The Pork Loin plays a massive role in Joe Bonamassa’s bigger-than-life modern blues sound.
Hey guys, planning out my future board's dirt section. Anticipating seemingly every user need, the Sunset not only has three distortion options with different topologies, but also three boost options and flexible routing that allows for either boost or drive first. Strat players often get on well with the Blues Driver, because the pedal tends to gently balance out the Strat’s toppy sound. Boss Shrinks Down its GT-1000 Guitar Effects Processor to a more handy-sized but still Full-Featured GT-1000 CORE Stomp Box, Boss Rounds Out its RC Looper Range with New and Improved RC-5 Compact and RC-500 Dual Track Loop Stations, End of September Pedal-Chain Update - Episode VIII - Starry Eyed Surprise, All You Need to Know about the Chase Bliss Audio Automatone Preamp MKII courtesy of 5 key YouTube Demos, Cooper FX Arcades Modular Multi-FX Workstation : Card Spotlight Series #2 : DELAY, Toneczar Ed Rembold's Two Essential Secret Weapon Extended-Range Fuzzes - the OTP and Vault, Ben Fulton's Red Witch Pedals Releases Ultimate Fuzz God IV Edition which combines Twin BC109 Silicon Fuzz with Octavia, Oscillation and Extended Configurability, Electro-Harmonix Finally Releases Expanded and Presets-enabled Pitch Fork+ Dual-Voiced Polyphonic Pitch-Shifter and Harmonizer, Big Ear Pedals Finally Unleashes its Albie Multi-Combo-FX Ambient Modulator Pedal after a year of fine-tuning, The New Strymon NightSky Time-Warped Reverberator is a Revolutionary Twinkle Starred Sci-Fi Atmospheric Delight - with optional Reverb Tail Pattern Sequencer, Boss's 3rd Generation OC-5 Octave introduces state-of-the art tracking and new Upper Octave, while expanding on the very best of the OC-2 and OC-3, All you ever wanted to know about the UK's Preeminent Independent Pedal Boutique - Joe's Pedals, Maverick Inflection #1 : Zander Circuitry Compact Enclosure Siclone Silicon Chaos Initiator Fuzz, Sitek's New Dual-Natured Joss Allen Signature Freya Low to Mid-Gain Overdrive Booster combines its Goddess namesake's zeal for Love and War, Cooper FX Arcades Modular Multi-FX Workstation : Card Spotlight Series #1 : SYNTH, Roman Belonozhko's Multifaceted Shnobel Tone Daily Driver delivers beautifully textured breakup with alluring high frequency sparkle, Walrus Audio Releases Julianna Deluxe Chorus with added Stereo Soundstage, Second Tap-Tempo Footswitch and Smart Alternative Functions, 24 of the Best Compact Enclosure Bluesbreaker-style Overdrive Pedals - 2020 Ultimate Selection, Jackson Audio Releases Majestically Saturating Mateus Asato Signature Dual Channel Plexi + JCM800 Programmable Overdrive and Distortion, Mike Vickery's largely Tuxedo-style Vick Audio Pedals underline a certain air of effortless authentic elegance, End of August Pedal-Chain Update - Episode VII - Altitude Ascension, 15 of the Best Everyday All-Rounder Mostly Silicon Transistor Compact Enclosure Fuzz Pedals, 3 Recent Compact, Medium and Large Foxx Tone Machine Fuzz Replicas, Joel Korte Heralds End of an Era with Final 100 Unit Run of the Ayahuasca Trem-Fuzz, Mike Vickery Revives Much Loved Vick Audio Lucky No.
Of those featured there are probably 4 I would like to get my hands on - the BD-2 JHS Blu-Drive Mod, Prince of Tones, Super Blues Pro and Baby Blues. Bit of a cop out first sentence but, it depends what you're using it for. Browsing is anonymised until you sign up. Visit our corporate site. On my board, I'm going to have a Duncan 805 (TS circuit), Wampler Tumnus (Klon circuit), and a Mooer Blues Crab (Bluesbreaker circuit). Often, they’re not bought with the intention of massively changing a tone, or altering a sound in any drastic way. These naturally forming waves and troughs exceed the threshold of the device that is broadcasting them into the air, so the first step in distortion is called clipping. 2019 Pedal-Chain Year-End Final Arrangement! 02 November 2020, An overdrive pedal is an essential investment for any rig – and these are the finest examples around. 'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+"://";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); Copyright© I'm also going to have a Keeley Monterey which is equipped with a Face-like fuzz. Btw my Klon is set just above unity volume with the gain on like 7 o’clock. The best overdrive pedals are traditionally there to add flavour or colour to an existing character of your sound, often but not always achieved from a driven tube guitar amp. Get total harmonic control over every frequency, Launch price: $349/£349 | Controls: Level, Bass, Treble, Gain, 5-band EQ, footswitchable HI/LO control | Sockets: Input, output, power | Bypass: True bypass | Power requirements: 9V battery or optional 9V DC PSU. It brings more to the table than a ts or a klon, but you won't be getting much you don't already have. Idk if I was just using them improperly but I would think P90s into a HRD + TS808 would be phenomenal. It sounds more like a Fender, while a TS (and others like it, e.g. With an ability to mimic a whole range of amps, notably Marshall and Fender models, or provide overdrive that’s perfectly tailored to be an extension of your clean amp tone, it will give you a proper cranked vintage amp sound at practical stage and home levels whatever amp you are using. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I really love the MI Audio pedals and have two in my sights - The Crossover, and this Super Blues Pro - they might both be pipped though by the Prince of Tones or Baby Blues - the latter of which goes for as little as £100 on It has been displaced by the JB-2 Angry Driver which gives me a little more versatility, but is lacking the 'fat mod' of this pedal - as 'borrowed' from the Keeley Modded Blues Driver - the Blues Mood in fact being a clone of that.
In any case I loved, still love the Blues Mood, and it served me well in that slot for quite a while, it was displaced at the end of last year by the Boss Angry Driver, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves here - let’s return to the original Blues Driver.
The Boss Blues Driver is an icon that's been used on many of your favorite records and the Klon KTR, well, you already know what Klon is known for, most likely. You’ve probably heard that term before and might have even used it yourself already – but what does it actually mean? I’ve tried using a JHS Moonshine, EQD Plumes, and an SD1 if that counts, for that slight breakup sound that people love from tubescreamers. These include the Analog.Man Prince of Tones and the Rockbox Baby Blues. the blues driver is less redundant than a klon and a tube screamer IMO, but no, it's not a world apart from your other low gain drive pedals. Having said that, I will never sell my BD-2 because it is such a versatile gain staging tool. The two channels are sufficiently different, the Silicon channel having a tighter, more aggressive feel to the squishier sag of the Valve channel.
A flexible drive and boost combo from That Pedal Show, Launch price: $229/£229/€295 | Controls: 2x level, 2x gain, 2x tone, drive first/boost first switch | Sockets: TRS input, TRS output, power | Bypass: Buffered or true bypass | Power requirements: 9V power supply. Thank you for signing up to Musicradar. The Ibanez Tube Screamer and the Boss BD-2 Blues Driver are two pedals that we’re looking at today. Is the BD-2 usable for a rhythm tone? | This awesome-looking pedal is essentially a Rangemaster-based treble booster, with some unique tricks of its own. distortion pedals that will make you sound like the greats with a press of a button – literally. There is a lot of variation that goes beyond the two pedals we’ll be reviewing today, so if you want to learn more, look around on here or any other guitar playing forum and you’ll get all the answers you need. The signal is pretty clean with the Klon off, and when it’s on it breaks up pretty well.
We’ve got two O.G. A Tube Screamer-derived multi-channel dirtbox that can do it all, Launch price: $249/£229/€299 | Controls: Voice, boost, volume, tone, bandwidth, gain A, gain B, normal/bright switch, input buffer switch | Sockets: Input, output, power | Bypass: True bypass | Power requirements: 9V power supply. As mentioned I already own a Blues Mood and Angry Driver, I’ve had a Prince of Tones on my wishlist for quite a while now, and have recently added the BD-2 JHS Mod and MI Effects Super Blues Pro - oh and the Rockbox Baby Blues - all those really fit suit my requirements - so basically - have 2, want 4! The klon overdrive sound I don't like at all.
That means it adds gain, or increases the volume, to specific parts of the instrument’s output at mathematical intervals. Blues Driver vs Tube Screamer: Which Distortion Pedal Should You Buy?
エフェクター選び BD-2, BOSS, MOD, レビュー, 評価, 2018年にもなり、エフェクターも多くの新作が発表されていますね。まだまだ試しきれていないエフェクターは多々ありますが、今までで試してみて僕が感動した歪みエフェクターをご紹介しています。, みなさんコーラスって使っていますか?僕は結構コーラスっていうエフェクター自体が好きで、結構色々試して …, 本日も”Tone Dive“をご覧いただきありがとうございます。管理人のけーすけ(@effector …, モダンなハイゲインディストーションで不動の人気を誇るEMMAのReezaFRATzitz Ⅱをレビュ …, いつもTone Dive(@effector_guitar)をご覧いただきありがとうございます。 今 …, Strymonというメーカーをご存知でしょうか。知っている人は知っている、かなり質の良いエフェクトを …, ケースケといいます。社会人一年目。 Launch price: $349/£349/€195 | Controls: 2x gain, 2x tone, 2x boost/drive/fuzz switches, master, mix, stack switch, 16 external DIP switches | Sockets: Input, output, ext(A)/MIDI, expression/CV, power | Bypass: Buffered or true bypass | Power requirements: 9V power supply. ギター初心者の方が初めて買うエフェクターに必ずと言っていいほど名前がの上がるBOSSのBlues Driver(BD-2)。「ブルースドライバー」という名前から哀愁漂う音が飛び出すのかと思いきや、音の幅としてはかなり広く、静かな曲から激しい曲まで万能に対応できるエフェクターです。, 今回はそんな名器と言われているBOSSのBlues Driver(BD-2)を正直にレビューします。最初に言っておくと、僕はあまり好きじゃない。その辺の理由も踏まえて、僕が感じたことなどをお話したいと思います。, BOSSの歪みエフェクターとしては珍しい、青い筐体。歪みのジャンルはオーバードライブでありますが、ディストーションに分類されることもあるくらい激しい音まで出せるエフェクターです。, とにかくGainの幅が広く多くのジャンルで多用できるというような理由でよく初心者への最初のエフェクターとしておすすめされます。実際プロでもチャットモンチーのえっちゃんや、田渕ひさ子だって活用している人気のエフェクターではあります。価格も1万円しないので、かなり手が出しやすい。, と言ったものの、僕にとってはあまり相性のよくないエフェクター。その音の暴れ方やキンキンした高音域があまり好きになれないのですが、自ら改造することによってこの辺は改善されるので、安いのを見つけたら進んで購入するようにはしています。, 改造の方法については別の記事でご紹介しているので、そちらを参考にしてください!(その3までありますけど、ぜひ見てね), これ僕にとっては「好きじゃない音」として考えているのですが、実際に採点してみると悪いと判断できる部分は多くないので、一般的な基準でいうと結構評価は高くなってしまうのです。これが初心者におすすめな理由の一つかも。, ドライブレンジは広めです。ディストーション近くまで歪んでくれるし、クリーントーンもしっかりとピッキングニュアンスを拾ってくれます。ノイズは少し大きめな気もしましたが、操作性は問題ありません。, ではどこが問題あるのか・・・そう、音質です。とにかく音がペラペラで高音が汚いです。単純に高音がよく出るエフェクターというわけではなくて、高音が暴れて悪さをしているようなエフェクターです。, 特にJCやTwin Reverbなどで利用していた時に気になりました・・・もともとBOSS自体がチューブアンプ(マーシャルなど)で利用するためのエフェクターとして作られているのもありますが、ここまでアンプを選ぶエフェクターだと使いづらいように感じます。, 先日後輩きが持ってきてくれたエフェクター、BOSSのPower Stackの方が10倍くらいマシな印象でした。, ミドルもしっかり出るし、音痩せもかなりマシでした。そもそもST-2の方が内部のパーツも良いし、音もマーシャルの音に近づけているので、“いわゆるよく聞く音”が簡単に出せるのはこちらかもしれません。, 初心者にとってBOSSを買うならこっちの方がBD-2よりもだんぜんおすすめだとおもうけどなぁ・・・, はい、今回も音を聞いてみましょう!そろそろ音響揃えて自分で弾いた動画をアップしようかな・・・笑, 他の動画などももし見られるようであればわかると思いますが、どの人もドライブを上げたがりません。笑, 僕自身利用していても、14時より回してしまうと「ジジ」という音が顕著にでてきてちょっと苦手です。, プレゼンスが出ているという言い方をすればそうなのかもしれませんが、それだけドライブの歪みは汚いという証拠なんだと思います。, ドライブレンジは広いのに、使える音となるとドライブノブは下の画像くらいまでが限界。もったいない・・・, それに対してドライブを絞ったときのピッキングの反応の良さは嬉しいです。ギター本体でピッキングニュアンスを変えれるので、むしろ上級者向けのエフェクターなのかも。, 歪みのニュアンスとしては「ジャリジャリ」「ザリザリ」というような表現が合っていると思います。それでもかなり中音域が削れているので、薄い音になってしまうのがもったいない。, なんかJCでもあっていないような気がするのは僕だけかなぁ・・・マーシャルとの相性はわるくないんですけど・・・, これはBOSSならではというか、この技術はすごいですよね。これは人の手では難しいなぁ。こんなにパーツも多く使っているのに音が悪くなるなんてもったいない・・・, オレンジ色のセラミックコンデンサが目立ちますね。セラミックコンデンサは価格が安く、高音域を荒らす性質があると言われているので、もしかしたらこれが原因なのかな?単純にクリッピングダイオードの問題かもしれませんが。, 初心者に勧めるエフェクターとしては少し悩みどころです。「マーシャルで絶対利用します!」というなら結構いいのかな?とも思うのですが、そういうわけにもいかないでしょうし。, でもたしかに、BD-2でしか作れない音やピッキングニュアンスはありそうな所が非常に惜しい・・・いろんなアーティストがMOD品を求めるのもわかりますね。, 僕個人の意見としては、やはりBD-2の独特なドライブサウンドを表現に加えたいのであれば間違いなくMOD品を買うべきです。, - So within my pedal chain I have 4 key low-to-mid-gain overdrives ranging from Klon Style, to Tube Screamer Style, to Dumble Style and onto Blues Driver type - the way I have it each gets progressively gainier, in fact I have a 5th medium gain overdrive - which used to be an OCD, but has now been displaced by the Hamstead Intergalactic Driver. If you normally stick to the amp’s clean channel, and just need a lift for certain elements, then you will probably opt for a pedal with more control over the colour of the gain. They say you get what you pay for, and with Strymon pedals that seems to ring true. Pedal Design 101 - The Boss Colour Chart and 40 Shades of Tone! In fact for some strange reason the Blues Driver has ended up as one of the world’s most modded pedals - key pedal-makers Brian Wampler (Wampler Effects), Josh Scott (JHS Effects), Mike Piera (Analog.Man) and Robert Keeley (Keeley Engineering) have all supplied modified versions at some stage, and Mike Piera still does. Read on to figure it out! Chris Corfield