It is the freedom of love without jealousy.
both men and women, as all of us have female sides. It would mean a world full of people coming together to honour the right of each person to be.
It is sisterhood, content to enjoy and share the good fortune of others. Required fields are marked *.
Long ago, in tribal law, if a woman were widowed, her sister would offer her own husband to the widow as a lover to keep her from drying up and not using her creative urges. The Otter Person knows when to play, when to hunt, and when they should just lazily float on life’s waters, enjoying the view.
You will not find an otter who gossips, or who “flames” others, or who is unnecessarily critical in a vengeful way, for the purpose of otter is to support and enhance OTHERS, not themselves. You don’t have an egotistic bone in your body. These character traits are the beauty of a balanced female side, the side of ourselves that creates space for others to enter our lives without preconceptions or suspicions.
This applies to both men and women, as all of us have female sides. Otter embodies both Water and Earth Energies. But then an amazing miracle happened! Learn more about Otter Spirit by reading Dreaming of Sea Otters: Symbolism on! This is Otter Medicine, too.
Woman energy without games or control is a beautiful experience. Your Totem Animal will endeavor to teach you how to remain liberated throughout life. Desperation and clinging to someone out of fear of losing them results in smothering or an emotional drowning of a relationship, which might have had great potential otherwise.
Or if you’re new to journey work and wish to develop your own relationship with spirit.
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Woman energy without games or control is a beautiful experience.
Thank you for renewing my avoidance to the call. Are you dwelling too much in the past and find yourself unable to resolve emotional conflict? If you have drawn this symbol, Otter may be telling you to become the playful child and to simply allow things to unfold in your life. Call on Otter Medicine when you need help to summon your sense of humor.
It would mean keeping a Hawk-eye on your ego and maintaining total trust. Otter is always on the move and is very curious.
Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Otter is also a signal that you need to take more time for yourself to just play and be silly. Milton Berle said, “Laughter is an instant vacation.” Something as simple as a smile can help free you from weighty, emotional tethers. When you have Otter Energy in your life, you find great pleasure in nurturing others, reveling in nature’s beauty, the love of children and family. I will bring my concerns to the forum on Facebook as well to find out how to answer these questions. This is otter medicine too.
The Otter is a wonderful creature. Your Animal Helper is a sensible Guide: One supporting spiritual awareness and devotion as a framework for progress.
Anchored in the understanding that all accomplishments are worthwhile for the whole tribe, Otter people express joy for others.
Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. It is the freeness of love without jealousy. As a Spirit Animal Guide, Otter also encourages you to give thanks for the souls who travel along your path and the lessons they offer, including Otter Spirit. It may be time to examine your feelings about sharing the bounty of your life with others. If you enjoyed this article, who may, please share it so others may benefit from it as well! An otter appeared to me in a dream last night, so I came here to see what it may mean.
Once you gather your Oyster treasures, internalize them, then seek another with Otter as a Guide. That is a very important element in walking in balance. Bringing the fear to the fore, thus dispelling. Otter may be the bearer of a message from other realms, often playful.
It lives on land, but always has its home near water. Otter is very caring of its young and will play for hours, performing all types of acrobatics. If you were born between January 20 and February 8, you have the Native American Star Sign of Otter. Does that mean anything to you guys?
It seems to answer my angst, however am still bothered by the question of purpose to my core, every time the subject arises. Release your worries by getting back in touch with your inner child. Otter is a footloose soul who doesn’t have the patience for jealousy.
Purpose should give you a fire in the belly, so to speak.
Unlike other animals, otter will not start a fight unless it is attacked first. This applies to both men and women, as all of us have female sides. I hope you are able, at some juncture, to *find* your purpose, or perhaps, find a path which inspires you, calls you and excites you.
Your drive focuses on other people’s needs and supporting them in times of crisis.
It lives on land, but always has its home near water.
Otter teaches you how to tap into the subconscious for deep insight while encouraging you to maintain a sense of humor! Then otter who was apparently a girl named Olive walked up to me! Thanks so much for this website! The elements of Earth and Water are the female elements. This would involve the destruction of jealousy and of all the acts of anger which stem from that fear.
Milton Berle said, “Laughter is an instant vacation.” Something as simple as a smile can help free you from weighty, emotional tethers. Otter also teaches the importance of not hanging onto material things that would bind you or become a burden. The elements of Earth and Water are the female elements. Have you given yourself a gift lately? Do you miss the innocent childhood days full of laughter and play?
I didn’t know the symbolism of the Otter until now. When the Otter in your dream is floating on its back, it represents acceptance. Join our site for free newsletters, content and drumming tracks.
Otter is the true coquette of the animal world. This would involve the destruction of jealousy and all the acts of anger which stem from that fear. There is no selfishness in otter. Otter may be saying that the finer qualities of woman need to be striven for in both men and women so that a unity of spirit can be achieved. Tagged With: Earth, Female Energy, Medicine Bag, otter, play, sisterhood, Water, I really enjoyed the “Shamanic calling” podcast.
Kriket lives and hosts numerous events in Edmonton, Canada. Often, Otter shows up in people’s lives when they’ve become too serious, over-think things, and lose sight of their inner child. We lose sight, sometimes, of our own spirit’s need to be lighthearted and to laugh and be childlike.
I squat down and sat next to the enclosure and the glass wall separated us both.
Your email address will not be published. Overall, Otter is not a material creature because it prefers traveling the water, free of burdens. I am also enjoying “Healing the Whole Self” workshop with Chopra Center. But thats not it i put my cupped hand on the glass then she slowly got up and put her paw where my hand was on the glass!does that mean something!?
and deepen your work with spirit by enhancing the tools you work with.
I recently had a dream in which I saw her power animal as the Wolf and I turned into the Otter.
Otter may tell you to find your voice and communicate with careful wording to get your point across. Remember, most men have Yin Energies (Feminine), just as much as they have Yang Energies (Masculine). Thank you! These character traits are the beauty of a balanced female side, the side of ourselves that creates a space for others to enter our lives without preconceptions or suspicions.
Envy, or the fear of being replaced has no space in Otter's balanced understanding of sharing goodness.
Helpful Otter protects individuals in their journey toward finding their unique mystical qualities. Magazine: Medicine Cards: Otter 1 8 - Otter: Woman Medicine The medicine ... Are you sure you want to delete your template.
It is the joy of loving other people's children and their accomplishments as much as you love your own.