In February 2019, Goudreau was reportedly hired to work security at a concert event … Also included among those captured are two U.S. citizens whom Maduro called “professional American mercenaries.”, CAPTURED: U.S. mercenaries Luke Alexander Denman and Aaron Barry are in custody of the Venezuelan government.
In one, Shortly after 7:30 AM, Minister of the Interior Nestor Reverol gave a televised.
[45] Guaidó and his allies have denied that Guaidó signed the document, insisting that Rendón and Vergara signed on Guaidó's behalf.[47]. "[123], Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza criticized foreign governments and international organizations for their "deafening silence in the face of the mercenary aggression against Venezuela" and said that "the same people who always condemn us immediately based on biased or false information, today remain silent in the face of such a serious and full case of evidence." The company’s Instagram—because every good mercenary knows the importance of building a brand—is also littered with images of dudes in camouflage playing war, spiced up with a couple of treadmill workout videos and the odd thirst trap. In one video shot before the sun had come up, a man films what looks like police vessels out at sea. Last night, the Washington Post published a 41-page document outlining the parameters of the agreement with Silvercorp USA.
Supported Failed Venezuela Raid, Family Says", "Families of Americans detained by Venezuela in failed raid plead for help", "Umsturzversuch? The raid involved two fiberglass motorboats owned by Silvercorp which launched from eastern Colombia toward the Caribbean coast of Venezuela north of Caracas. [31][32] According to Goudreau's friend and business partner, Drew White, he saw a business opportunity in the Trump administration's intensified efforts to remove Maduro from power. The cruise ship RCGS Resolute has on board no fewer than 6 inflatable boats to move a minimum of seven commandos (42) to carry out incursions, along with enough life boats [sic].
The Silvercorp website described Goudreau as a “highly decorated Special Forces Iraq and Afghanistan veteran.“ Goudreau previously served in the Canadian Armed Forces and the U.S. Army Speci… from an organization called CCI Paradox Midstream LLC (note: there is no indication that the two companies are connected): that his security services “knew everything” about “Operación Gede. [81][83], An initial fight in the early morning of 3 May involved the first boat and the Venezuelan Navy. He acknowledged Goudreau’s participation in the operation. When he was pressed by Poleo to explain why launching an amphibious operation across open waters instead of attempting to infiltrate via the border with Colombia, Goudreau replied: Are you familiar with Alexander the Great?
The two men were allegedly arrested alongside a cache of equipment related to the operation, including armor plates and communications equipment. On April 2, Admiral of the Fleet Remigio Ceballos. In February 2019, Silvercorp posted a video from a concert, writing, “Venezuela Aid Live. U.S. Gold Corp is a US based company, listed on a major US Exchange – NASDAQ – with US based properties. He is also a PhD candidate at the Centre for Criminology & Sociolegal Studies at the University of Toronto, where his research focuses on protest policing and civil conflict. [76] Two other suspects were detained in Puerto La Cruz later that day. "Listen guys, it's like the Bay of Pigs, only shittier! that the authorities were only allowing individuals with permission to do so to pass through the area while the containers were in place might even be evidence that the Maduro government feared that the incursion had already taken place, and was attempting to stop the raiders from entering Caracas. "[124], Luis Parra, the president of the pro-Maduro National Assembly, stated "The deputy Juan Guaidó must give an explanation to the parliament and the country, about his alleged participation in Operation Gideon, according to the testimonies of those involved in it and the contract with his alleged signature" and said that his National Assembly would investigate Guaidó regarding the allegations. Abrams later said that Alcalá "was put up to making those terrible charges by the [Maduro] regime. “Pantera”, and claims to head one of the Operacion Gedeon’s teams (Source: @Carive15). [35] On the recording, Guaidó purportedly says, "We are doing the right thing for our country" and "I'm about to sign. Silvercorp USA forgot to delete references to “Masterclass” and and hyperlinks to the website in their version: @z3dster also found that certain sections of the document published by The Washington Post had also been lifted from other documents. [15] The list included "320 M4 assault rifles, an anti-tank rocket launcher, Zodiac boats, US$1 million in cash and state-of-the-art night vision goggles. [21][36], In August 2019, Guaidó established a Strategic Committee and named J.J. Rendón as the General Strategist.
Giancarlo is an investigator and trainer for Latin America at Bellingcat.
. [26][27], Goudreau served in the Canadian Armed Forces after attending the University of Calgary from 1994 to 1998, where he studied computer science. [22] Guaidó has been officially recognized as the legitimate president of Venezuela by almost 60 governments internationally, including the governments of the United States and Canada; Colombia, Brazil, and the majority of Latin American countries; and the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Spain, among other European countries. "[98] Denman's mother told reporters that she "had no idea" of his intention to participate in a military operation in Colombia. Your donation to Bellingcat is a direct contribution to our research. [Luke Denman] mentioned that he had a buddy from the Army that was currently in D.C. talking to people. out an image of three haggard-looking men aboard a boat, two of whom are looking at the camera: The men also appeared in images shared by the Venezuelan authorities after their capture, including in this, Speaking during a televised address on Monday, May 4, Maduro showed the passports and other pieces identification of the pair. J.J. Rendón and Sergio Vergara [es], who initiated talks with Silvercorp about the operation, resigned from Guaidó's team on 11 May, with Guaidó thanking the two for "dedication and commitment to Venezuela". Goudreau said they planned to train soldiers and ultimately capture and overthrow Maduro to “liberate” Venezuela. [92] Venezuelan media and Reuters also reported that Russian Special Operations Forces were assisting Venezuelan soldiers with surveillance from unmanned aerial vehicles. The human rights NGO PROVEA asked about the well-being of the people arrested in Macuto and in Chuao and indicated that the Attorney General appointed by the Constituent Assembly, Tarek William Saab, and the Ombudsman appointed by Maduro, Alfredo Ruiz, would be responsible for possible forced disappearances or torture of the detainees, while stressing that it would only support and promote peaceful and constitutional means that lead to the "restoration of democracy in the country. "[94], In the weeks following the attack, Luke's brother, Mark Denman, an attorney, took on the task of advocating for the release of both Luke Denman and Airan Berry. [30][46][93], Military Times (quoting Braxton Smith, attorney and lifelong friend of Luke Denman)[94], On 6 May, Nicolás Maduro held a virtual press conference broadcast on state television in which he presented portions of Luke Denman's interrogation. [122] Vice President Delcy Rodríguez called Goudreau "a supremacist fanatic" and warned that "the Venezuelan women are waiting for you, for free, but with deep homeland passion. [16][82] According to Venezuelan state intelligence, the first boat, which was smaller and faster, arrived at Macuto, and the second boat arrived at Chuao in Aragua state. And, with Alcalá in detention in the United States on drug trafficking charges since late March, any move now, when he had maximum visibility, would have been ill-advised for Goudreau. As the Daily Dot has previously reported, Trump wanted to invade Venezuela at one point. On Friday, the Associated Press reported that Goudreau had been involved with plotting a coup that never came to fruition due to a combination of poor planning, the arrest of the purported ringleader—Cliver Alcalá—on drug charges, and the fact that Maduro’s agents had infiltrated the effort. Goudreau’s Florida-based private security firm, Silvercorp USA, was established in March 2018, just weeks after the Parkland school shooting that left 17 dead and another 17 wounded. Goudreau’s name appeared in relation to Venezuela on May 1, in an. Goudreau claims that they were working for Guaidó, which Guaidó denies. Trump. [11], Venezuelan Attorney General Tarek William Saab put forth a request to the Supreme Tribunal of Justice to declare Guaidó's political party Popular Will a terrorist group due to the attempted sea incursion. [15] Without aid from the US government or the Guaidó administration, Goudreau and Alcalá did not have the means required for a successful operation. In something of a plot twist, the likes of which have been admittedly common since 2016, Silvercorp apparently previously provided security to Trump. The weapons included 26 rifles, over two dozen night vision goggles, and ammunition. Zacatecas Projects. North Carolina candidates call each other ‘simps’—neither know what it means, Emails reveal racist ambitions of Jacob Wohl’s robocall scheme, Leading hologram maker says it’s suing Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, Hunter Biden shows that QAnon will never really die, [56], In the context of reacting to the intercepted shipment on 26 March, Maduro stated during a press release that Alcalá was hired by the DEA to assassinate him, "but he failed because we made him fail. A day earlier, he had. [12], By December 2019, Silvercorp had purchased a 41-foot (12 m) fiberglass boat in Florida that was equipped with navigational equipment two months later. [25], Through connections within the private security community, Goudreau was acquainted with Keith Schiller, the longtime director of security for Donald Trump. "[131] Maduro accused PROVEA of being "financed by the CIA" and giving coverage to "terrorists" as a response, accusations that PROVEA rejected.
[35] Within a week of signing the agreement, Goudreau reported back to the opposition that he had secured funding for the operation, but provided no proof. In a video on the, , Goudreau can be seen wearing an earpiece and apparently providing security at a Trump rally in Charlotte, NC at Bojangles Coliseum from.
[17][90], By 6 May, the Defense Minister announced an additional three arrests via his Twitter account, publishing a photo of the purported detainees with pixelated faces on their knees with their wrists zip-tied together without disclosing the names or any other additional details regarding the accused. The plan involved entering the country by boat into Macuto port from 3 to 4 May 2020 in order to take control of Simón Bolívar International Airport in Maiquetia, capture Maduro and other high-level figures in his government, and expel them from the country. Her work has appeared in publications ranging from regional alt-weeklies to Al Jazeera. [69], Robert Colina Ybarra (alias Pantera or "Panther"), the former captain alleged to have directed one of the training camps in Riohacha, was killed in action.
The two captured Americans, U.S. Special Forces veterans Luke Denman and Airan Berry, work for Florida-based private security company Silvercorp USA.