The Fabulous Life of Billion Dollar Wall Street Ballers. Some people lucked out and wound up in a very caring, normal, happy decent family that … Heir to the Johnson & Johnson empire Jamie Johnson directed the 2003 documentary Born Rich about the experience of growing up in one of the wealthiest families in the world. Then police ruled them out, claiming they found new DNA evidence to prove otherwise. At one point, the conversation sounds like we could be watching a local Black Lives Matter meeting. "It's harrowing and upsetting, and it will haunt you for a long time, which is part of what makes it necessary viewing," Vice writes. And thatâs just the tip of a very large iceberg. By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, A professional critic’s assessment of a service, product, performance, or artistic or literary work, The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power, C Street: The Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy, One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America.
The series is narrated by Robert Powell, with a rare library of never-before-seen footage from Japan, Russia and many more countries. Though not a movie literally aimed at Wall Street and big money managers, the film exposes how the actions of the One Percent are shaping young consumersâ relationships to money.
Rajneeshpuram, the controversial cult at the heart of this six-part series, is the American cult you didn't know about but should. Watch all you want. Click through the videos to watch the entire documentary online. The truth hurts. Even a college study abroad trip isn't off-limits.
The documentary widely follows Brittany Kaiser, the former business development director at Cambridge Analytica as it’s revealed how Facebook members data was allegedly used to help the Trump administration during the election.
38 best true crime documentaries available now on Netflix.
Mark Williams-Thomas, one of England's top investigative journalists, dives into the murder of 40-year-old mom Carole Packman. This is an eye-opening look at their greedy pursuits.
It might be impossible.
If youâve ever wondered how Wall Street high rollers lived, behold their jumbo jets, million dollar matchmaking madams, outrageous billionaire bachelor pads, and the other ways Brokers burn money. The music and nature footage in Netflix documentaries is often spectacular, but what made this travel documentary appealing was knowing that this couple captured the footage themselves. (To be clear, none of them are considered “members” of the Family. If you’re not broody already, you probably will be after watching, with the show covering everything from first laughs, steps and the incredible bonds formed between parent and baby. While on his way home from a party, police falsely accused Kalief Brower, then 16, of stealing someone's backpack. Critic Roger Ebert called Charles Fergusonâs 2010 film Inside Job âan angry, well-argued documentary about how the American financial industry set out deliberately to defraud the ordinary American investor.â In other words, you will get Hulk-level angry watching it. Ever since Making A Murderer debuted in 2015, introducing the world to the Avery and Dassey families and defining what would make for water-cooler TV in the streaming era, Netflix has been pushing out compelling documentary series and documentary movies one after the …
William T. Stillâs 1996 critique of the United States Federal Reserve System is a very long three and a half hour watch, but the film thoroughly tries to trace the origins of our nationâs skewed wealth and power structure. The best way to hear about true crimes is to listen to the criminals themselves. Last updated: June 10, 2020. While many of us are familiar with this case, this Netflix original sheds a new light on Amanda's story with exclusive interviews and footage. The best true crime documentaries don't always focus on murder. Part of the documentary focuses … Experience it all with our best documentary series and movies. . You can change (your cookie preferences); by clicking accept, you accept all cookies. It's believed that the truth will set you free ... unless your name is Steven Avery. In this eight-episode series, convicted murderers confess reveal that their confessions — ya know, the ones that convicted them in the first place — were coerced, in one way or another.
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