Read the story.
What is round? Read the story. ////////////////////// 3. We are in the same . We woke up very early. ////////////////////// 5. Why is Betsy a special cow? What does Roy like to play in? 17 1st Grade Basic Skills: Reading Comprehension and Reading Skills © Teacher's Friend, a Scholastic Company, Name___________________________ Skill: Completing sentences Choose a word to complete the sentences. ////////////////////// 3. ////////////////////// 6. //////1. What are the names of Joel’ s cats? We were in time for dinner.
Merci, monsieur T.! Where does our family live? Tomorrow I will go swimming. Betsy is brown with white spots. What is on the back of the bike? Read the story. 40 Scholastic 1st Grade Reading Comprehension Skills Worksheets - 1st grade reading comprehension skills worksheets with answer key. 1. five roll frog 1. cat bat dog 2. hop walk duck 2. hook book egg 3. pond pig house 3. sat read milk 1. pail pick face 1. boy girl bee 2. cone sand mean 2. jump ear cake 3. meow beach by 3. from bite rope 4 1st Grade Basic Skills: Reading Comprehension and Reading Skills © Teacher's Friend, a Scholastic Company, Name___________________________ Skill: Reading words Look at each picture. W e have a cow named Betsy. (you see sleeps) //////5.
What is Larry? What can you wear on your head? When he lands in the water, Wally makes a big splash. ////////////////////// 3. Where does Jan go on her bike? ... 'scholastic success with grammar grade 1 download pdf may 19th, 2020 - scholastic success with grammar 2 / 10. grade 1 wele you are looking at books for reading the ////////////////////// 41 1st Grade Basic Skills: Reading Comprehension and Reading Skills © Teacher's Friend, a Scholastic Company, Page 5 Answer Key Page 8 Page 4421st Grade Basic Skills: Reading Comprehension and Reading Skills © Teacher's Friend, a Scholastic CompanyPage 7 Page 3 Page 6, Page 11 Answer Key Page 14 Page 10431st Grade Basic Skills: Reading Comprehension and Reading Skills © Teacher's Friend, a Scholastic CompanyPage 13 Page 9 Page 12, shirt Answer Keyschool candy pencil bed car cake1st Grade Basic Skills: Reading Comprehension and Reading 4Skills4© Teacher's Friend, a Scholastic Companydoortelevision dog book stove glass ball glasses monkey hat swing set Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 cat space ride name stars yellow went sits yarn home good sleeps class moon cute Page 20 Page 19 Page 18, My mother gave me some seeds. Jan can ride her bike fast.
////////////////////// 2. ////////////////////// 4. ////////////////////// 6. Download: PDF, Docx More reading comprehension worksheets. She can talk! ////////////////////// 5. Joe builds castles made of sand. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website.
////////////////////// 4. What do our other cows say?
////////////////////// 33 1st Grade Basic Skills: Reading Comprehension and Reading Skills © Teacher's Friend, a Scholastic Company, Name___________________________ Skill: Reading comprehension Read the story then answer the questions. ////////////////////// 2. I really like Rowe’s dog. I will jump in the water to get wet. (good give goat) //////5. By Scholastic. How many balloons does Lou have?
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Each day I watered the seeds. What would be on my robe? ////////////////////// 4. ////////////////////// 6. What is my friend’s name? ////////////////////// 5. (can crust class) 20 1st Grade Basic Skills: Reading Comprehension and Reading Skills © Teacher's Friend, a Scholastic Company, Name___________________________ Skill: Sequencing 1. ////////////////////// 38 1st Grade Basic Skills: Reading Comprehension and Reading Skills © Teacher's Friend, a Scholastic Company, Name___________________________ Skill: Reading comprehension Read the story then answer the questions.