[…] This quick post was spurred by a question asked over on the Same Hat TUMBLR (which, by the way, has remained very active the past two months even as Same Hat proper was languishing). 2 - The Story of the Mysterious Tunnel, Vol. In “Billions Alone,” the short story that opens manga artist Junji Ito’s newest collection in English translation, corpses start appearing in a town stitched together, their flesh pierced with fishing line. The first two volumes contain thematically linked but self-contained stories concerning Tomie - a beautiful young woman with the power to seduce and dominate any male, from small boys to elderly men. Several stories begin in color, while others enhance the climax of the story with a carefully-chosen color panel. The title story “Venus in the Blind Spot,” about a father who goes to extreme, sadistic lengths to protect his daughter from the attention of male members of a UFO club he founded, surgically preventing them from seeing her — just doesn’t strike the same notes of horror. It’s safest be a shut-in, alone at home — like the main character has been for most of his life. 14 Ch. 15 Ch. APACE youth writing contest winners share their essays on topics…, Jamai-Bou Achaar: A quarantine kitchen’s success story wrapped in love &…, Co-founder of Support the ID Facebook group says a toxic…, Businesses still in “survival mode” as Chinatown International District small business…, Why does so much beautiful art come out of difficult times?…, Remembering Phil Hayasaka, Asian American and civi rights activist, PACE programs shift senior health care to the home during COVID-19, Job Opportunity: Racial Equity Planner with King County, Job Opportunity: Campaign Communications Specialist with Washington State Budget and Policy…, I-5 underpass park project seeking public input, Listen to Councilmember Larry Gossett and Governor Gary Locke speak together…, College students create Telehealth Access for Seniors to help older Seattle…, Sad goodbye to owners of beloved Momo who are retiring; hello…, Nonprofit community organization Helping Link in Little Saigon is recovering…, “Spirited Stone: Lessons from Kubota’s Garden” is a celebration of this…, Horror manga master Junji Ito shows the perils of human connection…, “Hokusai: Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji” is the next best thing…, Within the novel “The Factory”, the lives described feel meaningless,…, A Tibetan American perspective on peaceful and non-peaceful protests in America, AAPI’s and voting: As Asian Americans we must band together to…, It’s time to speak out about mental illness and change the…, College students create Telehealth Access for Seniors to help older Seattle residents access critical care during the pandemic, Listen to Councilmember Larry Gossett and Governor Gary Locke speak together on a podcast hosted by KBCS, “Spirited Stone: Lessons from Kubota’s Garden” is a celebration of this special place in South Seattle and the man who created it, “Hokusai: Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji” is the next best thing to viewing the woodblock print landscapes in person, Within the novel “The Factory”, the lives described feel meaningless, and this delivers a meaningful message.
This comment has been removed by the author. The cats are so unsettling! Couples stay in separate rooms, parents separate from their children. The collection showcases the type of horror story Ito has perfected in manga form. 6 - Ещё одна история Осикири: стены, Vol. i bought this in JP last year, and have been bugging Vertical to license it. Usually, there’s no explanation for the horrors — but none could add to their powerful impact. If you don't like a particular user's posts, consider blocking (from their profile page) instead. @Anonymous: You're pretty cat. 13 Ch. 11 Ch. 6 - Further Tales of Oshikiri: Walls, Vol. The story does conclude with a color page that pops with vivid pinks. Vol. There’s something equally amusing and horrifying about the sight of the woman approaching people,her huge, textured tongue hanging from her face, before licking them to death. The collection showcases the type of horror story Ito has perfected in manga form.
Later, the series leaves these characters behind and focuses on stand-alone gothic horror pieces. 2 - История таинственного туннеля, Vol. 13 Ch. Groups of people start going missing, and reappear days later stitched together in gruesome configurations. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. 5 - The Bizarre Hikizuri Siblings- Seance, Vol. Creepier than many other Ito things. Venus in the Blind Spot is a slim, fast read, but the impact of many of the stories lingers. Please note, that not every report is actionable. As such, it also wouldn’t be a bad place to start for those new to his work.