Palestine is a small region of land around 2,400 sare miles in size and is recognised as the State of Palestine by the United Nations. When searching a map of any country, Google pulls up a map with the name of the country covering its geographical area in bold black letters and showing its borders with solid black lines. But there is no mention of Palestine. So why isn't the name Palestine on Google maps now? It should clear up any notion that this is a 'both sides are bad' conflict. Why google delete the Palestine on google map. The two parts of "Palestine" are entities that, in the eyes of the international community, have yet to obtain full have international recognition. The conflict isn’t territorial (even though it has many territorial symptoms, and we fight over every acre and every house), but a war of religion, a clash of ideologies. How and Nosm are at the Palestinian-Isreali Separation Wall, or they were until a few days ago, and no arrests were made. It also ignores the reason why the UN plan was not the outcome (the arabs invaded and lost the subsequent war on different boundaries). From it’s early struggles with Israel and till date, Palestine has constantly been strong on the west bank, where it is still shown on the map. The entire country was British in 1946 so the map isn't mapping the same definition as the later maps. ... it's empty wasteland; it isn't owned by anyone. Palestine isn’t removed!!! And such a conflict can’t be solved by drawing lines on a map. Its not fear , google cannot delete the Palestine . ... but he did a poor job of explaining why the map is so confused and tendentious. Google has never actually labeled the country, which isn’t … Israel and Palestine This map is not the territories. According to Google, Palestine does not exist. We believe the BDS movement is at the forefront of this troubling trend. Palestine covers a territory of approximately 2,320 square miles. Original Poster. A sketch map of the plan on partition of Palestine, with economic union, proposed by the majority of the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine. recommended this. Presented with this Swiss cheese map of how the present U.S. and Israeli governments imagine Palestinian statehood, as Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas referred to it … Details. In 2016, Palestine was home to around 4,816,503 people according to data from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. Israel negotiated with its neighbors the 1949 Armistice Agreements.These agreements established the 1949 Armistice Lines (often referred to as the 1967 borders, for reasons that will shortly become apparent) as de facto borders.. From the 1967 war until the 1990s peace process, Israel completely occupied the Gaza strip and the West Bank. On the left-hand map from July 2000 at Camp David, if what Ross wrote in the NYT is true, Palestine looks like three separate, non-contiguous entities surrounded by Israel - with Israel controlling the eastern border with Jordan. The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) and the Ministry of Telecom and Information Technology said there were 4.2 million cellular mobile subscribers in Palestine compared to 2.6 million at the end of 2010 while the number of ADSL subscribers in Palestine increased to about 363 thousand by the end of 2019 from 119 thousand over the same period. The omission of Palestine is a grievous insult to the people of Palestine and undermines the efforts of the millions of people who are involved in the campaign to secure Palestinian independence and This requires a bit of a history lesson. Any Palestinian who has lived outside the boundaries of Jerusalem for a certain period of time, whether in a foreign country or even in the West Bank, is at risk of losing their right to live there. If you actually search for Palestine, it shows where it is, but the name isn't shown on the map. To Muslims, the Land of Israel will forever be waqf land – land that is part of a Muslim religious trust. Hamas is the government of Gaza and there are regular flare ups between Gaza and Israel. But it’s not officially represented on Google Maps . On May 13, the Vatican announced that it would formally recognize the "state of Palestine… Sources. Google user. Palestine currently operates on a Permanent Observer Mission of the State of Palestine to the United Nations because of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and its subsequent fight for independence. 1. Joe Biden, though, isn’t all that interested. And while it’s often referred to as the region between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River, and can include Gaza Strip and the West Bank, there isn’t an official border. Palestine does not appear on Google maps. Related on TestTube Why Does the U.S. Love Israel How Powerful is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Until such a time as the conflict is resolved, though, the United Nations cannot allow Palestine to become a full member because of a conflict of interest with Israel, a member state. A Gaza City journalism group spotted a change in the way Google represented Palestine on a map of Israel, causing outrage on both mainstream and social media in the Middle East. Third grade (can be adapted for upper elementary). By Hady Amr and Ilan Goldenberg Watch video gallery! Israel, established on Palestinian land, is clearly designated. The majority of the world's nations have recognized Palestine with approximately 71% UN member states recognizing it with most of these maintaining diplomatic relations. “Why Isn’t Palestine on Our Map?” An Introduction to the Middle East for Third Graders By Christina Lagerwerff. [Gaza, presumably a fourth entity, isn't shown on these maps.] That omission makes this map misleading to the point of being a bald-faced lie. Palestine Partition Map Majority Proposal . If you don't believe Israel is colonizing Palestine, just look at this map. IMHO Hamas is a major Palestinian political faction with wide support among Palestinians. These maps look radically different. All other countries (Israel (which If anything is the illegitimate state rather than Palestine)Jordan, Syria, etc)show, but not Palestine. Why Google can’t recommend the much simpler route—or a rendering of Palestine—that avoids this cloud of complication remains unknown. However, yes, Israel is still shown as a country which sucks. It isn't. Description and resources for integrating Palestine and other countries in the Middle East into “the nooks and crannies” of third-grade curriculum. Hamas' slogans like "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" are widely adopted by anti-Zionist movements in the West. The problem with this map is that it doesn't show the 1968 map where Palestine/Israel is all white. 8–9 2. In 1949, after the first Arab-Israeli war, Israel gained its independence. We Know Peace Plans—This Isn’t One of Them Here’s why Trump’s latest gambit probably won’t settle the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. Wikipedia even shows the capital, prime minister and currency of … The reason there isn't a Palestinian state is because the Palestinians don't want one while Israel still exists. Poll data show that the majority of Palestinians are opposed to a two-state solution, and the leadership has acted in accordance with this. 3. Unlike Barack Obama and Donald Trump, Biden hasn’t named a special envoy to focus on the Israeli-Palestinian portfolio. Why not? MSNBC "Palestine" Map Isn't What You Think Yesterday MSNBC ran a graphic showing what appears to be a startling loss of land for Palestinians since 1946: This set of maps was created by pro-Palestinian activists - the originals can be accessed with a quick Google search . Moshe Aumann, Land Ownership in Palestine 1880–1948, (Jerusalem: Academic Committee on the Middle East, 1976), pp. Shabtai Teveth, Ben-Gurion and the Palestinian Arabs: From Peace to War, (London: Oxford University Press, 1985), p. 32. If you manually look at Palestine on a map, the name doesn't show. Thus, Palestine (nor the Gaza Strip nor the West Bank) is not yet an independent country. The 2010 map is clearly wrong as there is no israeli land in gaza since the israeli withdrawal. The issue is far more nuanced than the instantaneous outrage about Google “wiping Palestine from the map” would suggest. Why should the Palestinians pay for Europe's wrongs during the Holocaust? The Maccabee Task Force was created in 2015 to combat the disturbing spread of anti-Semitism on America's college campuses. Usama Sheikh.