Yary | Homepage; Chi siamo; Blog; Contatti [1], http://www.nytimes.com/1989/06/28/sports/matuszak-s-death-caused-by-accidental-overdose.html, https://pt.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=John_Matuszak&oldid=59517475, !Artigos que carecem de notas de rodapé desde Dezembro de 2008, !Artigos que carecem de notas de rodapé sem indicação de tema, !Artigos sem imagem tanto localmente quanto no Wikidata, Atribuição-CompartilhaIgual 3.0 Não Adaptada (CC BY-SA 3.0) da Creative Commons, 1989 - Ghost Writer - Com a morte não se brinca (Ghost writer) (TV), 1989 - Executor implacável (One man force), 1988 - Os Doze Condenados - Missão fatal (Dirty Dozen: The fatal mission) (TV), 1987 - P.K. 81 Morris Bradshaw | John Matuszak aka Sloth of The Goonies (Former Football Player/Actor) 1950 - 1989. Garrett | Partiamo il nostro viaggio d’informazione e per capire che fine hanno fatto gli attori del film I Goonies dal simpatico e sfortunato John Matuszak. 41 Phil Villapiano | John Daniel Tooz Matuszak was an American football defensive lineman in the National Football League and also an actor. Seine bekannteste Rolle als Schauspieler war Sloth in Die Goonies von 1985. 16 Jim Plunkett (MVP) | Lawrence, 4 Fred Steinfort | E. Manning | John "The Tooz" Matuszak, 38, the former hard-hitting, hard-living defensive lineman with the Oakland Raiders who played on two Super Bowl teams before turning to … 60 Otis Sistrunk | Pace | Elway | O filho de Audrey e Marvin Matuszak, sempre foi grande para a sua idade, quando se tornou jogador profissional de futebol americano já media 2,03m e pesava 127Kg. Nach zwei gewonnenen Super Bowls mit den Raiders trat er 1981 zurück. Bruce | 42 Monte Jackson | - IMDb Mini Biography By: The Unknown. E. Davis | 22 Arthur Whittington | Campbell | 47,804+ views. Lew Erber | Letzte Überprüfung: 14. Aikman | Rogers | Known by the nickname “The Tooz,” the 6’8, 280 pound athlete was initially a hot prospect and was the first overall draft pick of the year in 1973. Matuszak was born in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. No final da temporada de 1981, após ajudar os Raiders a ganhar dois Super Bowls e fechar um total de 123 jogos em nove temporadas como profissional, John anuncia sua aposentadoria do futebol e engrenou na carreira de ator. The Astronaut uk.movies.yahoo.com. John Daniel Matuszak (* 25. 83 Ted Hendricks | Ollie Spencer | Matuszak, who was 38 years old, suffered a heart failure June 17. 3,541+ … John Matuszak starb 1989 im Alter von 38 Jahren in Hollywood an einem Herzinfarkt, für den seine Lebensweise und sein Missbrauch von Anabolika verantwortlich gemacht werden. Brown | 43 George Atkinson | Get started WikiTree FREE. John Daniel Tooz Matuszak was an American football defensive lineman in the National Football League and also an actor. Er spielte viele kleinere Rollen in Serien und Kinofilmen, wie Krieg der Eispiraten oder Das A-Team. 20 Neal Colzie | 71 Lindsey Mason | Fenimore | Inclusive, em algumas cenas do filme, a personagem aparece usando uma camisa do Raiders. Lew Erber | 60 Alva Liles | Fisher | Wilkinson | 39 Willie Hall | Nobis | Joe Madro | 28 Clarence Davis | Seine Autobiographie Cruisin’ with the Tooz wurde von ihm 1987 veröffentlicht. Maryland | 51 Bob Nelson | 74 Dave Rowe | [2], Berwanger | Biographie de John Matuszak - : découvrez sa filmographie, ses dernières news et photos. Jones | Smith | Professional Football Player, Actor. A.I. -- Bruce Wayne. Parks | 37,345+ views. Il meurt le 17 juin 1989 d'un arrêt cardiaque à l'âge de 38 ans des suites d'une surdose de médicaments et de cocaïne. Hier spielte er meist den bösen Gegenspieler des Helden oder, wie in Miami Vice, den gestörten Killer. Duncan | 25 Fred Biletnikoff (MVP) | John Daniel Matuszak was born on October 25 1950, in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, USA, to Marvin F Matuszak. Simpson | He was the first draft pick of 1973 and played most of his career with the Oakland Raiders until he retired after winning his second Super Bowl in 1981. 32 Jack Tatum | Menu. Charlie Sumner | Their statement was released in Los Angeles by Kathy Pinckert, who said she was John Matuszak's publicist for the last five years. John Daniel Tooz Matuszak was an American football defensive lineman in the National Football League and also an actor. Willie Brown | Outro filme conhecido que o ator participou foi Verão Muito Louco onde contracena com ninguém menos que Demi Moore e o ator John Cusack. John Daniel Matuszak (October 25, 1950 – June 17, 1989) was an American football defensive end in the National Football League who later became an actor.. 6,974+ views. 10 Chris Bahr | Create a free family tree for yourself or for John Matuszak and we’ll search for valuable new information for you. O aumento do coração e a broncopneumonia também contribuíram para a morte. Carter | Shaw | Cousineau | John Matuszak Wiki: Salary, Married, Wedding, Spouse, Family John Daniel "Tooz" Matuszak (October 25, 1950 – June 17, 1989) was an American football defensive end in the National Football League who later became an actor. Did you know: Goonies: John Matuszak, Sloth, was a former Oakland Raider football player and in one scene actually wore a Raiders T-shirt. 46 Todd Christensen | Matuszak se encontrou com o Raiders, em 1976, depois de ter sido lançado em pré-temporada pelo Washington Redskins. Glick | [2], John Matuszak starb 1989 im Alter von 38 Jahren in Hollywood an einem Herzinfarkt, für den seine Lebensweise und sein Missbrauch von Anabolika verantwortlich gemacht werden. Trippi | 50 Dave Dalby | B. Sims | 14 Errol Mann | Matuszak war der Sohn von Marvin und Audrey Matuszak. Er besuchte die University of Tampa, wo er aktiver American-Football-Spieler des Universitätsteams war. Dancewicz | | Kein GND-Personendatensatz. 49 Mike Siani | Matuszak also played for various NFL teams--his longest stint of six years having been spent with the Oakland/Los .. O atacante da Universidade de Tampa foi a estrela do time, tanto que em 1974, quando saiu do selecionado, a universidade acabou com o programa de futebol no final da temporada deste mesmo ano. Winston | home; azienda . 61 Herb McMath | he reply your live chat in 15 seconds :https://www.twitch.tv/aipictures 65 Mickey Marvin | 47 Charlie Phillips | 26 Keith Moody | 53 Rod Martin | Vick | Russell | Na década de 80, John se torna um ator de grande sucesso, na maioria de seus papéis, como jogador de futebol ou caracterizando figuras de criaturas e gigantes. John Matuszak who played Sloth in The Goonies died in 1989 of heart failure (aged 38) -- Wi5hy Jackson | [2] Filmografie (Auswahl) [ Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ] Mayfield | 78 Art Shell | John Matuszak was born on October 19, 1925 in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, United States, is Actor. He also had guest appearances on popular TV shows "Perfect Strangers", "M*A*S*H", "The Dukes of Hazzard", "Hunter", "Silver Spoons", "The A-Team", "1st & Ten", "Miami Vice" and "Cheers". YouTube ∙ 2007. 33 Rick Jennings | He died on June 17, 1989 aged 38 due to a heart failure. 63 Ernie Holmes | Steve Ortmayer | Plunkett | 50 Dave Dalby | He attended the University of Tampa and played for their football team. 34 Terry Kunz | 77 Joe Campbell | Complessivamente, tra cinema e televisione, partecipò a circa 150 differenti produzioni, impersonando soprattutto domestiche e governanti latino-americane, ruoli nei quali si avvaleva del suo accento ispanico. Bradshaw | Bevor John Matuszak Schauspieler wurde, begann er eine Profikarriere im American Football. Cafego | Oktober 1950 in Oak Creek, Wisconsin; † 17. 45 Mike Spivey | 74 Dave Pear | 70 Henry Lawrence | Stafford | La banda Fratelli è anch'essa impegnata nella ricerca del tesoro. Tom Flores | 35 Dwayne O’Steen | Couch | Em 1978 o ator participou da competição do homem mais forte do mundo. 81 Morris Bradshaw | 30 Mark van Eeghen | 51 Rodrigo Barnes | An autopsy Sunday failed to determine the exact cause of death of Matuszak, a 6-foot-9, 280-pounder who played with the Raiders from 1976 to 1981. 75 John Vella | Januar 2001. https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=John_Matuszak&oldid=202754940, American-Football-Spieler (Houston Oilers), American-Football-Spieler (Kansas City Chiefs), American-Football-Spieler (Oakland Raiders, 1960–1981), „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Matuszak, John Daniel (vollständiger Name), US-amerikanischer Football-Spieler und Schauspieler, 1986: Charlie Barnett’s Terms of Enrollment. 83 Ted Hendricks | 44 Burgess Owens | Matuszak was born in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. 86 Cedrick Hardman | Bledsoe | 73 Dave Browning | 79 Dan Medlin | 1978 nahm er an dem Wettbewerb des World’s Strongest Man teil.[2]. Bu. Chet Franklin | Bradford | Bednarik | Smith | Murray | Seine Profikarriere wurde von wilden Partys und Drogenmissbrauch überschattet,[2] so dass er im Nachhinein 2005 auf der Website der Sports Illustrated als einer der fünf Bad Boys der National Football League bezeichnet wurde.