident, plusieurs journaux soulignent le risque d'incidents similaires dans d'autres villes, notamment à Newcastle (Australie) et Haïfa (Israël), où sont stockées plusieurs milliers de tonnes de nitrate d'ammonium[115],[116]. [132][138] Dozens of injured people brought to nearby hospitals could not be admitted because of the damage to the hospitals. Le directeur des douanes Badri Daher a déclaré que ses services avaient averti six fois la justice sur ces risques[32]. [22] After inspection by port state control, the Rhosus was deemed unseaworthy, and was forbidden to set sail. Le directeur de la Sûreté générale libanaise, le général Abbas Ibrahim, confirme ce point, précisant que ce dépôt devait être acheminé au Mozambique[30],[31]. Une tentative d'import de cet explosif en Syrie en 2013 est également ce qui avait valu à Moudallal Khouri d'être placé sous sanctions européennes[43]. Le président du Conseil des ministres du Liban, Hassan Diab, annonce une journée de deuil national le 5 août 2020[70]. [176], On 5 August, the Council agreed to place sixteen Beirut port officials who had overseen storage and security since 2014 under house arrest, overseen by the army, pending the investigation into the explosions. Now an explosion in Beirut has left them even more vulnerable", "One French Death, 24 Injured After Beirut Blast", "Esplosione Beirut, Farnesina: morta una cittadina italiana", "One Australian killed, embassy damaged in Beirut blast", "1 Pakistani child died 4 in critical condition in Beirut blast", "1 American among 135 dead in massive Beirut explosion, officials say", "Εκρήξεις στη Βηρυτό: Μια Ελληνίδα πολίτης νεκρή και δύο τραυματίες", "Echtgenote van Nederlandse ambassadeur in Beiroet overleden als gevolg van explosie", "11 more Filipinos injured in Beirut blast", "Fifteen Sri Lankans injured in Beirut blast", "Beirut, fonti Farnesina: morta italiana nell'esplosione", "Ethiopians among victims in the explosion in the Lebanese capital Beirut", "Seven Jordanians Wounded in Beirut Blast – Foreign Ministry", "Beyrut'taki patlamada 6 Türk vatandaşı yaralandı", "Wife of Dutch Ambassador Seriously Injured in Beirut Blast: Ministry", "Dutch ambassador's wife seriously hurt in Beirut explosion; Dutch Royals send "heartfelt sympathy, "Greece sends aid to Beirut as injuries of Greek nationals come to light", "Lebanon blast: Five Indians suffered minor injuries, says MEA", "2 Belgian embassy employees suffer injuries in Beirut explosion", "Beirut Explosion: Kenyans in Lebanon Recount Harrowing Experience", "Beirut blast: Two Algerians slightly injured", "Beirut explosion: Missing Nigerian woman Ayobami found in hospital", "Lebanon's capital city rocked by explosion", "Ministry says one Indonesian injured in Lebanon blasts", "Kazakh Citizens Stay Safe After Beirut Blast, Embassy to Be Restored, Says Kazakh FM", "Beirut explosion: One Vietnamese citizen injured", "Moroccan Woman Among Injured in Beirut Explosion", "Beirut blast: 4 Bangladeshis killed, 21 Bangladesh Navy crew injured", "Lebanon: UN 'actively assisting' in response to huge explosions at Beirut port", "Beirut blast death toll includes dozens of refugees, emergency response ramps up", "Scarred for life: Beirut blast victims and life-altering wounds", "Live updates: Lebanese capital rocked by huge explosion", "L'architecte français Jean-Marc Bonfils est décédé lors des explosions à Beyrouth", "Jean-Marc Bonfils ... killed by the love of Beirut", "Libano: morta filantropa Yvonne Sursock Cochrane coinvolta in esplosione Beirut", "Industrial accident in Lebanon – Activations – International Disasters Charter", "Satellite Image Shows Beirut Explosion Devastation", "The Beirut explosion created a 405-foot-wide crater", "Beirut explosion leaves 43-meter deep crater: Security official", "Le cratère de Beyrouth ne fait pas 43 m de profondeur", "Lebanon eyes state of emergency after deadly Beirut blast: Live", "Lebanon's government 'to resign over blast, "Beirut explosion: dead and wounded among 'hundreds of casualties', says Lebanon Red Cross – live updates", "Food insecurity hits middle class amid Lebanon's economic crisis", "Insured losses from Beirut blast seen around $3 billion: sources", "90% of Beirut hotels damaged, state media says", "Mapping the Damage From the Beirut Explosion", "Lebanon: at least 78 killed as huge explosion rocks Beirut", "Beirut after the blast: the crunch of glass, acrid smoke and stairs slick with blood", "What We Know and Don't Know About the Beirut Explosions", "Deadly Explosion in Beirut Decimates Thousands of Buildings, Including Galleries and Museums", "Lebanese Designer Sandra Mansour on the Beirut Explosion, One Week Later", "Blast destroyed landmark 19th century palace in Beirut", "Armenian Catholicosate damaged in Beirut explosion", "Beirut blast prompts prayer from Messianic believers", "SBP sends sympathy as FIBA Asia headquarters damaged in Lebanon blast", "La embajada argentina sufrió graves daños, pero sin heridos", "Beirut explosion leaves Australian embassy 'considerably' damaged, one Australian dead", "Report: Finnish Embassy in Beirut 'destroyed' by blast", "No S. Koreans Reported Killed or Injured in Beirut Explosions", "Hungary Embassy Damaged in Beirut Blast, No Hungarian Casualties Reported", "Мощный взрыв в Бейруте: масштабные разрушения, десятки погибших и тысячи пострадавших", "Счупени са прозорци на посолството ни в Бейрут след взрив в района, няма данни за пострадали български граждани", "Beirut explosion: Romanian embassy HQ slightly damaged", "Beyrut'taki patlamalarda 2 Türk vatandaşı yaralandı", "Update: The current situation in the port of Beirut, Lebanon", "Orient Queen Sinks in Beirut, Two Crew Reported Dead", "Owner of cruise ship sunk by Lebanon blast sues 'those responsible, Beirut explosion: cruise ship owner sues "those responsible", as more protests loom, "European Navies Providing Disaster Relief To Beirut", "At Beirut's shattered port, a crater more than 15 yards deep and small signs of previous lives", "Beirut explosion 149 killed, more than 5000 injured", "Lebanese army finds more explosive chemicals outside Beirut port after huge blast", "Beirut port explosion mystery solved?
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