When you do, Infinite Impermanence lets you target a face-up monster your opponent controls and negate its effect until the end of the turn. TCG card, "Infinite Impermanence." Championship Series events. $2.98, As low as: Tournament Infractions and Penalties Policy: June 4th 2019 Update! Asia Championship 2017 Hong Kong Summer Qualifier, Yu-Gi-Oh!
This is a Secret Rare. Infinite Impermanence is a versatile new card that is capable of negating lots of different effects before your first turn even begins! 3 Inifini Éphémère 3 Infinite Impermanence: Extra Deck (13) 1 Empereur Charles, Chevalier Noble Inferno 1 Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles: 1 Dragon Sauvage Chargeborrelle 1 Borreload Savage Dragon: 1 Soldat Dragon Sombre aux Yeux Rouges 1 Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon: 1 Capitaine Roland, Chevalier Noble Inferno 1 Infernoble Knight Captain Roland There are a couple big reasons why these cards are so popular at the competitive level. While you control no cards, Infinite Impermanence functions exactly like Effect Veiler, but with a few advantages over it: (1.) A careless opponent may even activate or Set a card in the same column as an Infinite Impermanence that you already have face-down, immediately rendering that card vulnerable to your negation. Please refer to this page for the Yu-Gi-Oh! $9.00, As low as: Yugioh has gone on to become one of the top card games in the world and has now surpassed 20 years of … $1.44, As low as: All Rights Reserved.All rights belong to their respective owners.About • Privacy Policy, Yu-Gi-Oh! As low as
You can try it out in your Deck when Flames of Destruction releases on May 4th! First is that these cards give you a chance to interact with your opponent even when they win the die roll and get to go first, so you have a chance to stop their powerful combo that could be difficult on your game plan. Asia Championship 2017 Singapore Winter Qualifier, Copyright © Road of the King. Infinite Impermanence. View All Versions Number: FLOD-EN077 Rarity: Secret Rare Attribute /Card Type: TRAP /Normal Trap Description: Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls, it has its effects negated (until the end of this turn), then if this card is activated while it was Set, negate the effects of other Spells/Traps in this card's column this turn. Is the effect of Altergiest Marionetter negated? $1.99, As low as: it’s harder to stop than Effect Veiler, since it’s not vulnerable to popular cards that are used in competitive tournament Decks, like Amano-Iwato and Mythical Beast Jackal King. Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution Promo Cards. TRADING CARD GAME STRATEGY SITE! Infinite Impermanence can be useful for interrupting an opponent’s powerful turn 1 play involving cards like Heavymetalfoes Electrumite and Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom. Because of these trends, other choices that can be used to beat this type of card have risen in popularity, such as Amano-Iwato, Called by the Grave, Mythical Beast Jackal King, and PSY-Framegear Gamma. $0.23, As low as: