The short anwer is, unfortunately, “yes”. Too Much Green Tea May Cause Constipation, 6 Health Benefits of Tieguanyin (Iron Goddess of Mercy), 10 Uses of Used Tea Bags That You May Not Know About, Some Jasmine Tea Benefits You Don’t Want to Miss. And twice a year I visit my dental, Your email address will not be published. It can be dangerous stuff. In addition, certain bacteria and accumulation of dental plaque can also result in extrinsic stains.
By now you should know that drinking green tea stains your teeth and it actually causes teeth to stain much worse than coffee. In fact, you don’t even have to care about drinking green tea everyday as long as you brush your teeth regularly. Hi Sarah, thanks for the comment. Does Decaf Green Tea Have the Same Benefits as Regular Green Tea? So, does green tea stain your teeth? Riddhima Choudhary (name changed) a call centre employee in her mid-20s was habituated to drinking green tea frequently, around four cups a day since two years now. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. But in terms of the intensity or concentration of staining, green tea stains teeth in more of a dull gray – and mainly among regular green tea consumers. Not just green tea, the same can be said for herbal teas as well, though their staining properties is lesser than that of black tea. The reason green tea stains tend to be a dull gray – and less evident in comparison to many other yellowish teeth stains… is that green tea has a lower composition of acidity, next to black tea. This means that the lesser amount of green tea you have in a day, the more chances of having any obvious teeth stains. However, the compounds found in tea could stain your teeth over time. It also helps in limiting plaque. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.
Some other drinks which are high in acidic in nature are orange juice, tea, tomatoes and other citrus juices. Tartar is porous so the more food and beverage you take, the more your teeth will get stained.
Coffee, tea, red wine, acidic juices, highly-pigmented foods and even medications can take a toll on the brightness of teeth. This makes it easier for the pigmented molecules found in teas to adhere to the enamel and therefore cause staining,” she explains. Your email address will not be published. Having a smile with bright white teeth is a great personal asset. One could also opt for teeth whitening, an hour-long one-time procedure. Good news is you don’t have to give up your tee or coffee altogether. Required fields are marked *. Green tea is milder, but it still has a staining effect. I drink 3-5 cups a day, so this is sad news for me. Don’t miss out on the latest updates. To increase whiteness, eat raw: If you don't want to give up drinking tea, it is important to look after your teeth in order to keep staining to a minimum. Common causes of intrinsic stains are due to trauma, infections, dental materials, cavities, and nutritional deficiencies. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. To be precise, it’s not actually your teeth that are stained whenever you drink tea. I'm Yuyu, the person behind Green Tea or Matcha. If you consume 4-5 cups of tea, stain on teeth will be visible over time. Follow this methods to minimize the tooth discoloration from drinking tea. Learn how your comment data is processed. sometime i make a mixture of baking soda with regular toothpaste and use it for brushing. Yes, green tea definitely gets stains on your teeth! Your local café typically has a variety of all types of tea, including the white variety. Also, teeth whitening costs will range from dentist to dentist and patient to patient depending on the difficulty and severity of the case. Smoking also causes staining and discolouration of the teeth due to the nicotine present in it. However, I want to give you a more thorough answer, so allow me to explain something first. (Read: What is Salman Khan drinking these days?) Whitening strips or toothpaste can also be used to remove stains. it helps a lot , At my recent visit to the dentist he asked if I drink a lot of green tea. Chewing sugarless gum or rinsing with water can also help after you’ve drank any stain-causing beverage. Out of these elements, it’s the two elements of tannins and acidity that organically contribute to teeth staining. Your email address will not be published. Cola, wine, sauces like soy, tomato and curry sauce also tend to stain teeth. strangely, Intrinsic teeth stains are often derived from trauma, nutritional deficiencies and cavities, and other internal health conditions – and not really because of green tea.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'teahow_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',109,'0','0'])); So if you have a prolonged period of teeth staining, perhaps even before beginning to drink green tea, then it could be due to an intrinsic teeth stain.
“Green tea today is the most consumed beverage amongst youngsters and adults specially women as it contains essential nutrients which are very low in calories and high in antioxidants. The best way to remove stains is to gargle hydrogen peroxide between professional cleanings. Maybe bicarbonate of soda is good to whiten teeth.U should try once a week or maybe twice.
In addition, drinking green tea can also do amazing wonders in your oral health.
Unfortunately, all types of tea could cause your teeth to discolor and it could have a more detrimental effect on teeth discoloration compared to coffee. These types of stains often respond well to at-home treatment or to treatment at the dentist’s office. Seeds and nuts Nobody debates it and wellness gurus swear by it.
Rinsing the mouth with water is advisable after consuming tea/coffee/green tea. If you’re in the comfort of your own home, you have the easy option of brushing your teeth after a cup of green tea. Excessive intake of sugar can lead to tooth staining, warns Dr Jaradi. You might also be interested to know what staining other teas do…. Strawberries This is also a piece of good advice to follow for any acidic drink in general.