It is based not upon traditional political theories such as capitalism, socialism, communism, or fascism. No conqueror ever divides a land; you keep the land for yourself. This battle is predicted to start by an attack upon Israel by their old enemies, Syria and Egypt, as predicted by the prophet Daniel (Dan. So, no, “This is really talking about the church,” and “It’s under the siege by the evil forces of Satan opposing the gospel,” and so forth. No one can deny it, but it is being fulfilled today that all the nations surrounding—the neighbors surrounding Jerusalem would be united in a siege against her. The United Nations General Assembly passed five resolutions against Israel, but for the first time, 13 countries switched their positions and voted against a pro-Palestine measure. Zechariah 12:9 So on that day I will set out to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. The armies will be gathered into the Great Plain of Esdraelon (also called the Jezreel Valley or the Valley of Jehoshaphat in the Old Testament). In particular, the battle of Gog and Magog as predicted by the prophet Ezekiel foretells the attack of Russia and her allies upon the state of Israel (Ezek. Why does the Lord say He will judge the nations there? Instead of accepting statehood, which they were offered by Israel and the US, the Palestinians rejected it and chose violent uprisings (Intifadas), which cost the lives of many thousands of people and further terrorized Israelis. Tom: Now, Dave, when you say, “They got it, it was given to them,” that’s not the Palestine they want today, so-called—this is Jordan that they gave them, right? The New Scofield Reference Bible, Authorized King James Version, Copyright 1967 by Oxford University Press, Inc. Bible text in public domain. And while we watch the signs in the heavens sound a drum beat that the end is nearing. We are coming upon a time in which all nations will eventually turn against Israel, not just politically but violently and militarily, as well. They encircle me with words of hate; they attack me without cause. Tom: Well, they couldn’t even rebuild the temple! In the latter days, Turkey will lead a storm of nations. I guess we’ve talked about that probably on this program before, Tom. He said they were poorly trained, and they certainly were poorly armed. The Bible provides the only solution to the evil of this world. Revelation says that the armies will be gathered by demons into the Valley of Armageddon, and it will be this place where the Lord will assemble all the remaining nations just before Jesus returns (Rev. As the pillars of smoke rose above the decimated cities … [more], Fire, Smoke, and Brimstone On May 10th, during the early […], Israel’s 70th anniversary has occurred, which memorialized and celebrated their sudden rebirth as a nation on May 14, 1948. 3. Then I will enter into judgment with them there On behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; And they have divided up My land.”. Hamas, the same. Responding to Kerry, Netanyahu claimed that the resolution was entirely written and pushed forward by the Obama administration, and that it was Obama that pushed to resubmit the UN resolution after Egypt had withdrawn it. These prophecies can also let us know why this UN resolution and any peace initiatives are ultimately doomed to fail. The Battle of Armageddon is predicted to be the last and greatest conflict of mankind. It is really, I mean, rebellion after rebellion, idolatry, over and over and over again. In the last days the entire world will turn against Israel to destroy her. When all the nations around her will be in a siege, both against Judah and against Jerusalem…now that’s an amazing prophecy, because the nations were not at that time, and never were in history, united. This is a nation that has one-one-thousandth of the earth’s population—the United Nations has spent one-third of its time! The Jews wouldn’t recognize any unilateral declaration by the UN, but it would significantly increase tensions in an already tense region. Calls Israel `terrorist garrison' against Palestinians. There are quite a few options for keeping in touch with us: Subscribe to our email updates here, and choose if you want daily, weekly, or monthly updates. Half of the city shall go out into exile, but the rest of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, was incensed by these events and called Obama’s actions on the UN resolution an “ambush”. Not only has Israel won those five wars against those militant Arab neighbors, who were bent on defeating and destroying the Israeli nation, but the Israeli nation … . Unknown to most people who are concerned about Middle East peace, and this includes the politicians and diplomats involved with passing this resolution, these events are powerful harbingers of what the Bible predicts will happen in the Last Days before Christ returns. They’ve got British advisors, officers with their units; Britain is arming them, and so forth, and you would think this is some kind of a joke. Okay, so Hitler alone is not guilty of the Holocaust. Well, Tom, there is no question that the Jews are a separate people. During the week before the vote, Netanyahu had asked President-Elect Trump to intervene on Israel’s behalf. Only God could pay the infinite penalty, but He must be a man so that He represents mankind, the human race. The UN agenda 2. These are what I call “lukewarm” nations, which are just as much a disgrace to God as the 128 nations who voted against Him. In the Last Days, these mountains will effectively trap the remaining armies of the world within the large valley below. He offered to sell them for $2 apiece. The player’s first priority here is to fortify, especially the coastal cities, in order to deter the larger nations from rushing in to claim land. The Doha Globe Friday May 7, 2021 TEHRAN: Iran’s supreme leader called on Muslim nations on Friday to keep fighting against Israel, which he said was not a state but a “terrorist garrison” against the Palestinians. See All.... Dave: Right. Okay? What were the enemies? “Israel, give them more land, give them more land, give them more land!” They just forced Israel to pull out of Gaza. When the final vote occurred and the US Ambassador abstained instead of issuing a veto, it allowed the resolution to pass unanimously by the other 14 Security Council members. But Abraham was a Chaldean, Hagar was an Egyptian. Everybody has heard of the West Bank, but there is an East Bank. The coming storm of nations has long been prophesied. But what about “and they parted my land”? Okay, so this is why a chosen people. Even the non-believing world has adopted this Biblical term … [more]. Dave: Well, but some of them have, Tom, or they claim to. You are taking it away from my people!” Well, Tom, you know, every peace proposal since, including President Bush’s so-called “Roadmap to Peace,” what’s the foundation of it? It gives us confidence, Tom, that when Jesus said, “I will come again,” it gives us confidence that when the Bible talks about the return of Christ, or the Rapture, it’s actually going to happen, because all these other things that the Bible foretold have come to pass exactly on schedule. So then, when we come to the next verse, verse 3: “I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all the nations.”. See All...: “… I will give it unto you to possess it [this is what you were just talking about]…. The people even became apathetic, so this was hardly a threat to anybody. No one would sell arms to them, not even the United States, Britain, France, and so forth. Further adding fuel to the fire, the US Secretary of State John Kerry gave a long rambling speech on Wednesday, December 28, in which he scolded Israel for building settlements and saying that they were an impediment to peace. (This is history!) What unites them? Well, when the prophet Zechariah spoke these words under the inspiration of God, Jerusalem was in ruins, having been destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar. When all is said and done, only God will stand with Israel as everyone else fights against and tries to destroy her, but are instead destroyed themselves in their failed attempt to harm Israel. Our would-be ancestors would all have been destroyed in the flood. - YouTube. 4. September 24, 2009 by Melvin Konner. Some are calling upon the Israeli government to preempt any such move to divide the nation by annexing the West Bank and East Jerusalem ahead of any possible declaration of Palestinian statehood. Tom: Right. Hundreds of millions of fighters will move into this valley at the very end of the age. The idea of Israeli defense forces are too good for them, no question about that. Following Israel's independence in 1948, the Jewish State became an official member-state of the international body. They said it would never happen again. 3. In the New Testament in chapter 16 of the Book of Revelation, this valley is called Armageddon from Har Megiddo, which means the mount of Megiddo. The King James Version of the Bible, in the public domain. 16:12-16). I won’t go into the details. That was the land of Israel. Compelling Evidence for the Soon Return of Christ. Islam! They say he reads his Bible and prays every morning. This has been going on for centuries. 138 Nations in UN Pass 7 Anti-Israel Resolutions; Declare Temple Mount Exclusively Muslim. The prophet Zechariah quoted the Lord as saying, “Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. She called their treatment of Israel an “obstacle” to peace. Tom: These guys were helping out the Bible, weren’t they? The so-called "Palestinians", people that invaded the Land of Israel from all of the Arab countries and never existed as a nation inside Israel or any other place in the world, are fighting against Israel and since 1948 have been the instrument of the Arab-Muslim world to destroy Israel from the midst of the Land. Iran's Supreme Leader called on Muslim nations on Friday to keep fighting against Israel, which he said was not a state but a "terrorist garrison" against the Palestinians. UN Jerusalem vote list: The 128 countries that didn't back US over their Israel capital decision. They gave most of it to Jordan to create the Trans-Jordan, it was called. God will judge all nations because all nations have gone against Israel. And in that day I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces.”, In another verse (that’s Zechariah:12:2Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.See All...,3)—and then Zechariah:14:2For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.See All...,3 says, “For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle and the city shall be taken then shall the Lord go forth to fight against those nations.”. Treasury of Scripture. Dave: Oh, “perhaps among the most remarkable.”. “I’m going to make Jerusalem a burdensome…” (and you know the heart of this problem is Jerusalem). All nations go against Israel at the Battle of Armageddon. Seven nations stood with Israel, alongside the United States (EIGHT NATIONS), while the rest of the world stood against them. Psalms 109:2 (The Israel Bible TM) New, York, NY, USA - September 24, … Although these events may appear to be only more of the same ongoing political chaos we have witnessed for many years involving the Middle East, there is actually more to these troublous events than meets the eye. Nations Against Israel? With passage of UN Resolution 2334 by the United Nations Security Council on Dec. 23, 2016, a dramatic shift is beginning to occur in global politics. How about that! “In many cases, rather than helping the Palestinian cause, this reality has hampered the ability of the United Nations to fulfill its role effectively.” The General Assembly adopted 26 resolutions that criticized a country in 2016, of which 20 were directed at Israel. This clip is from our series entitled, "Signs of the Last Days". For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. This didn’t happen, but the UN still desires to give the Palestinians their own state within the nation of Israel by once again dividing the land, even though Joel clearly warns against it. “What is the point of these resolutions? And you know what’s been going on in Libya in recent years under the leadership of Mu’ammar Qaddafi. 38-39). Britain, in 1944—Germany needed money; Hitler needed money. [25] Ye shall therefore put difference between clean beasts and unclean, and between unclean fowls and clean: and ye shall not make your souls abominable by beast, or by fowl, or by any manner of living thing that creepeth on the ground, which I have separated from you as unclean. They talk about a Palestinian national home—they got it; it was given to them. He has an ancestry, and this is one of the proofs—I mean, the great proof—that Jesus is who He claimed to be, the Messiah. “… a land that floweth with milk and honey: I am the Lord your God, which have separated you from other people. Obama, however, has been blatantly anti-Israel from the time he entered office, and he took this opportunity to further mess up the Middle East before he leaves office on January 20, 2017. We are coming upon a time in which all nations will eventually turn against Israel, not just politically but violently and militarily, as well. According to the prophecies in Joel, He will judge them because the nations had divided His land and scattered His people throughout the world. “We will never accept Israel’s existence. Now, I would say that’s a rather remarkable prophecy—all these various elements. Islamic-terror organizations are surrounding Israel from every side and shooting missiles and rockets into Israel. When all is said and done, only God will stand with Israel as everyone else fights against and tries to destroy her, but are instead destroyed themselves in their failed attempt to harm Israel. These seminal events will occur just prior to the beginning of a period … [more], The final aspect of the prophecies that relate to the effects of nuclear war is the widespread pollution of land and water by radioactive fallout, dust from the explosions and … [more], The incredible prophecies of Israel in the Last Days are the key to understanding just how close we are to the End of the Age. The Bible also predicts that the time leading up to the final wars will be a time of great distress. If you are outside the U.S. “Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord,” or we wouldn’t even be here. He doesn’t just come out of nowhere. And Britain betrayed the Jews, kept the Jews out, even Holocaust survivors within sight of the promised land—driven back by the British navy, put into camps. You’ve got a Chaldean father, an Egyptian mother. The next big priority is to set up diplomatic relations with some of the larger nations adjacent to Isr… He would like to see Israel destroyed from the Middle East. Gulf states say Israel has responsibility to de-escalate, blast its ‘provocations’; nations also warn against pending evictions of Sheikh Jarrah Palestinians from their homes When Abraham and Isaac are walking up that mountain and Isaac is going to be sacrificed (he doesn’t know that, and that was what Abraham was intending), and he says, “Here’s the wood, and here’s the fire. Now, you read in Zechariah 14 where it says, “God said, I will gather all nations against Jerusalem, and they are all going to come against her, and they are going to be cut in pieces.” This is what the Bible says. Thousands of people have […], A new type of global governance is taking form, and it’s threatening to become a monster. They fought one another; they had different religions, and so forth. The Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah gave a speech at the rally […], President Trump said this week that the U.S. for the first time now fully recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and he also said that he will order the State Department to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. Anti-Semitism—you see the pictures of Jews with their wheelbarrows or little carts—they are pushing what belongings they’ve got, and they’re fleeing from one country to another. Click here to get the app! So, as you intimated, the Messiah is going to come. The Soviet Union was the first country to recognise Israel de jure on 17 May 1948, followed by Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Ireland, and South Africa. Libya is located due west of Egypt in North Africa. So now they’re pretending peace, and the world accepts this, and insists that Israel agree to peace with an enemy that has sworn there will be no peace, no recognition of Israel. Well, I’ve given you some of the history, but UN Resolution 181, November 29, 1947, it is called The Partition of the Land. All rights reserved worldwide. So they have spent a third of their time on Israel. Take that up with God. Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan criticized the resolutions. Getty Images. The Berean Call is also available in a large-print edition at a nominal cost. DUBAI — Iran’s Supreme Leader called on Muslim nations on Friday to keep fighting against Israel, which he said was not a state but a “terrorist garrison”… On that day, when all the nations of the earth gather against her, I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who would heave it away will be severely injured. Okay, what is the documentation for that? Nobody can argue it, no question about it. A low point at the UN was the passage of the Arab and Soviet-sponsored United Nations resolution of November 10, 1975 which declared Zionism a “ form of racism and racial discrimination .”. Only the United States, Canada, Australia, Israel and three Pacific Ocean island nations voted against the resolution. That was Israel; that’s Israeli land! The United States extended de jure recognition after the first Israeli election, on 31 January 1949. Even though the Jews had been scattered among the nations for many generations, the Lord predicted in Joel that they would come back to their land and be reborn as a nation. Nine times He is called the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz | Nov 6, 2020 | Jerusalem. The relationship of Israel to the nations therefore forms not only an important background for understanding “the times of the Gentiles” (Luke 21:24) and God’s dealings with nations other than Israel, but also makes clear the role of the Gentiles in God’s purpose in history. Dave: Exactly. At least 750,000 Palestinians were displaced from their homes in 1948 () Early injustices and rebukes. 35 nations had abstained yesterday, not wanting to vote one way or the other. An Israeli army self-propelled howitzer 155m cannon fires a shell. THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. Britain said, “There is no room in Palestine for them.”. The United Nations has spent one third of its time debating, condemning, you know, arguing…more than 60,000 individual votes cast against Israel; hundreds of condemnations of Israel. Because, if you go to verse 6, it says, “In that day [talking about this day now, the last days in which we live] will I make the governors of Judah like an hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf, and they shall devour all the nations round about on the right hand and on the left.”.