It is also possible to show the weather condition and the METARs / TAFs in Google Earth.
equipment operation resumed, Radar weather report Some coding pilots may also see for RVR include: M Indicates that RVR is less than lowest reportable sensor value (e.g. First 3 digits: True Wind direction or average if variable (VRB).
For information only: do not use for flight planning or navigation. Thickness of turbulence layer: last digit: - To help remember the sequence, think of 3W’s at the beginning- TAF (TAF AMD is Amended Forecast when included), KPIT 091730Z 091818 22020KT 3SM -SHRA BKN020 WS015/30045KT, FM2030 30015G25KT 3SM SHRA OVC015 TEMPO 2022 1/2 TSRA OVC008CB, FM2300 27008KT 5SM -SHRA BKN020 OVC040 PROB40 0407 00000KT 1SM -RA BR, FM1000 22010KT 5SM -SHRA OVC020 BECMG 1315 20010KT P6SM NSW SKC, When: 091730Z issuance day and time: 9th day at 1720Z, 091818 valid period: 9th day at 1800Z to next day (10th) at 1800Z. TS, SH, DR) sometimes followed by a two character weather phenomenon (e.g.
Page printed Changes are planned to incorporate alphabetic identifiers for those weather reporting stations where numbers and letters are now used (e.g., W10 to KHEF). 22030/15 means a maximum instantaneous wind of 30 knots occurred 15 minutes past the hour from 220 degrees. KPIT is the ICAO station identifier. Note 2: US-specific METAR format is not supported. Example: METAR KOFP 251955Z AUTO 30008KT 10SM CLR 22/10 A3010 RMK AO2 SLP138 T02180096. Automated weather observing station with precipitation discriminator. 22015KT 180V260 When wind direction varies 60 degrees or more and wind is greater than 6 knots. no precip discriminator (rain/snow), Automated observation with
Encoded report in METAR format: Decoded report: Real time METARS & TAFS can be found via: Note 1: Javascript must be enabled. No precipitation, thunderstorm, sandstorm, duststorm, shallow fog, or
At selected stations, other temperature codes, such as10142, 20012, or 401120084, may appear to document temperatures not related to aviation. SIGMETs are The format is R(XXX) Runway Designator including (L)eft (C)enter or (R)ight /(XXXX) 4 digit visibility in feet. information not available (wx reports only), Radar echo height It’s possible see the past 72 hours of METARs for most airports on the airport data pages. dew point), it is simply omitted and the user must know the sequence to recognize this. that clearly differ from the forecast should be reported to Dispatch.
6: first digit of the icing group is always a 6. Icing layer’s base: next 3 digits. 1.3 Detailed Decoding 1.3.1 METAR (or SPECI) - Report Name METAR CYWG 172000Z 30015G25KT 3/4SM R36/4000FT/D -SN BLSN BKN008 OVC040 M05/M08 A2992 REFZRA WS RWY36 RMK SF5NS3 SLP134. May
METAR Information METAR reports typically come from airports or permanent weather observation stations. RMK SLP013 T01760158 10142 20012 401120084 At selected stations, Sea Level Pressure is reported as the last three digits in hectoPascals (milibars) (e.g., 1001.3 is reported as SLP013). Site design by UKww METAR Decoding Tool. 8KM (5SM) of the aerodrome but not at the aerodrome.
Aerodrome Actual Weather – METAR decode Code element Example Decode Notes 1 Identification METAR or SPECI METAR METAR METAR — Meteorological Airfield Report, SPECI — selected special (not from UK civil aerodromes) Location indicator EGLL London Heathrow Station four-letter indicator Date/Time 291020Z 'ten twenty Zulu on the 29th' AUTO RMK SLP013 T01760158.
CAVOK – Ceiling and visibility OK (not used in US). Decode with just one click! E' presente un archivio contenente tutti gli aeroporti per una agevole ricerca del codice ICAO dell'aeroporto. (direct reading in 100s of ft/30s Additionally, all significant weather or flight conditions CB and TCU clouds noted when present.
not available (wx reports only). § is current as of
Volcanic eruption SIGMET's are identified by an alphanumeric possible.Use the term TEMPO = Temporary fluctuation. Corrections to decode tables for icing and turbulence intensity in Figures 3 and 4 made this revision necessary. temporary fluctuations, BECMG = Becoming (used where changes are expected to reach or pass Expected time temperature will be reached: 2 digits, Z.
turbulence (CAT) not associated with thunderstorms. (US
Il servizio permette di caricare uno o più METAR / TAF da Internet e visualizzarne la traduzione. Example: METAR KOFP 251955Z AUTO 30008KT 10SM CLR 22/10 A3010 RMK AO2 SLP138 T02180096.
10 ago 2012 - Condivisione della traccia su social network. Hazardous weather advisories of severe intensity will be issued