There are many possible factors you could consider when choosing a pod, but here are the typical things you want to consider as a newcomer: This feature is coming very soon! Pod Uptime is a live list of open pods in the Diaspora network. To see more details about the security offered by any pod and its performance, hover the cursor over the pod's name. While w… Podcasts addressing people of color. Les posts, c’est ce que l’on partage. Click on a rating to see users' comments and individual scores. Podcasts. Pour info ce tuto est traduit de mon blog anglais! Vous pouvez choisir un serveur diaspora* existant sur ou installer le votre pour garder le contrôle de vos données. Diaspora* est un réseau social libre et décentralisécréé en 2010 par 4 étudiants de l’Institut Courant des mathématiques de l’Université de New York : Max Salzberg, Dan Grippi, Raphael Sofaer et Ilya Zhitomirskiy. A curated podcast list by BlackBeing. In this way, you know exactly who has control of your data – yourself. You can see these if you want to by clicking the 'Hidden' link at the very bottom of the page. If you have the technical expertise to do it, you can host your data yourself by setting up your own pod, either using a computer you own as a server or using a server provided by a hosting company. You can see whether the pod offers secure communication by whether or not it starts with https://. Create account; Sign in; Welcome to Part of the diaspora* federated network The online social world where you are in control. If you now visit your Diaspora pod’s domain name in your browser (, for example), you should reach the Diaspora welcome page. Inscription. Setting up your own pod at the moment doesn't really make sense since you will instantly lose one of the biggest features - tag following. This page gives an introduction to the codes used to create this formatting. Si vous acceptez ces imperfections et le fait que l'administrateur fera de son mieux mais sans aucune garantie et ne sera redevable de rien alors bienvenue dans l'aventure ! One of those "make or break" issues is the lack of federation for public posts. Before getting started, you’ll have to decide which of these points, or nodes, you want to use to access the diaspora* network. Log in. Don't worry -- all pods connect to the same Diaspora network, and once you sign up you'll be communicating and sharing with users across all pods, not just users in your own pod. Pod Uptime allows pod users to rate their pod. Latest was Arizona Sports Diaspora Podcast Episode #238. En conséquence, diaspora-fr peut ne pas fonctionner ou engendrer des pertes de données. Diaspora Live Status. Je passe les détails sur les champs e-mail et mot de passe pour m’attarder sur le champ nom d’utilisateur qui fonctionne plutôt comme sur Twitter que sur Facebook. Subscriptions; Donations; Cart; Account; April 4th 2021 Datacenter Issue. diaspora pod blog. To change the order they are shown in, click in the header of the column you want them to be ordered by. This is self-explanatory: it's how long the pod has been part of the Diaspora network. 4/14 update. For example, contacts list is not federated. Diaspora's distributed design is a huge part of it. See our installation guides for your OS. Note: Click through the browser warning if you use a self-signed certificate. On … (en) DIASPORA* POD UPTIME (liste des différentes instances Diaspora disponibles à travers le monde) There are many different pods. Vous vous connecterez toujours à diaspora* via le pod auquel vous vous serez inscrit(e). Since diaspora* is completely free software, we’re constantly making it easier for individuals to host their own pods on diaspora*. - Lecture de vidéos … D'autres services sont également disponibles. Run a public pod. I will update twitter when I know more. Pods which do offer secure communication are displayed in green; those which don't are displayed in red. If you are more concerned for the … To reverse the order, click in the header again. diaspora* is a decentralized social network, consisting of many individual servers, called "pods". You can add friends from other pods and communicate with them. 2021 server setup. Add your pod to the list of open pods at Pod … The default view shows the results as a table; however, if you prefer, you can see the pods displayed on a … It gets its results by regularly communicating with each pod and displaying the results. Sous diaspora, la syntaxe utilisée est le Markdown (comme ici \o/), et vous ne devriez pas être trop dépaysé (e). Most good pods should be close to or at 100%. is only one server out of many and neither affiliated with nor supported by the project team. Ce peut être une vidéo, une photo, une galerie de photos, un texte, un lien ou un mélange de tout ça. Menu. Add new filters (wp2d_post_filter, wp2d_excerpt_filter, wp2d_tags_filter) Add new display type “None”, to not display the post content; 2.0.2. Find a Diaspora pod to sign up for, rate pods, find one close to you . Choose your Diaspora* pod. Pro New! The different pods (instances of Diaspora) can communicate one with each other, but only in limited ways. diaspora* tutorials Formatting text. “Pod” is a metaphor referring to pods on plants which contain seeds, in the way that a server connected to the diaspora* network contains a number of user accounts. Host a pod Join us! Ce réseau social se divise en pods interconnectés ; pour faire simple, plusieurs sites (don… Pour vous aider dans votre choix, le site Diaspora Pod uptime regroupe l’ensemble des instances disponibles et, cerise sur le gâteau, celui-ci vous donne également quelques informations comme les dernières mises à jour des serveurs et la qualité de service proposée par chacun d'eux. It's really just a question of where the content you share will be physically hosted, as a security and privacy concern. .) Find a Diaspora pod/node to sign up for, find one close to you! Unlike other similar buttons, this one is not tied to one single pod. Bienvenue sur ! Downtime can happen when updates are made, or when the server has a problem. Vous commencez à ressentir l'esprit de diaspora* ? The Federation collects detailed statistics via the opt-in statistics feature that is built into diaspora. La liste de serveurs (pods) et leurs infos (EN) : Les forums discourse (EN) utilisé pour gérer le projet par la communauté . Feed. If you have some server space and a little bit of technical knowledge, we’d love it if you’d set up a pod which is open to registrations. Like the Internet itself, Diaspora* isn't housed in any one place, and it's not controlled by any one entity (including us). Congratulations! Listen online, no signup necessary. Those running the latest stable version are shown in green; those running older versions are shown in red. Pod Uptime lists the information that is most relevant to those looking to signup. (If you’re still on the edit profile page, click the pod name or Stream at the left-hand end of the black header bar.) Dans ce tutoriel, nous allons installer un pod diaspora* sur un serveur Debian ou Ubuntu. Pod Uptime is a live list of open pods in the Diaspora network. This plugin adds a Share on Diaspora button at the bottom of your posts. Click the link in Start by creating an account. When an inbound message arrives from another pod, an appropriate hook is called and any other module that wants to do something with these messages can … Very Black Podcast - Diaspora Discussions. by Share on Diaspora plugin for WordPress. A podcast list curated by BlackBeing. If an user wants to register to the Diaspora network without caring which pod in particular, they can be offered a special page such as for instance. Unlike most social networking sites, which have a central hub of computers which store everyone’s data, we can’t give you one specific link and say: “Sign up here.” diaspora* is different from those networks in that it is decentralized, with many different points of access. Tout le monde peut participer au projet en améliorant l'application, en la traduisant, en créant des graphismes, en aidant les nouveaux arrivants, ou encore en faisant passer le mot, à l'image de ce site :). Click "sign up now" to find a pod with open signups and register! Il permet de : Car il est décentralisé : vous êtes ainsi libres de choisir le serveur à qui vous confiez vos données, contrairement à Facebook ou Twitter accessibles uniquement sur ou Also shown in red are pods running development code, which is newer than the latest stable release but is not as stable, so is only really suitable for people who want to help test Diaspora's software. Register. You can see a more precise location for each pod's server by using the map view. Follow List December 16th, 2019 Updated November 27th, 2020 Be the first to like this! or choose from history or introduce your pod URL. To do so, go to your settings and export your account. J’utilise le guide officiel pour Debian 8 comme base et je l’ai moi même utilisé sous Debian 9 pour Diaspora is an excellent communication platform for sharing ideas and discussing them. You can see the pods listed according to any of the columns: pod name, software version, uptime, months online, user rating and location. You're probably used to having no choice over where your data are stored when you sign up to a new social network, so it's likely you've never had to think about this before. (You can think of a diaspora* pod as similar to … Pod statistics; Switch to touch-optimized mode; Terms; diaspora* is the online social world where you are in control. They can tick any entry on or off before registering, then … There are also a number of open pods which aren't shown on the main list, as they have too many issues of one sort or another. diaspora* (initialement typographié DIASPORA*) est à la fois une application web de réseau social, et le réseau social distribué qui repose sur cette application. Now you don’t have to settle for having your data on someone else’s server. This shows the pod's domain name. They can share posts, likes, reshares and so on, but there is no strict federation for everything. Use up/down keys to navigate the list. Alternatively, you can install an auxiliary plugin called Diaspora Podlist Updater that automatically retrieves a fresh list of active pods. Les posts. Diaspora* est un réseau social respectueux de ses utilisateurs qui accorde la plus grande importance à la protection de la vie privée : il ne revend aucune information, n'affiche pas de pub, chiffre les données échangées et permet l'utilisation de pseudonymes. Decentralization however, while bringing benefits also causes some issues. Technicians are aware and the server is on our list to be investigated. Charts. Nodes list Disclaimer: These counts do not reflect the whole network due to the opt-in nature of the statistics. You then need to import it in the new server (feature not available yet). Fifty Best Diaspora Podcasts For 2021. Or if you're not sure what to do there, keep reading... One of the greatest freedoms Diaspora offers you is the freedom to choose where your personal data is stored, by choosing a pod. Since we recommend running on HTTPS you should only need to open the standard port for it: 443. Click 'Show Map View' in the top right to see this view. The default view shows the results as a table; however, if you prefer, you can see the pods displayed on a map. diaspora* depends on its community members to host and run pods which are open to anyone who wants to take part. On this page they select a username and password as usual, and are also shown a list of URL's representing pods their account will be created and synced across. Creators. Advanced options. It gets its results by regularly communicating with each pod and displaying the results. You can host it wherever you want. The base Diaspora module provides an API for both receiving and sending Diaspora Federation messages but does not do anything with the messages other than create local users, and does not originate any messages on its own. Everything. Caractéristiques: - Sélection de Pod. Note: if you are using a handheld device, you will be viewing the diaspora* interface designed for smaller screens.Click here for a guide to the mobile interface.. You’re now looking at an interface that might be unfamiliar to you. Integrations. 4/12 update. So yes, you will be able to switch to a different pod later. Diaspora : Le guide du parfait débutant, sur Wikibooks; Site officiel; Instance publique de Diaspora* (Framasphère) maintenue par l'association française à but non lucratif Framasoft et hébergée sur des serveurs en UE . Each pod has a different domain name, and is managed by different people on different servers in different physical locations. hope to have the new server by thursday and have the pod online on Saturday 4/17. This shows the amount of time the pod is running without problems. This shows the version of the Diaspora software which the pod is running. On diaspora* it’s possible to format your text in status messages, comments and conversations using a simplified mark-up system called Markdown. Support. Author: - Diaspora: Please be aware that this may take several days to several weeks depending upon parts availability. We call these nodes “pods.” Th… Chaque utilisateur du réseau peut choisir de s'inscrire sur un des serveurs Now the list of active pods is available in the ‘Add a pod’ textbox. Export To App. From version 1.9 you receive notifications directly on your browser. This shows the country in which the server is based. A pod is a server running the diaspora* software and connected to the diaspora* network. list, then press ‘Update’ to save changes. Indeed, Diaspora is only half-decentralized. En France le pod correspond à tous ces critères et vous pouvez vous y inscrire directement avec ce lien. You should have a reverse proxy listening there that forwards the requests to the application server that diaspora* starts, on port 3000 by default. Peu importe votre serveur, vous pourrez parler à l'ensemble du réseau diaspora*. Our host is having a datacenter major incident. You can use your existing Nginx or Apache to do that. South Asian diaspora - includes millions of people from India, Bangladesh, Sindh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, whose descendants live in Suriname, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Jamaica, Kenya, Mauritius, Fiji, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Tanzania, Uganda, and other countries who left British India in the 19th and early 20th centuries, and millions more who have moved to Australia, … Remember my choice, don't ask again. est un nœud (pod) du réseau diaspora*, hébergé en France chez OVH et administré par Fla. utilise la version de développement de diaspora* et a été mis en place à des fins de tests. Articles. Fetch pod list from API (which allows filtering only diaspora pods) Add WP2D_ENC_KEY constant for custom password encryption key; 2.1.0. est un nœud (pod) du réseau diaspora*, hébergé en France chez OVH et administré par Fla.. utilise la version de développement de diaspora* et a été mis en place à des fins de tests.En conséquence, diaspora-fr peut ne pas fonctionner ou engendrer des pertes de données. More than a few percent of downtime can mean that you find Diaspora unavailable from time to time. We've created software that lets you set up and run your own social network on your own "pod" (or server) and connect your network to the larger Diaspora* ecosystem. Vous ne pourrez pas vous connecter sur un autre pod mais ça ne servirait à rien de toute façon. You can either set up a pod just for yourself, or open up your pod to other community members. Second point important, diaspora* est un logiciel Libre : le code source est consultable, utilisable, modifiable et redistribuable par tous gratuitement. This page was last edited on 18 October 2020, at 19:49. Instead it allows the users to select their favorite pod from the list, or type it directly. The more pods, the better diaspora* works - be part of the future of the decentralized social web! Step 19 — Create Diaspora User. En gros il fonctionne sur les versions récentes de Debian et Ubuntu.. Notre installation va utiliser PostgreSQL, Nginx, et Systemd. - Support GIF animé. Lists. note from my old host “Server 27031 – is currently not powering on. On April 5, 2021 April 11, 2021 by diasporg. If you are being redirected here from please flush your cache so you do not get stuck when pod back up . If you have already signed up, you can skip this section and go straight to Part 2. Let’s create your first Diaspora user. About. Depuis ce pod, vous aurez accès à l'ensemble du réseau et votre expérience de diaspora* sera plus ou moins la même, quel que soit le pod depuis lequel vous vous connecterez.