Only one CAA Giant Special Ability card can be activated once per battle. ► 12 Ki Multiplier is 150% Tapion tries sleeping inside the new music box/chamber, but it is still no use, and Hirudegarn manages to get free from Tapion's body. Tapion Vs Hirudegarn Battle Gameplay DLC Mod | Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Mods - Duration: 2 ... Gohan Turns SSJ2 At The World Tournament - Duration: 4:55. shakman8800 2,966,775 views. In Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, Tapion can transform into Hirudegarn (Pre-Transformation) via the Break Seal CAA Giant Special Ability which allows Tapion (official or custom card equipped with the Break Seal Giga Rarity CAA Accessory) to transform into Hirudegarn (Pre-Transformation) from Round 2 (R2) onwards, activate Giant Ability to increase DMG dealt & make Super Attacks always available. However, with Future Zamasu being immortal, Tapion opts to use his Ocarina to seal Future Zamasu inside himself for all eternity., Causes immense damage to enemy and lowers ATK. Tapion, Minotia and the wizard were then known as Great Heroes among the Konatsians. He wields a magical sword and ocarina, which he says are gifts from God. ► Tapion is a Type, but when he transforms into Hirudegarn he becomes an Type, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. It ends now." Even Gotenks (the fusion of Goten and Trunks) is not enough to stop Hirudegarn (Gotenks manages to destroy Hirudegarn's first form, but he evolves into a more powerful, insect-like behemoth). Tapion reassures Trunks that Zamasu will never escape as he has gotten considerably stronger from the fight. To ensure Hirudegarn's eternal imprisonment, Tapion and Minotia agreed to have their bodies guard each spirit of Hirudegarn (his top half went to Tapion and his bottom half to Minotia). A thousand years ago, Tapion and his younger brother Minotia were ordinary Konatsians, living on the peaceful planet of Konats. Minotia was sent to an unknown planet, while Tapion was sent to Earth. Tapion explains the whole story to Bulma, and she announces that she will try to re-create the broken music box so that Tapion can finally rest, much to Tapion's delight. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Taks is the EX-Fusion of Tapion and Future Trunks from Dragon Ball Fusions. Tapion concept art, drawn by Akira Toriyama (Daizenshuu 6). In Dragon Ball Heroes and Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, Tapion is able to use this to transform into Hirudegarn. — Tapion to Trunks in Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon. Tapion begs Trunks to slay him with the sword (Tapion and Minotia were Konatsian Knights who always carried swords), but Trunks cannot find it in his heart to kill his "big brother", and Hirudegarn is free once again. Community content is available under. But Tapion, furious, storms off, determined to stay alone in order to ensure the imprisonment of Hirudegarn's top half. Main article: HirudegarnTapion is the vessel of Hirudegarn's upper half, and later temporarily the vessel of Hirudegarn in its second form, when Tapion cannot control him inside his body, the beast will be released. The Hero's Flute produces a magic barrier around Tapion, Tapion transformed into Hirudegarn's first form, Tapion transformed into Hirudegarn's final form. Later on, while Trunks is visiting Tapion, Hoi attempts to steal the ocarina from Tapion and tell Trunks that Tapion is the true monster, but Trunks does not believe him, and instead gives the flute back to Tapion. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Tapion will always reduce incoming damage by 40%, but once your HP falls below 50% he'll become Hirudegarn for a few turns; after reverting back to normal, he'll gain ATK +120% and DEF +30% whenever HP is 50% or below at the start of turn Tapion is a Type, but when he transforms into Hirudegarn he becomes an Type Tapion is roughly six feet tall, has light skin, a mohawk (similar style to that of Shin) of bright red hair, and something that looks like a golden head band that covers the bald surface of his head. [2], Tapion and Future Trunks' EX-Fusion Tanks. With no sense of reason, Hirudegarn would eventually use his incredible power to destroy the planet Konats. He is visited regularly by Trunks, who has taken a liking to him and brings him food, but Tapion refuses to eat and always shuns Trunks away. Tapion is the vessel of Hirudegarn's upper half, and later temporarily the vessel of Hirudegarn in its second form, when Tapion cannot control him inside his body, the beast will be released. The Konatsian warrior Tapion explains to Bulma that a race known as the Kashvar, power hungry aliens who believed themselves to be the superior beings in the universe, re-awakened an evil monster called Hirudegarn in an attempt to easily eliminate the population of Konats. As part of the Extra Pack 1 DLC in Parallel Quest 116: "A Hero's Duty" inside a time fragment timeline, Tapion requires the aid of the Time Patrol as the energy of villains in their Supervillain forms is causing Hirudegarn's upper half to stir and is attempting to break free. Tapion is kind-hearted in personality, wanting to protect his people from any danger that may set foot. All allies gain an additional chance to turn Giant Form during battle, Unrivaled Super Power Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta. Community content is available under. ► Tapion is a Type, but when he transforms into Hirudegarn he becomes an Type, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Tapion will always reduce incoming damage by 50%, but once your HP falls below 50% he'll become Hirudegarn for a few turns; after reverting back to normal, he'll gain ATK +150% and DEF +50% whenever HP is 50% or below at the start of turn Tapion is a Type, but when he transforms into Hirudegarn he becomes an Type However, one day, a group of black magicians known as the Kashvar performed an ancient ritual that revived a statue, the ruthless and enormous monster Hirudegarn. ► 12 Ki Multiplier is 145% As a gift, Tapion gives his sword to Trunks, says goodbye to Trunks, and goes one thousand years back in time to his home. Given this opportunity, a wizard brandished an enchanted sword and used it to slice Hirudegarn in half. Dabura senses the Phantom Majin's energy and believing someone wishes to utilize the creature like how Babidi plans to use Majin Buu, Dabura attacks Tapion to kill him to prevent Hirudegarn's revival seeing it as a threat to his master's plans. Hoi plots to use Hirudegarn's destructive powers to take over the universe., Causes immense damage to enemy and lowers ATK. However, when becoming friends with Trunks, his more happy and upbeat personality returns. After accidentally killing Hoi, Hirudegarn goes on a rampage throughout the city, battling the warriors Goku, Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Vegeta, but it is no use. Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Big Bang Mission!!! 4:55 . ► Tapion will always reduce incoming damage by 50%, but once your HP falls below 50% he'll become Hirudegarn for a few turns; after reverting back to normal, he'll gain ATK +150% and DEF +50% whenever HP is 50% or below at the start of turn — Tapion towards Hirudegarn in Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon. While on Earth after being freed, he purposely makes himself isolated from the outside world, solely wanting to focus on destroying Hirudegarn. Additionally, permanent -50% to enemy Super Attack DMG dealt when performing a Super Attack. He teams up with the Time Patrol to defeat the villains to dispel the evil energy effecting Hirudegarn, though as time goes on Hirudegarn causes Tapion to lose health. Tapion then befriends Trunks, and asks him to dine with him. Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon, "I know death seems cruel, but I welcome this blade." Reduces damage received by 50%; ATK +150% and DEF +50% when HP is 50% or below; Evades enemy's attack (including Super Attack). Minotia and Tapion are told about the music boxes. Tapion (タピオン, Tapion) is described as a "legendary hero" from a planet named Konats. Now whole, Hirudegarn has finally returned and Tapion's nightmare has come true. Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission!! Reduces damage received by 40%; ATK +120% and DEF +30% when HP is 50% or below; Evades enemy's attack (including Super Attack). They were then enclosed in mystical music boxes, and dispatched to the distant parts of the universe. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. However, after seeing the bottom half of Hirudegarn invade the city, Tapion comes to aid Gohan and Videl by playing the magical tune on his enchanted ocarina, which weakens and absorbs Hirudegarn's bottom half into his own body. Hirudegarn (ヒルデガーン, Hirudegān) is the main antagonist in Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon. You stole from me everything precious and dear. In Dragon Ball Heroes and Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, Tapion is able to use this to transform into Hirudegarn.In Heroes, this state was introduced in the eighth mission of the God Mission series (GDM8). Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Tapion returns again in a altered timeline of the "Future" Trunks Saga of Dragon Ball Super, having been brought in by Fu to assist Future Trunks to combat Goku Black, Future Zamasu, and Future Jiren. Together with Future Trunks, the Future Warrior and his teacher the 4 are able to defeat and kill Goku Black and Future Jiren. Together with Time Patrol, Tapion manages to defeat Dabura and Supervillain Omega Shenron, dispelling the remaining evil energy which quells Hirudegarn for the time being, causing Tapion to state Patroller that they might have just earned the privilege to be called a hero. Unfortunately, a Kashvar named Hoi would go off in search for Tapion's and Minotia's music boxes in order to free them and unleash Hirudegarn once again. To Tapion's horror, the flute shatters. All allies gain an additional chance to turn Giant Form during battle, Unrivaled Super Power Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta. For a while, Tapion manages to use his flute to absorb Hirudegarn's spirit once again, but Hirudegarn would soon be free. In Heroes, this state was introduced in the eighth mission of the God Mission series (GDM8). To go home, Tapion uses a Time Machine (similar to the one used by Future Trunks) to travel back to Konats. Dragon Ball Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. ► Tapion will always reduce incoming damage by 40%, but once your HP falls below 50% he'll become Hirudegarn for a few turns; after reverting back to normal, he'll gain ATK +120% and DEF +30% whenever HP is 50% or below at the start of turn
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