In the spring of 1996, Yemeni Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Abd al-Karim al-Iryani said that his government was deeply suspicious of what he called "the Zionist entity's intentions and seriousness in the search for peace". "[4] In May 1992, Radio Monte Carlo in Arabic announced that a "responsible" Yemeni source has denied the veracity of the report about the immigration of Jews. Sources from the Kuwaiti newspaper Al … According to the London-based newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat, 19 Iraqi pilots were being trained in Yemen in the fall of 1993. Haaretz revealed that Israeli officers are training foreign mercenaries, led by the Colombians and Nepalese, in UAE-funded camps situated in … The civil war began in September 2014 when Houthi forces took over the capital city Sanaa, which was followed by a rapid … Covert Israeli interventions in Yemen are not without precedent. Yemen might be one of the Arab world’s poorest countries, but it has always been a strategic geographic area in the Middle East. In 1982 San'a not only condemned Israel for its invasion of Lebanon and the U.S. for facilitating that invasion, but also joined a ministerial delegation sent by South Yemen to all Arab capitals to discuss the issue. Attempting to cover up the immigration issue, Yemeni sources said that prominent Jews had asked for protection against Israeli attempts to coerce them to immigrate to Israel. The North Yemen Civil War (Arabic: ثورة 26 سبتمبر ‎, romanized: Thawra 26 Sabtambar, lit. In a few years, the so-called Islamic State/ ISIL — trained and equipped by the US, and infiltrated by Mossad — has helped Israel accomplish goals it has been dreaming of for decades. Actually violence between the two sects has been escalating since the American invasion of Iraq 2003. It is obvious that the Sanaa bombings, as in the case of the early bombings in Syria and Iraq, are carried out by covert professional operatives – professional enough to have anticipated the escalating regional response. Threats to Israel’s national security emerging from Yemeni civil war Houthi control of Yemen’s Western coast from north of Hodeidah to al-Luhaya provides it … Both Egypt and Syria supported the republican forces in Yemen, and thereby encouraged Sallal's regime to take a similar regional stance regarding the occupation of Palestine. Recent activities of Israel from attacking Iranian “Saviz” ship to air raids to Damascus are not irrelevant to this turmoil. Recently it was reported and later denied that Israel also sold Saudi Arabia combat drones and intends to sell it Iron Dome systems as well. It added that the approval given to the singer's visit was "a flying balloon whose purpose is to gauge the response of the nation and the parties before additional steps to normalize relations can be taken." The Yemeni government did not give publicity to their visit. As a gesture of goodwill and solidarity with the UAR, the Ba'ath Party was allowed to establish a branch in San'a. Therefore, in 1976 South Yemen sent troops as part of the Arab deterrent force in Lebanon, and when Ali Nasser Muhammad visited Moscow in February 1978, the joint communique issued by the two governments condemned the Israeli-Egyptian dialogue. Yemen occupies a strategic position at the entrance to the Red Sea and its control of the Bab-el-Mandeb, Israel's outlet to the Indian Ocean and the Far East, which increased its importance in the eyes of Israeli strategists. He is author of. The "Ma'ariv" report was described as "fabricated and baseless in spirit and content". The whole Eastern Province, in addition to the largest province of Saudi Arabia, is dominated by a population of two million Shiites and is considered a focal point of opposition against the Saudi monarchy. Rumors spread in South Yemen that shortly before their withdrawal from there, the British collaborated with Israel in an attempt to crush the tribes of Southern Arabia in order to prolong their colonial rule. It repeatedly called upon the government to refrain from participating in any event which Israel was represented. Others believe the Shia Houthis/Sunni Tribes civil war has been initiated to divert focus off the Syrian-Iraqi fronts, where Iran is also gaining significant control. In Yemen, the Shia Houthis have recently been encouraged by Iran to take advantage of the power vacuum that ensued after the menacing Arab Spring uprisings. In a late and hesitant statement, and as if it were an afterthought, ISIL claimed responsibility. Within Yemen, there are many conspiracy theories about the attack, including that it was carried out by a party, other than the Islamic State, with a vested interest in providing a pretext for a Saudi invasion. When Israel Helped Yemen’s Shiites. In an interview with an Egyptian newspaper, Saleh expressed his country's unqualified support for Egypt. Then, in an about-face, the Government of Yemen invited General Norman Schwarzkopf to visit San'a. [14] In addition, Israeli agents operated in the area to guarantee the safe passage of Israeli ships on their way to and from Eilat. The foreign policy resolutions of the Unification Congress of October 1975 called for support for the Palestinians. Israel only monitors the events there because the area has geostrategic importance for Israeli national and security interests, especially maritime interests and the Horn of Africa. In 1976, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) raided Entebbe Airport in Uganda and the Osiraq nuclear reactor in Iraq. Carol Duff – Johnny Punish San'a repeatedly called for an end to the Iran-Iraq war. According to a statement released to the Saba News Agency from a government source, "Yemen has announced its strong condemnation and denunciation of the "brutal Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip, and standing of the Yemeni people with their brothers in Palestine at all times". The organ of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party, Al-Thawri, claimed that the attempt to improve relations with Israel was part of a Yemeni grand design to become friendly with the United States. We would have hoped that the Gaza-Jericho First Agreement would have also included the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Hence Tel Aviv is not very pleased about Yemen holding sway over the region. Yemen’s Jews sought out asylum in Israel and the United States due to the country’s ongoing war with Houthi rebel tribes. In addition, it joined South Yemen in informing PLO leader Yasser Arafat of its willingness to absorb Palestinian refugees. Instead of the traditional military confrontation, ISIL were used to wage a new asymmetrical warfare in the Middle East, targeting Israel’s adversaries. Furthermore, Israel’s entry into the Yemen conflict is made more likely by Israel’s … Covert negotiations regarding the transfer of Jews to Israel were denied by San'a. [16] Yemeni sources were careful to state that the visitors were being hosted in their capacity as Arab citizens, and not as Knesset representatives. The hunger strikers point out that enforcement of the Saudi Coalition-led blockade relies substantially on US weaponry. Dr. Ezzat has written extensively in Arabic tackling many issues and topics in the field of Egyptology and comparative religion. A three-year prison term for another convict in the case, Emad Ali al-Raimi, 24, was also confirmed by the appeals court. Iran is not merely backing the Houthis for the sake of more regional hegemony, but also to destabilize the Eastern borders of Saudi Arabia. This pragmatic approach became even more pronounced following the merger of the two countries on May 22, 1990. Others believe the Shia Houthis/Sunni Tribes civil war has been initiated to divert focus off the Syrian-Iraqi fronts, where Iran is also gaining significant control. ", Despite its willingness to moderate its attitude towards Israel, San'a was not ready to take any step which might trigger Arab criticism against it. When the U.S. announced its decision to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the Yemeni Cabinet denounced the decision and expressed hope that the US government will reverse the bill that Yemen regarded as "contradictory to all resolutions of international legitimacy". The organ of the Nasserist Unionist People's Organisation, Al-Warawi, was critical of this decision: "The visit proves that the ruling coalition began to march toward normalization of cultural and economic relations with Israel." And when asked about the future of the Palestinian forces stationed in Yemen, he said that: "The Palestinian forces stationed in Yemen are actually in their homeland. In 2010, Yemen sacked the country's chess team and members of the governing body after its players competed against Israel at a tournament in Belarus. Kevin Barrett – Bob Nichols ISIL has not provided any evidence to support its claim, such as images, or “martyr will” videos by the alleged bombers. Sallal's visit to Damascus in early summer of 1963 was widely publicized in the Arab press as a sign of unity and a revival of all progressive, anti-imperialist forces. It is clear that with more evidence of potential Israeli engagement in Yemen’s war, the Houthi rationale will become stronger among the group’s supporters and fighters. DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — An attack this week on an Iranian cargo ship that is said to serve as a floating base for Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard forces off the coast of Yemen has escalated a yearslong shadow war in Mideast waters. In February 1996, Abd-al-Wahhab Darawsha and Talab al-Sani, both leaders of the Democratic Party and Knesset members arrived in San'a at the invitation of the Yemeni parliament, the House of Representatives. The Houthis see a Jewish conspiracy behind for the campaign against them. She is joined by five others from her group, The Yemeni Liberation Movement. The site’s sources said Israel also sold bombs and missiles to Saudi Arabia, some of which are banned. Footage of Houthi pickup carrying ammo while burning It is noteworthy that starting a war in Yemen is a alarming signal for the Saudis. It denounced U.S. policy toward Iraq and assisted Saddam Hussein on every occasion. “War on Yemen was a joint plot constructed by the US and the Israeli regime. [19], Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh condemned the Israeli raids as a “barbaric aggression”. ISIL has not provided any evidence to support its claim, such as images, or “martyr will” videos by the alleged bombers. Responding to accusations made by Washington that South Yemen supported terrorism, Foreign Ministry officials in Aden claimed that supporting the just cause of national liberation movements, suppressed by Zionist imperialist and racist regimes did not constitute an act of terrorism.[6]. Israel as a Middle Eastern country, a Zionist aggressor by Arab definition, has a genuine stake in destabilizing the region. Other political parties have also condemned the Israelis, and announced their support for the Palestinian and Lebanese people “in their fight for their right of survival and defeating occupier.” They also called for the closing of Israeli embassies in Arab countries. [27] On 17 November, Permanent Representative of Yemen to the Arab League, Mohammed al-Haisami called "all Arab states to put an end to the cruel Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip and to stop the crimes committed by Israel on the Palestinian people". But whether they decide to stay or leave is a matter for the PLO to decide."[10]. During a 2019 conference on fighting Iranian terrorism, a tense situation arose when the President of Yemen, Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, had to sit next to Netanyahu even though the two are enemies. In another interview with a London-based Arabic newspaper, Basindwah said that Yemen would exert every effort in order to reconcile all factions within the Palestinian camp and called on the Palestinians to prevent Israel from benefiting from the dissension in their ranks. During the Gulf crisis, Jordan's King Hussein persuaded Yemen to support Saddam Hussein, and there were reports of Yemeni troops concentration along the Saudi border. Yet despite the official Yemeni statements Israel, low profile contacts between the two countries continued to take place. The Middle East couldn’t get more complicated. In the end, only Yemen and the PLO supported the Iraqi cause. In Yemen, key political factions in the country’s conflict remain deeply divided over the sensitive issue. Yemeni gov forces retook control of many sites from Iran-backed Houthis in al-Kasarah front northwest Marib today. Historically speaking, Yemen is a genuine part of ancient Arabia. Furthermore, this turmoil could start a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran, as the one currently underway. The targeted mosques had been gathering places for members of Yemen’s Houthi rebels. They all have been carried out by anonymous parties. Yemenite Jews once formed a sizable Jewish minority in Yemen with a distinct culture from other Jewish communities in the world. Confused by this policy turnabout, Israeli and Western observers regarded the invitation as a maneuver aimed at dividing the coalition. Reportedly, the meeting once again focused on visits, refugees and Israeli investments. Not only were rival governments – one backed by the Saudi-UAE … However, Israel's efforts to find favor in the eyes of the Yemeni Royalists achieved limited results. Saudi–Yemeni War (1934) Kingdom of Yemen: Saudi Arabia: Defeat. Arafat was among the dignitaries invited. They assigned Saudi Arabia to the task, and the kingdom had to bear the costs and acknowledge full responsibility for its offensives against Yemen,” Houthi added. However, the Yemeni government offered no more than vocal support. Sunni and Shia are the main two denominations in Islam. In the spring of 1958, barely a month after forming a union with Syria, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser established a new union between the United Arab Republic and Yemen. With the start of Arab Spring uprisings, Iraq followed by Syria have been turning into theaters for covert operations and proxy wars, all carried out under the guise of Shia/Sunni conflict. Given Israel’s support for countries involved in genocidal wars in the past and its own treatment of Palestinians, it is unlikely that Israel’s government would feel constrained by any moral dilemmas if it chose to join the coalition’s war in Yemen despite the humanitarian crisis that war has provoked. Yemen's opposition parties became more vocal during the summer of 1997, when Israel's right-wing Likud government did not show willingness to accelerate the peace process. Yemen sent a representative to attend former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's funeral, and although they were critical of the slow pace of the peace process, Yemeni officials were encouraged by the Israel-Palestinian dialogue. While Aden preached unity within the PLO camp, it maintained close contacts with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). In an effort to relieve itself from the Egyptian military force, the Royalist government appealed to the UAR to send its forces to fight against Israel instead, pledging that it would not attack the Republicans when they had gone. He graduated from the faculty of Medicine at Alexandria University. Preston James – Michael Shrimpton After that synchronized suicide bombing of two mosques in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, killing more than 140 Houthis, Yemen was never the same again. In a statement to Al Ahram, Basindwah said that his country was not ready to end the boycott of Israel before a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East became reality.[12]. While waging a verbal campaign against Israel, Yemen continued to collaborate closely with Iran and Iraq. In a late and hesitant statement, and as if it were an afterthought, ISIL claimed responsibility. The Yemenite Bab-el-Mandeb, a narrow strait separating between Yemen and the Eastern Horn of Africa, acts as a strategic link between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, via the Red Sea and the Suez Canal. Yom Kippur War (October 1973) – Fought from 6 to 26 October 1973 by a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria against Israel as a way of recapturing part of the territories which they lost to the Israelis back in the Six-Day War. After those two bombings, all hell broke loose in Yemen. Yemen's sympathy for Saddam Hussein stemmed not only from its hostility towards Israel, but also from fear of the Saudi threat. History of the ancient Near East and of Ancient Egypt has long been an area of special interest to him. Yemen's Deputy Prime Minister, Abd-al-Wahhab al-Anisi, who headed the group that was a partner of the General People's Congress in the coalition government, stated that he had reservations regarding Yemen's participation in the economic summit meeting held in Amman at the end of 1995. JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Iran on Monday of seeking the means to launch precision-guided … This fact was known to us, and we mentioned it in the media. When the London Sunday Times reported that Israel was preparing to airlift Yemeni Jews to Israel, Yemeni sources denied that San'a decided to expel the Jews and added that "Yemeni citizens, including Jews have the right to travel to any country except Israel.
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