Thousands of people demonstrated in France, Germany, Greece and Cyprus, denouncing the Turkish military operation in Syria. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. The SDF said in a statement that tens of civilians were killed and wounded without specifying their numbers. Clash Report, a Twitter and Telegram security-related news account allegedly linked to the Turkish military, has posted a chart accusing... BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:00 P.M.) - The Ashaq Asouri Agency media group has released a video showing an indigenous-built weapons system... BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:30 P.M.) - Iran's Fars News Agency reported that their intelligence apparatus of the Ashura Corps of the... BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:00 P.M.) - The Russian Defense Ministry announced on Monday that its Aerospace Forces destroyed a terrorist training... Al-Masdar Al-‘Arabi (The Arab Source) is dedicated to providing the latest news and analysis from the Arab world. “That’s what they do. Turkey's military has begun an operation in northern Syria to clear US-backed Kurdish forces away from its border. BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:40 P.M.) – Turkish Armed Forces, alongside their allied militants, launched a powerful attack on northeastern Syria this evening, as their troops targeted the positions of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the Abu Rasin area of Al-Hasakah. It’s time. Russia deployed troops to Syria at the request of the Syrian government in 2015 to assist it in fighting the terrorists. #Iran can help bring together the Syrian Kurds, the Syrian Govt, and Turkey so that the Syrian Army together with Turkey can guard the border. (AFP). Turkey’s defence ministry confirmed the first death among Turkey’s soldiers on Friday, while heavy clashes between Turkish forces and the SDF are under way in Syrian border towns. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, secretary-general of the Arab League, called Turkey’s military operation an “invasion of an Arab state’s land and an aggression on its sovereignty”. Syria’s membership in the 22-member body was suspended in 2011 after the Syrian government’s military crackdown on protesters calling for reforms. “In expectation of the end of this offensive, France has decided to suspend all plans to export to Turkey weapons that could be used in this offensive. Furthermore, the Turkish military deployed over 100 armored vehicles into Syria, including Sabra tanks and ACV-15 fighting vehicles. “Measures will be taken in the coming hours to ensure the safety of French military and civilian personnel present in the zone as part of the international coalition fighting Islamic State and humanitarian action,” the French presidency said in a statement after an emergency defence cabinet meeting. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which put the civilian death toll at nine, said the convoy was hit when it arrived in Ras al-Ain, a border town that advancing Turkish-allied forces have seized. The Chief of the General Staff is the Commander of the Armed Forces. The report said the first attack was carried out by the Turkish army in the northern countryside of Al-Raqqa, where the latter targeted the YPG near the town of ‘Ayn ‘Issa on Thursday evening. The only thing to be done is for these terrorists to lay down arms,” Cavusoglu said. The Turkish Defence Ministry tweeted on Friday: “Ras al-Ain’s residential centre has been taken under control through the successful operations in the east of the Euphrates (River).”. Most of the displaced had reached relatives or host communities, but growing numbers were arriving at collective shelters. Meanwhile, Turkey’s ministry of defence said 399 YPG fighters had been “neutralised” since the operation began on Wednesday. Millî Savunma Bakanlığı (@tcsavunma) October 13, 2019. Tap to unmute. Germany exported arms worth 243 million euros ($268m) to Turkey in 2018, accounting for almost one-third of all German weapons exports, according to the paper. The Syrian National Army (SNA; Arabic: الجيش الوطني السوري ‎, romanized: al-Jayš al-Waṭanī as-Sūrī), also described as the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (TFSA), is a coalition of armed Syrian opposition groups. Activists said the gunmen were guarding the convoy. Another reporter, Mohammad Akanji, was wounded in the attack. The PKK has waged a decades-long armed campaign for autonomy in Turkey. France has been one of the main allies in the US-led coalition fighting ISIL. Kurdish fighters brought reinforcements to prevent prisoners from escaping following the blast, the SOHR said. Turkey’s military push into Syria meets growing backlash amid battle with Kurdish-led forces for control of Ras al-Ain. Suleiman said he hoped for an agreement between the sides that would “halt the ongoing war and especially its catastrophic and dangerous consequences”. Heavy fighting continues as Turkey presses ahead with its military operation against Kurdish fighters in northeast Syria, now in its fifth day. جثث الضحايا الذين تعرضوا لقصف تركي أثناء توجههم من #تل_تمر إلى #رأس_العين والحصيلة الأولية تشير إلى أن 10 أشخاص فقدوا حياتهم، فضلاً عن إصابة 100 أخرين, — Rudaw عربية (@rudaw_arabic) October 13, 2019. Turkey’s military said 14 Syrian villages were “liberated” from “terrorists” as part of its offensive against Kurdish fighters. Some of those killed appeared to be carrying guns. Thanks Turkish army for being insyria you people are good .. Im a Pakistani and we love you turkey Turkey’s most significant gain since its cross-border operation began, Germany has banned some arms exports to Turkey, Hundreds of ISIL prisoners escape Syrian camp, Kurds say, In Pictures: Turkey’s military offensive in northeast Syria, Turkey claims capture of key Syrian border town, In Pictures: Turkey’s military offensive in northeastern Syria, The human cost of Turkey’s military action in Syria (3:46), COUNTING THE COST: how Trump can ‘destroy and obliterate’ the Turkish economy (26:01), Turkey-backed Syrian fighters ‘seize’ key town in offensive (6:58), How much is a house in Brooklyn worth? The Turkish Land Forces (Turkish: Türk Kara Kuvvetleri), or Turkish Army (Turkish: Türk Ordusu), is the main branch of the Turkish Armed Forces responsible for land-based military operations. Neither the SDF nor Russia have confirmed such an agreement exists. The Arab League called for the United Nations Security Council to take measures to force Turkey to halt its military offensive and “immediately” withdraw its forces from Syria. some 35km south of the Turkey-Syria border. Home » Syria » Turkish forces launch heavy attack in northeastern Syria, Turkish soldiers gather in the village of Qaminas, about 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) southeast of Idlib city in northwestern Syria, Feb. 10, 2020. According to a field report from the Al-Raqqa Governorate, the Turkish army and their allied militants from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) heavily targeted the Syrian Democratic Forces’ positions near the key town of ‘Ain ‘Issa. Ahmed Suleiman, a senior member of the Kurdish Democratic Progressive Party in Syria, said the talks were being held at Russia’s Hmeimim airbase in Latakia. The Turkish Armed Forces are the military forces of the Republic of Turkey. Aboul Gheit said the offensive had resulted in a new wave of displacement and jeopardises “achievements” made in fighting ISIL. Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. In their statement the Kurds said that the agreement struck with the Damascus government “paves the way to liberate the rest of the Syrian cities occupied by the Turkish army such as Afrin”, a majority Kurdish enclave in the northwest. “We are now fighting on two fronts: one front against the Turkish invasion and a front against Daesh,” he said, urging “allies” to carry out their “moral responsibilities” and impose a no-fly zone in northern Syria. Bodies and severed limbs were strewn in the street. “We have to bring our great heroes, our great soldiers, we have to bring them home. There was no word on casualties and no one claimed responsibility for the incident in the northeastern city of Hassakeh. According to a report from the Aleppo Governorate on Friday morning, the Turkish army and their allied militants targeted the YPG forces in two separate locations in northern Syria. TURKISH ARMY enter Syria. The group has gained popularity among the Kurds in the canton of Al-Shahba of the Kurdish-led Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria. “If a future legitimate Syrian government says that they won’t need the presence of the Russian army anymore, it will apply for the Russian Federation as well,” he added. “It’s less safe now. The communique said Arab countries reject Turkey’s attempts to impose “demographic changes” in Syria by a so-called “safe zone”. “We tried the political solution in Turkey in the past and we saw what happened.”. Turkey’s Defence Ministry said its troops seized control of Syria’s M4 highway, which lies 30 to 35 km deep in Syrian territory. Ankara, as well as the EU and the U.S., classify the PKK as a terrorist group. The Syrian Observatory confirmed that Turkish troops have entered the town, adding that fighting is still ongoing. The British-based war monitor said the convoy, which included protesters against the Turkey-led offensive, was guarded by armed men, and accompanied by journalists. As a result of the successful conduct of Operation Peace Spring, a depth of 30-35 km has been reached and M-4 highway has been taken under control., — T.C. “The Turkish Armed Forces, together with the Syrian National Army, just launched #OperationPeaceSpring against PKK/YPG and Daesh terrorists in northern Syria… In the French capital, Paris, some warned the offensive could allow ISIL’s resurgence while others criticised Erdogan as well as Trump for his decision to withdraw US forces from Syria. He described the situation as “very volatile”. Launched in August 2014, Al-Masdar News is an independent media service free from any political or corporate funding, sponsorship, or association. A communique issued after Saturday’s meeting of Arab foreign ministers also urged the world body to suspend military and intelligence support that could help Turkey’s operation. Turkey's state-owned Anadolu news agency said Ankara's forces had "neutralized" 1,709 members of the Syrian forces in Idlib in the last 17 days., — Mustafa Bali (@mustefabali) October 13, 2019. “We agreed with the Russians and the [Assad] regime to enter Kobane tonight,” Hassan told RT. “We have confirmed from the start of the (Turkish) invasion that we will study all options that could spare our people ethnic cleansing,” he told Reuters. The UN had on Friday estimated that 100,000 people had fled their homes since the beginning of Turkey’s operation but by Sunday, it warned of displacements from rural areas around Tal Abyad and Ras al-Ain and updated its estimates to figures “surpassing 130,000 people”, although an exact figure was hard to determine. Get the latest updates here. The "Syrian National Army" (SNA), which is currently being built up under Turkish patronage, is also pervaded by the AKP's spirit of Islamism and neo-Ottomanism. “The Turkish invasion is no longer threatening the revival of Daesh [ISIL], rather it has revived it and activated its cells in Qamishli and Hassakeh and all the other areas,” SDF official Redur Xelil said in a televised statement, noting car bomb attacks in each of the two cities. HRE is deployed along the confrontation lines between the Syrian opposition and the Turkish army, the border between the opposition-held areas in the Olive Branch and the Euphrates Shield areas in the countryside of Aleppo. “Against the backdrop of the Turkish military offensive in north-eastern Syria, the Federal Government will not issue any new permits for all military equipment that could be used by Turkey in Syria,” Foreign Minister Heiko Maas was quoted as saying. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu dismissed an offer by US President Trump to mediate between Ankara and Kurdish YPG forces to halt Turkey’s incursion in Syria, according to the transcript of an interview with German broadcaster Deutsche Welle. A war monitor and SDF officials said several civilians were killed after Turkish airstrikes targeted a convoy in northern Syria. Turkish forces targeted areas around two Syrian border towns with fresh shelling, pressing on with their offensive against Kurdish forces for a fifth day. Marvan Qamishlo, an SDF military media official, said Turkish-backed forces had entered a neighbourhood in Ras al-Ain‘s industrial district following hours of heavy Turkish shelling that had forced a “tactical retreat” from that area. France said it suspended arms exports to Turkey amid the latter’s ongoing military push into northeastern Syria, which it said threatened European security. Shopping. Watch later. SDF announces deal with Damascus on a Syrian troop deployment near Turkey border to counter Ankara’s offensive. “France and the United States, which share common concerns, will coordinate closely in the coming days,” the Elysee Palace said in a statement. Turkish military forces and a coalition of Turkey-backed Syrian armed groups have displayed a shameful disregard for civilian life, carrying out serious violations and war crimes, including summary killings and unlawful attacks that have killed and injured civilians, during the offensive into northeast Syria, said Amnesty International today. However, in the fall of 2016, Turkish Leopard 2s of the Second Armored Brigade finally deployed to the Syrian border to support Operation Euphrates Shield, Turkey’s … Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif offered Tehran’s help in engaging Syria’s government, Syrian Kurds and Turkey in talks to establish security along the Turkey-Syria border. “We did everything we could,” he said. The canton includes … Posts about Turkish Army in Syria written by KHAWAJA UMER FAROOQ – The Turkish Armed Forces have officially withdrawn from their military post in a Hama Governorate town after occupying this area for over two years. According to Kasapoglu, Turkey had previously used armed drones in Syria during its 2018 operation Olive Branch against the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG). Another armored vehicle operating on the Turkish-Syrian border is the T-155 Firtina — a locally-produced knock-off of the South Korean K-9 Thunder self-propelled howitzer. Kurdish news agency Hawar said that one of its reporters, Saad Ahmed, was killed in an attack by Turkish airstrikes on a convoy in northern Syria. “Iran can help bring together the Syrian Kurds, the Syrian Govt and Turkey so that the Syrian Army together with Turkey can guard the border,” he added. The move came after the United States announced it was withdrawing its troops from the area, leaving the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), its main ally in the battle against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS) armed group, without US military support. is home to some 12,000 people, including 1,000 wives and children of suspected ISIL fighters. US Defense Secretary Mark Esper said President Donald Trump had ordered the withdrawal of up to 1,000 troops from northern Syria. Since the conclusion of the Karabakh conflict and the return of their Syrian mercenaries, the Turkish Armed Forces have intensified their operations against the SDF east of the Euphrates. This decision is with immediate effect,” a joint statement from the foreign and defence ministries said. They fight.”. BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:40 P.M.) – Turkish Armed Forces, alongside their allied militants, launched a powerful attack on northeastern Syria this evening, as their troops targeted the positions of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the Abu Rasin area of Al-Hasakah. Two US defence officials told Reuters a small number of US troops left an outpost in Ain Issa because of concerns they could be caught in the middle of the Turkish offensive. Russia is one of two main military backers of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, alongside Iran. Turkey’s president dismissed reports that ISIL prisoners in northeastern Syria had escaped as a result of Turkey’s offensive in the region, saying the reports were “disinformation” aimed at provoking the West. Suluk is located approximately 10km (six miles) from the Syrian-Turkish border, to the southeast of Tal Abyad. He portrayed the Middle East as a hopeless cause, despite years of American military involvement and financial investment. Macron told reporters that he and Merkel had spoken separately with Trump and Erdogan to deliver a single, clear message: “Our common wish is that the offensive must cease”. Trump announced that he had directed $50 million in emergency aid for Syria to support Christians and other religious minorities there. “Any Turkish convoy that will enter Syria will depart from it towards the nearby Cilvegözü 1 base, then towards the military crossing with Syria.” According to the source the Turkish base currently hosts: Turkish authorities often use the word “neutralised” to imply that fighters either surrendered or were killed or captured. President Donald Trump has said he is an “island of one” for removing US forces from northeastern Syria. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), the attacks targeted a military convoy and an army base amid increasing violence. The US has seen reports of the killing of a Kurdish politician and captured Kurdish fighters in northeastern Syria and finds these reports “extremely troubling,” a spokesman for the State Department told Reuters news agency. According to a field reporter in northern Hama, the Turkish military began moving out their forces on Tuesday morning after bringing in several transport vehicles the day prior. Meanwhile, Turkey’s ministry of defence also said three of its soldiers were killed, while three others were wounded. United Nations has said that more than 130,000 people have been displaced as a result of the fighting. Arab countries should consider taking “diplomatic, economic, investment, cultural measures … to confront the Turkish aggression,” it added. “The military base will be the receiving station for the Turkish convoys coming from the Turkish interior,” the source said. “We find these reports to be extremely troubling, reflecting the overall destabilisation of northeast Syria since the commencement of hostilities on Tuesday,” the spokesman said in emailed comments, adding that Washington condemned any mistreatment and extrajudicial execution of civilians or prisoners, and was looking further into these circumstances. French aid workers are also in the zone. Turkey-backed Syrian fighters gather around a Turkish army tank in the northern outskirts of the Syrian city of Manbij near the Turkish border | Zein Al Rifai/AFP via Getty Images The Turkish army operates more than 2,000 ACV-15s, including anti-tank and mortar carrier variants. In 1986, 222 Turkish Army M44s were extensively upgraded with 36 caliber 155mm howitzers by Rheinmetall with an increased range of 24.7 km. In wartime, the Chief of the General Staff acts as the Commander-in-Chief on behalf of the … General Ismet Sheikh Hasan, an official in Kurdish-controlled Kobane, told the Russian news agency RT that Syrian Kurds have reached an agreement with Russia to allow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s troops into Kobane. Turkey’s president said threats of sanctions and arms embargoes by Western powers would not stop Turkey’s military offensive against Kurdish forces in Syria. Turkish army photo . The military added that 73 fighters from the People’s Protection Group (YPG) had been “neutralised” in the last eight hours. France and Germany said on Saturday that they were suspending arms exports to Turkey over its offensive in Syria against the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG). TURKISH ARMY enter Syria - YouTube. A Syrian Kurdish politician told Reuters news agency that the SDF has been holding negotiations with the Syrian government at a Russian airbase in Syria. “We agreed with the regime and the Russians to come to Kobane,” he added. Turkish army vehicles and military personnel are stationed near the Turkish-Syrian border in Sanliurfa province [Murad Sezer/Reuters] Russian President Vladimir Putin said foreign military forces “present illegally” inside Syrian territory should leave the country. The statement added that European Union foreign ministers would coordinate their position on Monday at a meeting in Luxembourg. Al Jazeera’s Bernard Smith, reporting from Erbil, said there was “little love lost” between the Kurds in the region and the Turkish authorities, adding there was also a “real feeling of betrayal by the Americans” among those demonstrating. Turkey unilaterally deployed troops to northern Syria in October 2019 in a military operation seeking to clear the borderline areas of the Kurdish militia, whom Ankara designated to be a terrorist organization. Erdogan told a news conference that Turkey’s military operation will extend 30 to 35km into Syrian territory. The Kurds disputed the number, saying only 29 of their fighters were dead. France and the United States agreed to remain in close contact over Turkey’s escalating campaign, French President Emmanuel Macron’s office said, adding that he had stressed the need to try to end the offensive in a phone call with his US counterpart, Donald Trump, late on Friday. We want to make sure that we do so in a very safe, deliberate manner, that we deconflict things as we go with those folks on the ground and immediate area.”. As part of the successful operations being conducted in the framework of Operation Peace Spring, the town of Rasulayn, located east of the Euphrates, has been brought under control. Significant campaigns since the foundation of the army include suppression of rebellions in southeastern Turkey from the 1920s to the present day, combat in the Korean War, the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus and the current Turkish invol… It’s time,” Trump said in a lengthy and wide-ranging address to the Values Voter Summit, an annual gathering of social conservative activists. It did not provide further details. According to local sources in Aleppo, the Turkish military and their allied militants may be preparing to launch a new offensive to capture the towns of Manbij and ‘Ain ‘Issa, despite previously agreeing to a ceasefire with the parties in these areas. He said a few were recaptured but that supporters inside the other section of the camp also escaped and were carrying out attacks. Thousands of people took to the streets in the city of Erbil in Iraq to protest against the Turkish offensive. Syrian state television said government troops are moving to the north to confront the ongoing Turkish offensive in northern Syria. Speaking to Al Arabiya, Sky News Arabia and RT Arabic prior to his visit to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Putin said the Russian army would withdraw from Syria if its government decides so. Esper told Fox News that the number of troops being pulled back totaled “less than a thousand”. Jelal Ayaf, a senior official at the camp, told local media that 859 people successfully escaped from the section housing foreigners. Trump said the US cannot fight “endless wars.”. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says the offensive aims to remove the Kurdish-led forces from the border area and create a “safe zone” to which millions of Syrian refugees can be returned. Ain Isa camp. Asayish, the Kurdish police force in northern Syria, said a car bomb exploded outside a prison where suspected ISIL members were being held. A regional diplomatic source told Reuters on Thursday that Paris was preparing to pull out its several hundred special forces. The T-155 Firtina. Share. Copyright © 2014-2021 AMN - All Rights Reserved. “In order to prevent and confront this aggression, an agreement has been reached with the Syrian government… so that the Syrian army can deploy along the Syrian-Turkish border to assist the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF),” the Kurdish administration said in a statement on its Facebook page. Gunfire resounded early on Sunday around Ras al-Ain, one of two Syrian towns that are the focus of the attack, while Turkish artillery continued to target the area. Erdogan said the Turkish-led forces had also besieged the Syrian border town of Tal Abyad, adding that two Turkish soldiers and 16 Turkey-backed Syrian rebels had been killed in the operation. Meanwhile, in the Al-Raqqa and Aleppo governorates, the Turkish army and their allied militants resumed their attacks on the Manbij and ‘Ain ‘Issa areas, in what appears to be an almost daily occurrence. “We find ourselves as we have American forces likely caught between two opposing advancing armies and it’s a very untenable situation,” he added. Hassan, the minister of defense of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, also known as Rojava, said Russian and Syrian government troops could enter Kobane and Manbij by Sunday night to help secure the cities from a Turkish-led offensive in northern Syria. A spokesman for the Kurdish forces told Associated Press that at least 11 people were killed and 74 were wounded, but it was not clear how many were civilians. Turkey has said that the decades-old pact was never implemented. The SDF warned Turkey’s offensive has revived ISIL and urged allied states that helped fight the armed group to close off airspace to Turkish warplanes.
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