French English; 1. ainsi de suite : whatnot (noun): 2. ainsi qu'il convient (adverb) Synonyms: en temps voulu, dûment duly (adverb): 3. ainsi que (conjunction) as well as (conjunction): 4. ainsi soit-il : so be it: 5. c'est ainsi Synonym: c'est comme cela so that's it: 6. c'est ainsi que l'histoire est … English Translation of “ainsi” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. We had to develop a series of spring-loaded knockout mechanisms that were built into each mould to avoid redesigning and rebuilding the presses. so adverb. Contextual translation of "ainsi" into English. Cela pourrait aussi retarder indûment le projet et ainsi donner lieu à des coûts supplémentaires ou à une perte de revenus pour le promoteur. It could also result in the project being unduly delayed, potentially leading to additional costs or loss of revenues to the proponent. Nous avons ainsi conçu une série de modules d'éjection à ressort incorporés dans chaque moule pour éviter d'avoir à modifier et à rebâtir les presses. ainsi in English French-English dictionary. I'd love to find out why she said so. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "AINSI DÉCLARÉ" - french-english translations and … translations ainsi Add . ainsi translations: thus, in this way, so, so, thus. ainsi adverb /ɛ̃si/ De manière, de cette façon; ainsi(de cette facon) +1 definitions . Translation of 'Ainsi bas la vida' by Indila from French to English ... And in French: "Ainsi va la vie" Trying to keep the play on words, I chose to use the word "lows" because it sounds like "goes" and has the same meaning as "bas". Human translations with examples: in, so, so,, thus, also, hence, ainsi, thus,, so he, c hence, that is, thereby. Translations in context of "AINSI DÉCLARÉ" in french-english. Learn more in the Cambridge French-English Dictionary. J'aimerais bien découvrir pourquoi elle a ainsi parlé. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases. Human translations with examples: also, thus, thus,, ainsi,, that is, however,, pressure, therefore, for example,. ainsi (also: comme cela , par là , de cette manière , comme ça ) Thus , although this is contemplated, at the moment there is no such mechanism. Contextual translation of "ainsi concu" into English. Ainsi, même s'il est prévu, il n'existe pour l'heure aucun mécanisme de ce type. *"L'inconnu" can mean "the unknown" or "the stranger". With Reverso you can find the French translation, definition or synonym for ainsi que and thousands of other words. You can complete the translation of ainsi que given by the French-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Ainsi soit-il - So be it Mes parents sont morts, ainsi je suis orphelin - My parents died, so I'm an orphan C'est mieux de le faire ainsi - It's better to do it like this ainsi que - (just) as Ainsi que je t'ai déjà dit - Just as I've already told you en in a particular manner +7 definitions . Look up the French to English translation of ainsi in the PONS online dictionary.