Their products are available through their website, Amazon and DriveThruRPG. They excel in making quality terrain pieces (especially scatter terrain) at extremely affordable prices. [/caption] As you can see, Firelock Games makes absolutely gorgeous models.
If you buy from Amazon from here (paid link), a portion of the sales goes to help supporting Must Contain Minis.
Especially the characters… I think I like all the characters, in fact. They called it Blood and Plunder.
For more on Oathmark, be sure to check out my Oathmark section and my article about WYSIWYG armies in Oathmark.
Using these mats upped the…, I absolutely love the modular workshop station that sent me for review on Must Contain Minis. Being that Osprey Games has been promoting it so much lately, I figured I would write a quick post on what we know so far. If you haven’t checked these guys out, make sure you do. These elite units, called the 'battlesworn', are more than just powerful combatants, they are symbols of the glory and honour of a kingdom.
Ever since I received my first mats by from them, I have been very impressed with the company. In turn, this knowledge can help you decide if a product is right for you. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. If you have not seen the products before, they are absolutely beautiful, high quality, and easy to build. These miniatures are of course good for Oathmark, but also worth a look for a number of other Miniature Wargames and Roleplaying Games. If you haven’t checked these guys out, make sure you do.
It is at these times that the actions of one unit can make the difference between victory and defeat. You see, Oathmark runs on a campaign system and at the start of the game, you get to choose the lands. [/caption] After this review, I chatted to the company and they sent me some pieces for review. In fact, the rules allow you to build out your Kingdom like this so you can get the units you want.
These posts are all about terrain. No battle lines yet. Instead, we present what the product is and some opinions of the product itself. The core of this site is our Reviews of games, accessories, terrain, and what ever else comes our way.
By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. ; However, the basic element of the game is the figure. What you can recruit is based on the lands in your Kingdom. It looks like the living dead will be covered in the second expansion, so here is hoping. All images in this post are from the Oathmark Facebook Page. What matters is that you took the land type to recruit the troops that you want. I find his work to be both good and fast. This section of Must Contain Minis lists all of the posts that somehow have XOLK products in them. Must Contain Minis is my personal Website. They sent Must Contain Minis a number of their PDF files to check out their games. Firelock Games makes some of the nicest looking miniatures and models that I have ever seen. As you have used giants – what size classifcation did you use? Now, they go by They also are the European distributors for many cool companies like Cigar Box Battle Mats and Crucible Crush. All of them so far are made of fabric (I think fleece) and there are enough mats to keep Historical, Fantasy and Sci-Fi gamers alike happy. Six Squared Studios is a maker of terrain and wargaming accessories. Learn how your comment data is processed. Strengths: Best Activation (Moral) values. As a note, special thanks goes out to Osprey Games for sending me a copy of the rules for review. If one player rolls doubles, a random strange event happens.
By adding terrain, you enhance the features with 3D-Terrain and add even more to the table. You are battling against kingdoms, not the specific races. [caption id="attachment_1832" align="aligncenter" width="640"] XOLK’s 28mm Ruined Cottage. Even at 2000 plus points the game moves along. I have played several games with one of the grandsons who is picking it up quite well.
Here is a new Canadian Company that sells its own rulesets as well as terrain and miniatures by other companies. Must Contain Minis is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Must Contain Minis participates in a sales affiliate relationship with. The unit that scores the most hits against the enemy then gets a few options in what is called the “pushback” stage.
As such I host the Ontario Miniature Gaming Convention Page and happily attend the events as we can.
They sent us a Review Copy along with two expansions before the Kickstarter for their Second Printing.
[caption id="attachment_1832" align="aligncenter" width="640"] XOLK’s 28mm Ruined Cottage. Their Double Sided Plush Mats are also very impressive. :) Again, great store with the best gaming area in town!! On the flip side, limiting the number of dice to five will make the game run faster.