Uri Milstein: Blood Libel at Deir Yassin: The Black Book. I stood them against a wall and blasted them with two rounds from the Tommy gun,” he wrote, describing how he carried out the execution of the girls with a submachine gun. Die Aktion wurde vom späteren israelischen Premierminister und Friedensnobelpreisträger Menachem Begin kommandiert. […] But the terrorists, far from being ashamed of their act, were proud of this massacre, publicized it widely, and invited all the foreign correspondents present in the country to view the heaped corpses and the general havoc at Deir Yassin. The Deir Yassin massacre was the first of a number of incidents in which Jewish fighters were involved in killing civilians in the War of Independence and after it was over. Yair Tsaban, a former Meretz MK and government minister, related in his interview with Shoshani that after the massacre, in which he did not participate, he was sent with fellow members of the Youth Brigades to bury the corpses of the dead. It was written by a member of the underground about 70 years ago. Remembering Deir Yassin : the future of Israel and Palestine. [13] Pappes Buch A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples, das sich ebenfalls mit der Zeit vor Israels Staatsgründung beschäftigt, wurde von Ephraim Karsh mit ähnlich scharfen Worten kritisiert. We never hear about Jewish massacres of non-Jews. Das Massaker wurde nach dem Ende der Irgun auch deren Nachfolgeorganisation Tnu'at haCherut („Freiheitspartei“) zur Last gelegt. Vier Tage später, am 13. Begin verteidigte auch später noch das Massaker: „Das Massaker von Deir Jassin hatte nicht nur seine Berechtigung – ohne den ,Sieg‘ von Deir Jassin hätte es auch niemals einen Staat Israel gegeben.“[11] For two years now a document that makes for difficult reading has been lying in the archives of the association to commemorate the heritage of Lehi – the Fighters for the Freedom of Israel pre-state underground militia. In Deir Yassin begann der Überfall am Freitag, den 9. April, kurz vor Sonnenaufgang. April an die Kommandanten der Lechi: Es blieben viele Einwohner in ihren Häusern und der offen gelassene Fluchtkorridor wurde nur von rund 200 der 600 Dorfbewohner genutzt. “When I got to Deir Yassin, the first thing I saw was a big tree to which a young Arab fellow was tied. Girls lined up against a wall and shot with a submachine gun. Dr. Eliezer Tauber’s Contribution in Deir Yassin: The End of a Myth. […] Die Wiederbesiedlung von Deir Yassin binnen eines Jahres nach dem Verbrechen und im Rahmen der normalen Siedlungaktivitäten würde einer Unterstützung oder zumindest Duldung des Massakers gleichkommen. Deir Yassin - now Har Nof - was an Arab village on the western outskirts of Jerusalem. “That cannot have been in the heat of battle. A street in Deir Yassin, today and in 1948. Deir Yassin estava dentro dos limites do plano proposto para Jerusalém. Credit: Still from the film 'Born in Deir Yassin', U.S. Officials Speak With Israeli, Palestinian Counterparts in Gaza Deescalation Bid, Senior U.S. Officials Speak With Israeli, Palestinian Counterparts in Gaza Deescalation Bid, Clashes Break Out Between Israeli Police, Arab Protesters as Slain Man Laid to Rest, Clashes Break Out Between Israeli Police, Arab Protesters as Slain Man Is Laid to Rest, Third Israeli Killed in Rocket Barrage at Tel Aviv After Gaza High-rise Collapses, Gaza Flare-up: Third Israeli Killed in Rocket Barrage at Tel Aviv After Gaza High-rise Collapses, Lehi – the Fighters for the Freedom of Israel pre-state underground militia. Following her documentation of the place as it is today, with its buildings that had served the village’s inhabitants in the past and today are part of the hospital, she also wanted to find historical pictures of the massacre that took place there 70 years ago. Der kommandierende Hagana-Offizier von Jerusalem, David Shaltiel, hatte dem Einsatz mit der Bedingung zugestimmt, dass das Dorf danach besetzt werden müsse, um es nicht zu einem Rückzugsort für arabische Kampfverbände werden zu lassen. Fighters from Israel's pre-state militia occupying the village of Deir Yassin, April 1948. Credit: IDF archive/ Still from the film 'Born in Deir Yassin', Get email notification for articles from Ofer Aderet, Citing national security, Israel likely to keep army file on Palestinian refugees from 1948 sealed, The poem that exposed Israeli war crimes in 1948, What it’s like to have a Jewish terrorist in the family. The state explained that publication of the pictures was liable to damage the state’s foreign relations and the “respect for the dead.” In 2010, after viewing the pictures, the Supreme Court justices rejected the petition, leaving the material far from the public eye. There were also cases, apparently isolated, of mowing down inhabitants, ‘executions,’ after the fighting was over, for the purpose of deterrence and out of fear.”. 'Within a few hours, half the village wasn’t there any more,' Zettler wrote of the day. Shaltiel schrieb am 7. I photographed that,” he related. Another infamous incident was the one at Kafr Qasem in 1956, on the day the fighting in the Sinai Campaign began. Das Massaker wurde offiziell von allen Seiten verurteilt, einschließlich der Hagana und der Jewish Agency. It was located across the valley from Beit Hakerem where I was lodging. Einstein hatte zuvor bereits abgelehnt, sich finanziell oder sonst wie für Begins Partei einzusetzen. Zettler also provided a harsh account of the burning of the bodies of those who were killed, after the village was occupied. Der Angriff wurde auch nicht von der zu dieser Zeit bereits wie eine reguläre Armee funktionierenden Hagana, sondern von etwa 100 bis 130 militärisch ungeschulten und schlecht ausgerüsteten Kämpfern der Untergrundorganisationen Irgun und Lechi durchgeführt, die keinerlei Erfahrung mit der planmäßigen Einnahme eines Dorfes hatten. Shoshani petitioned the High Court of Justice about this a decade ago as part of her final project at Bezalel. Not everyone agrees with the characterization “massacre.” Historian Dr. Uri Milstein, who studies Israel’s wars, does a lot to propagate the thesis that there wasn’t any massacre in the village. Further along in the letter, he describes in detail his part in the massacre that took place there. Prior to the surrender, and throughout the siege on Jerusalem, Jewish convoys tried to reach the city to alleviate the food shortage… To her surprise, she found that the task was not at all simple. The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948, when around 130 fighters from the Far-right wing Zionist paramilitary groups Irgun and Lehi killed at least 107 Palestinian Arabs, including women and children, in Deir Yassin, a village of roughly 600 people near Jerusalem. As in the case of Deir Yassin, the state is still censoring the archival materials from Kafr Qasem.

If Deir Yassin was a hoax, so was the Holocaust. Most researchers state that 110 inhabitants of the village were killed there. Deir Yassin declared its neutrality during the 1948 Palestine war between Arabs and Jews. April die Operation Nachschon, die die arabische Blockade Jerusalems beenden sollte, um Nahrung zu den in der Stadt eingeschlossenen Juden transportieren zu können. My impression was more of a massacre than anything else. On Monday morning, April 13, 1948, an Arab mob, chanting “Deir Yassin”, massacred a bus convoy of Jewish doctors and nurses who were headed to Hadassah hospital on Mount Scopus in Jerusalem. Literatur. Haaretz.com, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. This village, off the main roads and surrounded by Jewish lands, had taken no part in the war, and had even fought off Arab bands who wanted to use the village as their base. Ein erheblicher Teil der Fläche des ehemaligen Dorfes liegt innerhalb der Anlagen des 1951 begründeten Kfar Scha'ul-Hospitals, einer psychiatrischen Klinik, die überregional bekannt ist durch die Behandlung des bei ausländischen Besuchern Jerusalems immer wieder auftretenden Jerusalem-Syndroms. The number of Arab inhabitants who were killed there and the circumstances of their deaths has been disputed for many years, but most researchers state that 110 inhabitants of the village, among them women, children and elderly people, were killed there. Diese gingen daraufhin von Haus zu Haus und warfen Handgranaten durch die Fenster, da sie den Nahkampf in den verwinkelten Häusern scheuten. Das Dorf mit etwa 600 Einwohnern wurde am 9. Lying About Deir Yassin This week is the anniversary of the events that took place in the Arab village of Deir Yassin in 1948. Possibly this is because the photos are part of the visual material that is hidden to this day in the Archive of the IDF and the Defense Ministry, of which the state is prohibiting publication even 70 years after the fact. Le village tient son nom de la présence de la mosquée d'un Cheikh Yassin dans le village. “Last Friday together with Etzel” – the acronym for the National Military Organization, also known as the Irgun, another pre-state underground militia, led by Menachem Begin – “our movement carried out a tremendous operation to occupy the Arab village on the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv road – Deir Yassin. So schossen manche jüdische Soldaten sowohl auf arabische Soldaten als auch auf Zivilisten. Olive Branch Press, New York 1998, ISBN 1-56656-291-0. “In the IDF Archive they released to me for publication pictures of the fighters from Deir Yassin themselves,” she continued and displayed a series of photos showing armed Irgun and Lehi members, but no trace of the Arabs who were killed. Forty-eight Israeli Arab citizens were killed by Border Police gunfire. Deir Yassin had two mosques, one was named after al-Shaykh Yasin, and the other was built by the contribution of Mohamad Salah. Credit: Itai Raziel (today), Zionist Archive (1948) / Still from the film 'Born in Deir Yassin'. He told Shoshani that after the battle he was sent to the village with a camera to document what he saw there. Reading it could reopen a bleeding wound from the days of the War of Independence that to this day stirs a great deal of emotion in Israeli society. Allerdings evakuierte die Lechi noch um 9.30 Uhr, fünf Stunden nach Beginn der Kämpfe, 40 alte Männer, Frauen und Kinder auf Lastwagen und fuhr sie zu einem Stützpunkt in Sheikh Bader.[2]. The 150,000 Jewish inhabitants were under constant military pressure; the 2,500 Jews living in the Old City were victims of an Arab blockade that lasted five months before they were forced to surrender on May 29, 1948. The assault on the village of Deir Yassin began on the morning of April 9, 1948, as part of Operation Nachshon to break through the blockaded road to Jerusalem, with the participation of about 130 Lehi and Irgun fighters who received aid from the Haganah – the pre-independence army. Die neuen Bewohner der nun Giv'at Scha'ul genannten Siedlung waren hauptsächlich Einwanderer aus Polen, Rumänien und der Slowakei, die der ultraorthodoxen Partei Poalei Agudat Jisra’el verbunden waren. Deir Yassin had a peaceful reputation and was even said by a Jewish newspaper to have driven out some Arab militants. [5] Ob es nach Ende der Kampfhandlungen noch zu Hinrichtungen von Gefangenen kam, ist unter Historikern umstritten. The fighters encountered stiff resistance and sniper fire and advanced slowly through the village lanes while throwing grenades and blowing up houses. The Deir Yassin incident exemplifies the character and actions of the Freedom Party.“, http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/German/Die_Fl%FCchtlinge.html#F, A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples, reviewed by Ephraim Karsh, Testimonies From the Censored Deir Yassin Massacre, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Massaker_von_Deir_Yasin&oldid=211778368, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. April griffen terroristische Banden dieses friedliche Dorf an, das kein militärisches Ziel darstellte, töteten die meisten Einwohner (240 Männer, Frauen und Kinder) und ließen ein paar am Leben, um sie als Gefangene durch die Straßen Jerusalems zu treiben. Deir Yassin: History of a Lie Introduction For fi fty years, critics of Israel have used the battle of Deir Yassin to blacken the image of the Jewish State, alleging that Jewish fi ghters mas-sacred hundreds of Arab civilians during a battle in that Arab village near Jerusalem in 1948. Reflections on Global Hoax Scientists in Australia and New Zealand; Search for: Tag: Deir Yassin. “To me it looked a bit like a pogrom,” said Gichon, who died about a year ago. “They took dead people, piled them up and burned them. 'They ran like cats,' related the commander of the operation, Yehoshua Zettler, the Jerusalem commander of Lehi, as he described the Arabs fleeing from their homes in Deir Yassin.