Our customers in the food industry always... You’ve got your apple cider, complete with mulling spice and Saigon cinnamon. Complement the rosemary with paprika and thyme leaves. North American Herb and Spice provides dietary supplements based on wild, handpicked herbs and spices from exotic locations that are steam distilled for purity. A gentle but healing herb, perfect alone as a children's dream pillow, or blended with lavender for ultimate relaxation. 10 Delicious Herbs and Spices With Powerful Health Benefits Written by Joe Leech, MS — Updated on June 3, 2017 The use of herbs and spices has been incredibly important throughout history. The American Spice Company sells herbs made from both fresh and dried leaves, while many of our spices curate from seeds, bark, fruit, flowers, and roots. Muña muña ( Satureja odora) is a type of native shrub that thrives in the mountainous areas of the province of Córdoba and the town of Tafí del Valle. Ground Greek oregano... Greek oregano, which is sweeter than Mexican oregano, is perfect for use in Mediterranean and Italian cooking. Written by American Heart Association editorial staff and reviewed by science and medicine advisers. In fact both Marjoram and oregano come from the same plant family and have a similar taste; only Marjoram is the milder of the two. When heated in oil it produces a bright yellow color, when simply ground it remains a pleasing,... Our Arrowroot Powder is pure, without any additives, and is naturally gluten free. Common herbs are mint, rosemary, and thyme. Guaranteed Happy and Healthy Plants Cardamom Seed Ground has many uses. American Botanicals offers botanicals, herbs, and spices in bulk. allspice. Make sure you store all dried herbs and spices in a dark, dry place away from heat sources, such as stoves or appliances. Instead of stirring your favorite teas and ciders with a spoon, why not use a cinnamon stick? The 8 cm high perennial is a Crocus which blooms in the fall with violet flowers and red stigmas. But something is missing in its presentation. List of Spices and Herbs Not solely for... With Lemon Balm, your next recipe will have that lemony flavor for which you’ve been looking. Hold onto your sombreros and sink your teeth into a tender, juicy, delicately sliced breast of chicken topped with a lightly grated parmesan cheese and oregano. One of the most popular herbs and spices: Saffron: From the Near East, the Moors brought it to Spain and Greece. Lavender Whole can be used in cooking recipes. The stems have long been eaten boiled or raw, and in addition to fighting off diseases, angelica root is pungent in... MSRP: Now: $8.86 - $676.44. Lavender has so many uses, you could write a novel on it! Ground Oregano is freshly imported from Mexico, and baked to perfection. Shop a variety of live herbs and spice plants. You can find Cinnamon Sticks in our selection, as well. It is also delicious in fresh drinks like mint julep. These leaves are commonly used as a replacement for lemon juice to avoid adding extra liquid to recipes. – This is the crucial ingredient in pesto sauce. Was: anise seed. Combine with honey and zest to make your own deli-style honey mustard dressing... Stop looking for stronger forms of pepper; Black Pepper ½ Cracked is only cracked once to maximize its spicy flavor! Buy American Herbs, Spices & Seasoning from AFM. There is also evidence that Cat's Claw may be helpful with numerous stomach and bowel disorders including gastritis, ulcers, hemorrhoids,... Use a tea infuser to make delicious catnip tea. They are commonly divided into the categories of spices, spice seeds, and herbs.… I’m in spice heaven!". Where is the Oregano? Use Black Pepper Cafe Grind to stock your restaurant kitchen or fill your home pepper mill, such as... Black Pepper Fine is freshly ground from pure, premium Peppercorn from the Spice Islands of the South Pacific. Try using it as part of a... Pungent and sweet Greek Cut Mexican Oregano is an important ingredient in Italian and Mediterranean style cooking. Simmer ground anise seed with sugar and water to make Greek-inspired simple syrup for your cocktails. Ground caraway seed is a product with many uses. We have everything from. The caraway seed has a pungent aroma and a distinct sweet but tangy flavor. Its sweet and spicy aroma adds a delicious taste to... An ordinary cook might pass by the cardamom because he or she doesn’t know what it is. Dried Herbs: Spices are generally thought of as bark, fruit, or seed parts, while herbs are usually considered fresh plant leaves. Source for information on Spices and Herbs: Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture dictionary. Rubbed sage leaf is an airy and light herb, made from rubbing the dried leaves of whole sage leaf between your hands. We are happy to meet your specifications. Use Butcher Cut Black Pepper to fill your pepper mill and grind it over salads, pastas, or sauces. Natural Cleansing. Traditionally mugwort was used as a food or food additive. Squash your cravings with a savory side of mushrooms sizzling in tomato sauce sprinkled with asafetida, cumin, red peppers,... Bay leaves have long been rumored to be harmful if ingested. We’ve created the below list as a guide: Oregano – Sprinkle it over pizza and spaghetti. Pinch our fennel pollen, rubbed sage, and sea salt on roasted vegetables, meats and baked dishes for an added dimension of flavor. sweet licorice flavor Buy all kinds of herbs in bulk today and bring the sizzle to your grill tomorrow. Herbs are derived from green leaves and often grow in temperate climates. Mix it... Peppermint is a versatile mint, great in holiday dishes like the traditional peppermint bark. It is a member of the ginger family. It is our best-selling ground cinnamon, and it’s grown in Grenada. © Great American Spice Company . Turn up the heat with our Indian curry powder simmered in cream, stewed... Annatto Seed (also known also as bijol achiote or roucou), is a spice imported from South America and is used to color sauces, rice, cheeses and sea foods. Black Seed Oil. Spices that originate in tropical or sub-tropical climates and are fragrant or aromatic parts of plants include cinnamon, cloves, ginger, or pepper. Distinguished by a minty flavor, the herb’s aromatic, oval leaves have long been a part of the indigenous Calchaquí people’s diet. The pure flavor of the finest black pepper will give the perfect perk of spice to any dish. Your apple cider is that much better steeped with six inch, Cassia Cinnamon Sticks. Cook exotic cuisines each weekend. Cinnamon – Sprinkle it over vanilla ice cream or lattes. Great for making spearmint tea, for garnishing dishes, and adding that distinct spearmint flavor and smell to your recipes... Sprinkle spinach flakes in soups, dressings, and stews. Caraway Seed Ground adds a unique flavor to carrots, potato and cabbage dishes. Whether you’re looking for herbs and spices in large bags or small bottles, our wholesale herb & spice deals will keep your cabinet filled for cooking that your guests won’t soon forget! - Hide the fishy smells of seafood with cloves. We offer conventional, organic, and wildcrafted products in bulk which are available in a … Use it as a substitute in cake, cookie, and candy recipes. Find out why it’s so widely known and loved when you... You know it’s important to eat healthy, but it can get frustrating eating the same old plain, healthy foods. In addition to adding rosemary to stuffing and roasted meats, try to... Set your table in true elegance with perfectly moist and juicy Cornish game hens seasoned to perfection with premium whole rosemary from Great American Spice Company. Spice and herb, parts of various plants cultivated for their aromatic, pungent, or otherwise desirable substances. Catnip Tea is a valuable drink in treating fevers, because of its action in inducing sleep and producing perspiration without increasing the heat of the system. Whole Celery Seed adds a burst of flavor to your soups or stews. Add freshly ground pepper to a... To gain the benefit of both appearance and flavor in many of your favorite dishes, black sesame seeds can be used to their potential. © Great American Spice Company . It has also been recommended for cooking since the beginning of recorded history. It... Black mustard seeds can be used to make your own homemade Dijon mustard blend. Herbs are leaves of the plant, they can be fresh or dried. Rub lamb chops in Greek oregano and Authentic Greek Marinade and grill them to create delicious gyro sandwiches or lamb kebobs. Boil the Devil's Claw with your herbal teas for a natural medicinal treatment. See our latest. Add whole celery seeds to our beef soup base and simmer with water, hearty chunks of meat and potatoes, and freshly chopped vegetables for a wholesome winter meal you'll want to... You need to try Ground Canelia Sri Lanka Cinnamon, or “true cinnamon”. Native North American plants that have been used as culinary herbs include: Wild mint ; Horsemint; Loveroot; California bay; Tarragon; Sagebrush; Juniper; Wild onion; For More Information. Stock up on ground cloves to add a dash of spice to your cookies, gravy, or other sauces. American Indian Spices Sassafras. Ground Allspice is a highly aromatic dried berry named because its flavor resembles a combination of cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Celery seed is a star in wide variety of cuisines, making it a seasoning worth stocking up on. Vitamins & Supplements. Perfect in posole, stews, soups, and any Mexican inspired bean dishes as well. Add that cinnamon flavor to pudding and cocktails, too. COVID-19 info Visit the ASTA Coronavirus Information and Resources page for up-to-date information about COVID-19 and the spice industry. Caraway seeds add spicy bursts of flavor to your favorite bread recipes when sprinkled on top of the dough before it is baked. Also used on potatoes and stew. The finest farms in Holland provide the Caraway for us here at the Great American Spice Company. Sage is a sacred herb that has been used by American Indians for sacred ceremonies, prayer, purification and... Juniper. This cinnamon powder is better and fresher than most sold in grocery stores. We go to extreme degrees in sourcing our raw materials. Find out about American Botanicals Products. They can also be used to make a pungent and tangy BBQ rub or milder dry rub. North American seasonings and spices market offers a range of products including salt and salt substitutes, herbs, and spices applicable to bakery and confectionery, soups, sauces, salads, and dressings, meat, poultry, and seafood, snacks and convenience food, and other industries such as dairy, sauces, soups etc. Mix the green powder into hot... Don’t be fooled by its red color! Next Day Delivery. The smallest of the edible onions, chives provide a mild flavor that highlights a number of meals and dishes. I’m in spice heaven!" And of course, herbs from your own garden give you ten times the taste you get from the dried ones in little jars at the supermarket. Rosemary – Rub turkey or chicken with butter and Rosemary and broil. More about Old Bay Seasoning Avoid picking through... Bay Leaves are the classic leaves mentioned throughout literature as the aromatic wreath of honor placed upon heads of athletes and scholars. It’s thought that lemon balm can soothe an... Have your guests satisfied and mystified at the hint of lemon in your next recipe from Lemon Verbena Leaves. The needles season meat, poultry and fish. If all our spices were in a room at a party, Dill Weed might stick out the most. The most popular species that originated in present-day Latin America are discussed below. The sweet, soft pine and citric flavor of Marjoram makes it a stand-in for Oregano. Step into our Great American Spice store and the first comment you’ll make is, "Wow. Sage is delicious... High quality crushed spearmint, preferred type of mint for mint sauce or mint jelly. Take your cooking to the next level with delicious, high-quality spices for a full-flavored finish. Step into our Great American Spice store and the first comment you’ll make is, "Wow. Other names for Allspice include Jamaican Berries and Jamaican Peppercorns. It was commonly used by the southern states in the 1800’s as a replacement drink for coffee and has become a common coffee filler due to its slightly bitter, caramel like... Use Chinese Star Anise sparingly as its licorice flavor is stronger than that of Greek anise seed. There you are in your chef’s hat and apron with a spatula in-hand, smiling and anticipating your burger, when you suddenly remember that you forgot to order the nation’s freshest, online herbs from American Spice. Spices and HerbsNative populations in America used plants for flavoring their foods before the arrival of Europeans, but the importance and varieties of these plants are poorly known. In fact, we are fanatical about it. Grown in Sri Lanka and the West Indies, this is one of the oldest spices in the world. They are also rich in calcium, phosphorous, and... Chicory Root is a caffeine free root spice used in making teas and coffee. You can also use Greek oregano as a zesty seasoning... Hyssop Herb is a very useful ingredient. It gives guacamole its zip and salsa its kick! Was: Grab your steaming cup of hot tea and start treating your body to the exquisitely aromatic yet soulful cup of herbal health strengthener. document.getElementById("copyright_year").innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear(); Grab your steaming cup of hot tea and start treating your body to the exquisitely aromatic yet soulful cup of herbal health strengthener. Similar to cinnamon, try adding cardamom to your morning oatmeal with some vanilla extract and brown sugar for a different way to wake up... You might be fooled by its dull outer shell, but the power is on the inside! See our latest hot deals on spices and herbs. Ours is the finest domestic available, and we don’t import our dill weed as... Epazote herb cut and sifted into your Mexican dishes or Soups & Chili Mixes brings a subtle sweetness to the dish. Also known as withania somnifera (not any easier to say), Ashwagandha Root Powder is Indian ginseng. When you want to use a minty flavoring in your next recipe, sprinkle some Hyssop onto it. Don’t make winter last any longer. The Devil's Claw cut and sifted is a popular herb known to nourish the skeletal system and treat aches and pains. The sassafras is a tree that is native to North America whose leaves, bark, roots, shoots and branches were... Sage. NORTH AMERICAN HERB & SPICE. Cilantro is the leaf of the coriander plant, but don’t confuse the two. Delicious Pairings: Indian food like lentil potato stew, breakfast veggie and egg scramble, whole grains like brown rice or quinoa with cilantro, and tuna with celery and no added sugar low-fat yogurt for a delicious sandwich Take your family on a culinary journey by using exotic spices and herbs during “around-the-world” themed nights. It makes for a great alternative to wheat flour or cornstarch when it comes to thickening liquids because it is more neutral in flavor, can be mixed with either hot or... Ashwagandha what? No matter the spices and herbs you are looking for, we are sure you will find all the dry goods you need for a full pantry and belly. Mix with Lemon Pepper to add to your next chicken or fish recipe orLemon Juice Powder to make some lavender lemonade. The mix includes paprika, celery salt, crushed red pepper flakes, and black pepper, among other spices which are believed to include bay leaves, dry mustard, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, mace, cardamom, and allspice. Nutmeg- It’s essential in egg nog and pumpkin pies. ASTA works to ensure the supply of clean, safe spice, shape public policy on behalf of the global industry, and advance business interests of its members. Though it originated in Brazil, annatto seed has become a staple spice in cuisines from India to the Philippines. Chaga & Birch. … Mix Chinese Star Anise into your marinades for poultry... Cinnamon 1% Oil – Ground is a cinnamon powder that contains 1% oil. Suitable for vegetarians as well, it is perfect for busy days and last-minute dinners. We have everything from sausage making supplies to soup and stew basics. Sumac Ground has anything but a spicy or berry taste. document.getElementById("copyright_year").innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear(); Ajowan seed, also known as bishop's weed or carom, adds a bold flavor and pleasant aftertaste to your Indian cooking or other cuisine. Ground sage leaf is an intense, full-bodied herb, made from grinding up the whole sage leaf. Spices and herbs consist of rhizomes, bulbs, barks, flower buds, stigmas, fruits, seeds, and leaves. If you love chai tea, then you already love cardamom. This bitter herb, with an unique flavor, has... Don’t forget the parsley flakes when serving up your famous homemade mashed potatoes at dinner tonight. Spinach powder holds just as much power as regular spinach leaves, but it’s more convenient for certain cooking needs. Reach for Great American Spice Company’s ground cinnamon. At American Botanicals, we buy, sell, and export hundreds of different wholesale herbs and botanicals and bulk organic spices to global supplement and food manufacturers. You'll acquire new recipes and they'll learn about other cultures. This extra coarse cracked Black Pepper Butcher Cut is ground from premium South Pacific peppercorns and is popular with professional chefs. Basil – This is the crucial ingredient in pesto sauce. Whether you’re looking for herbs and spices in large bags or small bottles, our wholesale herb & spice deals will keep your cabinet filled for cooking that your guests won’t soon forget! American Garden’s mushroom flavored pasta sauce will add a little taste of Italy to your dishes, the American way. Chia is a seed from the mint family that is rich in omega-3, fatty acids. The whole berry is commonly used in pickling, meat broths and gravies. It’s actually got a wonderful lemony taste that is also a bit tart. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Or,... Anise Seed, also called aniseed, has a mild flavor and sweet aroma that resembles licorice, tarragon, and fennel seed. The native spices of Caribbean and Latin American cuisine help bring traditional dishes to life. Customer Review Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Bell Pepper Red,Green Diced- Spices & Herbs This larger grained Black Pepper Cafe Grind features a stronger flavor than finely ground black pepper and is made from premium South Pacific peppercorns. Bones & Joints. Our easy-to-use carob powder comes fully... Those on a health kick know that using carob powder makes baking easy. – There’s never enough time to use thyme. While rosemary is an excellent herb pairing for lightly broiled aromatic roast chicken breast, it is a traditional taste of Italy, as the shrub is native the Mediterranean region. Your taste buds will thank you when you add this spice to your next soup, sauce, or sausage recipe. Chinese Star Anise has a very strong aroma typical of Greek anise. Organic Spices INC [formerly American Natural & Organic Spices] We have a worldwide expertise in working with growers insuring a reliable supply of the highest quality organic culinary herbs and spices. But there are a few dried leaves that deserve a place in the spice cupboard, including rosemary, curry leaves, thyme, kaffir lime leaves, and oregano. Spearmint Leaves – Try a mint julep on Derby Day. Buy spices in bulk online and you'll rarely have to run to the grocery store! The tiny seeds inside of Cardamom Pods Green are filled with intense flavor. – Sprinkle it over vanilla ice cream or lattes. It’s got a dominant personality and a well-rounded tang that can’t be ignored. - It’s essential in egg nog and pumpkin pies. Allspice is also referred to as Jamaican Pepper and... Allspice is a dried berry which when crushed produces a fragrant aroma and flavor that resembles a combination of cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg, with a little pepper. Use sparingly to avoid medicinal flavor. – Rub turkey or chicken with butter and Rosemary and broil. Try this magically versatile spice and you’ll be a believer. Just a little more gentle and delicate, marjoram closely lends itself to the similar pungent and sweet tastes of oregano. It’s also thought to prevent intestinal gas. No. Bulk wholesale herbs, Wholesale bulk herbs, spices, tea,Lavender, cranberry, Damiana, Marshmallow, Mullein, Motherwort American Contact Disclaimer Terms Thyme – There’s never enough time to use thyme. It only takes a... Galangal root powder, also commonly known as Thai ginger, tastes great in a variety of Thai and Indian dishes. Use herbs in cooking, aromatherapy, medicines, and cosmetics. Cassia Cinnamon Bark has many uses that appeal to senses. Use ground cloves paired... Buy spices in bulk online and you'll rarely have to run to the grocery store! Visit our Specialty Shops for special spice mixes and supplies for making beer, sausages, chilies and more. Chamomile... Cut Chervil Leaf is widely used in French cooking, and one of the herbs featured in  fines herbes. But boy are they missing out on an incredible spice! With its strong, pungent flavor and aromatic hardy leaves, sage has many uses in many different dishes. When your Chicken... You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for the perfect pepper for everyday common kitchen uses. Shop the Spice House - order $49 in spices & herbs - get free shipping! South American natives have been enjoying Stevia leaf for centuries. Founded by Judy K. Gray, a pioneer in nutritional supplements, there is no company in the world like North American Herb & Spice. Is a blend of spices usually including coriander, fenugreek, turmeric, cumin, and others. The stuffing for Germany's traditional baked Christmas goose is laced with Mugwort. Parsley is a dinner staple for many traditional American dishes. Rice too bland? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Some folks in wine country use these sticks... Add Celery Seed Ground or celery seed whole into your soup or sauce for a slightly tangy flavor. That’s a myth; however bay leaves do remain hard, even after well cooked, so it is recommended to remove bay leaves before serving the meal. Every great cook's secret: Fresh Herbs and Spices. The third image is of our 1 cup Bottle with Sifter next to a popular national brand found in most grocery stores. Gruit, old-fashioned pre-hops herb beer, often contained mugwort. Bay Leaves are oval... Cat's Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa-Latin) is a medicinal plant gardened by natives from the Peruvian Amazon Rain Forest. Ground Greek oregano is a classic spice, used in many popular Greek and Italian meals. A natural antioxidant with other health benefits, carob powder is the go-to ingredient for chocolate lovers looking to make better diet choices. If you really want to wow your co-workers at your carry-in, create a to-die-for spinach artichoke dip with the finest of ingredients. The American Spice Company sells herbs made from both fresh and dried leaves, while many of our spices curate from seeds, bark, fruit, flowers, and roots. Whether sweet or spicy, these blends play a big role in making Latin and Caribbean foods so distinct and flavorful. Ground sage leaf is perfect for thick sausage gravy with biscuits. Use herbs in cooking, aromatherapy, medicines, and cosmetics. Usage Freshly ground to order and made with 100% pure spices- a blend of freshly ground & toasted ancho, guajillo, New Mexico and Arbol chiles. Caraway seed is the traditional favorite flavoring for rye breads,... A spice often mentioned on cooking shows, black cardamom adds rich flavor to a variety of dishes. Sprinkle parsley powder over chicken or seafood before baking or grilling to bring a delicious flavor to your meat dishes. Carob is a healthy antioxidant. taste like a blend of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves ; Use in pot roasts, stuffings, cakes, biscuits, pies, and relishes. Buy with confidence: Great Price, Quick Delivery & Secure Payment Sprinkle some of the Lemon Balm into your salad for flavor or on your vegetables and chicken recipes. These sweet smelling flowers are safe to use in herbal teas. Celebrate German cooking by adding Caraway Seeds to your next batch of rye bread. Spices: Exotic Flavors and Medicines - History & Special Collections, UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library; Gernot Katzer’s Spice Pages Old Bay Seasoning is a trademarked American seasoning mix originating from Baltimore, Maryland. Use 1 oz of dried Chamomile flowers to 1 pint boiling water. Latin American spices feature chiles for Spanish, Mexican, Peruvian & Cuban dishes. Order yours here! It works well in a variety of dishes, including pastas, as simple as noodles and butter. Also used for tea or in mint juleps. Spices are the seeds, flesh, flowers, bark, roots, or berries of the plant, they are almost always dried. One of the most expensive herbs and spices. Use it as a substitute for table sugar. A stunning combination of parmesan... Popeye was right about the power of leafy greens. for special spice mixes and supplies for making beer, sausages, chilies and more. Get the plants you want. Best of all, herbs and spices are simple to grow. We import American Groceries and Food. In the Middle East, Sumac is the spice of choice to add a tangy flavor to... Once ground so that its aroma and flavor comes to the surface, summer savory becomes invaluable to your summer barbeque. Use it in your main dishes and desserts! One cooking expert says, "All great cooking requires is a keen sense of spice." The sticks can be grounded or powdered for baking on snickerdoodles. Pain Relief & Inflammation. Enjoy several forms including whole decorticated, cardamom seeds ground, or cardamom pods green. It pairs well with sage, rosemary, and thyme. Wake up from this nightmare! Sweeten your day with a sprinkle of ground Stevia leaf from our 2.5 oz bottle as a natural sweetener.