Anonymous. There will be a fixed ratio for a chemical compound determining the composition of it. Become a member to unlock this Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. What is the name for the compound {eq}N_2H_4

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This site is using cookies under cookie policy. List of Chemical Compounds, Their Common Names and Formulas Chemical Compound. NEED ANSWERS ASAP! Die Verbindung bildet mit Wasser ein Azeotrop mit einem Hydrazin-Gehalt von 58,5 %, das bei 120,5 °C siedet.[11]. The time it took for this travel is 34.5 minutes. …. Share what’s outside your window and all around you. Hydrazin kann in geeigneten Brennstoffzellen, den Hydrazin-Brennstoffzellen, zur elektrochemischen Stromerzeugung genutzt werden. 2. N2H4 is commonly called hydrazine, but it could also be named dinitrogen tetrahydride. s. Get an answer. Bei der Challenger-Katastrophe wurde keine Hydrazin-Kontamination festgestellt. So kann durch Reaktion von Natriumhydrid oder Natriumamid mit Hydrazin äußerst oxidationsempfindliches Natriumhydrazid erhalten werden, in welchem Hydrazid-Anionen vorliegen (N2H3−). [15][16], In U-Booten, z.

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Konzentrierte Lösungen sind in Verbindung mit Oxidationsmitteln hochexplosiv, teilweise hypergol. Hydrazine is a chemical compound with the formula of N 2 H 4. What is the formula for the compound nitrogen monoxide? What was Winston Churchill referring to when he mentioned an "iron ... What is the product of 3 2/3 and 14 2/5? Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... …from carboxylic acids and, respectively, hydrazine (NH. Announcing our NEW encyclopedia for Kids! Underline the vocabulary words in your statement. Source(s): molecular compound n2h4:

the compound names are (numeric prefix)+(atom/ion name)+(numeric prefix)+(atom/ion name). Lv 4. 4 years ago . 0 Answers/Comments. Bekannte Gemische mit verschiedener Konzentration der beiden Bestandteile zueinander sind Aerozin 50 und UH 25. New answers. HELP!!! Die Verwendung erfolgt sowohl für die Entfernung des Restsauerstoffes nach Speisewasserentgasung, zum Schutz gegen mögliche geringe Sauerstoffeinbrüche im Bereich des Kondensators wie auch für die katalytische Sauerstoffentfernung aus dem Zusatzwasser. 1. i answered dinitrogen tetrahydride but it is wrong. Create your account.

(Other variations of this process substitute urea for ammonia.). Oktober 2020 um 21:15 Uhr bearbeitet. Rating.

Dies kann zu einer erheblichen Umweltgefahr führen, wenn ein Raketenstart misslingt. TRUE.

free points and brailyest for you nice people out there in the world, 4. A chemical compound is a chemical substance composed of many identical molecules composed of atoms from more than one element held together by chemical bonds. Hydrazine, N2H4, is a chemical compound synthesized by Theodor Curtius in 1889. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Comments. Asked 10 days ago|10/21/2020 2:26:23 PM.

Es reagiert als zweiwertige Base mit Säuren zu zwei Reihen von Hydraziniumsalzen (Name analog zum Ammonium) mit der allgemeinen Zusammensetzung [H2N−NH3]+X− und [H3N−NH3]2+2X−. Hydrazine reacts with acids and some metallic salts, and the products are used in the manufacture of certain explosives and agricultural fungicides. User: primary wave User: a space in which particles have ... Weegy: 12+12 = 24 User: Approximately how many hours does she play soccer in a year?

If it weren't for Clutch Prep, I would have definitely failed the class.". Search for an answer or ask Weegy. The percent composition by mass of oxygen in NaOH (gram-formula mass = 40 g/mol) is equal to * D.R. Answer to: What is the name for the compound N2H4? Verdünnte Hydrazin-Lösungen werden auch als Reagenzien im Labor sowie zur Deoxigenierung (Befreiung von Sauerstoff) von Kesselspeisewasser in Dampfkraftwerken eingesetzt. 5 years ago. Hydrazine, N2H4, is a highly reactive, flammable, colourless liquid with a smell close to that of ammonia. Compounds are a special group of molecules made of atoms from different elements.

New answers. (16/40) * 100 CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, Ed. Let us help you simplify your studying. Add your answer and earn points. ... WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming social network that turns your phone into a live broadcast camera for streaming to friends, family, followers, or everyone.

Umgekehrt reagieren Hydrazid-Ionen mit Wasser praktisch vollständig zu Hydroxid-Ionen und Hydrazin. B. in Korrektur- oder Nottriebwerken. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. [12][13] Nach Firmenangaben aus dem Jahr 2018 arbeiten über 500 hydrazinbetriebene Schubdüsen im Weltraum, und auch in der Ariane 5 kommen sie zum Einsatz. Source(s): What is the name for the covalent compound N2H4? 0 Answers/Comments. Calculate the velocity of the car. …, How many gram of o2 are needed to form 45.5g oh h2o gas in the following equation 4nh3(g)+ 7o2 (g) equals 4no2 (g)+ 6h2o (g). Aufgrund der Giftigkeit des Hydrazins ist die Anwendung von Hydrazin-Brennstoffzellen nur noch in Sonderbereichen wie der Raumfahrt oder beim Militär denkbar. You turn on your gas fireplace at home and wonder why you don't immediately feel the In the 1930s 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) was... How exactly does 2,4 DNP work? Mit Salzsäure bildet sich Hydraziniummonochlorid ([H2N−NH3]Cl) und Hydraziniumdichlorid ([H3N−NH3]Cl2).

Neben der Deoxigenierung wird auch eine Anhebung des pH-Wertes im Wasser-Dampf-Kreislauf erreicht. Please explain why I got problems D, E, and G wrong. Expert answered|Totoro|Points 8413| Log in for more information. Other reactions with organic compounds yield hydrazones and hydrazides, which are used in such pharmaceuticals as isoniazid (in the treatment of tuberculosis) and as chemical intermediates in the production of polymers and photographic chemicals. Hydrazin ist eine zweiwertige Base (pKb1 = 6,07; pKb2 = 15), jedoch schwächer als Ammoniak pKb = 4,75). The common method of preparation is by the Raschig process, which involves the oxidation of ammonia with sodium hypochlorite in the presence of gelatin or glue. Mit Schwefelsäure bildet sich Hydraziniumsulfat ([H3N−NH3]SO4) und Dihydraziniumsulfat ([H2N-NH3]2SO4. answer that explains, how these rocks are different? Also known as diazane, hydrozine has a density of 1.01g/mL, a melting point of 274K and a boiling point of 384K. Hydrazin ist seit Juni 2011 wegen des Verdachts auf krebserregender Wirkung in die SVHC-Kandidatenliste (Liste besonders besorgniserregender Stoffe) aufgenommen. - Structure & Hazards, Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community.

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This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Rating. Weegy: Advertising agencies spend billions of dollars a year attempting to persuade the to use their product. It has an ammonia-like bzavala420 is waiting for your help. An ocean wave is an example of a(n) _____ wave form.

In der chemischen Synthese wird Hydrazin vor allem als starkes Nukleophil (sogenannter alpha-Effekt) und als Reduktionsmittel von Carbonylgruppen (Wolff-Kishner-Reaktion) oder als Wasserstoff-Quelle in der katalytischen Hydrierung[19] verwendet.

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Expert answered|Totoro|Points 8413| Log in for more information. By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions. Hydrazin wird nicht nur pur, sondern auch gemischt zusammen mit 1,1-Dimethylhydrazin mit den oben genannten Oxidatoren verwendet. Search for an answer or ask Weegy.

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