In Palmyra, the group destroyed many ancient statues, the Temples of Baalshamin and Bel, many tombs including the Tower of Elahbel, and part of the Monumental Arch. The rebuilding effort have so far remained at a limited capacity and has often been focused on certain areas of a city, thus ignoring other areas inhabited by disadvantaged people. [207] In September 2014, the UN stated that the number of Syrian refugees had exceeded 3 million. [270] The primary framework for this coordination is the Syria Humanitarian Assistance Response Plan (SHARP) which appealed for US$1.41 billion to meet the humanitarian needs of Syrians affected by the conflict. [354], Some activists welcomed this legislation. [176], The Syrian civil war is one of the most heavily documented wars in history, despite the extreme dangers that journalists face while in Syria. [280], On April 9, 2020, the UN dispatched 51 truckloads of humanitarian aid to Idlib. The organization said that the aid would be distributed among civilians stranded in the north-western part of the country. [259], On April 6, 2020, the United Nations published its investigation into the attacks on humanitarian sites in Syria. [291][292][293][294][295][296] This plan raised concerns amongst Kurds about displacement of existing communities and groups in that area. Syrian refugees in Lebanon make up one quarter of Lebanon's population, mostly consisting of women and children. Comment engager la Syrie sur la voie d’une reconstruction politique durable ? (, Sénateur US: la Ligue arabe devrait impliquer Moscou dans la lutte contre l’EI, Damas prêt à participer aux discussions de Genève, Washington envisage la démission d'Assad pour mars 2017, Hausses d’impôts: entre crise du Covid et suppression de la taxe d’habitation, les élus locaux pris au piège, Au Cameroun, une ONG débarrasse les rues des déchets électroniques - photos, Tribune de militaires: le chef d'état-major invite les signataires à quitter l'armée, Olivier Piacentini: «Avec le Covid, le programme mondialiste a été accéléré pour prendre les populistes de vitesse», «Un gentil garçon»: la mère du tueur présumé du policier à Avignon s’en prend aux autorités, Rixe entre deux bandes rivales en pleine rue en Seine-Saint-Denis – vidéo, «Chasseurs de nuit», «crocodiles» et «cygne blanc»: les surprises du défilé aérien militaire à Moscou – images, Une femme en état de démence blesse un policier au couteau avant d'être abattue, Des policiers de plusieurs départements de France attaqués dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche, «Nos aînés ont raison»: nouvelle tribune de militaires, cette fois en service, Policier tué à Avignon: le tireur présumé identifié, d'après le procureur, L’échange de roquettes entre la bande de Gaza et Israël, Je n'ai pas de compte sur, Je possède un compte sur What's Next for Iran's Afghan Fighters in Syria", "Syrian war widens Sunni-Shia schism as foreign jihadis join fight for shrines", "Iran 'Foreign Legion' Leads Battle in Syria's North", "Russia's Syria force has reportedly grown to 4,000 people", "Up to Nine Russian Contractors Die in Syria, Experts Say", "State-of-the-art technology is giving Assad's army the edge in Syria", "Here's The Extremist-To-Moderate Spectrum Of The 100,000 Syrian Rebels", "West suspends aid for Islamist rebels in Syria, underlining their disillusionment with those forces opposed to President Bashar al-Assad". [242][244] In July 2015, the UN removed Yarmouk from its list of besieged areas in Syria, despite not having been able deliver aid there for four months, and declined to say why it had done so. [113][114], International organizations have accused virtually all sides involved, including the Ba'athist Syrian government, ISIL, opposition rebel groups, Russia,[115] Turkey,[116] and the U.S.-led coalition[117] of severe human rights violations and massacres. [255] A report by the United Nations Human Rights Council states that "women and girls as young as nine are being sold as slaves to ISIS soldiers who regularly beat them and rape them, re-sell them, and, if they try to escape, kill them". L'administration se réserve le droit de supprimer les commentaires publiés dans des langues différentes de celle du contenu principal de l'article. [281], On April 30, 2020, Human Rights Watch condemned the Syrian authorities for their longstanding restriction on the entry of aid supplies. A report by the pro-opposition SNHR in 2018 mentioned 82000 victims that had been forcibly disappeared by the Syrian government, added to 14.000 confirmed deaths due to torture. Erdogan said that Turkey expects to resettle about 1 million refugees in the "buffer zone" that it controls. There were repeated incidents of sectarian violence in the North Governorate of Lebanon between supporters and opponents of the Syrian government, as well as armed clashes between Sunnis and Alawites in Tripoli. One opposition leader has said that the Shia militias often "try to occupy and control the religious symbols in the Sunni community to achieve not just a territorial victory but a sectarian one as well"[191]—reportedly occupying mosques and replacing Sunni icons with pictures of Shia leaders. Rates of theft increased, with criminals looting houses and stores. [260], On 27 April 2020, the Syrian Network for Human Rights reported continuation of multiple crimes in the month of March and April in Syria. [242][243] In Yarmouk Camp 20,000 residents faced death by starvation due to blockade by the Syrian government forces and fighting between the army and Jabhat al-Nusra, which prevents food distribution by UNRWA. [339][340], Refugees in Northeast Syria report they have received no help from international aid organizations. However, this committee has faced strong opposition from the Assad government. Il s'agit d'une guerre ouverte entre l’axe dirigé par les États-Unis d’Amérique, l’Europe et … 55,000 civilians are also isolated in the Rukban refugee camp between Syria and Jordan, where humanitarian relief access is difficult due to the harsh desert conditions. As of 2014, the Syrian Arab Air Force used airstrikes targeted against ISIL in Raqqa and al-Hasakah in coordination with the Iraqi government. Neuf ans après le début du conflit, les Syriens continuent de subir les effets de la guerre, l’absence de reconstruction et la crise économique. [225], On 20 August 2014, a new U.N. study concluded that at least 191,369 people have died in the Syrian conflict. En particulier, Moscou et Damas s'opposent à l'inclusion, dans la liste de la délégation syrienne, des représentants d'Ahrar al-Sham et de Jaysh al-Islam, deux organisations qu'ils considèrent comme terroristes. The Kurds are concerned that the independence of their declared Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (NES) in Rojava might be severely curtailed. La guerre civile syrienne — ou révolution syrienne — est un conflit armé en cours depuis 2011 en Syrie. The unrest in Syria, which began on 15 March 2011 as part of the wider 2011 Arab Spring protests, grew out of discontent with the Syrian government and escalated to an armed conflict after protests calling for Assad's removal were violently suppressed. Russia also said it will build a railway to link Syria with the Persian Gulf. Iran, Russia, and Hezbollah support the Syrian Arab Republic and the Syrian Armed Forces militarily, with Russia conducting airstrikes and other military operations since September 2015. L'utilisateur est tenu de ne pas violer, par ses actions, la législation nationale et internationale. Le conflit s’est peu à peu transformé en une lutte à caractère confessionnel où s’opposent les principales puissances de la région. [269] The international humanitarian response to the conflict in Syria is coordinated by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) in accordance with General Assembly Resolution 46/182. [116], According to a new report by U.N.-backed investigators into the Syrian civil war, young girls aged nine and above, have been raped and inveigled into sexual slavery. [189], Many Syrian Christians reported that they had fled after they were targeted by the anti-government rebels. Le commentaire de l'utilisateur sera supprimé, s'il: L'administration se réserve le droit de bloquer l'accès de l'utilisateur à la page ou de supprimer son compte sans avertissement préalable en cas de violation par l'utilisateur des règles de rédaction des commentaires ou de détection dans les actions de l'utilisateur de signes d'une telle violation. [118] The conflict has caused a major refugee crisis. First, the Syrian Armed Forces and its allies. Adds Bevy of Sanctions in Defense Authorization Law | Kharon", "Syria prepares for a major offensive as the U.S. votes for new sanctions on Assad, Russia and Iran", "What's the 'Caesar Act' in Trump's $738bn defence policy bill? [337][338], 4,000 people are housed at the Washokani Camp. [359], On June 17, 2020, James F. Jeffrey, Special Representative for Syria Engagement, signalled that the UAE could be hit with sanctions under the Caesar Act if it pushed ahead with normalisation efforts with the Syrian regime. [174] The U.S. has also supplied many Eastern European sourced 9K111 Fagot launchers and warheads to Syrian rebel groups under its Timber Sycamore program. [180] There were reports ISIS captured a Japanese national, two Italian nationals, and a Danish national as well. The report pointed to four places besieged by the government forces: Muadamiyah, Daraya, Yarmouk camp and Old City of Homs, as well as two areas under siege of rebel groups: Aleppo and Hama. Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregorios III Laham says more than 450,000 Syrian Christians have been displaced by the conflict. [171] In August 2013, the BBC reported on the use of napalm-like incendiary bombs on a school in northern Syria. The war is being fought by several factions: the Syrian Armed Forces and its domestic and international allies, a loose alliance of mostly Sunni opposition rebel groups (such as the Free Syrian Army), Salafi jihadist groups (including al-Nusra Front and Tahrir al-Sham), the mixed Kurdish-Arab Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). The Syrian government has been criticized for using this law to reward those who have supported the government. [129] At the start of the war, discontent against the government was strongest in Syria's poor areas, predominantly among conservative Sunnis. [283], Another aspect of the post war years will be how to repatriate the millions of refugees. [185] Initially, many Middle Eastern governments expressed support for Assad, but as the death toll mounted, they switched to a more balanced approach by criticizing violence from both government and protesters. Washington veut les rappeler. The Syrian government has put forward a law commonly known as "law 10", which could strip refugees of property, such as damaged real estate. Bashar and his wife Asma, a Sunni Muslim born and educated in Britain,[122] initially inspired hopes for democratic reforms; however, according to his critics, Bashar failed to deliver on promised reforms. So, the economic situation is becoming more and more serious and dire in Syria and it's a major reason why refugees are not going back. "[citation needed], In June, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced new economic sanctions on Syria targeting foreign business relations with the Syian government. By July 2012, the human rights group Women Under Siege had documented over 100 cases of rape and sexual assault during the conflict, with many of these crimes reported to have been perpetrated by the Shabiha and other pro-government militias. [319], President RT Erdogan said Turkey was left with no choice other than going its own way on the Syria 'safe zone' after a deadline to co-jointly establish a "safe zone” with the US in northern Syria expired in September. Nous nous engageons à protéger vos informations personnelles et nous avons mis à jour notre Politique de Confidentialité afin de nous conformer au Règlement général sur la protection des données (GDPR), nouveau règlement de l'UE qui est entré en vigueur le 25 mai 2018. L'établissement d'une liste commune des participants à la réunion de Genève reste une pierre d'achoppement à l'approche des consultations intersyriennes du 25 janvier. In February 2017, Amnesty International published a report which stated the Syrian government murdered an estimated 13,000 persons, mostly civilians, at the Saydnaya military prison. L'enlisement du conflit. The country also faced particularly high youth unemployment rates. Tôt vendredi, les États-Unis ont lancé une demi-douzaine de missiles sur un site syrien qu’ils ont décrit comme des dépôts utilisés par Kataib Hezbollah et Kataib Sayid al-Shuhada, deux milices irakiennes soutenues par l’Iran qui, selon eux, sont à l’origine de l’attaque meurtrière du 15 février contre une base américaine dans le nord de l’Irak, et d’une autre attaque le 22 février contre son ambassade à … [160], Starting on 5 June 2014, ISIL seized swathes of territory in Iraq. [96] In addition, UNICEF reported that over 500 children had been killed by early February 2012,[220] and another 400 children have been reportedly arrested and tortured in Syrian prisons;[221] both of these reports have been contested by the Syrian government. [200] The 13th-century Palmyra Castle was extensively damaged by retreating militants during the Palmyra offensive in March 2016. Amnesty International described this as a "policy of deliberate extermination" and also stated that "These practices, which amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity, are authorised at the highest levels of the Syrian government". [232], In January 2020, UNICEF warned that children were bearing the brunt of escalating violence in northwestern Syria. Le retrait des soldats américains en Syrie a débuté, une semaine après l'annonce officielle de leur départ. Of particular concern is the contagious and crippling Poliomyelitis. United Nations authorities have estimated that the war in Syria has caused destruction reaching to about $400 billion. [181] Sotloff was later executed in September 2014. Le souverain a dû intervenir à cause des lourdes pertes de l'opposition dans les affrontements contre l'armée syrienne. The secular Ba'ath Syrian Regional Branch government came to power through a coup d'état in 1963. ", "Top Syrian rebel commander dies from wounds", "Leading Syrian rebel groups form new Islamic Front", "Suicide bombing kills head of Syrian rebel group", "Al Qaeda's chief representative in Syria killed in suicide attack", "Russian raids kill prominent Syrian rebel commander", "Source: Syrian warplanes kill leaders of al-Nusra", "Senior Nusra Front commander killed in Syria air strike", "Nusra Front spokesman killed by air strike in Syria", "Syria's Qaeda spokesman, 20 jihadists dead in strikes: monitor", "Air strike kills top commander of former Nusra group in Syria", "Leader of Qaeda Cell in Syria, Muhsin al-Fadhli, Is Killed in Airstrike, U.S. Says", "Trump Approves Special Ops Raid Targeting ISIS Leader Baghdadi, Military Says He's Dead", "ISIS confirms death of senior leader in Syria", "If ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Is Killed, Who Is Caliph Of The Islamic State Group? Le processus de traitement des données personnelles est décrit en détail dans la Politique de confidentialité. [178], On 19 August 2014, American journalist James Foley was executed by ISIL, who said it was in retaliation for the United States operations in Iraq. © Since 2015, the U.S. has supported the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria and its armed wing, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), materially, financially, and logistically. A Human Rights Watch report issued just before the beginning of the 2011 uprising stated that he had failed to substantially improve the state of human rights since taking power. Syrie/ USA... Concernant la Guerre contre la Syrie: 7 ans de chaos, de destructions et plus de 500000 morts, ainsi que des millions de réfugiés; tout cela à cause d’un cumul d’erreurs dont la plus grosse est d’avoir écouté l’Arabie Saoudite et le Qatar, selon ce responsable américain; il faut absolument foutre le camp de ce pays, et maintenant reprend-il: Trump l’avait décidé, mais la CIA et le Pentagone l’en ont … The Syrian refugee crisis has caused the "Jordan is Palestine" threat to be diminished due to the onslaught of new refugees in Jordan. An alternate resolution also did not pass. ), As militias and non-Syrian Shia—motivated by pro-Shia sentiment rather than loyalty to the Assad government—have taken over fighting the opposition from the weakened Syrian Army, fighting has taken on a more sectarian nature. [322] Russia also negotiated a renewal of a cease-fire between Kurds and Turkey that was about to expire. They stated the killings began in 2011 and were still ongoing. Le roi Abdallah II de Jordanie a évoqué jeudi les négociations avec Moscou sur l'instauration d'un cessez-le-feu au sud de la Syrie, où sont stationnées des unités de l'Armée syrienne libre (ASL). [194] Rebel forces sometimes rely on criminal networks to obtain weapons and supplies. The Syrian government stated that discussion of Bashar-al-Assad's presidency "is a red line", however Syria's President Bashar al-Assad said he hoped peace talks in Geneva would lead to concrete results, and stressed the need for a political process in Syria. [210] Australia is being appealed to rescue more than 60 women and children stuck in Syria's Al-Hawl camp ahead of a potential Turkish invasion. Début 2018, une frappe aérienne américaine a tué quelque 300 mercenaires russes employés par Wagner qui se battaient aux côtés des forces syriennes gouvernementales. Alawites started to be threatened and attacked by dominantly Sunni rebel fighting groups like al-Nusra Front and the FSA since December 2012 (see Sectarianism and minorities in the Syrian Civil War#Alawites). [304][305] Russia will also contribute to recovery efforts by the UN. Links between Trump associates and Russian officials, Donald Trump's disclosures of classified information, Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, Defending Elections from Threats by Establishing Redlines Act, Defending American Security from Kremlin Aggression Act, United States military and prostitution in South Korea. [318], On September 28, 2019, Syria's top diplomat demanded the foreign forces, including that of US and Turkey, to immediately leave the country, saying that the Syrian government holds the right to protect its territory in all possible ways if they remain. These sanctions would penalize any entities lending support to the Syrian government, and any companies operating in Syria. [268], The conflict holds the record for the largest sum ever requested by UN agencies for a single humanitarian emergency, $6.5 billion worth of requests of December 2013. The Syrian Army is reported to have begun using cluster bombs in September 2012. 2017), Northwestern Syria campaign (October 2017–February 2018), Rif Dimashq offensive (February–April 2018), Timeline of the Syrian Civil War § Army advance in Hama province and Ghouta; Turkish intervention in Afrin (January–March 2018), Timeline of the Syrian Civil War § Douma chemical attack; U.S.-led missile strikes; Southern Syria offensive (April 2018 – August 2018), Timeline of the Syrian Civil War § Idlib demilitarisation; Trump announces US withdrawal; Iraq strikes ISIL targets (September–December 2018), Timeline of the Syrian Civil War § ISIL attacks continue; US states conditions of withdrawal; fifth inter-rebel conflict (January–May 2019), Timeline of the Syrian Civil War § Demilitarization agreement falls apart; 2019 Northwestern Syria offensive; Northern Syria Buffer Zone established (May–October 2019), Timeline of the Syrian Civil War § U.S. forces withdraw from buffer zone; Turkish offensive into north-eastern Syria (October 2019), Timeline of the Syrian Civil War § New accords between the parties to the conflict, December 2019, Foreign fighters in the Syrian and Iraqi Civil Wars, Timeline of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant events in 2014, List of military equipment used by Syrian opposition forces, Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, International reactions to the Syrian Civil War, Sectarianism and minorities in the Syrian Civil War, Sectarianism and minorities in the Syrian Civil War#Alawites, Sectarianism and minorities in the Syrian Civil War#Christians, Sectarianism and minorities in the Syrian Civil War#Druze, List of heritage sites damaged during the Syrian Civil War, Syrian Archaeological Heritage Under Threat, a deliberate destruction of cultural heritage sites, Turkish offensive into north-eastern Syria, Human rights in ISIL-controlled territory, List of massacres during the Syrian Civil War, Use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Civil War, Prosecution of Syrian civil war criminals, Humanitarian aid during the Syrian Civil War, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Return of refugees of the Syrian Civil War, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (NES), Cities and towns during the Syrian Civil War, Syrian–Turkish border clashes during the Syrian Civil War, List of armed groups in the Syrian Civil War, List of aviation shootdowns and accidents during the Syrian Civil War, "Egypt sends 150 troops to Syria to 'fight for Assad, Damascus allows Iraq to hit ISIL targets in Syria: State media, Assad gives Iraq green light to launch attacks in Syria without approval, Assad Authorizes Iraq to Attack ISIS in Syria, Iraqi jets strike ISIS target in Syria a day after Damascus carte blanche, Iraqi Air Force bombs ISIS command meeting in Syria, Iraq’s Air Force will begin bombing ISIS in Syria, "Iraq conducts first airstrikes against ISIS in Syria", "Qatar will help Syrian rebels even if Trump ends U.S. role", "Trump ends CIA arms support for anti-Assad Syria rebels: U.S. officials", "Victory for Assad looks increasingly likely as world loses interest in Syria", "Britain withdraws last of troops training Syrian rebels as world powers distance themselves from opposition", "Hollande confirms French delivery of arms to Syrian rebels", "In Turnabout, Syria Rebels Get Libyan Weapons",, "Meet America's newest allies: Syria's Kurdish minority", "US increases military support to Kurdish-led forces in Syria", "France Deploys Special Forces in Syria as IS Loses Ground", "U.S.-backed fighters poised to cut key ISIS supply line", "Syrian Kurdish leader claims military gains against Islamists", "Did Kurdistan's Counter-Terrorist Group assault the Tabqa Dam in Syria?