You can call a player by their player name instead of player number UserToPlayer('PlayerName'). Then to open the console while in game by pressing "~" by default on English keyboards. While profile commands are permanent and do not need to be done each time, they do need to be performed while in a game. Example: Very long day, very short dusk and night (one segment for dusk and one for night). Other players should have numbers as shown on the scoreboard (In certain situations, the number may be wrong. When the RoG DLC is added, the additional commands will likely be TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseason", "spring")​ and TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseason", "autumn")​, Lightning strike on mouse cursor. Prints the distance between player and object under mouse to the console log (displayed with Ctrl + L by default).

Sets your health to selected percentage. Turn Woodie into the Werebeaver. Note: Use fractional numbers 0.90 = 90%. Pretty neat! This command should be entered to both servers if server has multi-level option (caves and overworld). Does not need to be re-entered after the first time unless you lose your profile settings. Does not need to be re-entered after the first time unless you lose your profile settings. This command may crash your game if you are a client (unless you send it as a remote command). true will save the game, false will exit without saving. Other players should have numbers as shown on the scoreboard (In certain situations, the number may be wrong. Meteor strike on mouse cursor. userid stands for the KU id of the player to be banned. Locate the [MISC] section, and make sure you are having ENABLECONSOLE = true under it. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

The default key to open the console in-game on English keyboards is "~". Sets your health to a selected percentage. Spawn prefabImproved DebugSpawn(\"prefab\"), spawns amount of selected \"prefab\" under the mouse cursor. Unlocks Warly. Prints the distance between player and object under mouse to the console log (displayed with Ctrl + L by default).

It's required to save and quit the game for the change to take effect. If multiple iterations of the prefab exist, a list of the entity numbers will be displayed in the console log, and each subsequent execution of the same command will transport the player from entity to entity in the order they were generated in the world. 2 makes you twice as fast and with 20 or more you can easily walk through walls and "over" water. (Depending on computer speed) - Note that this is here so you can manually change the rate of time skip. For example, to kill a player called 'PlayerA' with player number 5, instead of doing: This requires you to first run c_listallplayers() and figure out player number. If connecting conventionally doesn't work, it is possible to connect directly to an IP address. This can be changed at any time in the controls menu. When sending the command using remote, it returns the number of prefabs in the world; the result is printed on the server console for dedicated server. 1. c_listallplayers()[1] (KU_aabbccdd) Player1 , if Player2 is going to be banned from the server, console command can be written as. Enabled by default, setting it to "false" will exchange rubberbanding for choppiness, but is often helpful for combat. To cancel, enter c_cancelmaintaintasks(ThePlayer). c_rollback() will roll it back by one, while c_rollback(3) will roll it back three. A true classic for any good console command system. Does not need to be re-entered after the first time unless you lose your profile settings. Setting it to true is the default behavior (people can join). Hide or show (after hiding) the full HUD of the game. Most of ThePlayer commands can be used with AllPlayers[number] instead of ThePlayer. Errors if x + y + z adds up to over 16. Prevents mobs from targeting the player in combat. After pressing enter, it deletes the item under your mouse. You cannot change your stats with commands while in godmode.

Doesnt work if in world gen the events section is set to Auto. Note: Use fractional numbers 0.90 = 90%. Skipping would not bring forward those events. To cancel, enter c_cancelmaintaintasks(ThePlayer). If it appears to be false, change and save it. There's some other commands, but they're hard to use and not very useful. Does not need to be re-entered after the first time unless you lose your profile settings. c_rollback() will roll it back by one, while c_rollback(3) will roll it back three. Set the time scale of the simulation to a specific value X. Forces the server to save immediately (servers normally autosave whenever night finishes). Prints the distance between player and object under mouse to the console log (displayed with Ctrl + L by default). Does not need to be re-entered after the first time unless you lose your profile settings. Note: Use fractional numbers 0.90 = 90%. Sets amount of segments. Spawns amount of selected "prefab" in your inventory. If you are dead, revives you(Reviving via c_godmode() doesn't put you in godmode once revived). Spawns amount of selected "prefab" in your inventory.

Unlike setclocksegs, this is permanent. Apply a scenario script to the selection and run it. Unlocks Willow. Turn Woodie into the Werebeaver.

Forces the server to save immediately (servers normally autosave whenever night finishes). Note: Use fractional numbers 0.90 = 90%. c_listallplayers()[1] (KU_aabbccdd) Player1 , if Player2 is going to be banned from the server, console command can be written as. After switching levels, you will need to re-enter the command. Useful for long-running servers with lots of clutter. Note: Use fractional numbers 0.90 = 90%. Similar to supergodmode, but constantly regenerates all stats. Unlocks Wendy. true will save the game, false will exit without saving. Note that console can not be used while game is paused preventing to remove pause. Standard bonus runspeed is 1. This can be changed at any time in the controls menu.

This includes items you never crafted before. So you will have the need for a playerlist to get the player numbers: AllPlayers[1] will get ThePlayer if you are the host. If there is no password, you can leave that part out: c_connect("", 10999). After pressing enter, it deletes the item under your mouse.

Similar to supergodmode, but constantly regenerates your sanity. This only does anything if executed by a client, hosts do not have prediction. 1. Change the .01 to 1 if you want to get out of Werebeaver form. Unlocks Maxwell. Note: Use fractional numbers 0.90 = 90%. This returns the total number of something in the entire world, and returns the value as though your character is talking. Sets amount of segments. for Maxwell it's waxwell). The userid can be obtained from the AllPlayers table. Lua supports variable numbers of arguments to functions, so if, for example, you only want to spawn one of a prefab, you can leave out the "amount": "c_spawn('beefalo')". This is a local-only command and will not work if you are a client. Setting it to false prevents anyone from joining. Same as God Mode but also sets all your stats to full, even when turning it off.

Clears the morgue. It won't drain Sanity, Hunger or Health when attacked anymore. Note that this can be accomplished more easily through the scoreboard. Does not need to be re-entered after the first time unless you lose your profile settings.

For example, "for k,v in pairs(AllPlayers) do c_move(v) end" will move all players to the mouse position.

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