Welcome to the Rivals Steam Workshop Modding Manual. Normally, The number of frames your waveland state lasts, Used for centering things on the character, placing the overhead HUD, etc, Used for visually positioning the character in Ranno’s bubble horizontally, Used for visually positioning the character in Ranno’s bubble vertically, The number of animation frames to play before you leave the wall, Number of animation frames during parry’s startup.
The number of frames to play the double jump animation. The amount of acceleration to apply during your double jump.
This does not effect hurtboxes or hitboxes. Whether you can currently walljump or not. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the RivalsOfAether community.
Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. I think sk idle is about 25x39, so i guess the super default is 32x32. Close. These variables determine which sounds to play during certain states. Lovers of Aether full-size sprite rips. For example, forcing walk animation to use the dash sprite instead: if (state == PS_WALK) { Hurtbox sprites for attacks (_hurt sprites) use precise collision instead. If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume that you're happy to receive all cookies on, The unique identifier number for a character, How many frames into the current window you are, The angle at which to draw the player’s sprite, The current horizontal speed in pixels per frame, The current vertical speed in pixels per frame, Used for joystick hard presses, like dashing or dropping through platforms, Whether your current attack has been parried or not, Whether you can move during an attack or not. A sprite should be a strip of animation frames, sequenced one after another from the left to the right. Hurtbox sprites for non-attack states (_hurtbox, _crouchbox, _hurtbox_air, _hitstun_hurtbox) use rectangular collision. You can directly reference any custom sprite by calling sprite_get( name:string ) in animation.gml. The amount of frames since the AI last attacked. Whether you can use Fstrong / Dstrong or not. The horizontal offset to draw the player at. If you want the sprite to replace one of the existing character states without any scripting, you should, We use cookies to ensure that we give our visitors the best user experience we can offer. Posted by 1 year ago. This does not effect hurtboxes or hitboxes. 1 year ago.
sprite_index = sprite_get( "dash" ); Usually just, Number of animation frames during parry’s active frames, Number of animation frames during parry’s recovery frames, The number of animation frames during tech in place’s invincibility, The number of animation frames during tech in place’s recovery, The number of animation frames during techroll’s startup, The number of animation frames during techroll’s movement, The number of animation frames during techroll’s recovery, The number of animation frames during roll forward’s startup, The number of animation frames during roll forward’s movement, The number of animation frames during roll forward’s recovery, The number of animation frames during roll backward’s startup, The number of animation frames during roll backward’s movement, The number of animation frames during roll backward’s recovery, The speed of your idle animation in anim frames per gameplay frame, The speed of your walk animation in anim frames per gameplay frame, The speed of your dash animation in anim frames per gameplay frame, The speed of your (held) crouch animation in anim frames per gameplay frame, The speed of your pratfall animation in anim frames per gameplay frame, The sound effect to play when wavelanding, The sound effect to play when jumping from the ground, The sound effect to play when double jumping, The sound effect to play when landing during an attack. The gravitational acceleration applied in non-hitstun aerial states, The gravitational acceleration applied in hitstun, The number of frames in your normal landing state, The number of frames in your prat land state. Only applicable if the player’s state is. How big are rivals character sprites? Set this to, Used to change the outline color of the character’s sprite. ... 4 months of work but I’m finally finished painting every rivals of aether character (insta: @Sm0rs) 520. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ; colors.gml – used to generate the alternate color palettes for the character. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed.
(“Rivals Values” are the range of values used by the default cast of Rivals of Aether). Should be from, Whether you’re trapped in Ranno’s bubble or not, The amount of frames left until frozen state ends. To walljump, both this variable and, The max number of double jumps you can use, Whether you can leave the ledge or not; used to prevent grounded attacks from leaving the ground. The number of frames remaining until hitpause ends, The number of frames this instance of hitpause lasts total, Whether you’ve hit something with the current attack, Whether you’ve hit a player with the current attack. Lovers of Aether full-size sprite rips. The multiplier to knockback dealt to you: The maximum speed you can achieve while walking, in pixels per frame, The number of frames it takes to turn around, The number of frames in your initial dash, The speed of your initial dash in pixels per frame, The speed of your run in pixels per frame, The number of frames it takes to turn while running, The acceleration applied when turning while running, The number of frames it takes to stop while running, The acceleration to apply while moonwalking, The number of double jumps you can perform before touching the ground again, The number of frames of jumpsquat minus one.
The characters gravitational acceleration, How long you’ve been charging a strong attack (0 – 60), The instance ID of the last player that you either hit or got hit by. 10.
To help place origins correctly, use the Rivals Workshop Helper. This is where you would normally set sprites’ origins and bounding boxes. 200. Whether you’re in Clairen’s plasma stun or not. Whether you can land on platforms or not. The origin for all sprites is set to top left (0, 0) by default. Whether you can use special attacks or not. the instance ID of the player that stunned you. Can someone help me with the sprite sizes of rivals characters, thanks. }. Archived. You can also change offset and bounding boxes for your sprites in load.gml. The sprite to use for hurtbox collisions in most states, The sprite to use for your crouching hurtbox, The sprite to use for your hurtbox while aerial, The sprite to use for your hurtbox while in hitstun.
3 years ago. Natural deceleration applied while in the air. Press J to jump to the feed. Along with this manual, we’ve also created two example characters you can download and delve into to figure out how stuff works. For example: // changing offset of the jump sprite to [94, 138]: i wanted to make a fan character sprite, but i can't seem to find the size of the character sprites. These variables can be changed, but usually don’t need to be, as they are normally managed by themselves. The sprite to use for your hurtbox while in hitstun-1 = use hurtbox_spr: knockback_adj.9 – 1.2: These variables determine the way the character animates during certain states. These variables are frequently used and can be changed to achieve different effects. // changing offset of the jump sprite to [94, 138]. We use cookies to ensure that we give our visitors the best user experience we can offer. Discuss the smash-inspired 2d brawler game produced by Dan Fornace and his team. I think sk idle is about 25x39, so i guess the super default is 32x32. ; init.gml – called once the player object is created.
The value of KB that it takes to break your armor. User account menu. sprite_change_collision_mask( "jump", true, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); Hit Particles have a couple differences to how normal sprites work; visit the page for Hit Particles to learn more about how to change those for your character.
If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume that you're happy to receive all cookies on. Here you can find all of the technical details and references you’ll need when creating your own characters, stages, and buddies in Rivals of Aether. To help place origins correctly, use the Rivals Workshop Helper. (“Rivals Values” are the range of values used by the default cast of Rivals of Aether). I have been given immense joy in the form of lovers of aether and its artwork. 29.2k members in the RivalsOfAether community. Log in sign up. . Close.
The vertical offset to draw the player at. All frames should have the same dimensions. 36 votes, 14 comments. To convert a gif into a sprite sheet, you can either use Game Maker to import and export it as a .png or use an online converter like this one (use the “Stack Horizontally” option to make sure everything is on a single row). Discuss the smash-inspired 2d brawler game produced by Dan Fornace and his team. Thank you! Whether you can pass through other players without pushing them away or not. sprite_change_offset( "jump", 94, 138 ); Hurtbox sprites for non-attack states (_hurtbox, _crouchbox, _hurtbox_air, _hitstun_hurtbox) use rectangular collision.Hurtbox sprites for attacks (_hurt sprites) use precise collision instead.The origin for all sprites is set to top left (0, 0) by default. Sprites should be named in the following pattern: [name]_strip[frames].png. load.gml – called right after the item is loaded into the game. Posted by. Archived. The vertical offset the indicator moves towards, relative to the player’s, Whether you started the current attack during a double jump with acceleration, like Absa’s double jump. If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume that you're happy to receive all cookies on https://rivalsofaether.com.If you change your mind you can always change your cookie settings at any time or find out more in our cookie policy. 10. // making it precise: A multiplier to your normal horizontal aerial acceleration: The horizontal speed to apply while walljumping, in pixels per frame, The vertical speed to apply while walljumping, in pixels per frame, The number of frames the walljump state takes. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Should be used in conjunction with. The first frame of your double jump that acceleration is applied, The last frame of your double jump that acceleration is applied. These values determine the character’s gameplay properties. For example: walk_strip8.png, telling the parser the animation has 8 frames. These should be set in init.gml, but can also be changed during gameplay. The minimum amount of frames before the AI can try attacking again. We use cookies to ensure that we give our visitors the best user experience we can offer. Mainly used for, The index of the last hitbox that hit you, The player number of the character that wrapped you, The player id of the character that burned you, The palette of Zetterburn to use when setting someone on fire.